
Customer & Client Name

  • FSH Reference Number

  • Client

  • Client Name (Other)

  • Customer name

FSH Team

  • Manager Responsible for the Works

  • Division

  • How many person(s) on site at the time of the visit

Site Address & Time of Audit

  • Site Location
  • Conducted on

Conducted by

  • Audit carried Out / Prepared by

Health & Safety Site Audit & Notes

  • "This report and any recommendations in it are based on observations made by the named auditor and/or from information supplied to them from sources which the auditor at the time of the visit, which they have observed and or believes it is entitled to assume are reliable.
    It is not, and is not intended to be, exhaustive or conclusive, covering every hazard or risk potential, nor to guarantee full compliance with any statute or regulation, it is offered to assist you in your assessment and/or management of risk as far as reasonably practicable at the time of the visit."

Arrival Notes

  • Were the trades working on your arrival to site, Please answer Yes or No

  • Why were they not working?

  • If other, please give details

  • Additional Information

Front elevation of the property

  • Please take a front elevation photo of the property

Health & Safety inspection report

  • Make a visual assessment of the condition of the property to assess whether you consider the property is safe to enter. If you have any doubts or concerns then do not enter, but ensure that you record your concerns in the "Any additional comments" section of the report. Please ensure that you continue to assess the risks at the property, take all actions to minimise your personal risk at all times, wear suitable PPE, etc.
    NOTE: Observations made in this report are at the time and date of the visit only.

  • Tap here if able to score Health & Safety on site

  • H&S audit results
  • This site visit is covers the following areas:

  • Tick the areas this report covers

  • (**Other**) Enter areas this report covers


  • HSQ1A. Is there a Blue site file on site?

  • All FSH sites should have a site folder that is left at the site during the repair. The folder must include (as a minimum) the construction phase plan, site specific risk assessments, site inductions, signing-in sheets, the schedule of works and all relevant test results / completion certificates. IF NO BLUE FILE "Improvement Required"

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • HSQ1B. Is the Construction Phase Plan (CPP) completed fully AND in date?

  • The Construction Phase Plan (CPP) must be available on site at all times, the CPP must also be fully completed and within date specified by the duration of the works.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • HSQ1C. Asbestos survey or other been completed & copy available (file)? (if applicable)

  • If the property was built prior to 2000, then an asbestos survey should be completed and be available in the site file.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • HSQ1D. Signing In/out & Induction

  • Has everyone on site signed in and completed the induction form?

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • HSQ1E. Are the Risk Assessment(s) / Method Statement(s) (RAMS) available, at the time of the visit

  • RAMS must be available at all times whilst the project is underway, they must be in reasonable date (Check review date).

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues


  • HSQ2A. Is the property/Area reasonably clean and tidy and materials stored adequately?

  • Site should be tidy to minimises slip, trip and fall hazards.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Pictures of the untidy or poorly organised area(s)

  • Please confirm what the FSH/Contractor has done that exceeds the industry norm

  • Picture(s) of good practice undertaken

  • HSQ2B. Is there safe access and egress?

  • Access and egress areas should be in reasonable order to allow person(s) to adequately move around site.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture evidence of failings

  • Please confirm what the FSH/Contractor has done that exceeds the industry norm

  • Picture evidence of good Access & Egress.

  • HSQ2C. Is there suitable protection of the public/others?

  • When applicable, fencing must be provided to prevent access to the site and or areas to the site locked. coverings must be available to cover any excavations or other types of fall risks.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture evidence of poor protection of the public and or others

  • Please confirm what the FSH/Contractor has done that exceeds the industry norm

  • Good practices undertaken - Protection of the public/other

  • HS2D. Is suitable signage available?

  • Signage must be displayed at the site entrance and or at points which it can be seen first hand.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Good practice undertaken - Signage


  • HS3A. Have adequate provisions for operatives welfare been made? (Check completion of forms / provision of facilities)

  • We must demonstrate that operatives welfare during the course of the repairs have been adequately managed.
    The Welfare Form must be completed by the customer to confirm whether the facilities at the property can be used. If not then suitable facilities must be provided.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Evidence of poor practice undertaken - Welfare

  • evidence of Welfare facilities

  • HS3B. Are the toilet(s) or Portaloo in good condition?

