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GEMD/ATCMD Administration

C.9.1 - GEMD/ATCMD Administration

  • 1. Is the Maintenance Officer designated in writing by the station Commanding Officer? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 2. Does the Maintenance Officer maintain copies of NATOPS Evaluation Reports for evaluations conducted during the preceding six years? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 3. Have the major and minor discrepancies (findings and deficiencies) identified during the previous NATOPS Evaluation been resolved? If not, explain. [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 4. Is there an ATCF Electronics Manual? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 5. Is the content of the ATCF Electronics Manual as per Attachment 1 to Enclosure (3) of the ATC System Maintenance Ashore? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 6. Is the Maintenance Officer assigned to and an active member of local and regional planning boards whose actions may affect the operation of ATC equipment? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 7. Does the Maintenance Officer maintain a facility maintenance plan that supports equipment maintenance and calibration that minimizes the impact to operations? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 8. Is the authorized allowance and onboard strength of military and civilian personnel adequate to support the mission assigned? [OPNAVINST 1000.16]

  • a. Is the division staffed to support the systems installed? [Manpower Authorization (USN)/Table of Organization (USMC)]

  • b. Do electronic technicians assigned possess a Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC/USN), Military Occupational Specialty (MOS/USMC), equivalent rating (civilian) relative to their work assignment? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • c. Are personnel enrolled in a structured Individual Training Standards System (ITSS) (USMC)/JQR to obtain qualification for the systems on which they are not NEC/MOS/equivalent rating qualified? [Equipment-specific NTSPs and JQRs]

  • d. Are ATC electronics technicians normally not assigned duties outside their professional specialty? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • e. Unless operational requirements dictate otherwise, are working hour limitations in effect for air traffic controllers (NAVAIR 00-80T-114, paragraph 4.3.8) imposed on electronic technicians maintaining ATC-related equipment? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 9. Does the GEMD/ATCMD have a billet authorization for a storekeeper/supply technician? [Manpower<br>Authorization (USN)/Table of Organization (USMC)]

  • a. If authorized, is the billet filled on a full-time base? [Manpower Authorization (USN)/Table of Organization (USMC)]

  • 10. If managing contracted maintenance organizations, is the Maintenance Officer properly administering the technical requirements of the contract under the guidance of the Contracting Officer? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 11. If using a contracted maintenance organization on a NAALS system, is OPNAVINST 3721.5 and NAVAIR 00-80T-114 included in the contract as a reference? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 12. If managing a contracted maintenance organization, does the Maintenance Officer ensure contract management is proactive with immediate personnel replacement when contracted technicians receive a suspension of qualification? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 13. Is the security (controlled access) of ATC equipment spaces maintained? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 14. Are all visits to ATC equipment spaces approved by the Maintenance Officer? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 15. Are visitors escorted while in ATC equipment spaces? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 16. Is classified material under the cognizance of the GEMD/ATCMD properly stowed? [SECNAVINST 5510.36]

  • 17. Are classified material destruction bills posted in conspicuous locations? [SECNAVINST 5510.36]

  • a. Is training conducted on a recurring basis to keep personnel knowledgeable of destruction procedures? [SECNAVINST 5510.36]

  • 18. Is the Maintenance Officer or LCPO/NCOIC knowledgeable of the procedures for monitoring navigation aids? [NAVAIR 80T-114]

  • 19. If navigational aids require relocation, does the Maintenance Officer ensure that installation projects address the operational impacts and relocation cost of existing equipment? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 20. Does the Maintenance Officer ensure the equipment is maintained within the ISEA-provided baseline performance standards provided as part of the certification and acceptance process for ATC systems? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 21. Does the Maintenance Officer ensure NAALS equipment is maintained to ground inspection and maintenance requirement card (MRC) tolerances using the Ground Inspection Program? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 22. Does the Maintenance Officer ensure equipment that does not meet ground inspection and MRC tolerances is removed from service and repaired? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 23. Is the Maintenance Officer cognizant of Notice to Airman (NOTAM) procedures for radar and NAVAIDs removed from service for routine or corrective maintenance? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 24. If required by NAVAIR 16-1-520, does the Maintenance Officer ensure that repaired equipment successfully passes a special flight inspection prior to returning it to service? [OPNAVINST 3721.5; NAVAIR 16-1-520]

