Title Page

  • Venue

  • Conducted on

  • Auditor

  • Location
  • Venue Contacts

  • Responsible Manager

Health & Safety Management

Health and Safety Management

  • Are all current H&S Policies available in the PLAN folder including any amendments issued by GL Health & Safety?

  • Have local and service H&S objectives been set and is there evidence of progress? <br>(Sample Service Plan, Venue/Business Plan, Team Meeting minutes etc)

  • Is there evidence of staff consultation in health and safety matters? (Evidence of local meetings, involvement in risk assessments etc)

  • Are H&S items minuted and progressed in staff and management meetings? (Sample meeting agendas / minutes)

Risk Assessment

  • Has a venue / program based activity general risk assessment been undertaken and reviewed in accordance with the GL H&S Policy 'Risk Assessment'?

  • Is the general risk assessment relevant, suitable and sufficient? Sample three hazard categories and confirm as part of walk round.

  • Have all hazards/activities been identified and considered within policy specific risk assessments (e.g. Manual Handling, COSHH, DSE, New and Expectant Mothers, Noise) ? Sample two of each relevant specific risk assessment type and confirm as part of walk round observations.

  • Are policy specific risk assessments suitable and sufficient? Confirm as part of previously sampled assessments and as part of walk round.

  • Are actions arising from risk assessments being progressed/closed out within the allotted timescales?

  • Are there copies of the premises Fire Safety Risk Assessment / Periodic Reviews available in the Fire Safety Manual?

  • Have the actions in the fire risk assessment / review being progressed/closed out within the allotted timescales?

  • Is all PPE / RPE identified as part of the relevant risk assessments readily available and used?<br>Confirm as part of previously sampled assessments and as part of walk round.

  • Have all risk assessments been completed by competent persons with the appropriate training, knowledge and experience?<br>Confirm from previously sampled assessments and training records.

  • Is there evidence of risk assessments being considered for review due to a significant change or following an incident? <br>Sample three examples


  • Is there an Asbestos Management Plan for the premises?

  • Is there a copy of the Asbestos Survey onsite and the Asbestos Register available to all contractors?

  • Is the FMO / Duty Holder completing monitoring of ACM's as detailed in the Asbestos Management Plan?<br>Check monitoring sheet that has been exported from MODUS.

  • Where actions are identified in the monitoring sheet are these being progressed by GL Facilities Management as required?

  • Is the Manager aware of requirement to check the Asbestos Management Plan / Register prior to any intrusive works?

  • Is the Manager and staff aware of what action to take on discovery of damaged / disturbed asbestos containing materials?


  • Have all employees received a H&S Induction specific to their role and has this been recorded on the GL template?<br>Sample three employees.

  • Has a Learning Needs Analysis been undertaken and is it maintained and current?

  • Do employees receive training as identified in the GL H&S Policy - Health and Safety Learning?<br>Sample three employees training records

  • Has a rolling training program been implemented and is all required training up to date?<br>Sample three types of training and check if it has been recorded within the past 12 months

  • Is there an on-going program of fire safety training and is this recorded in the Fire Safety Manual? <br>

Emergency Planning

  • Are suitable arrangements detailed within an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for all foreseeable emergency situations? Sample three types of emergency ensuring that suitable arrangements have been devised and implemented?

  • Have suitable fire evacuation procedures (including PEEPs) been devised and implemented?

  • Have trained Fire Wardens been designated to provide sufficient cover during building occupancy across all shift patterns in accordance with the Fire Evacuation Procedures?

  • Are relevant emergency procedures within the EAP tested as part of routine drills? (including evacuation of disabled persons, deployment of evac chairs etc)

  • Has a First Aid Needs assessment been completed within the past 12 months? Do available first aid resources reflect the requirements of the needs assessment? (Check first aid equipment and number of First Aiders across all shifts)

Incident Reporting and Investigation

  • Are all H&S Incidents being recorded in the Accident Book (where relevant), investigated and submitted to H&S via the online incident reporting system in accordance with GL H&S Policy Incident Reporting and Investigation ?

  • Are all H&S Incidents being investigated and reported within the required timescale in accordance with GL H&S Policy 'Incident Reporting and Investigation' ?

  • Is there evidence that incidents showing as open / rejected / with outstanding actions are being progressed?

  • Are remedial actions arising from incident investigations being closed out within allotted timescales?

Work Equipment

  • Has all relevant work equipment been considered in the General Risk Assessment? Sample three items

  • Are pre-use checks carried out and recorded for all relevant work equipment prior to use? Sample three pieces of equipment

  • Is all work equipment included in daily / weekly / monthly checks? Sample three pieces of equipment

  • Is emergency response equipment included in daily / weekly checks (e.g. AED, lift alarms, 'Code 1' Alarms, first aid equipment, emergency showers etc)

  • Is work equipment subject to routine maintenance / inspection in accordance with manufacturer's Instructions?

  • Are suitable arrangements in place for the removal and repair/replacement of defective equipment

Statutory Inspections

  • Have all gas installations and appliances within the premises been serviced / inspected by a competent person within the last 12 months?

  • Have all LEV systems within the premises been serviced / inspected by a competent person within the past 12 months and confirmed to be operating effectively and as designed?

