Page 1: Initial questions

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Street Address

  • Number easily seen?

  • Reflective?

  • 4” numbers?

Page 2: Home Construction


  • What kind of roof?

  • Is the roof clean?

  • Condition of roof?


  • What type of siding?

  • Is there skirting around foundation or deck?

  • Is anything attached to the house?

  • Are attachments combustible?

  • Is there skirting around foundation or decks?


  • Multi pane?

Immediate Zone 0-5 Feet

  • Is there any vegetation near foundation or w/in 5 feet?

  • In ground?

  • Is there dead vegetation, dried leaves, pine needles, and ground debris near foundation?

  • Has hardscaping been used around perimeters for keep them free of litter/debris?

  • Are there concrete, stone, or gravel walkways?

  • Are there wood mulch products?

  • Are there trees/shrubs next to the home?

  • Are there branches overhanging the roof or w/in 10 feet of chimneys?

Intermediate Zone 5-30 Feet

  • Are there fuel breaks; driveways, walkways, paths, patios, decks?

  • Are lawns and native grasses maintained (under 4”)?

  • Is vegetation in this area spread out in small clusters to break up continuity?

  • Have trees been pruned 6-10 feet?

Extended Zone 30-60 Feet

  • Are there heavy accumulations of ground litter/debris?

  • Is there dead plant and tree material that should be removed?

  • Are storage sheds & other buildings clear of vegetation?

  • Do mature trees have small conifers and brush growing between them?

  • Do trees 30-60 feet from the home have at least 12 feet between canopy tops?

  • Is there at least 6 feet between canopy tops of trees 60-100 feet from the home?

Notes & Concerns

  • Any additional concerns?

  • What are the additional concerns?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.