Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.Was a EHS Survey / Project Safety Tailgate Meeting / Job Site Risk Assessment conducted? Is the form properly filled and available onsite?<br>是否进行了工作安全分析?表格是否正确的填写并在现场可用?<br>
2.Did the Service Engineer (SE) receive instructions regarding evacuation in the event of an emergency<br>服务工程师是否清楚紧急情况下的逃生通道?<br>
3.Does the SE understand his responsibilities in case of fire?<br>服务工程师明确火灾发生时自己的职责吗?<br>
4.Does the SE know the onsite emergency phone number?<br>服务工程师是否知道现场急救电话号码?<br>
5.Does the SE know who the emergency contact is?<br>服务工程师是否知道紧急联系人是谁?<br>
6.Does the SE know where the nearest hospital or burn center is?<br>服务工程师是否知道最近的医院或急救中心在哪?<br>
7.If required by the Customer, did the SE use a Method of Procedure?<br>如果用户有特殊要求,服务工程师是否按要求的流程进行?<br>
8.If provided by the customer, did the SE attend site-specific safety training?<br>如果用户有特殊要求,服务工程师是否参加了针对现场的安全培训?<br>
9.Are (M)SDSs available for the materials being used on site?<br>现场使用的材料是否有MSDS?<br>
10.Is there an ENP-company safety and environmental manual available on site?<br>现场是否有ENPC安全环境手册?<br>
11.Is the SE familiar with the Company work / rest notification rule? How many hours will be onsite_____ How many hours travel time______<br>服务工程师是否熟悉公司工作/休息相关规定?在工作现场待多久____在路途上的时间_____<br>
1.Is the Service Engineer (SE) certified in First Aid, CPR and AED? <br>First Aid Expiration Date________ CPR Expiration Date________<br>服务工程师是否有急救,CPR和AED资格?<br>
2.Is the SE’s carrying their current First Aid and CPR card, if required?<br>如果有要求,服务工程师是否携带了他们的急救和CPR卡?<br>
3.Has the SE received Blood Borne Pathogens training? Training Date__________<br>服务工程师是否完成了血源性病原体的培训?<br><br>
4.Has the SE received PPE training? Training Date_________<br>服务工程师是否完成了PPE培训?<br>
5.Has the SE received Fall Protection training? Training Date_________<br>服务工程师是否完成了防坠落培训?<br>
6.Has the SE received LOTO training? Training Date_________<br>服务工程师是否完成了LOTO培训?<br>
7.Has the SE received Arc Flash Training? Training Date__________<br>服务工程师是否完成了电弧培训?<br>
8.Has the SE received Confined Space Training? Training Date__________<br>服务工程师是否完成了密闭空间培训?<br>
9.Has the SE received Electrical Safety? Training Date__________<br>服务工程师是否完成了电气安全培训?<br>
10.Has the SE received Fire Extinguisher? <br>Fire Extinguisher Training Date________<br>服务工程师是否完成了灭火器培训?<br>
11.Has the SE received Fire Prevengtion training? Fire Prevention Training Date_________<br>服务工程师是否完成了防火培训?<br>
12.Has SE received Hazard Communication Training?<br>Hazard Communication Training Date__________<br>服务工程师是否完成了危险通识培训?<br>
13.Has SE received Defensive Driving / Drive Safe Training?<br>Defensive Driving / Drive Safe Training Date___________<br>服务工程师是否完成了驾驶安全培训?<br>
14.Has SE received Back Safety Training?<br>Back Safety Training Date_________<br>服务工程师是否完成了背部安全培训<br>
1.Is the work site clean of trash, and maintained in an orderly manner?<br>现场是否整洁无废料,并且维持的很好?<br>
2.Is sufficient drinking water available?是否有充足的饮水?<br>
3.Are chemicals/combustible liquids identified and stored properly?<br>化学品/易燃品是否进行了辨识并被妥善保管?<br>
1.Does the Service Engineer (SE) have company issued hard hat and safety glasses as required? <br>服务工程师是否按要求有公司分发的安全帽和安全眼镜?<br>
2.Is the SE wearing appropriate safety/work shoes?服务工程师是否有合适的绝缘鞋?<br>
3.Is the SE conforming to customer’s required specific PPE requirements?<br>服务工程师是否符合客户特殊的PPE要求?<br>
4.Does the SE have an acid face shield and apron, if required?<br>服务工程师是否按要求有防酸面罩和围裙?<br>
5.Has the SE demonstrated the proper inspection technique for electrical gloves and sleeves?<br>服务工程师是否对绝缘手套和绝缘袖进行了检查?<br>
6.Are voltage insulating gloves marked with the current testing, MFG and or date placed in service?<br>绝缘手套是否标注有最近的检查日期,生产日期或开启日期?<br>
7.Are voltage insulating sleeves marked with the current testing, MFG and or date placed in service?<br>绝缘手套是否标注有最近的检查日期,生产日期或开启日期?(同6)<br>
8.Are electrical gloves stored properly (flat and segregated from leather protectors and other PPE) ?<br>绝缘手套是否正确的进行了储存?(平放并与其它皮质保护工具和PPE隔离)<br>
9.Are Electrical Sleeves stored unfolded and separate from other PPE?<br>绝缘袖是否平放储存并与其它PPE隔离?<br>
10.Does the SE have all required Arc Flash ATPV cal/cm2 (Westex labeled for current orders) clothing and are they wearing the appropriate Arc Flash ATPV cal/cm2 for all tasks? <br> 所有服务工程师是否已按要求配有相应等级的电弧防护服,并且在工作中正确穿戴?<br>
11.Is all required Arc Flash ATPV cal/cm2 clothing free of holes, damage and significant wear?<br>是否所有的电弧防护服都无洞无损坏无重大磨损?<br>
12.Does the SE have Arc rated face shield and is it in good condition, free of cracks and significant scratches, and stored in protective bag?<br>服务工程师是否有电弧防护面罩,并且是完好的,无裂痕和重大磨损并存放在固定保护袋中?<br>
13.Does the SE have arc rated hearing protection?<br>服务工程师是否有听力防护?<br>
14.Do 3rd Party Service Providers working for our company have appropriate<br>PPE including arc flash protection? <br>合作单位服务人员是否有适当的PPE保护电弧防护用品?<br>
1.If work in areas requiring fall protection are identified as a job requirement,<br>is the Service Engineer (SE) authorized to wear fall protection?<br>如果现场涉及到登高作业,服务工程师是否有登高资质?<br>
2.If the work being performed requires fall protection, is the equipment available,has it been inspected prior to use, and is it being used correctly?<br>如果现场进行登高作业,是否有可能防护措施,在使用前是否对防护措施进行了检查,是否正确使用了防护用品?<br>
3.Does the SE’s use retractable fall protection systems when working over 4 feet (1.2 m)?<br>当服务工程师在超过1.2m的高空作业时是否有可伸缩的坠落防护系统?<br>
1.If job-required, has the Services Engineer (SE) obtained a Hot Work Permit?<br>如果工作需要,服务工程师是否获得高温作业资质?<br>
2.If hot work is required, did another Person perform the Fire Watch duties?<br>如果高温作业需要,是否是在其他人员的监管下完成作业?<br>
3.Did the Fire Watch attend their post for at least 60 minutes after hot work?<br>监管人员是否在高温作业后观察了至少60分钟?<br>
1.Has the Service Engineer (SE) removed all jewelry before working on<br>energized equipment? <br>服务工程师是否在操作带电设备前摘掉了所有配饰?<br>
2.Does the SE know what the Arc Flash, Limited Approach, Restricted Approach and Prohibited Approach Boundaries are for the task and do they understand their significance?<br>服务工程师是否了解电弧,知道他们工作时有危险的区域,受限制的区域和禁止的区域,并知道其重要性?<br>
3.Has the CE calculated and or selected the correct safe work boundary (limited or arc flash)?<br>服务工程师是否计算或确定了安全工作区域?<br>
1, 三个区域范围要清楚
2, 有限介入区域即使用户穿戴了PPE也不能进入,因为需要专业受训人员才可进入
3, 对于用户来讲3.3米才是安全的 -
4.If required, has the safe work boundary been delineated using a safety barricade or tape?<br>如果有需要,安全工作区域是否进行了隔离?<br>
5.Has the SE coordinated with the customer to perform LOTO?<br>服务工程师是否与客户配合使用LOTO?<br>
6.Have stored energy sources (capacitors, batteries, springs, charging mechanisms, moving machinery parts,hydraulic systems, etc.) been properly discharged, blocked or released?<br>存储的电源(电容器,电池,充电设备,移动设备,液压系统等)是否进行了放电、屏蔽或接地?<br>