  • The facilities provided must be in reasonably clean and in good order.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture Evidence of poor practice - Toilets/Portaloo

  • Good practice undertaken - Toilet / Portaloo

  • HS3C. If portaloo provided: Is a blue lead provided and connected?

  • The blue lead operates the heating system for the water, which provides warm water for washing hands.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture of Portaloo with no blue lead

  • Good practice undertaken - blue lead

  • HS3D. Washing facilities? (Hot running water etc).

  • ALL site must have a means of providing an area to wash, the water must be at least suitably warm for the user.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture of poor practice - Washing facilities


  • HS4A. Is a fire extinguisher available and easily accessible?

  • Fire extinguisher should be ideally situated at the main entrance to the site and not be obstructed by anything.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture evidence of poor practice - Fire Extinguisher

  • HS4B. Is the First Aid box available and easily accessible?

  • First Aid box should be ideally situated at the main entrance to the site and not be obstructed by anything.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture evidence of poor practice - First Aid


  • HS5A. Safety Footwear (MANDATORY all site) being worn

  • Safety footwear is mandatory on all sites at FSH, check all personnel and ensure such equipment is being worn.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture evidence of poor practice - Safety Footwear

  • HS5B. Overalls / Type 5 etc?

  • Type 5 overalls must be worn if the work carried out is extremely dusty and or there is a potential risk of contamination i.e. dirty water of other contaminates.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture evidence of poor practice - Overalls

  • HS5C. Ear Protection? - (Loud noisy environments)

  • If the site is considered to loud then persons must were suitable ear protection, person(s) also operating tools/equipment (impact tools, drilling, cutting etc). should wear ear protection even if they are working on their own.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture evidence of poor practice - Ear Protection

  • HS5D. Dust Mask / Respiratory Protection (FFP3 - Only)

  • If the site is producing dust, then all operatives working within that area and or need to access that area must wear respiratory equipment i.e. molded half mask and or appropriate dust mask and these must be FFP3 Rated.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture evidence of poor practice - Dust Protection

  • HS5E. Eye Protection - (flying particles, cutting, drilling etc.)

  • Eye protection must be worn were equipment and or activity undertaken gives high risk of flying particles and or objects which could damage the eyes of the operative and or persons around.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture evidence of poor practice - Eye Protection

  • HS5F. Hard Hat Protection - (risk of falling objects, working under scaffolds etc.)

  • If work undertaken on site consist of the removal of ceilings / walls, persons working on/off scaffolds (fixed or mobile) or working close to persons who are working at height with the potential to drop items etc, then suitable head protection must be worn

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture evidence of poor practice - Hard Hat


  • HS6A. Are tools/equipment considered to be in good condition at the time of the visit?

  • Equipment should be in reasonably good working order, damaged equipment must be removed from site immediately.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture evidence of poor practice - Tools & Equipment

  • HS6B. Are plugs and leads in good condition and leads laid safely to prevent potential further hazards?

  • Equipment should be in reasonably good working order, damaged equipment must be removed from site immediately, leads should be laid to prevent risk of damage and or trip hazards as far as reasonably practicable.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture evidence of poor practice - Plugs & Leads

  • HS6C. Are Guards and or extraction in place?

  • Equipment should be in reasonably good working order, damaged equipment must be removed from site immediately, Example: cutting saws should have guards in place to prevent access to the moving blade, suitable extraction (hoover) should also be connected to reduce the amount of dust being produced.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture evidence of poor practice - Guards / Extraction


  • HS7A. If applicable, has the Scaffold been inspected in the past 7 days?

  • All fixed scaffolds must have a means to demonstrate (scaf-tag) when the scaffold was erected and when its last 7 day statutory inspection was carried out. The scaffold must also be inspected after any significant event i.e. extreme high winds, alterations and or any impact to it. In the event any of these have not been completed then work on the equipment MUST cease. Check also to ensure the scaffold is situated on solid ground.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture evidence of poor practice - Scaffold

  • HS7B. Are Ladders/Steps/Hop-ups/towers in good condition?

  • Ladder, towers and hop-ups must be free from damage to the rungs and or platforms, the equipment must be checked to ensure that it has no faults to its locking mechanism and that it is situated on solid ground. NO DOMESTIC EQUIPMENT is to be used on our sites.
    ALL inadequate equipment MUST be removed from site.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture evidence of poor practice - Ladder, tower, steps, hop-ups

  • HS7C. Overall, Is work at height been carried out safely?

  • Carry out checks on equipment to ensure that it is in reasonable order and any such unprotected edges have been controlled as far as is reasonably practicable at the time of the visit.

  • Enter details of the failure & evidence the issues

  • Picture evidence of poor practice - Working at Height


  • HS8. Is there a skip on site and is it in use and tidy?

  • Take Picture of the Skip if available.

Any additional comments - HEALTH & SAFETY

  • Is there any additional information required?

  • Add additional information

Quality Site Audit

Quality of work undertaken & Supplements

  • If you are able to assess the quality of work undertaken then tap on the item below to open the available questions.
    Make an honest assessment of the quality of work completed at the property by reference to the type of work being undertaken at the property. Mark any type of work not being undertaken as "N/A". For work that has been undertaken then decide whether this is excellent, acceptable or unacceptable. Unacceptable should be recorded if work has not been completed to a satisfactory and acceptable standard. Photos and a description of unacceptable work will be required to highlight the issues that need re-work.
    Excellent and acceptable work can also be photographed to evidence good work.

  • Tap here if able to score Quality of Work

  • Quality audit score

Quality of completed repairs by type.

  • QWQ1. Brickwork / block work / pointing

  • No section of brick or block walls shall be raised more than 1 metre above the adjacent wall during construction.
    No bricklaying to be carried out unless temperature is at least 4 degrees C and rising.
    Fair face work shall be kept clean and free of mortar marks and efflorescence. Bed joints are to be consistent in thickness and perpendiculars are to line up vertically.
    Brick packs are to be shuffled to avoid banding or panels.
    Cavities to be kept clear and free of mortar droppings.
    Sand for mortar to match existing where possible.
    Bricks or coping stones for repairs should match existing as near as possible.
    Evidence of lintels being used should be noted within the site folder.
    Raking out for standard crack repairs should be completed to a minimum depth of 25mm. No raking out should cause damage to the brickwork.
    Pointing - flush, recessed, bucket handle or cut and struck should match the existing and to suit purpose. Arises to be kept clean.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Which area(s) are affected?

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ2. Concrete

  • Concrete floor reinforcement is to be in accordance with BS 4483 – square mesh ref A142, 2.22kg m2 with 150mm side and end laps.
    Concrete floors and where levelling screed has been applied should be level with no hollows/dips evident.
    Closed cell insulation should be in accordance with the Local Authority spec/current Building Regulations.
    Movement joints should be pointed with polysulphide sealant to ensure flexibility.
    No external work involving the use of cement or mortar to be carried out unless the temperature is at least 4 degrees C and rising. Thermometer to be used on site and temperatures recorded in site file during prolonged periods of inclement weather.
    All sub strata to be compacted in layers and rolled level and blinded to receive the relevant finish.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Which area(s) are affected?

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ3. Electrical work

  • All installations to comply with current NICEIC (or equivalent) and Building Regulations. NIC, Part P and Gas Safe certificates issued where appropriate.
    Carcassing and first fixings to be installed horizontally or vertically.
    Fixings and clips to line up.
    Switch and socket plates to be fixed square.
    Replacement fixtures and fittings to match existing.
    Jointing to be left neat, clean and free from snots.
    11.10 All appliances should be securely fixed to the structure and not supported off pipework. On completion all appliances should be tested to ensure correct working and thoroughly tested for leaks. All labels and stickers should be removed. All manufacturers installation literature, instruction manuals and guarantees should be saved and passed to the customer on completion. Appliances should be adequately supported and additional noggins or bearers installed where necessary
    All pipework and wiring fully labelled as required by legislation.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Which area(s) are affected?