  • 25. Does the Maintenance Officer maintain copies of Radar Data Sharing Agreements with FAA (if applicable)<br>or other Letters/Memoranda of Agreement related to electronic maintenance support? [NAVAIR 80T-114, OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 26. Is the Maintenance Officer or LCPO/NCOIC (if designated) held accountable for the frequency assignment of equipment transmitting onboard the station? [OPNAVINST 2400.20/NTP-6]

  • 27. Does the Maintenance Officer coordinate with local and regional frequency coordinators to ensure that no RF emissions are permitted on or around NAALS equipment that may cause interference with ATC operations? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 28. Does the Maintenance Officer coordinate with the Resident Officer-In-Charge of Construction, Regional Commander, ATC T&R Office, and ISEAs to ensure that facility projects, such as Military Construction/road construction, address the impacts and specifically identify and include relocation costs of existing equipment, if necessary, to prevent unplanned costs, or system performance impacts? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 29. Are adequate measures in place to secure/monitor ATC electronic equipment at remote facilities and unmanned sites? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 30. Does the Maintenance Officer ensure the maintenance of a continuing SSIC-formatted historical file containing data pertinent to the operation of the Maintenance Division? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 31. Does the Maintenance Officer maintain a file of installation documents issued by the sponsoring ISEA (i.e., Site Surveys, BESEPs, IDPs, FRSs, etc.) for the ATC equipment under their cognizance? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 32. In those instances where deviations from OPNAVINST 3722.35 baseline criteria resource allocations are required, does the ATC Facility document such deviation(s) in an OCIR or similar media providing for command endorsements? [OPNAVINST 3722.35; OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 33. Does the Maintenance Officer fully understand the Operational Capability Improvement Request (OCIR) process? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 34. Does the Maintenance Officer maintain a complete and accurate file of command generated OCIRs, including chain of command endorsements? [OPNAV 3721.5]

  • 35. Does the Maintenance Officer coordinate with SPAWARSYSCEN Atlantic for all issues related to test equipment? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 36. Does the Maintenance Officer ensure the proper allowance of test equipment is maintained and in calibration? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 37. When commands determine the NAALS equipment is “in excess,” does the Maintenance Officer request disposition instructions from COMNAVAIRSYSCOM? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 38. Does the Maintenance Officer ensure all changes in shore electronics systems configuration data are sent to the Configuration Data Manager (CDM) via the Navy/Marine Corps ATC web site? [OPNAVINST 3721.5; NAVSEAINST 4790.8; NAVSEAINST 4130.C]

  • a. Are electronic site validations accomplished biennially as per Enclosure (3) Air Traffic Control (ATC) Systems Maintenance Ashore? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • b. Provide date of last site validation completed?

  • 39. Does the Maintenance Officer prepare and submit Casualty Reports (CASREPs) in a timely manner with sufficient descriptive information to obtain necessary logistics and technical assistance?[ NAVAIR-00-80T-114; OPNAVINST 3721.5; NWP 1-03.1]

  • 40. Is the ATCFO consulted during the preparation of CASREPs to ascertain operational impacts, and notified of CASREP status associated with ATC systems outages? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 41. Does the Maintenance Officer use the classifications of full system capable, partial system capable, and non-operational system when preparing ATC system(s) CASREPs and UPDATEs? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 42. Are active CASREPs current with timely UPDATEs? [NWP 1-03.1]

  • 43. Does the Maintenance Officer and LCPO/NCOIC verify current CASREPs for the systems/equipment supported are posted on the Navy/Marine Corps ATC web site as a part of the routine tracking, recording,<br>and reporting of all maintenance data system (MDS) information? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 44. Does the GEMD/ATCMD have sufficient vehicles assigned to assure timely access to all systems/equipment under their cognizance? [Subjective: Each location will be assessed based upon span of control, system diversity and geographic/weather conditions]

