Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Food Safety Audit

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Operator and Business Details

Licensee Details

  • Licensee Full Name

  • Registered Address

  • Postal Address

  • Licence Number

  • Email Address

  • Preferred method of contact

  • Food licence contact

Business Details

  • Business Trading Name

  • Business Trading Address
  • Trading Location Phone Number

  • Food Safety Supervisor's Full Name

  • Licence Category

  • Audit Date

  • Name of Authorised Person

Part A - Compliance Details

General Requirements

  • A1 - Licence<br><br>Has the existing operator been issued a food licence by Council? (S49 act)

  • A2 - Licence<br><br>Is the current licence displayed? (s69 Act)

  • A3 - Licence Conditions<br><br>Is the food business complying with the site specific conditions?

  • A4 - previous non-compliance<br><br>Has the operator complied with all outstanding non-compliances? (s39 Act)

  • A5 - Design<br><br>Does the premise comply with the structural requirements of the Food Safety Standards? (3.2.3)<br><br>- Check changes to approved plans

  • A6 - Food Safety Supervisor<br><br>Has the food business notified Council of current Food Safety Supervisors? (s86 Act)

  • A7 - Food Safety Supervisor<br><br>Is the FSS reasonably available? (s87 Act)

  • A8 - Food Safety Program<br><br>If required, does the food business have an accredited FSP? (s99)

  • A9 - Skills and Knowledge<br><br>Detail how the food business ensures employees have appropriate skills and knowledge in food safety and hygiene matters. (3.2.2, CI.3)

Food Handling Controls

  • A10 - Receival<br><br>Detail procedures to ensure food is protected from contamination at receival and that PHF is accepted at the correct temperature. (3.2.2, CI.5, (1))

  • A11 - Food Storage **CRITICAL COMPLIANCE**<br><br>Detail how food is stored so that it is protected from contamination. (3.2.2, CI.6, (1) (a))<br><br>- Cold room/Fridge<br>- Freezer<br>- Dry Store

  • A12 - Food Storage **CRITICAL COMPLIANCE**

  • A13 - Food Processing **CRITICAL COMPLIANCE**<br><br>What measures are in place to prevent contamination? (3.2.2, CI.7 (1))<br>

  • A14 - Food Processing<br><br>Are PHF that will not undergo a pathogen control step help outside of temperature control for minimal periods? (3.2.2, CI.7 (2))

  • A15 - Thawing **CRITICAL COMPLIANCE**<br><br>What methods are used to thaw food? (3.2.2, CI.7 (2))

  • A16 - Cooling ** CRITICAL COMPLIANCE**<br><br>What methods are used to cool food? (3.2.2, CI.7 (3))

  • A17 - Reheating <br><br>Are appropriate reheating procedures followed? (3.2.2, CI.7 (4))

  • A18 - Food Display **CRITICAL COMPLIANCE**<br><br>How is food on display protected from contamination? (3.2.2, CI.7 (1)-(4))

  • A19 - Food Display **CRITICAL COMPLIANCE**<br><br>Are PHF stored under correct temperature control? (3.2.2, CI.8 (5))

  • A20 - Food Packaging<br><br>Is food packaged in a manner, and using materials, that protect the food from contamination? (3.2.2, CI.9)

  • A21 - Food Transportation<br><br>Is food transported in a manner that protects it from contamination and under temperature control where appropriate? (3.2.2, CI.10)

  • A22 - Food for Disposal<br><br>What are the arrangements for food requiring disposal? (3.2.2, CI.11)

  • A23 - Food Recall<br><br>If applicable, does the food business comply with the food recall requirements? (3.2.2, CI.12)

  • A24 - Alternative Methods<br><br>Detail any documented alternate compliance methods used: (3.2.2, CI.25)<br><br>I.e. Receipt, storage, cooling, reheating, display, transport

Health and Hygiene Requirements

  • A25 - Contact With Food<br><br>How does the business/handler minimise the risk of contamination of food and food contact surfaces? (3.2.2, CI.13)<br><br>

