
  • Location

  • Conducted on

  • Conducted By

  • Personnel

  • Add signature

Office area

  • Are policies and insurances displayed and in date

  • H&S Law poster displayed

  • Risk assessments available

  • CoSHH assessments MSDS available for chemicals?

  • Fire plan displayed

  • Fire drills/alarm test

  • First aid - notice, first aid kit and first aider identified

  • Electrical safety, PAT test/fixed wiring up to date

  • Provisions for heating food/hot & cold water

Yard area

  • Is the ground level and free of potholes?

  • Is the area outside the entrance clean, is it clear for the forklift to be driven around?

  • Is there adequate signage for pedestrians, i.e. forklifts in use, designated parking areas, segregation etc?

  • Signage erected to identify hazardous goods ?

  • Do all of the external lights work?

  • Is there adequate lighting for the work being conducted?

  • Spill kits or clean up devices readily available?

  • Emergency instructions displayed?

  • Are demarcation lines in place and free of clutter?

  • Guarding fitted to equipment?

  • Adequate signage and all signage legible?

  • Fire extinguishers identified, checked and unobstructed?

  • Materials, tools and equipment stored correctly?

  • Area free of slips, trips and fall hazards?

  • Waste containers provided and used?

  • Any rubbish lying on the ground?

  • All bulkies and pallets stacked correctly?

  • Required PPE readily available?

  • All fuel/liquid stores in a bunded or designated area?

  • Compressed gases stores correctly and upright?

  • Ladder checks/suitable for task

  • Comments

Sign off

  • Site representative

  • Inspector

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.