  • Is the fixed electrical installation inspected and tested at a frequency noted on the test certificate e.g. at least every 5 years?

  • Is testing of all portable electrical tools and equipment carried at required intervals by a competent person and is a PAT Test Report available for inspection?

  • Is the fire alarm system maintained in working order and inspection records available?

  • Are fire protection measures subject to routine inspection / maintenance? (e.g. fire fighting equipment, smoke ventilation, fire curtains, fire suppression systems etc)

  • Is all lifting equipment subject to statutory inspection and are current certificates available? (e.g. passenger lifts every 6 months, other lifting equipment every 12 months)

  • Where applicable are records of statutory testing required for PPE available e.g. safety harnesses?

  • Have all pressure systems within the premises been serviced / inspected by a competent person within the last 12 months?

  • Have any other relevant installations been serviced / inspected by a competent person within the last 12 months? (e.g. fall protection / arrest, lightning protection etc)

  • Are actions arising from inspections completed within timescales identified within the relevant inspection report? Sample three inspection reports


  • Has a Water Hygiene Risk Assessment been completed for the premises by a competent contractor within the past 2 years?

  • Are actions arising from Water Hygiene Risk Assessments completed within timescales identified within the risk assessment?

  • Is the premises Legionella Control Log Book available for inspection and are all tests as detailed within the premises written control scheme being completed? (e.g weekly flushing, quarterly disinfecting of shower heads etc)

Lifting Operations and Equipment

  • Is all site lifting equipment included on the site LOLER Register? Sample 3 pieces of equipment where relevant

  • Have Lifting Plans been completed for relevant lifting operations and reviewed in accordance with the policy?


  • Is a Contractor Log Book in place and maintained for contractors to sign in and out of the premises?

  • Are Permit to Work systems implemented locally to control high risk work?

Fire Safety

  • Are all relevant tests and inspections as detailed within the Fire Safety Manual being conducted and recorded as required? e.g. daily checks, alarm tests, etc?

Workplace Inspections

  • Are workplace inspections being completed and are records available? (e.g. pre-opening/closing checks, external checks etc) Sample three types of inspection for the past 12 months

  • Is there evidence of action being taken as a result of workplace inspections? (e.g. defects reported to FMO, area taken out of use etc)

Venue Walk Round

H&S Information

  • Is all relevant employee H&S information displayed? (e.g. H&S Law Poster, Current ELI Certificate, H&S Policy Statement, First Aid/Manual Handling Posters etc)

  • Are emergency responders identified with appropriate notices? (e.g. First Aiders, Fire Wardens etc - check Training Records)

H&S Signage

  • Are the locations of first aid equipment / room identified with appropriate signage?

  • Is all relevant fire safety signage displayed, visible and in accordance with relevant British Standards?

  • Is all relevant H&S signage displayed, visible and in accordance with relevant British Standards? (e.g. hazard warning, mandatory PPE, Prohibition signage etc)

Emergency Response Equipment

  • Is all portable fire fighting equipment available and serviced within the last 12 months?

  • Are resources identified within the First Aid Needs Assessment available? (AED, emergency showers, eye wash stations, first aid boxes etc)


  • Is there evidence that PPE identified within relevant risk assessments is suitable, stored correctly and available for use?

  • Is there evidence that PPE is being worn as required? Sample work activities and check PPE compliance

Fire Safety

  • Are all fire escape routes clearly identified and free from obstruction?

  • Are plant rooms maintained in a sterile condition?

  • Is the standard of general housekeeping acceptable? (e.g flammable materials minimised and stored correctly)

Work Equipment

  • Is work equipment suitable for the task, in good condition and free from visible defects? (Sample 3 pieces of equipment)

  • Is access to specialist work equipment controlled? (e.g Fork Lift Trucks, Lifting Equipment, ladders etc)

  • Are persons using work equipment trained in its use where required? (observe work activities, discuss with operative and check training records)


  • Are storage arrangements for substances in accordance with arrangements specified in COSHH Assessments?

  • Are substances being used correctly in accordance with method of work detailed in COSHH Assessment? (Observe work activities, discuss with operative and check training records)

  • Are substances stored/in use listed in the COSHH Matrix and is a current COSHH Assessment available? (sample three products)


  • Is there evidence that all portable electrical appliances have been subject to PAT testing? (sample three pieces of equipment and confirm if a current PAT Label is attached)

  • Is access to rooms / cupboards containing switch gear controlled and are all panels accessible for maintenance? (e.g. free from storage)

  • Has the use of extension cables been minimised and trailing cables avoided? (e.g no daisy-chaining, overloaded sockets etc)


  • Are contractors observed to be working safely in accordance with RAMS, Permits to Work and Site Rules? (Check any contractor working onsite at the time of audit, sign in records, PTW etc)


  • Have adequate welfare facilities been provided and are they maintained?

  • Are workstations observed deemed to be suitable and set up correctly?

  • Are environmental conditions deemed to be adequate? (e.g. lighting, temperature, ventilation etc)

  • Where workplace defects have been observed during the walk round, have these been recorded during routine checks and reported to GL Facilities Management for repair where required?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.