  • 45. Was a VADM William P. Lawrence Air Traffic Control Technician of the Year Award nomination submitted? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]


C.9.2 GEMD/ATCMD Material

  • 1. Upon performing a visual inspection, to assess NAALS equipment condition, (noting overall cleanliness; missing hardware and access panels; inoperative lamps and alarms; cracked or missing buttons or switches; broken, torn, or frayed wires and cables; loose grounds; weatherproofing on external cable connectors; inadequate lubrication; evidence of rust or corrosion; cracked or peeling paint) is the material condition of the system satisfactory? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • a. AN/FPN-63 PAR?

  • b. AN/URN-25 TACAN?

  • c. AN/URN-32 TACAN?

  • d. AN/GPN-27 ASR?

  • e. AN/GPN-30 DASR?

  • f. AN/FSQ-204 STARS?

  • g. AN/FAC-6(V)1 FOIS?

  • h. AN/FAC-6(V)2 FOIS?

  • i. AN/FAC-6 (V)4 FOIS?

  • j. AN/FSC-127 ETVS?

  • k. AN/GRC-171 and -211 TX/RX?

  • l. CM-200 TX/RX?

  • m. AN/FFC-1 FOCIS?

  • n. DALR?

  • 2. Does equipment performance meet or exceed equipment performance parameters as established by the ISEA as determined by the inspection of two years of completed equipment performance standards maintained on file and/or PMS spot checks? [OPNAVINST 3721.5, OPNAVINST 4790.4]

  • a. For AN/FPN-63 PAR: W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4

  • b. For AN/URN-25 TACAN: Q-4

  • c. For AN/URN-32 TACAN: Q-1R

  • d. For AN/GPN-30 DASR: Q-9, S-1, S-4

  • 3. Does equipment performance meet or exceed the standards established by the ISEA? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 4. Has the command funded the GEMD/ATCMD Operation Target (OPTAR) to assure adequate resources to support systems installed? [Compare budget call input to budget approved]

GEMD/ATCMD Publications, Records and Reports

C.9.3 - GEMD/ATCMD Publications, Records and Reports

  • 1. Does the GEMD/ATCMD maintain a Technical Library? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 2. Are the following publications retained or available to the GEMD/ATCMD? Are the available publications up-to-date? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • a. Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS). [OPNAVINST 3500.34]

  • b. Catalog of Navy Training Courses. [CANTRAC, NAVEDTRA 10500]

  • c. Naval Shore Safety Manual. [OPNAVINST 5100.23]

  • d. Naval Air Traffic Control, Air Navigation Aids and Landing Systems (NAALS) Program. [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • e. Maintenance and Material Management (3M) System Policy. [OPNAVINST 4790.4]

  • f. Ship’s Maintenance and Material Management (3M) Manual. [NAVSEAINST 4790.8]

  • g. Applicable higher authority maintenance instructions. [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • h. United States Interagency Ground Inspection Manual for Air Traffic Control and Navigation Aids. [FAAO 6000.6 Series]

  • i. Facilities Project Instruction Manual. [OPNAVINST 11010.20]

  • j. NATOPS Air Traffic Control Manual. [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • k. United States Standard Flight Inspection Manual. [NAVAIR 16-1-520]

  • l. Facility Planning Criteria for Navy and Marine Corps Shore Installations. [UFC-2-000-05N]

  • m. Design: Navy Air Traffic Control Facilities. [UFC 4-133-01N]

  • n. Design: Aviation Operation and Support Facilities. [UFC 4-141-10N]

  • o. FAA/NAVY MOA for Logistic Support. [AAC-229]

  • p. Configuration and Logistics Support Information System. [Navy/Marine Corps ATC web site]

  • q. Operational Reports. [NWP 1-03.1]

  • r. Technical Manuals on all supported equipment. (Electronic or paper version is acceptable)

  • s. Policy and Procedures for BESEPs. [NAVAIR BESEP Policy and Procedures]

  • 3. Are the following reports/records current and complete?