  • A26 - Health of Food Handlers **CRITICAL COMPLIANCE**<br><br>What actions are taken to ensure staff members do not engage in food handling if they are suffering from a food borne illness? (3.2.2, CI.14 & 16)

  • A27 - Hygiene<br><br>Do food handlers expertise good hygiene practices? (Eg cleanliness of clothing, not eating over surfaces, washing hands correctly & at appropriate times, jewellery) (3.2.2, CI.15)

  • A28 - Hand Washing Facilities<br><br>Does the business have adequate hand washing facilities: (3.2.2, CI.17)<br><br>- Soap<br>- Warm running water<br>- Single use towel<br>- Easily accessible

  • A29 - Duty of Food Business<br><br>How does the food business inform food handlers of their obligations and take measures to ensure they do not contaminated food? (3.2.2, CI.18)

Cleaning, Sanitising and Maintenance

  • A30 - Cleanliness<br><br>Are the floors, wall and ceilings maintained in a clean condition? (3.2.2, CI.19)

  • A31- Cleanliness<br><br>Are the fixtures, fittings and equipment maintained in a clean condition? (3.2.2, CI.19)<br><br>- Mech. Exhaust Ventilation<br>- Fridges, Coolrooms, Freezers<br>- Benches, shelves, cooking equipment

  • A32 - Cleanliness<br><br>Is the premises generally maintained in a clean condition? (3.2.2, CI.19)

  • A33 - Sanitation **CRITICAL COMPLIANCE**<br><br>Has the business provided clean and sanitary equipment including: (3.2.2, CI.20)<br><br>- eating and drinking utensils<br>- food contact surfaces

  • A34 - Sanitation<br><br>How are food contact surfaces or utensils and equipment sanitised? (3.2.2, CI.20)

  • A35 - Maintenance<br><br>Does the business ensure they are not using damaged (cracked/broken) utensils, crockery, cutting boards? (3.2.2, CI.21)

  • A36 - Maintenance<br><br>If the business is responsible for maintaining the grease trap, when was it last serviced? (3.2.2, CI.21)

  • A37 - Maintenance<br><br>Is the premises, fixtures, fittings and equipment maintained in a good state of repair and working order? (3.2.2, CI.21)<br><br>- Floors, walls & ceiling<br>- Fixtures, fittings & equipment<br>- Mech. Exhaust ventilation


  • A38 - Thermometer<br><br>Does the food business (if handling PHF) have a thermometer appropriate for intended use? (3.2.2, CI.22)

  • A39 - Thermometer <br><br>How is the thermometer sanitised between uses? (3.2.2, CI.22)

  • A40 - Single Use Items<br><br>Are single use items protected from contamination until use and not used more than once? (3.2.2, CI.23)

  • A41 - Toilet <br><br>Are adequate staff toilets provided and in a clean state? (3.2.3, CI.16)

  • A42 - Animals & Pests **CRITICAL COMPLIANCE**<br><br>Is the food business free from animals or vermin? (3.2.2, CI.24)

  • A43 - Animals & Pests<br><br>Are animals and pests prevented from entering or harbouring on the premises? (3.2.2, CI.24)

  • A44 - Animals & Pests<br><br>Is pest control carried out at sufficient intervals (minimum 3 months) to eradicate pests? (3.2.2, CI.24)


  • Total number of Minor & major non-compliances

  • Total number of critical non-compliances

  • Food Safety Rating<br><br>A. 0 - non-compliance <br><br>B. 1-3 minor non-compliances only<br><br>C. 4-5 minor non-compliances only<br><br>D. 6+ minor non-compliances only OR<br> Any 1-2 major non-compliances OR<br> Any 1 critical non-compliances<br><br>E. Any 3+ major non-compliance OR<br> Any 2+ critical non-compliances

Part B - Good Management Practices

Documented & Maintained Records (all records relevant to business must be kept on site)

  • B1 - Accredited HACCPPlan or ISO22000:2005 (if YES, do not continue to view other documentation)