7.Have all energy sources (electrical & mechanical) been locked out and tagged?<br>所有的电源是否进行了上锁挂牌(电力和设备)<br>
8.Require a demonstration of LOTO…did SE perform the procedure correctly?<br>需要上锁挂牌的,服务工程师是否能够正确操作?<br>
9.Has the SE tested the circuit / component being worked on to verify that it is at a zero energy<br>state (de-energized) using a company approved voltage detector?<br>服务工程师是否对工作电路和部件用公司批准的检压器进行检查确认不带电?<br>
10.Is all electrical test equipment calibrated and within current calibration date requirements?<br>所有的电气测试设备是否进行了校准并在使用期内?<br>
11.Require a demonstration of "Live - Dead - Live", and was the demonstration preformed correctly?<br>断电操作完成,需要对设备进行断电确认时是否进行了“Live - Dead - Live”这样一个操作?<br>
1, 确认仪器是好的
2, 在输入带电端确认仪器正常
3, 在输出断电端确认断电
4, 再次在输入带电端确认仪器正常 -
12.Are electrical panels covered when not being worked on?<br>没有工作时电面板是否进行了覆盖?<br>
13.Is the SE using insulated battery mats if required?<br>如果有要求,服务工程师是否使用了绝缘垫?<br>
14.Are extension cords in good condition and properly rated?<br>排插线是否状态良好并合适匹配?<br>
15.Does the SE have a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)?<br>服务工程师是否有接地故障保护器?<br>
16.Has SE requested a current One Line diagram for the electrical distribution, from the Customer?<br>服务工程师是否要求客户提供配电线路图?<br>
17.Unless long tip probes are permitted by the business unit, are only<br>short tip multimeter probes available for use?<br>如果现场测试的表笔长度不够,现场是否有加长探针可用?<br>
18.Does the SE only have required company issued insulated tools?<br>服务工程师是否仅有公司要求的并下发的绝缘工具?<br>
19.Are all insulated tools in good condition and free of nicks and unmodified?<br>绝缘公司是否完好无破损?<br>
1.Have ladders been visually inspected prior to each use and are they in good condition?<br>梯子是否已进行外观检查?它们是否处在一个好的情形?<br>
2.Are all SE ladders fiberglass and ANSI rated 1A (300 lbs/137 Kg) or 1AA (375 lbs/170 Kg)? OR EN Class 131(150 Kg / 330 lbs), or Class 1 (175 Kg/385 lbs) maximum or Country specific standard?<br>梯子是否是玻璃纤维,且符合ANSI美国国家标准化的额定1A或1AA?<br>
3.Are customer ladders to be used by the SE, properly rated for electrical use / load and in good condition free of damage, defects and repairs.<br>服务工程师是否使用客户的梯子,该梯子是否满足通电和负重情况,是否状况良好无损坏?<br>
4.If in use, have extension ladders been positioned so that the ratio of ladder height to distance from the wall / building is no greater than 4:1? <br>假如用到伸缩梯,梯子突出的高度(依靠墙)不大于梯子本身的四分之一?<br>
1.Proper Lifting – Back Straight; tested weight of unknown object before attempting to lift; No twisting at the hips; Lifting with Legs & buttocks; Feet offset for stability; Hug load to body.<br>正确的提举:后背直立,腰不要弯,转身时用腿转,不能用腰转。在提举前测试重量,站稳,抱紧物体<br>
2.Did the Service Engineer (SE) create a “clear path” before lift and carry?<br>搬运前是否清理出无障碍的搬运线路?<br>
3.When the SE transports their equipment to the job site are they limiting the weight and distance they carry or are they using material handling devices?<br>当服务工程师搬运设备到工作现场时是否有重量和距离的限定,或者是否使用搬运设备?<br>
4.Has the SE reduced the stresses of overhead work by reducing the duration of time, weight and effort?<br>服务工程师是否通过减少负重的时间,重量等方法减少负重的压力?<br>
5.If the company has established a maximum safe lifting limit, did the SE<br>understand and conform to the policy limit? <br>如果公司有最大的安全负重限制,服务工程师是否了解并遵守?<br>