Title Page
Conducted on
1.1 The Organization has a social and environmental <br>management system that involves necessary <br>politics, programs, procedures and registers <br>showing the conformity to these normative <br>requirements
1.2 The Organization has identified a person <br>responsible to verify the conformity to the social <br>and environmental management system.
1.3 Any documentation about social and <br>environmental management system has been <br>compiled and archived for three years at least.
1.4 The Organization has made a Life Cycle <br>Assessment (LCA) study on its own productive <br>system.
1.5 Staff management
1.5.1<br>The Organization has defined practices that <br>prevent the access to working facilities to <br>unauthorized people
1.5.2 It is conducted the formation of internal and <br>external staff (when necessary).<br>Register performed formation activities. Indicate if <br>there have been planned themes related to <br>environmental aspects protection or to prevent <br>practices that are dangerous on this front.
1.6 Emergency procedures
1.6.1 There are emergency procedures in the company.<br>Report the following elements at least: <br>agricultural company address or map, contact <br>person/s, list of emergency telephone numbers, <br>position of the nearest phone, fire extinguishers <br>position, spots with centralized electr
1.6.2 There are procedures to implement relevant <br>corrective measures in case of environmental <br>accidents (ex. Leakage of fertilizers)<br>
1.7 Maintenance of agricultural equipment
1.7.1 They are maintained to prevent breakages and <br>anomalies that can pollute the surrounding <br>environment.<br>
2.1 The Organization provides evidences related to <br>the conformity of production and agricultural <br>operations to every environmental law and <br>normative at local, federal, statal and international <br>levels
2.2 Medical authorisation<br>The Organization disposes of its own <br>identification number.
3.1 From the date of the certification request forward, <br>the Organization must not destroy any natural <br>ecosystem. Also, from January 1st 1950 forward, <br>no natural ecosystem shall have been destroyed by <br>agricultural company management activities.
3.2 Mitigation measures
3.2.1 If a natural ecosystem has been destroyed by <br>relevant management activities done by the <br>agricultural company since January 1st 1950, the <br>Organization must have documented the <br>destruction extent and ecological impact.
3.2.2 If a natural ecosystem has been destroyed by <br>relevant management activities done by the <br>agricultural company since January 1st 1950, the <br>Organization must have developed, helped by an <br>expert, a mitigation plan in compliance with the <br>current legislation and that compensates for the <br>negative impact. The plan includes CO2 <br>compensations purchase.
3.2.3 If a natural ecosystem has been destroyed by <br>relevant management activities done by the <br>agricultural company since January 1st 1950, the <br>Organization must have implemented this <br>mitigation plan activities.
3.3 The Organization has done reclamation and/or <br>maintenance works in areas not intended for <br>cultivation, and terrestrial and aquatic<br>environments existing in the site, including the <br>reforestation of areas unsuited to cultivation in the <br>agricultural company.
3.4 Production area must not affect negatively <br>national parks, faunistic shelters, biotope<br>networks, forest reserves, buffer zones or other <br>public or private areas of biological resources <br>protection
3.5 The organization has to perform a plan to keep or <br>to restore natural ecosystems interconnection in <br>his borders, considering habitat interconnection in <br>landscape terms: for example, using elements such <br>as native vegetation on roadsides and along water <br>courses or river banks, trees, living hedges and <br>barriers, presence of specific areas for biodiversity<br>conservation and preservation.
3.6 Aquatic ecosystems protection
3.6.1 In accordance with the used crop, the <br>Organization protects aquatic ecosystems from <br>erosion and displacement and agrochemicals <br>runoff, for example by creating protected areas on <br>rivers banks, perennial or temporary water <br>courses, bays, sources, lakes, swamps and other <br>natural water courses
4.1 The Organization has made, and it keeps an <br>inventory of wildlife and fauna identified in the <br>agricultural company every year
4.2 The organization takes special measures to <br>protect species considered vulnerable or at a <br>higher risk in the IUCN Red List in the agricultural <br>company<br>http://www.iucnredlist.org/
4.3 The organization protects and restores <br>ecosystems that provide habitat for fauna and <br>flora in the Organization site, including the ones <br>that provides habitats for fauna that cross the <br>agricultural company during migration.
