Title Page
Conducted on
Purpose visit
Site Contact
Please read GFI001 and complete the Safety Information and Questionnaire
Have you ever suffered from?
Typhoid, Paratyphoid, Salmonella, Shigella, E coli (0157)?
If YES, Please provide details:
Hepatitis or Jaundice
If YES, Please provide details:
During the last 48 hours have you suffered from : nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea or taken anti-diarrhoeal drugs
If YES, Please provide details:
Are currently suffering from
Productive cough or sneezing
If YES, Please provide details:
Acne, boils, septic cuts or sores
If YES, Please provide details:
Runny ears /sticky or sore eyes
If YES, Please provide details:
Scaling skin condition on the hands forearms or face
If YES, Please provide details:
Are you currently suffering or have suffered from Hepatitis or Jaundice within the last 7 days
If YES, Please provide details:
Have you been outside the UK within the last 3 months?
If YES, Please provide details:
Have you suffered from any illness since return if you have been out of the UK?
If YES, Please provide details:
COVID – 19 health screening
Are you currently suffering from?
Dry cough
High Temperature
COVID – 19 symptoms
Have you, or do you suspect you have had COVID19 in the last 14 days?
Is anyone in your household showing symptoms or has been confirmed as having COVID19 in the last 14 days?
Have you been in close proximity with anyone who has been confirmed, or who has shown symptoms of COVID19, in the last 14 days?
Any ‘YES’ answer above will mean access to site will not be permitted
If all answers above are ‘No’ please proceed to the questions below:
I will highlight to my host immediately, if I start to show symptoms of a dry cough and/or a fever while on site?
I will keep a social distance from all personnel and other visitors and contractors on site?
I will wash my hands thoroughly and regularly during my time on site?
I will wash my hands before and after touching my face?
I have read and understood the above standards
GrowUp authorising signature: