Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Untitled Page

Assessor Name:

  • undefined

  • Signature:

  • Date of fire risk assessment

  • Date of previous fire risk assessment

Suggested date of review


  • The Premises
  • 1.1 Brief details of construction

1.2 Number of Floors and Staircases

  • Offices

  • 1 staircase

1.3 Use of Premises

1.4 Occupied Time, hours of day, and days of week in use

  • 08:30hrs to 17.00hrs Mon to Fri

  • Occasional weekend work

1.5 Approximate floor area

  • Unit 600m2

  • Occupants

  • 2.1 Approx. maximum number

  • 10 Persons

  • 2.2 Approximate number of employees in the premises at one time

  • Offices 3 Mainly

  • Warehouse 1

  • 2.3 Maximum number of members of the public at one time

  • 1 or 2 only

  • Occupants Especially At Risk From Fire

  • 2.4 Sleeping occupants

  • 2.5 Disabled occupants

  • None at present. PEEPS available as necessary

  • 2.6 Occupants in remote areas and lone workers

  • 3.4 Young persons

  • 2.7 Others

  • Fire Loss Experience

  • Other Relevant Information

  • The premises comprise;

  • Unit - manufacturing, administration offices, warehousing and meeting rooms

  • External

  • Visitor’s car park, staff car park, external lighting

  • Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005*

  • PAS 79 2012: Fire risk assessment guidance

  • Fire Risk Assessment Guidance for: Factories and warehouses

  • The above legislation is enforced by: Local Fire Authority (LFA)

  • Other legislation that makes significant requirements for fire precautions in these premises

  • (Other than Building Regulations 2000):

  • Management of Health and safety at Work Regulations 1999

  • ISO 14001 NQA accreditation

  • ISO 45001 NQA accreditation


  • Electrical Sources of Ignition

  • Reasonable measures taken to prevent fires of electrical origin?

  • Fixed wiring installation?

  • Is portable appliance testing carried out?

  • Fixed Appliance Test (FAT)

  • i.e. fixed wall heaters, air-con- units, water heaters etc

  • Is there managerial control of personal electrical appliances?

  • Suitable limitation electrical adapters or extension leads and used safely?

  • Are electrical cables routed so as to avoid physical damage? YES

  • Is lightning protection provided for the building?

  • Comments and hazards observed:

  • Smoking site

  • Reasonable measures taken to prevent fires as a result of smoking? YES

  • More specifically: Prohibited in the building?

  • Smoking prohibited on site?

  • For those who wish to smoke they must do it off the site? YES

  • Is this policy observed at all times?

  • Comments and hazards observed:

  • A No Smoking policy forms part of the induction training

  • Unit - None Smoking site

  • Smoking in your own vehicles is allowed but nowhere else on site

  • Is there a risk of Arson

  • Does basic security guard against arson by outsiders appear reasonable? YES

  • Is there an absence of any fire load in close proximity to the premises or available for ignition

  • Comments and hazards observed:

  • External lighting provided

  • CCTV and security systems

  • Office and industrial waste is transferred to the skips daily by close of play

  • Paper is shredded and bagged then placed in the compactor

  • Unit contained within a gated security fence which is closed and locked out of hours

  • Portable Heaters and Heating Installations

  • 10.1 The mains gas supplies are connected and used only for heating in both plants? YES

  • 10.2. Are portable heaters being used:

  • Is the use of the more hazardous type (e g radiant

  • YES fire or LPG appliances) avoided?

  • Are suitable measures taken to minimise the hazard

  • Is there a chance of ignition of combustible materials?

  • 10.3 Are fixed heating installations, appliances subject to

  • Regular maintenance by competent contractors

  • Comments and hazards observed:

  • Heating system in Unit is serviced soon going to be replaced

  • Reasonable only in the context of this fire risk assessment. If specific advice on security

  • (including security against arson) is required, the advice of a security specialist should be obtained

  • 11.1 Are reasonable measures taken to prevent fires as a result of cooking

  • Are suitable extinguishing appliances available? YES

  • Comments and hazards observed:

  • No cooking carried out on these premises

  • Does the building have a lightning protection system?

