Drill Scenario:
Audit Title
Time of alarm?
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
OIC of the building?
R: Rescue. Staff removed anyone in immediate danger. Clients were located through one smoke/fire barrier?
A: Alarm. Activated the nearest alarm and called FD/security 2-5495. Proper announcement over the PA system Code Red.
C: Confine. Staff closed the door to the room of fire origin and other client room doors.
E: Extinguish Staff chose the proper fire extinguisher for the fire? Staff demonstrated the knowledge and skills to use the fire extinguisher. <br>
Staff demonstrated knowledge, skills to implement the evacuation plan?
Staff member was sent to evacuation area by OIC?
Staff took measures to comfort and clam clients?
Hallways were cleared of equipment and visitors?
Staff member was assigned to the oxygen shutoff valve (SNF-17)
Staff demonstrated PASS for fire extinguishers?<br><br>P: Staff pulls the pin. <br>A: Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire. <br>S: Squeezing the handle. <br>S: Sweeps the nozzle side to side. <br><br>
Staff evacuated the medical charts and crash cart?
All staff have ID badges and fire keys?
Drill Scenario