
  • Site conducted

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Premises Documentation

Responsible Persons Premises Log Book

  • Is the Premises Log Book (PLG) Available?

  • Is there a named responsible person and where necessary a deputy identified and their details completed in the Responsible Persons Log Book?

  • Have their contact details been cascaded to occupants of the premises that may need to escalate H&S concerns?

  • Has the compliance checklist been completed in the last year and any areas of concern raised with the Compliance Management Team?

Fire Log Book

  • Is a fire Log Book available on site?

  • Is there a copy of the most recent Fire Risk Assessment within the fire log book?

  • Is there evidence that the communal AFD system installed is subject to a regular Periodic Inspection and test by a competent person (maximum period of 6 months between inspections)?

  • Is there evidence that weekly operational call point tests are being carried out on the communal AFD system?

  • Is there evidence that emergency lighting systems are subject to an annual full rated (e.g. 3 hrs) test by a competent person?

  • Is there evidence that emergency lighting systems are subject to monthly short functional test?

  • Is Personal Fire Fighting Equipment inspected annually by a competent person?

  • Is there a Fire Evacuation Plan?

  • Have all residents been assessed for high risk behaviours that could increase the probability of a fire occurring (Person Centred Fire Risk Assessment)?

  • Are PCRAs reviewed every 6 months or following change?

  • For residents that have been identified to have high risk fire behaviours, have additional control measures been identified and implemented?

  • Have high risk residents or those that fail to engage been referred to the LFB for a home visit?

  • Is staff training in fire safety being recorded in the fire log book?

  • Have details of high risk residents been included in the Premise Information Box?

Asbestos Management

  • Is the Asbestos Management Plan available that comprises the necessary sections?

  • The latest asbestos survey (available from the web register)

  • A copy of the Asbestos Action Plan (items that require action)

  • Asbestos Communication Plan (information to be communicated to staff/contractors)

  • Drawing/plan of premise

  • Does the responsible person know generally where asbestos may be present or where it should be presumed to be present (quick reference section on asbestos survey)?

  • Have staff been briefed not to damage or perforate asbestos material in any way (i.e. do not pin, staple or tack displays to walls

Gas Safety and Boilers

  • Has the responsible person listed all gas appliances on the premises including those used for catering?

  • Where gas mains are present, are records available demonstrating that gas appliances are subject to an annual safety inspection (CP12, CP15 or CP17) and a satisfactory report issued?

  • Is there evidence that any remedial works raised in the annual inspection have been addressed within stated timescales?

Electrical Safety

  • Has the fixed electrical installation of the building been inspected within the last 5 years and a satisfactory Electrical Installation Report issued?

  • Is there evidence that any remedial works raised in the Electrical Installation Condition Report have been addressed?

  • Is all portable electrical equipment in common areas, subject to Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) with records available?

  • Where the premises have any electrically powered doors are these maintained on a regular basis? Are records available?

  • Is there evidence that any Lightning Protection System is tested and maintained annually by a competent person?


  • Is there an up to date, legionella risk assessment and water management plan in place?

  • Is there evidence that high risks identified in the Legionella Risk Assessment have been addressed within stated timescales?

  • Is the responsible person undertaking and maintaining records of any checks assigned to them under the water management Schedule?

First Aid

  • Is there a first aid needs assessment available that identifies the provision needed for the site?

  • Where first aiders are provided are their training certificates available and in date?

  • Is there an up to date first aid notice displayed with names and contact details?

  • Is there someone designated to maintain the first aid box to ensure it is adequately stocked?

Lifts and Lifting Operations

  • Is there evidence that passenger lifts are subject to regular inspection and testing (e.g. equivalent to 6 monthly LOLER certificates of thorough examination)?

  • Is there evidence that any remedial actions identified have been addressed within stated timescales?

Managing Contractors

  • Is there a contractors signing in book/sheet available?

  • Is there a suitable method of communicating site rules, emergency/fire/evacuation procedures to contractors?

Training and Briefing

Communication and Briefing

  • Is it evident that department or service based procedures and safe systems of work are easy to access?

  • Is the Health and Safety Law poster prominently displayed where all employees are able to see it?

  • Has a notice board (or wall area) been allocated to display health and safety information?

  • Include photograph of notice board


  • Has the responsible person attended and or completed refresher training on British Safety Council Managing/Working Safely (refresher every 5 years)?

  • Has the responsible person/deputy received both Corporate health and safety induction training and department/localised induction training?

  • Is there evidence that staff have completed and refreshed the compulsory health and safety computer based training modules on Risk Assessment (refresher every 3 years)?

  • Is there evidence that staff have completed and refreshed the compulsory health and safety computer based training modules on Display Screen Equipment (refresher annually)?

  • Is there evidence that staff have completed and refreshed the compulsory health and safety computer based training modules on Fire safety (refresher every 3 years)?

  • Has the responsible person and their deputy attended and or completed refresher training on asbestos awareness?

  • Has the responsible person and their deputy attended and or completed refresher training on legionella awareness training (refresher training every 3 years)?

  • Has the nominated deputy responsible person attended fire warden training to enable them to assist in the event of a fire?

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

  • Are risk assessments readily available and accessible for all staff either electronically or in hard copy?

  • Have risk assessments been reviewed within the last year, signed and dated by the manager?

  • Are there suitable and sufficient risk assessments available for the common areas of the building?

  • Are there suitable and sufficient risk assessments available for manual handling in general; and where tasks and activities dictate have specific assessments been completed?

  • Are there suitable and sufficient risk assessments available for working with members of the public?

