Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Untitled Page


  • Safety Statement updated in the previous 12 months

  • Child Protection Policy in Place

  • Are all coaches / mentors Garda vetted?

  • Fire Safety Management Plan in Place

  • Is there a fire register in place with records of all fire detection and firefighting equipment and its service history

  • Is all electrical equipment checked regularly by a competent person? Are records maintained and available

  • Are there service records available for machinery & Work at height equipment?

  • Are there service records available for the heating and ventilation systems

  • Is there a register of all Chemicals used and is there a Safety Data Sheet for each Chemical

Access – Gates, Perimeter Walls, Fencing, etc

  • Are all gates, fences and wall in a sound condition? e.g. free from sharp edges, loose blocks, loose capping, dangerous wire, etc

  • Are all gates hung properly and in working order?

Circulation Areas

  • Are all steps and/or ramps in good repair, i.e. not worn, broken or slippery?

  • Is the gradient on mobility impaired access ramps less than 1:12 to allow wheelchairs to access the ramp?

  • Are rails in place on steps and/or ramps where deemed necessary?

  • Are floor coverings, tiles, etc, in good condition and not slippery?

  • Are non-slip mats in place in shower areas and at the entrance to the club?

  • Where relevant, are steps/stairways/ramps painted to ease visibility?

  • Are surfaces in external areas, i.e. paths, carparks, etc in good condition?

  • Is there adequate lighting in car parks, on paths?

  • Are arrangements in place on match/event occasions to ensure that emergency vehicles may access/exit grounds?

  • Are circulation areas accessible to those with special needs, e.g. mobility difficulties

Fire Safety

  • Are all designated fire exits are clearly marked?

  • Are fire exits and escape routes kept unlocked and clear from obstructions while people are on premises?

  • Do fire doors open outwards?

  • Is muster area clearly marked?

  • Are evacuation procedures clearly displayed?

  • Are all staff familiar with evacuation procedures?

  • Is the firefighting equipment at its designated fire points?

  • Is firefighting equipment serviced as required and a record of service maintained?

  • Are flammable substances e.g. fuels, paper, cleaning materials,

  • other chemicals, etc, stored correctly, away from any sources of heat?

Electrical Equipment

  • Is electrical equipment suitable for use intended?

  • Are plugs and sockets in good condition with no cracks or pieces missing

  • Are sockets are situated in safe positions, convenient for the equipment to be used and not subject to damp

  • Is al insulation on leads free from cracks or signs of deterioration?

Lighting (including pitch lighting)

  • Are all light fittings in working order and are kept in a clean condition?

  • Is lighting adequate for the type of activities being undertaken

  • Are all cables to external lighting either buried underground or kept at a height which does not present a hazard to the public?

  • Is lighting on approach roads and outside the club sufficient for access and egress


  • Is machinery used suitable and appropriate for purpose?

  • Is all machinery stored in a locked area away from access of members of the public?

  • Is machinery operated by competent persons only?

  • Are drive shafts/PTOs/Other moving parts adequately guarded?

  • Is all machinery in good working order


  • Is a safe system of work in place, e.g. does grass cutting, cleaning and other maintenance take place only when the area is free from non-involved persons, particularly children?

  • Is maintenance only carried out by competent persons?

  • Are all roofs, guttering, drainpipes etc, as far as can be seen, sound and well maintained?

  • Are staff, members and volunteers, etc provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)? e.g. (gloves, eye protection, masks, etc)

  • Are all maintenance materials, paints, etc stored safety and securely?

Doors and Windows

  • Are all doors unobstructed?

  • Are all doors free from broken and/or damages hinges, locks, etc

  • Are windows free from broken fastenings?

  • Do glazed windows, doors etc have toughened, laminated glass?

  • Are windows safe when open from contact with passers-by?

  • Do doors and windows open without unnecessary force being applied?

  • Are windows free from broken or cracked panes, frames, etc

Working at Heights

  • Are safe systems of working at heights documented? i.e. access to raised scoreboards, erection of flags, scores, lighting, etc

  • Are facilities in place to facilitate safe working at heights?

  • Are ladders and others equipment using for working at heights stored safely and securely when not in use?

Moving and Handling

  • Is equipment available to move and handle equipment, fertilizers, furniture, waste, etc?

  • Are staff and those moving equipment provided with training in moving and handling?

  • Is there a safe system in place for movement of portable goal posts etc

Heating and Ventilation systems

  • Is the heating system regularly serviced and maintained in good order?

  • Is maintenance carried out by competent person?

  • Is boiler house kept clean and tidy and free from waste materials

Kitchen areas

  • Is the Kitchen locked when not in use?

  • Is the kitchen area supervised when in use

  • Are food preparation areas in compliance with food safety requirements?

  • Are there adequate hand washing and drying facilities in kitchen area?

  • Is the kitchen/dining area kept clean

  • Is the kitchen floor sound and non-slip, especially when wet?

  • Where required, is equipment adequately guarded?

  • Are first aid boxes available in the kitchen area?

