Oakwell Animal Hospital

  • Oakwell Animal Hospital

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by


  • Was the CSR professional?

  • Were you able to reach our clinic within 3 rings?

  • Were you given at least two options for appointment time?

  • Were you able to book appointment at time slot desired?

  • Were you asked if this is your first visit?

  • Did the CSR ask for phone number, address, and email?

  • Did the CSR ask where previous veterinary records can be found?

  • Did the CSR answer all questions regarding cost?

  • Were you asked how you heard about Oakwell?

  • Were you given directions to clinic?

  • Did the CSR give reminder at end of call of appointment time and use pets name?

At Appointment

Upon Arrival

  • (Upon arrival) Please indicate whether the following statements are true:

  • He/she gave me an overview of available services?

  • He/she followed up and asked if I had questions?

  • There is adequate parking near the building.

  • I easily located the clinic?

  • There were visible signs that directed me to the entrance.

  • Signage clear and readable?

  • Windows clean?

  • Upon entering, was the reception area/information center welcoming?


  • CSR Name:

  • Please indicate whether the following statements are true about your interaction with the resource staff member:

  • Did the receptionist/CSR person:

  • Was there a receptionist/staff person present?

  • Did the receptionist/staff person greet you?

  • Did CSR have friendly body language making you feel important?

  • Did the CSR use pets name?

  • Make eye contact with you?

  • Ask how he/she could help you?

  • Direct you to where you needed to go?

  • Was the receptionist/staff person friendly?

  • Was the staff member wearing clean uniform with name?

  • Did the staff member ask you to complete a New Client Form sheet?

  • Were you offered water while you wait?

  • Were you satisfied with the waiting time?

Rate the Medical Staff

  • Please rate the Assistant / Technician:

  • Assistant/Technician Name:

  • Did he/she use pets name?

  • Was the staff member friendly and welcoming?

  • Attentiveness

  • Interaction with pet

  • Courteousness

  • Helpfulness

  • Level of knowledge

  • Professional appearance

  • Professional behavior

  • How well he/she explained things in a clear manner?

  • How well he/she treated me with respect?

  • How well were questions was answered?

  • How well he/she made me feel comfortable?

  • How well he/she made my pet feel comfortable?

  • Did they weigh your pet?

  • Did they take pets temperature?

  • Did they explain services for your visit? (vaccines, testing, etc.)


  • After spending time at Oakwell and thinking about the services offered, please indicate how satisfied or dissatisfied you were with the following service aspects:

  • Staff's knowledge about services

  • Staff's knowledge about pricing

  • How was the waiting time before you someone came into exam room?

  • How was the service?


  • Veterinarian Name:

  • Did he/she enter exam room in a timely manner?

  • Was his/her uniform neat and clean?

  • Did he/she introduce themselves?

  • Did the they ask about concerns?

  • Did they exam pet and verbalize physical exam?

  • Did they show you any of the concerns they found? (ears, teeth, etc.)

  • Did they offer testing?

  • Did they discuss costs of testing?

  • Did they discuss timing of receiving test results?

  • Did they explain all findings in an understandable manner?

  • Did they explain vaccines?

  • Did they vaccinate in the exam room?

  • If testing was "sent off to lab", Did the DVM call with results in timeframe you were told at visit?


  • Please rate the shop/center on the following:

  • Visual appeal

  • Welcoming environment

  • How well it was organized

  • Was exam room clean?

  • Did the exam room smell clean?

Check Out

  • Did CSR ask how visit was?

  • Was the CSR friendly?

  • Did the CSR use your pets name?

  • Did CSR review services, tests, and products received during visit?

  • Were you given several payment options?

  • Did you receive rabies tag and certificate?

  • Were you asked if you wanted to book a follow up appointment?

  • Did you receive a printed copy or emailed receipt?

  • Were you helped out to vehicle (or at least offered)?

Overall Impression

  • What was your overall impression of Oakwell?

  • What specifically was done well or impressed you? (Please list specific examples.)

  • What could be considered opportunities for improvement? (Please list specific examples.)

  • Do you have anything else you'd like to add, including any clarifications of previous responses?


  • Full Name and Signature of Respondent

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