  • Are there suitable and sufficient risk assessments available for work at height?

  • Are there suitable and sufficient risk assessments available for lone working?

  • Are findings of risk assessments communicated to the relevant persons and is there evidence to support this (such as team minutes, emails, training etc.?

  • Are the risk assessments evidenced suitable and sufficient e.g. do they cover the range of hazards reasonably faced, identifying those exposed and with appropriate control measures outlined?

Accident Reporting and Investigation

Accident Reporting

  • Are managers aware of Council accident reporting procedures (CLASSI) and how to log in?

  • Are managers broadly aware of the reporting requirements under RIDDOR, particularly reporting timescales and the need to get an CLASSI report completed asap to Corporate Health and Safety?

  • Are employees aware of the need to report accidents/incidents to their managers/supervisors asap?

  • Are the findings from the accident/incident investigations communicated to the employees where appropriate?

Lone Working and the Cautionary Contacts Database

Lone Working and the Cautionary Contacts Database

  • Has a lone working/violence at work risk assessment been carried out?

  • Does the lone worker risk assessment consider use of the Council’s recommended lone worker device (e.g. MicroGuard).

  • Does the lone working/violence at work risk assessment consider Conflict Management Training and has it been carried out?

  • Is there evidence that lone working controls are being implemented (e.g. team diaries / MicrGuard non-usage/ mobile phones and emergency team numbers etc.)?

  • Have lone working procedures and risk assessments been communicated to the employees, is there evidence to demonstrate this communication?

  • Where panic alarms are available are staff members aware of the procedures (and is this documented) surrounding the activation and response to panic alarms?

  • If panic alarm buttons are available, are these periodically inspected and tested?

  • If undertaking home visits or community contact - is there evidence that arrangements are in place for the teams CCD gatekeeper to consult the database prior to visits taking place?



  • Is an inventory of chemicals used at the building kept along with the manufacturers safety data sheets?

  • Where hazardous chemicals are used, are COSHH assessments available and up to date?

  • Are there suitable procedures in place to deal with spillage and disposal (spill kits, absorbent materials/granules)?

  • Are substances stored in their original containers with clear instruction and signage present to ensure that substances are not decanted into unmarked or inappropriate containers?

  • Of the observed PPE, is it in good order?

Premises Inspection

Gas Safety and Boilers

  • Is the boiler/plant room kept secure from unauthorised access?

  • Is the boiler/plant room free from unauthorised storage?

  • Do gas/boiler rooms have appropriate signage?

  • Is the emergency gas shut off valve available and clearly labelled?

  • Is the floor in good condition and free from slips/trips and any water residue?

Electrical Safety

  • Are electric intake/plant rooms kept clear and secure?

  • Do electric intake/plant rooms have appropriate signage in place?

  • Is the use of adaptors and extension cables limited?

Lift Control Room

  • Is access to lift room or access to the use of specific lifting equipment (such as hoists including person hoists. vehicle lifts etc.) controlled?

General inspection of Housekeeping

  • Does the general level of cleanliness in common areas meet reasonable expectations?

  • Where considered necessary, are there mats or alternative controls at entrances to prevent corridor floors becoming wet during wet and snowy weather?

  • Is the entrance / final exit routes (including external staircases where applicable) free from obstructions and other slip / trip hazards (such as leaves/moss/mud)?

  • Are internal areas free from any slip/trip hazards?

  • Is there adequate waste management?

  • Are there dedicated storage areas / containers / equipment etc. and is it being used suitably?

  • Are windows in good condition, do not pose a risk of a fall from height and where appropriate window restrictors maintained in good order?

  • Are controls in place where any balconies / roofs are present to prevent unauthorised access which could result in a fall from height?

  • Is the general standard of lighting adequate throughout the premises? (Consider lighting levels, flickering strip lighting, over sensitive light sensors and timer switches)?

  • Is there adequate ventilation (natural or mechanical)?


  • Are the stair treads in good condition, including any painted edges and where friction tape is applied?

  • Are the stairs nosing's in good condition?

  • Are hand rails fitted to at least one side and in good condition?

  • Are stairs free from any raised tiles or damaged flooring?

  • Are stair wells kept clear of any storage?

Fire Safety

Fire Safety

  • Is the evacuation policy (stay put or total evacuation) clearly identified along with the fire assembly point on Fire Action Notices at building entry/exit points?

  • Is the Fire Alarm Panel accompanied with a zone plan?

  • Is unnecessary storage of combustible materials/waste avoided?

  • Is the buildings no smoking policy in common areas being adhered to?

  • Are there designated areas for employees and visitors to smoke with facilities for the safe disposal of smoking materials?

Premise Information Box

  • Does the PIB contain the necessary up-to-date information?

  • Information on residents - summary of residents assessed as having high risk behaviours under PCRA

  • A record of oxygen users

  • Plans for the building (A3 size), showing electrical/gas intake rooms and water isolation point

  • Evacuation strategy

  • Contact details of managers

  • Pin code or key for fire alarm panel


  • Are suitable measures in place to protect against arson?

  • CCTV

  • Housekeeping to a high standard and bins emptied regularly

  • Adequate security lighting

  • Sheds and large storage units at least 8 - 10m away from building

  • Door entry systems

  • Bins secured and stored in a suitable location

Fire Doors and Escape Routes

  • Are fire doors capable of closing to the frame with adequate self-closing devices?

  • Are escape routes clear and unobstructed e.g. coat stands, chairs etc?

  • Are all exits openable without the use of a key or fob?

  • Were fire doors closed or held open on an automatic release system at the time of audit?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.