Title Page
Prepared by
GigaPoll Beta Test
Connect Wallet
Create Poll
Leaving all fields blank; Did you get a phantom transaction when you click "Create Poll"?
Creating a new Poll; Did you receive a luckbox?
Did you receive any GIGS in your claimable balance?
Did you receive GIGS in your claimable balance?
Please provide video evidence
Poll Feed
Do Polls load on Historical?
Do Polls load on Active?
Can you Upvote / Downvote a Poll?
Can you select an answer on an active Poll?
Can you enter an amount on an Active Poll?
Can you Select an answer, bet 1 GIGS and Vote successfully?
Can you see the "You Win" amount?
Claim in Header
Can you see the amount of GIGS available to be claimed?
Select claim - Is the amount in the transaction equal to or greater than the Available to be claimed in the bubble?
Please bet 1 GIGS on a winning Poll and try again
Is the amount in the Claim GIGS bubble equal to or greater than the Phantom transaction?
Can you see your Level, Badge, Claimable amount, total EXP and Available Perk points?
Is your wallet connected?
Do you have 1 available Perk Points?
Are stars flashing?
Purchase a Perk - Is the star now solid?
Reset your perk points - Do you have 1 available perk point and are stars flashing again?
Can you see your profile and data?
Can you search other profiles?
Can you use the Poll section the same as Poll Feed?