4.4 Regulation of hunting, capture, extraction or wild animals trade activities in the organization:
4.4.1 Hunting, capture, extraction or wild animals trade <br>activities must be prohibited in the agricultural <br>company, unless there are special and <br>documentable authorizations.
4.4.2 When there is the authorization for hunting, <br>capture, extraction or wild animals trade activities <br>in the organization, activities must not involve <br>endangered species.
4.4.3 When there is the authorization for hunting, <br>capture, extraction or wildlife trade in the <br>organization, activities must not have a negative <br>impact on ecological functions or processes that <br>are important to local and agricultural ecosystem <br>sustainability
4.5 The Organization does not carry out deforestation <br>practices to extend cultivation areas
5.1 Chemical products, fuels, oils and other possibly <br>hazardous for people and environment substances <br>are treated in order to avoid food or environmental <br>pollution, or to endangering human health.
5.2 Acquisition, deposit, transportation, use and <br>disposal of these products must follow the <br>instructions dictated by the current legislation, so <br>as not to create problems for workers and <br>environmental pollution.
6.1 Crop rotation is applied for any annual crop. <br>Annual rotation includes at least 2 different crops. <br>One single crop, considered in the rotation, must<br>cover at least 10% of the usable agricultural area <br>and it has to be not more than 50% of it.<br>Regarding horticultural crops: at least 3 different <br>vegetal species during 5 years.<br>Where it is not possible to use an alternative crop, <br>other equivalent agronomic techniques have to be <br>adopted as possible (for ex. Recourse to the annual <br>reverse on at least 30% of SAU)
6.2 The organization calculates agricultural yield per <br>input unit (fertility, water or energy, where <br>applicable), and it implements strategies to keep <br>or to improve reference parameters used.
6.3 Company production
6.3.1 The OR (Orchard Register or Company Register) is <br>correctly compiled. (indication of sown varieties <br>and of the successive cultivation practices).
6.4 Use of agrochemicals
6.4.1 The Organization uses biological, chemical, biotechnical <br>and agronomical defence resources rationally.
6.4.2 The Organization has a plan to find monitoring <br>strategies on pest, weeds and diseases prevalence, <br>including biological control practices and reducing the <br>use of chemicals.
6.4.3 The organization tracks number and population of <br>species useful for biological control, and it <br>implements strategies to improve their habitat <br>and to introduce new useful species.
6.4.4 When it is necessary to use pesticides, the <br>organization must:<br>Use slightly persistent products with low <br>environmental impact and limited residual action, <br>according to current legislation.
6.4.5 The Organization does not use inputs that are considered <br>''highly toxic'' by current legislation about weeds, <br>parasites and diseases control
7.1 The organization registers and keeps updated the following parameters:
7.1.1 Soil type E
7.1.2 Soil erosion R
7.1.3 Soil cover E
<br>7.1.4 Soil organic substance E
7.1.5 Soil biological activity I
7.1.6 Soil degradation R
7.1.7 Soil nutrients
7.2 The Organization has defined objectives, <br>management and soil conservation strategies, <br>including evaluation methods to achieve these <br>objectives
7.3 Every year, the Organization evaluates results in <br>terms of objectives, and it adapts strategies <br>consequently.