  • B2 - Accredited Food Safety Program ( If YES, do not continue to view other documentation)

  • B3 - Cleaning Program and Schedule

  • B4 - Temperature Record - Food Display/Storage

  • B5 - Transportation Temperature Control

  • B6 - Products Received Temperature Record

  • B7 - >50% Food handlers trained in an recognised Training Course

  • B8 - Staff Training Records (internal and external training)

  • B9 - Maintenance (structural & equipment) records

  • B10 - Pest control schedule (by a licensed contractor)

  • B11 - Waste collection and refuse cleaning record

  • B12 - Stock rotation schedule

  • B13 - **** Note: if business does not receive, store, display or process PHF, add 10 bonus points


  • Section B Total Points Score Rating<br><br>14+ Points A<br>11 - 13 Points B<br>7 - 10 Points C<br>Under 7 Points D



  • The audit findings and outcomes have been explained.

Business Food Representative

  • Name

  • Select date

  • Signature

Authorised Officer

  • Name

  • Select date

  • Signature

  • If the licensee does not agree with the rating, the licensee may request a review by written application within five (5) business days of this audit.

    Alternatively, the Licensee can request a food safety rating reassessment audit to be conducted before the next primary audit is due. A reassessment audit will be conducted only after a set period has espalier since the last primary audit as indicated below:

    - 3 star rating or above can be reassessed after six (6) month period;
    - 2 star rating or less can be reassessed after three (3) month period.

    Refer to www.frasercoast.qld.gov.au for further information on reviews and reassessments. Fees apply for reviews and reassessments.

Agreement to Display

  • Agreement to Display Food Safety Rating

  • Between: Fraser Coast Regional Council

  • And:

  • Food Licence Number:

  • Fraser Coast Regional Council is conducting a food safety star rating scheme for licensed food businesses in accordance with the Food Safety Rating Guide. On a voluntary basis, the scheme allows for the display of information relating to audits of food premises in the form of star ratings.

    Under this agreement Council will issue a food safety rating to the Licensee through the allocation of, from not star to five stars in accordance with the criteria specified in the Food Safety Rating Guide. If the Licensee holds a current licence, has no outstanding Licence fees and has been rated no less than three stars, then the Licensee is eligible to voluntarily display its star rating at its premises and on an Eat Safe Fraser Coast website so it is readily visible to customers and potential customers.

    The Licensee consents to its star rating being published on Council's website (to the extent that it discloses confidential information) and indemnified Council against any claim as a result. The Licensee may revoke its consent by giving Council 10 business days notice in writing and within that time, Council must withdraw the rating from its website.

    The Licensee may remove its star rating from public display, however must immediately notify Council in writing of such removal.

    If the Licensee does not hold a current licence, has outstanding licence fees or is rated with less than three stars, then the Licensee must remove the star rating from public display immediately or within 5 business days from receipt of a notice by Council. If the star rating is not removed from public display, an authorised person employed by Council may enter the premises and remove the star rating.

    The star rating material will at all times remain the property, including the intellectual property, of Council.

    Any variation to this agreement must be agreed to in writing between the Licensee and Council.

  • I wish to opt in to display the Eat Safe Fraser Coast food safety rating:

  • Signature of Licensee

  • Signed for on behalf of Fraser Coast Regional Council

  • For further information on the Eat Safe Fraser Coast scheme, the Food Safety Rating Guide, and any application forms for review and reassessment and their relevant fees can be found online through www.frasercoast.qld.gov.au


Administration Details

Action Required

  • No further action required

  • Audit Report

  • Prescribed infringement

  • For improvement notice

  • Show Cause Notice

  • Immediate Suspension of licence

Final Result

  • 5 Stars

  • 4 Stars

  • 3 Stars

  • 2 Stars

  • 1 Stars

  • 0 Stars

Office Use Only

  • Licence details updated

  • Results entered into database

  • Outstanding fees?

  • Amount due:

  • Fees due date

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