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ4. EML / helibar repairs

  • For Helical bar repairs the rake-out depth should be a minimum of 32mm. No raking out should cause damage to the brickwork.
    Pointing - flush, recessed, bucket handle or cut and struck should match the existing and to suit purpose. Arises to be kept clean.
    Installation of Helical bars is to be carried out on dry, cleaned-out chases and should be bedded in with cementitious grout. Minimum bar length is 1 metre with a minimum overhang on bent bars of 750mm (to external angles only). Helical bar installation on internal corners must follow Thor Helical installation guidelines dependant on wall construction.
    Masonry beams or chords are to be designed on a job specific basis and evidence of this will be in the site folder. Installation typically follows the same rules as Helical bar installation.
    Epoxy resin repairs should only be used when specified by the Project Manager.
    EML (Expanded Metal Lath) plaster repairs should be completed with mesh cut to ensure approximately 150mm each side of the crack. The mesh is to be secured by drilling into the next adjacent whole bricks and using plugs, mesh, stainless steel washers and screws. If existing plaster depth exceeds 15mm an additional coat of dubbing out is to be applied before final plaster coat.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Which area(s) are affected?

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ5. Emulsion paint work

  • Walls to be reasonably face filled so that minor hairline cracks are not visible.
    Walls to be adequately prepared so that they are smooth enough to receive paint or varnish. Preparation should be such that previous water or other stains are completely covered, e.g. use of stain block or PVA.
    Paint / varnish coverage to be even among newly decorated surfaces. Previous colours should be completely covered with no ‘grinning through’ evident.
    Paint coverage to provide flush line against any masked surfaces i.e. woodwork. If localised decoration then paint to be feathered out to existing surrounding surface.
    Relief to pattern on anaglypta or blown vinyl type paper should not be flattened as a result of excessive pressure when applying paint by roller.
    There should be no runs, bristles, roller skids, unduly high build up of paint / varnish in localised areas, etc. Face plates to plug sockets, light switches etc should be masked or loosened to avoid over-painting.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Which area(s) are affected?

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ6. Flat roof

  • Flat roofs are to be laid evenly and to a minimum 5º pitch unless otherwise specified.
    Adequate guttering and outlets to be provided.
    All flashings to be securely fixed and pointed.
    If felt roof, top felt must be reasonably lapped with underfelt.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ7. Flooring (including laminates, hardwoods, etc but excluding tiles)

  • Has all removal been completed to satisfactory standard so that there are no exposed nails/ screws? Are exposed joists sound and clear of rot etc? Are any pipes or cables (not previously identified) visible that would warrant further work?
    T&G Floorboards or T&G chipboard floors are to be level; the end joints of the boards being staggered by at least 150mm.
    Joists are to be installed in accordance with building control requirements for spacing, length and section; an example table is shown below detailing the profile of the timber to be used depending upon the length of the joist and the span between for all structural timbers a minimum grade of C16 is required. Where there is a need to drill through the joist (pipework/cabling runs) the specification of the joist should allow such cuts.
    Where existing joists are repaired and levelled, this should be completed to the standard that the new or re-fitted floorboards are level with no evident sloping, dipping or undue flex/spring.
    Joist hangers to be used per the technical specification unless otherwise specified.
    Insulation between joists should comply with current regulations.
    Where plywood sheeting is used as an underlay for tiled or vinyl sheet floor finishes, it should be installed to the maximum perimeter available, and fixed with nails/screws spaced no more that 100mm apart, ensuring no flex or bubbling of the plywood. This will ensure a solid base to which the finish can be fixed.
    Vinyl/thermoplastic finishes are to be flat and bubble free, with neat trims. No cuts or gouges in the finish. Check site folder for COSHH assessment for adhesives.
    Carpets to be laid flat with no bunching or gaps at edges.
    Wall and floor junction silicone sealed.
    Finished floor area fully protected on completion.
    Laminates/engineered wood/hardwood/parquet flooring surfaces are to be clear of adhesive, joins to be tight and close. Use from mixed packs to avoid banding. Product should be allowed to acclimatise in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines – Contractor to demonstrate this within the site folder. Stipulated expansion gaps must be observed. A copy of the guidelines to be kept in the site folder and a copy is to be left with the Customer on completion. No bruising or chipping to the laminate surface. Finished floor should be flat against substrate.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Which area(s) are affected?