  • Is fire safety equipment available in kitchen?

  • Are staff, members, etc provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)? e.g. gloves, etc)


  • Is the Gymnasium locked /access controlled when not is use?

  • Is the equipment in good condition, maintained and serviced as specified by suppliers?

  • Is the Gym supervised by a qualified, competent person when in use?

  • Is gymnasium kept tidy and equipment appropriately stored

  • Is first aid box available and accessible?

  • Are floors clean, even and non-slip?

  • Are changing rooms clean and tidy and disinfected?

  • Is an induction evening provided to all members and a record of such induction maintained?

Waste Management

  • Are there adequate waste containers in place in ground/dressing rooms/other facilities?

Is there a system to collect waste litter following matches/events?

  • Is waste stored in a secure place pending collection/ disposal?

  • Is all waste disposed of in accordance with local authority regulations?

  • Where building work is underway, is rubble safely secured from access by public?

  • Are staff, members, etc provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)? e.g. (gloves, eye protection, masks, etc)


  • Are chemicals stored in a secure place preventing unauthorised access by members of the public?

  • Are chemicals kept only in containers in which they were purchased with clear and legible “Instruction for use”

  • Are chemicals used only by competent persons?

  • Are waste chemicals disposed in accordance with manner prescribed in Safety Data Sheets/Instructions on container

  • Are staff, members, etc provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)? e.g. (gloves, eye protection, masks, etc) while using or disposing chemicals?

  • Are rat poisons but in place by competent persons and out of reach by children


  • Are safety or health signs in place where hazards cannot be avoided or adequately reduced?

  • Are all exit routes clearly visible?

  • Is the Occupiers Liability sign erected and clearly visible?

Goalposts – Fixed

  • Are goalposts in good condition and free from sharp edges or other objects which could cause injury?

  • Is a safe system in use for securing nets to goalposts frame?

Goalposts – Portable

  • Are portable goalposts purchased from manufactures/suppliers that comply with the following standards I.S.355, IS 356

  • Do goalposts carry manufacturer’s label and safety warning label? (The manufacturer's label should include instructions for installation, storage, dismantling, inspection and maintenance)

  • Does system exist for securing portable goalposts when is use?

  • Are portable goalposts stored securely when not in use?

First Aid

  • Does a First Aid box exist, and is appropriately stocked and available when required?

  • Are there adequate numbers of trained first aiders available during matches, training sessions and other events?

  • Is a stretcher available?

  • Is a defibrillator in place and available?

  • Does the club have members trained (up to date) in CPR and in use of defibrillator?

Event viewing areas, i.e. Stands, terracing, etc

  • Are all viewing areas in good condition, free from slips, trips and falls hazards,

  • Where seating accommodation exists, is all seating secure, free from all sharp edges, splinters, loose screws, nails, etc

  • Are changes in level marked for visibility impaired persons

Toilet areas

  • Are urinals, WCs, basins, etc intact?

  • Are hand washing facilities available (including hand drying facilities) and in working order?

  • Is there a cleaning programme in place?

Emergency Planning

  • Are procedures in place to prevent flooding from nearby rivers, heavy rainfall, etc

  • Are procedures in place to protect heating systems, plumbing and buildings from snow and frost damage?

All Weather pitches

  • Is the pitch in good condition and fit for use and free from defects?

  • Is the pitch secured by a boundary fence which is maintained, and locked / access controlled when not in use?

  • Are the keys maintained by a competent person?

  • Is a record of use maintained?

  • Is the pitch hired to non-members?

  • Is there a hire form with a waiver in place?

  • Is a record of all use by third parties maintained?

  • Is the pitch closed during adverse weather? Such as frost/snow?

  • Is all signage on boundary free from sharp edges and not protruding onto the field of play?


  • Do members / guests sign in?

  • Is there a dancefloor? Would you have to cross this carrying drink to return to seating?

  • Is there an accident book on site?

  • Is there a first aid box on site?

  • When facilities are in use is there a cleaning system in operation for spillages/breakages? Are records maintained?

  • Are the bathrooms checked regularly for spillages/breakages when the function room is in use? Are records maintained?

  • Are all stairways free from obstacles and handrails in working order?

  • Are volunteers engaged in bar work at a minimum over 18 years of age and competent?

  • Is all emergency lighting and exit lighting regularly maintained and in working order?

  • Is food available? Are all FSA requirements adhered to?

  • Is stock stored on premises? Is a log of stock maintained?

  • Are empties / returns stored on premises in a safe manner? Is this recorded

  • Is there an occupancy limit? Is this enforced?

Facilities for Hire

  • Do all persons hiring facilities for use on a commercial basis provide evidence of valid public Liability and or professional indemnity insurance?

  • Is this insurance vetted on an annual basis

  • Is a schedule of use of facilities documented and maintained?

  • Are the premises checked and cleaned after each use?

  • The above is not an exhaustive list and where other hazards are identified they should be included

Inspectors details

  • Signed:

  • Post/Role within Club/County:

  • Date:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.