  • Comments and deficiencies observed

  • Housekeeping

  • Is the standard of housekeeping adequate? YES

  • More specifically:

  • Combustible materials appear to be separate from ignition sources? YES

  • Avoidance of unnecessary accumulation of combustible materials? YES

  • Is there appropriate storage of hazardous materials?

  • Avoidance of inappropriate storage of combustible YES

  • Materials?

  • Except for one off Office with miscellaneous and copious amounts of paper and boxes left lying on floor

  • And combustible materials stored under stairs to the mezzanine floor

  • Comments on hazards observed:

  • Generally A good standard of housekeeping was observed in Unit

  • Hazards Introduced by Outside Contractors and Building Works

  • Are fire safety conditions imposed on outside contractors?

  • Is there satisfactory control over works carried out in the

  • building by outside contractors (including “hot work” permits)?

  • precautions taken during “hot work”, including use of hot

  • If there are inhouse maintenance personnel, are suitable

  • work permits?

  • A New Hot Work Permit system must be operated and implemented as required

  • All contractors are supervised directly by the host

  • Risk assessments and Method Statements are provided by the contractor before work can commence

  • The company operates an Approved Contractors Register

  • Contractors are required to submit appropriate risk assessments and safe method of work statements which are reviewed by the Person in Charge prior to commencement of the work

  • Host carry’s out checks on contractors during their period on site tools safety and correct PPE

  • Dangerous Substances

  • If dangerous substances are, or could be, used,

  • has a risk assessment been carried out as required by the

  • Dangerous Substances and explosives Atmospheres Regulations 2002?

  • Other Significant Fire Hazards That Warrant Consideration Including Process Hazards That Impact on General fire Precautions

  • Hazards:

  • Oxyacetylene brazing

  • Comments and deficiencies observed:


  • Means of Escape from Fire

  • It is considered the building/premises is provided with YES reasonable means of escape in case of fire

  • Is adequate design of escape routes?

  • Is adequate provision of exits?

  • Are Exits easily and immediately operable where

  • Fire exits open in the direction of escape where necessary?

  • Avoidance of sliding or revolving doors as fire exits where

  • Satisfactory means of securing exits?

  • Reasonable distances of travel:

  • Where there is a single direction of travel?

  • Where there are alternative means of escape?

  • Suitable protection of escape routes?

  • Suitable fire precautions for all inner rooms?

  • Escape routes unobstructed?

  • It is considered that the building/premises is provided with reasonable arrangements for means of escape for disabled people Not in warehouse

  • The company has no wheelchair bound employees at present

  • If this occurred the Ground floor only is suited for this

  • Measures to Limit Fire Spread and Development

  • It is considered that there is:

  • Compartmentalisation of reasonable standard

  • Reasonable limitation of linings that might promote

  • As far as can reasonably be ascertained, fire dampers are provided as necessary to protect critical means of, escape against passage of fire, smoke and combustion products in early stages of fire?

  • Comments and deficiencies observed:

  • Emergency Escape Lighting

  • Flick tests carried out

  • Reasonable standard of emergency escape lighting

  • Soak test carried out

  • Comments and deficiencies:

  • Fire Safety Signs and Notices

  • Reasonable standard of fire safety signs and notices?

  • Comments and deficiencies:

  • Based on visual inspection of readily accessible areas, with a degree of sampling where appropriate

  • A full investigation of the design of HVAC systems is outside the scope of this fire risk assessment

  • Based on visual inspection, but no test of luminance levels

  • Means of Giving Warning in Case Of Fire

  • Reasonable manually operated electrical fire alarm

  • Automatic fire detection provided?

  • Extent of automatic fire detection generally appropriate

  • Remote transmission of alarm signals?

  • Comments and deficiencies:

  • A schematic diagram is to be provided at the main fire alarm control panel

  • Fire Protection System Impairment Protocols for more than 8 hour system down or failure

  • Manual Fire Extinguishing Appliances

  • Reasonable provision of portable fire extinguishers?

  • Hose reels provided?

  • Are all fire extinguishing appliances readily accessible?