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ8. Gloss paint

  • Surfaces to be adequately prepared so that they are smooth enough to receive paint or varnish. Preparation should be such that previous water or other stains are completely covered, e.g. use of stain block or PVA.
    Paint / varnish coverage to be even among newly decorated surfaces. Previous colours should be completely covered with no ‘grinning through’ evident.
    Paint coverage to provide flush line against any masked surfaces i.e. woodwork. If localised decoration then paint to be feathered out to existing surrounding surface.
    There should be no runs, bristles, roller skids, unduly high build up of paint / varnish in localised areas, etc.
    Face plates to plug sockets, light switches etc should be masked or loosened to avoid over-painting.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Which area(s) are affected?

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ9. Joinery (including kitchen installation)

  • Carcassing (kitchen units etc) are to be plumb, level and square on all planes within commonly accepted tolerances.
    Kitchen unit doors are to have equal margins to all edges in relation to the unit and adjacent doors.
    Worktops to be level along length and width.
    Scribing to worktops, infill panels etc to be within acceptable tolerance with walls etc.
    Fitted base and wall units should be level and securely fixed to the structure.
    Doors should be accurately aligned, not binding and adjusted to ensure smooth operation.
    Worktops should be well fitting, level, with no visible gaps to junctions, stable and securely fixed by means of suitable brackets or fixings. There should be no visible defects such as scratches, marks, indentations or general deflection. Any cut edges should be treated.
    Drawers should open and close freely with minimal effort. They should be accurately aligned, not binding and adjusted to ensure smooth operation.
    All ironmongery should be securely fixed, adjusted and lubricated to ensure correct functioning. Ironmongery should be free from defects – scratches, marks or chips.
    Timber for replacement items should be of a matching quality, inc species (particularly for hardwoods with clear finish).
    Sections should be square or matching profile for mouldings.
    All timber/timber based sheet materials and panel products should be FSC or similar and approved chain of custody certification where required.
    Fixings should be appropriate to the grounds- ie chemical or mechanical anchoring etc.
    Length of screws etc should be appropriate to the grounds – ie allowing for thickness of plaster and to a suitable depth into masonry for the load to be borne by the timbers, etc. and spaced accordingly.
    Moisture content on delivery and during storage to be maintained for intended use- internal or external.
    Screw and nail heads should be flush or below surface of timber and plugged or filled as required.
    Timber should be free of cupping, bowing, shakes and knots appropriate to intended use.
    Sheet or panel products should be appropriate for intended location- ie WBP or marine ply within wet areas or areas prone to high ambient moisture, for example
    Boxing to be square, parallel and straight.
    Timber or metal wall or partition studs to be plumb and level with enough noggins spaced correctly to avoid deflection or undue flex to the facing panels.
    Joints should be tight and flush.
    Treads and risers should be perpendicular. Check for adequate wedges. Ensure that Contractor has not screwed into the ends of the treads. Ensure uniformity of riser height.
    Spindles spacing to be confirmed, should be vertical and equidistant.
    Where joinery repair works are to existing distorted elements, such as door frames, repair works should be in accordance with the schedule, and either to remove the distortion, or to re-fix joinery elements in line with the existing distortion.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Which area(s) are affected?

