Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Document No.

  • Site
  • Prepared by

  • SLT

  • Team Leaders

  • Other Attendees

Product Information

  • Product Line

  • Product name (if barcode scanning is unavailable)

  • Weight (g)

  • Length (cm)

  • Width (cm)

  • Height (cm)

  • Product name (if barcode scanning is unavailable)

  • Weight (g)

  • Length (cm)

  • Width (cm)

  • Competitor?

Packaging Assessment

  • Correct Bag

  • Packaging Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • Correct Date Code

  • Packaging Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • Kwiklock Intact

  • Packaging Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • No Holes or Tears

  • Packaging Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • Bag Print Quality

  • Packaging Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • Pack Not Loose

  • Packaging Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • Kwiklock Print Legible

  • Packaging Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • Record Key Packaging Comments

Sensory Assessment

External Appearance

  • Colour: Top/Bottom/Sides

  • Product Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • Dimensions: Size & Shape

  • Product Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • Number and Evenness of Slices

  • Product Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • No Caving

  • Product Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • Even Topping (if applicable)

  • Product Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

Internal Appearance

  • Crumb Colour

  • Product Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • No Holes

  • Product Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • No Swirls/Streaks

  • Product Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • No Tearing/Balling of Crumb

  • Product Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • Even Distribution of Grains/Seeds/Fruits (if applicable)

  • Product Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

Aroma & Flavour

  • As per Specification

  • Product Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • No Unusual or 'Off' Notes

  • Product Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • No Burnt Notes

  • Product Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • No Vinegar/Sour Notes

  • Product Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status


  • As per Specification (note if excessively chewy/hard/dry)

  • Product Actions

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • Record Key Sensory Comments

Summary and Close out

  • Additional Comments

  • Additional Actions

  • Action
  • Action

  • Person Responsible

  • Action Status

  • Estimated Finish Date

  • Completed by

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.