  • a. Telecommunications Operating Requirements (TELCOR) Documentation System. [OPNAVINST 2010.3]

  • b. Frequency Usage Report. [OPNAVINST 2400.7]

  • c. Telecommunications Service Request (TSR) and Telecommunications Service Order (TSO) records to support connectivity requirements. [OPNAVINST 3721.5, DCA Circular 310-130-1]

  • d. Inter-facility and intra-facility landline connectivity reports including connectivity diagrams, labeled demarcation points, designation labels on each circuit, and maintenance responsibility information. [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • e. Preventive Maintenance Schedules posted and up to date in each work center. [OPNAVINST 4790.4 and NAVSEAINST 4790.8]

  • f. Airfield IFLOLS/FLOLS Certification, if supported by GEMD/ATCMD (12 months). [NAVAIRINST 13800.13]

  • g. 2-M Recertification (18 Months). [NAVAIR 4790-PLN-001/2M]

  • h. RADHAZ (HERP/HERF/HERO) Survey (NSWC Dahlgren). [NAVSEA OP3565/NAVAIR 16-1-529, NAVSEAINST 8020.7C]

  • i. History files that document equipment acceptance, upgrades, removals, transfers, DRMO and shipment. [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • j. Files that document current and planned installations with BESEPS for those systems. [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • k. Maintenance data reported via an approved method. [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • l. Commissioning flight inspection reports and the most recent flight inspection report for ATC radars, landing systems and NAVAIDs, and magnetic offset (variation) information. [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • m. As-built drawings for each equipment/system installed and applicable ATC Facility Drawing Package (FDP). [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • n. Current Test Equipment Allowance Process (TEAP) Report. [OPNAVINST 3721.5, OP 43P6A]

  • o. Current reports identifying all General Purpose Electronic Test Equipment (GPETE) items covered under the MEASURE Calibration Program. [NAVSEA OD 45845; OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • p. Current configuration data recorded under command site profile on the Navy/Marine Corps ATC web site. [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • q. Completed Equipment Performance Forms for last two years. [OPNAVINST 3721.5]


C.9.4 - GEMD/ATCMD Training

  • 1. Has the Maintenance Officer instituted a training program for the continuing development of all personnel assigned to the division? [OPNAVINST 3120.32]

  • 2. Does the training program contain elements for long range, quarterly, and monthly training? [OPNAVINST 3120.32]

  • a. Is annual GMT conducted and documented in training records?

  • b. Is in-rate training conducted and documented in training records?

  • 3. Has the Maintenance Officer or LCPO/NCOIC designated a senior petty officer/NCO to schedule, track and record individual training accomplishments? [OPNAVINST 3120.32]

  • 4. Is the training petty officer/NCO aware of the technical training assistance available to the division in the form of Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS)/Job Qualification Requirement (JQR)/from the cognizant Technical Authority? [OPNAVINST 3120.32]

  • 5. Has the training petty officer/NCO established PQS or JQR courses for personnel assigned to work on equipment covered by PQS? [OPNAVINST 3120.32, OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • a. For systems with an ISEA-approved JQR, have the maintenance technicians working on those systems completed the approved JQR? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • b. Are ATC systems maintenance technicians designated in writing by the Maintenance Officer as qualified to perform Ground Inspection and maintenance for each particular system? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • c. Are oral qualification boards comprised of technicians qualified on the specific equipment? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • d. If an abridged GEMD/ATCMD qualification package is used for those technicians with previous equipment experience, does it include a JQR and an oral board and/or written exam? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 6. Are technicians cross-qualified, if necessary, on additional or secondary systems once the technician has demonstrated the required knowledge and experience through OJT and JQRs and passed an oral board and/or written exam? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 7. Do technicians receive a qualification review at least once every four years, documented in the technician’s qualification record? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 8. Do all technicians attend the Airfield Vehicle Operators Course and possess a current local airfield driver’s license and/or permit? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 9. Is basic first aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training mandatory for each technician assigned to the division and documented in training records? Is this a continuing requirement? [OPNAVINST 5100.23]