  • Comments and deficiencies observed:

  • Based on visual inspection, but no audibility tests or verification of full compliance with relevance to British Standard carries out

  • Relevant Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems

  • Type of system:

  • Other Relevant Fixed Systems and Equipment

  • Type of fixed system:

  • voltage luminous tube signs, etc

  • Suitable provision of firefighters switch(es) for high

  • Relevant to life safety and this risk assessment (as opposed purely to property protection)


  • Procedures and Arrangements

  • Is there a suitable record of fire safety arrangements?

  • There is a fire safety and evacuation procedure

  • Are there suitable arrangements for summoning the fire service

  • Are there suitable arrangements to meet the fire and

  • Are there suitable arrangements for ensuring that the vacation is successful

  • Is there a suitable fire assembly point/s?

  • Are there adequate procedures for evacuation of any disabled people whom are likely to be present?

  • A Person in Charge Contracting Unit Manager (Fire Safety and Evacuation Plan)

  • Person/Deputy in Charge are to meet the fire and rescue service on arrival and provide

  • There are suitable arrangements for ensuring that each Plant is vacated in the event of fire

  • A “Buddy” system is used for new starters

  • Persons nominated and trained to use fire extinguishing

  • We do not expect any person to fight the fire extinguishers are there to aid escape from the buildings

  • Persons nominated and trained to assist with evacuation,

  • including evacuation of disabled people?

  • We do not have any disabled people working on site at the moment

  • We would train if that moment arises

  • Appropriate liaison with fire and rescue service (e.g. by fire and rescue service crews visiting for familiarisation visits)?

  • Routine in-house inspections of fire precautions (e.g. in the course of health and safety inspections)?

  • Training and Drills

  • Are all staff given adequate fire safety instruction and

  • YES training on induction?

  • This is currently provided by on line training arranged by the supervisors and acknowledge by the trainee

  • Adequate site fire safety induction training is provided on induction and acknowledged and recorded

  • TBT given every 12 months as a refresher

  • Are all staff given adequate periodic “refresher training”

  • at suitable intervals?

  • Adequate periodic “refresher fire safety instruction and training” is to be carried out annually via tool box talks

  • 3 yearly on line through the Human Focus system fire modules

  • Does all staff training provide information instruction or

  • Fire risks in the premises? YES

  • Fire safety measures in the building?

  • Action in the event if a fire?

  • Action on hearing the fire alarm signal?

  • Method of operation of manual call points? YES

  • Location and use of fire extinguishers?

  • Means of summoning the fire and rescue service?

  • All above is included in the training

  • given additional training?

  • Are staff with special responsibilities (e.g. fire wardens)

  • Supervisors are the fire wardens of their areas of responsibility

  • Are fire drills carried out at appropriate intervals? YES

  • Fire drills are carried out at least once anually

  • When employees of another employer work in the

  • Is their employer given appropriate information

  • (e.g. on fire risks and general fire precautions)?

  • Employees of another employer working on the premises are provided with fire safety instruction as part of the induction process

  • Testing and Maintenance

  • Adequate maintenance of premises?

  • Comments and deficiencies observed:

  • All completed

  • Weekly testing and periodic servicing of fire detection

  • and alarm system?

  • Comments and deficiencies observed:

  • Weekly testing of is carried out in house

  • Periodic servicing

  • Monthly and annual testing routines for emergency

  • YES escape lighting?

  • Comments and deficiencies observed:

  • Monthly testing routines for emergency escape lighting are carried out in house

  • Annual testing routines for emergency escape lighting are carried out in house

  • Annual maintenance of fire extinguishing appliances?

  • Comments and deficiencies observed:

  • Periodic inspection of external escape staircases and gangways?

  • Comments and deficiencies observed:

  • Routine checks of final exit doors and/or security fastenings?

  • Part of daily checks by departmental supervisors

  • Other relevant tests:

  • Fire doors

  • Periodic inspection are carried out on fire doors as part of the walk round inspections

  • Part of daily checks by departmental supervisors

  • Records

  • Appropriate records of:

  • Fire drills?

  • Emergency escape lighting tests?

  • Maintenance testing of other fire protection systems?

  • Fire training is recorded in personnel files and Human Focus Data base

  • Periodic inspection are carried out on fire doors as part of the waste walk round inspections and recorded

  • Part of daily checks by departmental supervisors and recorded

  • Emergency escape lighting tests are carried out and recorded

  • The fixed wiring test and inspection are completed and recorded


The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.