Pre-start inspection, Coronavirus Covid 19
Client / Site
Conducted on / at
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Has the Principal Contractors Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan been revised?
Has the Principal Contractors issued a COVID 19 Risk Assessment to GIG?
Site Access
1. Have staggered start and finish times been introduced on site?
2. Have all entry systems that require skin contact been disabled?
3. After monitoring site access / egress points are social distancing measures being implemented?
4. Is there a facility for workers to wash / disinfect hands prior to entering site?
5. Have site inductions procedures been considered (rooms large enough for social distancing or done outside)?
6. Have additional hand washing facilities been provided and is there an adequate supply?
7. Is soap and fresh water readily available and kept topped up?
8. Is hand-sanitiser provided where washing facilities are unavailable?
9. Are hand washing facilities clean with soap and sanitiser levels topped up?
10. Are rubbish bins for hand towels provided and not overflowing?
Toilet facilities
11. Is the number of people using toilet facilities restricted to keep social distancing measures in place?
12. Are hands being washed before and after using the facilities?
Canteens and eating arrangements
13. Are break times being staggered to prevent congestion and contact?
14. Are hand cleaning facilities or hand sanitisers available at any room where people eat?
15. Workers should sit 2 meters apart from each other whilst eating and avoid all contact?
16. Are tables being cleaned between each use?
17. Is drinking water available with enhanced cleaning measures of the tap mechanism introduced?
18. Is rubbish being put straight in the bin and not left for someone else to clean up?
19. Are areas used for eating thoroughly cleaned at the end of each break and shift, including chairs, doors handles, vending machines and card payment equipment?
Changing facilities, showers and drying rooms
20. Have staggered start and finish times been implemented to reduce congestion and contact at all times?
21. Are social distancing measures being implemented in the facility?
22. Has the Principal Contractor considered the number and size of the facility to accommodate social distancing?
23. Are there suitable and sufficient rubbish bins in these areas with regular removal and disposal?
General principles
24. Is non-essential physical work that requires close contact between workers being carried out?
25. Are works being planned to avoid congestion on stairs, lifts, hoists
26. Where lifts and hoists are in use have measures been implemented to keep 2 meters away?
Site meetings
27. Are meetings being kept to a minimum with only necessary attendees?
28. Are attendees keeping 2 meters apart from each other?
29. Are rooms well ventilated / windows opened to allow fresh air circulation?
Overview of inspection
Other comments / observations
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