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ10. Paving (slabs / block)

  • No external work involving the use of cement or mortar to be carried out unless the temperature is at least 4 degrees C and rising. Thermometer to be used on site and temperatures recorded in site file during prolonged periods of inclement weather.
    All sub strata to be compacted in layers and rolled level and blinded to receive the relevant finish.
    Precast slabs and brick paviors laid flush, bedded, jointed and pointed all to the manufacturer’s instructions.
    All paving, brickwork, tiling etc to be left clean and free from mortar, grout etc.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Which area(s) are affected?

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ11. Pitched roofing

  • Pitched roofs to be laid evenly and to falls.
    All flashings to be securely fixed and pointed.
    Flashings must provide adequate horizontal return from vertical pointing.
    Prefabricated roof trusses are to be placed as per manufacturers’ specification (copied on site folder).
    Underfelt to be well laid with adequate overlaps and no tears.
    Ensure that chimney stacks are vertical and true with no twisting. Ensure pots are vertical and pointing on pot stack junction is neat.
    Replacement slates/tiles are to match existing in colour and profile. Verge clips to be securely fixed and regularly aligned. Cement mortar on hip/ridge tiles to match existing in colour, texture and profile.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ12. Plasterwork (excluding external render / pebbledash)

  • Finishes generally to be level and flush with adjacent surfaces and left where necessary ready for follow on trades.
    Plaster finishes left smooth for decoration; angle bead arises to be plumb and square.
    Plaster patching carefully feathered out flush with adjoining surfaces.
    Wall and floor junction silicone sealed.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Which area(s) are affected?

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ13. Plumbing

  • All installations to comply with current Gas safe and Building Regulations. Part P and Gas Safe certificates issued where appropriate.
    All pipework and wiring fully labelled as required by legislation.
    Any plumbing work should be completed so that there are no leaks.
    Silicone sealant is to be applied in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations. All gaps and junctions susceptible to water ingress should be sealed with appropriately coloured silicone mastic. The mastic should be continuous, smooth, consistent and free from debris. It should have a concave profile and maintain proper adhesion to its substrate. Silicone should be low modulus and where required contain a biocide or be mould resistant.
    Floor mounted WC pans should be securely screw fixed to the structure and cover caps fitted over all exposed screw heads. Do not use mortar or other bedding. The pan should be level and secure. The seat and cover should be stable when raised.
    WC Cisterns should be level and securely fixed to the structure.
    Bath tubs should be level and securely fixed to the structure ensuring its load is evenly distributed. Bath surrounds should be adequately sealed with silicone sealant.
    Shower trays should be level and securely fixed to the structure ensuring its load is evenly distributed. Surrounds should be adequately sealed with silicone mastic.
    Shower cubicle doors should be accurately aligned, not binding and adjusted to ensure smooth operation.
    Wash hand basins should be level and securely fixed to the structure. Pedestals should be securely fixed to the structure and cover caps fitted over all exposed screw heads.
    All installations to be fully tested on completion and instruction manuals left on site.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Which area(s) are affected?

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ14. Render

  • Finishes generally to be level and flush with adjacent surfaces and left where necessary ready for follow on trades.
    Patching carefully feathered out flush with adjoining surfaces.
    Rendering to be steel or wood float finish to match existing.
    Mask up and protect adjacent surfaces when carrying out pebbledash, roughcast or Tyrolean textured finishes.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Which area(s) are affected?

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ15. Tarmac

  • No external work involving the use of cement or mortar to be carried out unless the temperature is at least 4 degrees C and rising. Thermometer to be used on site and temperatures recorded in site file during prolonged periods of inclement weather.
    All sub strata to be compacted in layers and rolled level and blinded to receive the relevant finish.
    Tarmac hot rolled base and wearing course to fall to drainage points.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ16. Wall / floor tiles

  • Wall and floor tiling to be level, joints in line and consistently spaced.
    Grouting should be colour consistent and neatly finished. Residues should be cleaned from tile surfaces.
    Wall and floor junction silicone sealed.
    Finished floor area fully protected on completion.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Which area(s) are affected?