8.1 Superficial and underground waters
8.1.1 Water used for agricultural purposes is analysed<br>once a year at least
8.1.2 Wells are closed, in order to avoid contaminations.
8.2 Any superficial or underground water used by the <br>company for agricultural or production purposes <br>must have concessions and permissions from the <br>corresponding legal or environmental authorities
8.3 The organization must not drain or deposit <br>industrial or domestic waste waters in natural <br>water courses without demonstrating that the <br>drained water complies with relevant legal <br>requirements and that its physical and <br>biochemical characteristics will not deteriorate <br>the receiving water course.<br>These standards must be respected also in case <br>animal grazing is conducted in the organization's <br>fields
8.4 In case there are not legal requirements, drained waste waters must respect the following minimum criteria:
8.4.1 Biochemical Oxygen Request (BOD5, 20) or Total <br>Suspended Solids: < 50 mg/L
8.4.2 pH: 6.0 ÷ 9.0
8.4.3 Fat and oils: < 30 mg/L
8.4.4 Fecal coliform: absent
8.5 Rain water
8.5.1 Rainwater is collected to be used for cleaning <br>operations or other practices.
<br>8.5.2 Tanks are closed to avoid contaminations.
9.1 The organization has identified GHG emissions <br>sources in agricultural phase and it had defined <br>reduction objectives and strategies for their <br>achievement.<br>
9.2 The organizations have identified dusts and micro <br>particulates emissions sources in the agricultural <br>company.<br>The organization has defined reduction objectives <br>and strategies for their achievement.
9.3 Regarding used pesticides, the organization <br>implements at least two of the following phases to <br>reduce displacement risk:<br>1. enlarge droplets size;<br>2. choose formulations that aren't subject to <br>displacement;<br>3. define vegetal buffers for alluvial or swampy <br>areas.
9.4 The organization does not use ozone-disruptive <br>products/substances
10.1 Organic and inorganic waste deposit does not<br>affect the building or the surrounding <br>environment negatively (for ex.: causing <br>dispersion or runoff).
10.2 Crops residues and organic waste that do not<br>come from crops and that are contaminated by <br>biological or agrochemical sources are not <br>composted, mulching or used in other ways.
10.3 There are procedures to separate organic waste <br>from inorganic one in order to simplify their <br>collection for re-use/recycling/composting (for <br>ex: pallet, woods, trunks, paper, cartons, <br>fertiliser and waste that come from alimentary <br>transformation).
10.4 The Organization re-uses or recycles any waste <br>coming from inorganic materials that can be <br>reused or recycled in accordance with local <br>legislation on separate collection.
10.5 Muds
10.5.1 The Organization, whether it would receive <br>muds or other materials from external <br>installations, and it uses them in fertilization <br>practices, disposes of relevant documentations <br>in order to demonstrate their non-polluting <br>properties
10.6 Containers and other disposable packaging
10.6.1 There is a conservation method of materials <br>used in agricultural activities.<br>If yes, describe it.
10.6.2 There is a disposal method of materials used in <br>agricultural activities.<br>If yes, describe it.
10.6.3 Specialized companies are involved in these <br>activities
10.6.4 There are evidences of a proper disposal <br>(delivery notes, other documents).
11.1 The effective total of the net energy consumption <br>coming from operations is annually calculated <br>including:<br>1. the direct consumption of energy externally <br>acquired (both renewable and nonrenewable);<br>I<br>16<br>2. internal renewable energy production and <br>consumption;<br>3. fuels used for transport and agricultural <br>machinery functioning;<br>4. grey energy use and production (for ex. <br>input, packaging, equipment).
11.2 Objectives for energetic resources reduction <br>have been outlined, along with evaluation <br>strategies and methods to achieve these <br>objectives
11.3 The Organization undertakes to obtain the <br>energy it needs using renewable energy systems.<br>Whether not all the needed energy comes from <br>renewable sources, the Organization undertakes <br>to acquire ''green credits'' on the market.
12.1 The organization must respect human rights according to the following requirements:
12.1.1 Respect international guidelines and ILO <br>regarding child labor
12.1.2 Pay workers with salaries conforming to the <br>legal minimum at least
12.1.3 Assure employees have access to healthcare
12.1.4 Apply security measures in accordance with <br>legal requirements
12.1.5 Obtain SA8000 certification