  • 10. Do civilian position descriptions which require CPR certifications include the requirement for training and administering CPR as a condition of employment? [OPNAVINST 5100.23]

  • 11. Is prevention and treatment of electrical shock a continuing part of the division training program, and documented in training records? [OPNAVINST 5100.23]


C.9.5 - GEMD/ATCMD Safety

  • 1. Does the GEMD/ATCMD have a safety program structured to disseminate NAVOSH information to division personnel and support contractors? [OPNAVINST 5100.23]

  • 2. Are all personnel informed of the types and uses of hazardous materials found in division workspaces? [OPNAVINST 5100.23]

  • 3. Are safety warning and precaution signs (to include use of power and hand tools, electrical shock, electronic safety, high voltage signs, radiation hazard signs, hazardous material signs, etc) posted in conspicuous locations in each of the division work centers? [OPNAVINST 5100.23, DD Form 2272]

  • 4. Do technical personnel (selected at random) know the tag-out or lock-out procedures for working on electrical/electronic equipment? [OPNAVINST 5100.23]

  • 5. Are safety precautions written to cover unusual hazards found in GEMD/ATCMD spaces such as working aloft and using climbing equipment, working near radiating antennas, handling radioactive tubes, use of rubber floor coverings, properly labeled fuse box covers, tag-out procedures, and safe driving? [OPNAVINST 5100.23]

  • 6. Has the Maintenance Officer and/or designated safety petty officer/NCO established a target safety program to include noise control and hearing conservation, asbestos control, sight conservation, ORM? [OPNAVINST 5100.23]

  • 7. Is personal protective equipment (PPE) provided and worn (e.g., head protection, hearing protection, eye protection, safety footwear)? [OPNAVINST 5100.23]

  • 8. Is illumination provided for all working spaces? [CFR 1910.303]

  • 9. Is all electronic/electrical equipment properly grounded? [CFR 1910.243, 1910.304F]

  • 10. Are grounding systems and lightning protection systems in place and checked for markings, continuity, corrosion and resistance? [OPNAVINST 3721.5]

  • 11. Are technicians aware of the location of circuit breakers for the equipment in their space? [CFR 1910.303]

  • a. Are those circuit breakers properly labeled as to function? [CFR 1910.303]

  • 12. Is there evidence of electrical cords (portable cord- and plug-connected equipment and extension cords) being used that have been exposed to damage without being removed, repaired, and tested? [CFR 1910.334]

  • 13. Do personnel (selected at random) know the procedures to use when treating electrical shock? [OPNAVINST 5100.23]

  • 14. Are safety elements such as goggles, facemasks, gloves, and other PPE properly stored and accessible in each work center? [OPNAVINST 5100.23, CFR 1910.132]

  • 15. Are aprons, chemical resistance face shields and gloves in areas containing wet cell batteries and is there an eyewash station mounted in this area? [OPNAVINST 5100.23]

  • 16. Are proper type of fire extinguishers readily available in each work center? [CFR 1910.157, (D2) and (D4)]

  • a. Are they correctly located? [CFR 1910.157, (D2) and (D4)]

  • b. Is the inspection date current? [CFR 1910.157, (D2) and (D4)]

  • 17. Is there a posted fire and emergency evacuation route posted in each work area? [CFR 1910.39, CFR 1910.68]

  • 18. Are the emergency lights operational in case of power loss? [CFR 1910.308]