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ17. Wall / ceiling paper

  • Drops to line up so that no plaster is visible from wall surface through joints for example. Joints to butt up tightly unless product specific requirement states edges should overlap.
    If patterned paper, patterns must line up at joints and should not run out of true around the room.
    Adhesive to be spread evenly so that it is not visible through or on the face of the paper.
    Adhesive to be spread evenly so that all parts of paper adhere to wall- ie no air pockets, bubbles, etc.
    Cutting to stop at flush line before junction of wall with any other part of room i.e. woodwork with no tearing to cut edges.
    All patterned paper to be used from the same batch.
    Cut edges should be constant from drop to drop, ie no ’steps’ along the run of drops.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Which area(s) are affected?

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

  • QWQ18. Other (including use of protections, completion of strip-out work, etc)

  • All sites are to be managed, maintained and kept appropriately clean and clear of materials, plant, waste etc. This applies to all working, access and material storage areas. Materials should be stored neatly and any waste packaging regularly disposed. Particular attention should be made to ensuring the works and the customer’s property is left clean and tidy at the end of each working day. If storage compounds are used, these should allow for safe segregation of the general public or other unauthorised access. Protections to access routes, welfare and working areas are to be sufficient to prevent damage to property, injury to personnel or occupants and allow safe passage to and from these areas.
    We expect to see that suitable methods are used to ensure no damage is caused to the property as a result of the work being completed. Protections should be safe and should present no trip hazard to operatives or occupiers of the property. The installation of protections should not result in damage to areas being protected.
    Work areas are to be kept clear of unnecessary rubbish.
    Materials are to be stored in a segregated area.
    Skip/bags should not be over filled. Lighting enclosures for skips (where necessary) should comply with local authority requirements.

  • Add in any photos to demonstrate the excellent / adequate workmanship.

  • Which area(s) are affected?

  • Add in any photos to highlight the unacceptable workmanship.

  • Describe the workmanship issues noted

Extent of repairs completed

  • How much of the scheduled works have been completed at the time of the audit?

  • Confirm which areas of work are still incomplete

  • Provide details of my other areas of work that require completion

  • Which area/room(s) are affected?

  • Make an assessment of the works that have been completed against the schedule of works for the repair. Highlight if there are works that are on the schedule that have not been completed. Also consider if additional work has been done that is not on the schedule (is that private work or does the schedule need amending?).

  • Do the works completed accurately match the schedule of works?

  • Provide details of the issues identified


  • Add additional Supplements

  • Supplements
  • Check for any supplements and record your response.

  • Information in relation to the supplements

  • Photos of any potential supplements

Any additional comments

  • Addition Information in relation to the site and or any discussions had with trades and or management.

  • If any additional comments are required

Site Audit Trade Scores

Trade Scores

  • No of operatives working on site

  • Trade Scores

  • Trade Name
  • Trade Name

  • Trade Score: Quality

  • Trade Score: Output / Speed

  • Trade Score: Health & Safety

  • Trade Score: Cleanliness

  • Trade Score: Attitude

Any additional comments

  • Addition Information in relation to the site and or any discussions had with trades and or management.

  • If any additional comments are required

Audit Sign Off

Sign Off

  • You may need to discuss any Site issues and or any discussions that have arisen in respect of your visit with the operative(s) on site and get them to confirm this discussion by signing below.

  • If you Have spoken to some one on site in relation to safety and or other then click the Add button, if this is more than one person then click it again. You must get a signature from that person to confirm the discussion / Advice etc given.

  • Advice / Discussion
  • Have you discussed any issues that may of arose or discussed with an operative (select Yes) and request there confirmation by signing?

  • What was discussed and or advised?

  • On site representative

  • Signature of Auditor

  • Print name

  • Job Title

  • Time of completion of visit

  • "This report and any recommendations in it are based on observations made by the named auditor and/or from information supplied to them from sources which the auditor at the time of the visit which they have observed and or believes it is entitled to assume are reliable.
    It is not, and is not intended to be, exhaustive or conclusive, covering every hazard or risk potential, nor to guarantee full compliance with any statute or regulation, It is offered to assist you in your assessment and/or management of risk."

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.