Maintenance Procedures

C.9.6 - Maintenance Procedures

  • 1. Do only maintenance technicians change ATC recorder media? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 2. During the period of required retention, are voice/data recordings securely stored under the custody of the electronics maintenance officer? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 3. Is each recording medium (tape, disc, cartridge, etc.) annotated with a unique identification? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 4. Is there a sufficient supply of spare recording media to meet the 15 day retention requirement and replace recording media removed as a result of a mishap/hazard? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 5. Are voice/data recordings retained for normal retention period and for mishap/hazard purposes identified in a log maintained by the electronics maintenance officer or equivalent with recorder identification, date/time frame of recording, and name of technician placing the media into storage? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 6. Are voice/data recordings made available to ATCF supervisory personnel only as indicated in an authorization letter signed by the ATCFO? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 7. Are all radio circuits, interphones, and telephones used for the control of air or vehicular traffic, including crash phone circuits, recorded continuously during hours of operation? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 8. Are UHF guard, VHF guard, primary local control, primary approach control and ATIS frequencies recorded independently? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 9. Are original recordings retained for at least 15 days where the archive media is magnetic tape, and 45 days for locations utilizing STARS or where the archive media is a hard disk? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 10. Is there a sufficient supply of spare recording media to meet the 15 day retention requirement and replace recording media removed as a result of a mishap/hazard? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 11. Is each recorder channel checked as set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 12. Is voice/data recording equipment locked except when maintenance actions are performed? Are keys under the custody of the electronics maintenance officer? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 13. Are ATC related facilities configured with auxiliary power sources sufficient to ensure continuity of ATC services during emergency conditions? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114, UFC 4-141-10N]

  • 14. Are auxiliary power generators for ATC related facilities including navigational aids operated as directed by the ATCFO? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 15. Unless reliable automatic transfer equipment is installed, does the ATCF shift to auxiliary power at least 30 minutes before severe weather is anticipated? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 16. Does the ATCF have a program of preventive maintenance and periodic load and no-load operation of auxiliary power sources to ensure maximum continuity of ATC service? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 17. Do division personnel perform maintenance actions in accordance with the 3M system? [OPNAVINST 4790.4, NAVSEAINST 4790.8]

  • 18. Are PAR alignment photographs posted at the PAR site for technician use? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 19. Do technicians perform corrective and preventive maintenance as well as daily checks in accordance with existing maintenance policies and philosophies? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 20. Are duty technicians, assigned ATC maintenance responsibilities, present anytime the facility is open and available to provide ATC services? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 21. Do maintenance technicians keep ATCF supervisory personnel apprised of equipment status? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 22. Are duty technicians authorized to recall electronic maintenance personnel to perform corrective maintenance should an after-hour outage adversely impact fleet support mission requirements? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 23. Are technicians aware of NO-NOTAM preventive maintenance periods? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

  • 24. Is reliable two-way communications available between the NAVAID site and the primary monitor facility when a NAVAID is monitored at the NAVAID site? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]

Supply Procedures

C.9.7 - Supply Procedures

  • 1. Are GEMD/ATCMD managers familiar with the Memorandum of Agreement (AAC-229) between FAA and DON (NAVAIRSYSCOM) concerning supply support, repair and return service, and exchange and repair items? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/AAC-229]

  • a. Is proper priority assigned based on system failure and mission? [NAVSUP Pub 485 Vol III]

  • b. Is a “W” series document number assigned to requisitions for parts ordered under the CASREP process? [NAVSUP PUB 485 Vol I and Vol II Appendix 8; NWP 1-03.1]

  • 2. Are replacement/repair parts ordered in a timely manner when needed? [NAVSUP Pub 485 Vol III]

  • 3. Are DLR parts being properly turned in when replacement is ordered? [NAVSUP Pub 485 Vol III]

  • a. Is carcass tracking being done to ensure proper credit of turn-in? [NAVSUP Pub 485 Vol III]

  • 4. Is status of part ordered checked regularly until received? If so, how? [NAVSUP Pub 485 Vol III]

  • 5. If the station operates a 2M/MTR station, are all electronic modules screened through the MTR program as part of repair parts requisitioning? [NAVSUP P-485 Afloat and Ashore Supply Procedures, COMFLTFORCOMINST 4790.3]


C.9.8 - GEMD/ATCMD Overview

  • 1. Prepare a general assessment of the GEMD/ATCMD, including:

  • a. Operational capability to support the ATC-related mission of the command.

  • b. Observed cooperation/coordination between the ATC Facility and GEMD/ATCMD.

  • c. Effectiveness of GEMD/ATCMD membership on local and regional planning boards whose actions may affect operation of ATC equipment, specifically radars, landing systems and NAVAIDs.

  • d. Additional comments, as required.

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