
  • Store Name

  • Store No.

  • Conducted on

  • Duty Manager

  • Auditor

Health & Safety

Fire Safety


  • Has the fire alarm been tested weekly, and the emergency lights monthly for the last 12 weeks? Have the tests been recorded in the Health & Safety Folder?

  • Scoring Guidance
    Score down if two or more of the tests for the last 12 weeks have not been completed.

    In some Costa stores, responsibility for testing the fire alarm system rests with a third party e.g. Landlord or managing agent. Where this is the case, the store is still required to keep records of this test.

  • Is the fire alarm, all call points and emergency lighting in full working order? If not, has it been escalated with Head Office?<br><br>Please test the fire alarm and emergency lighting yourself to ensure there are no faults.

  • Scoring Guidance
    Score down if faults are identified that have not been logged.

  • Are Team Members trained in the Emergency Fire Procedures for the site?

  • Scoring Guidance
    Ask the Shift Leader/s what they would do if they discovered a fire? Score down if they are unaware of the fire evacuation procedure.

    Team Members should:
    Raise the alarm/ Call the fire brigade/ Direct guests to leave the store/ Leave the building by the nearest available emergency exit/ Go to Assembly Point for a roll call.

  • Are Team Members trained how to use fire safety equipment?

  • Scoring Guidance

    Ask the shift leader what each type of fire equipment is used for, and how to use it safely. Score down if any of the equipment boxes below are not ticked.

    Team Members should:
    They should be able to specify which extinguisher is used for which type of fire.

  • CO2

  • FOAM




  • Has the site Fire Risk Assessment been completed and signed by the store Manager

  • Scoring Guidance
    As a minimum, all stores should have a Goldex Investments Fire Risk Assessment, reviewed and signed by the current manager.

  • Is the Fire Risk Assessment fully completed, followed up and made site specific? Are all outstanding actions being followed up until completion?

  • Scoring Guidance
    Score down if any requirement has not been met, e.g. Fire Equipment Testing & Team Member Training/Signatures using the sheets in the Health & Safety Folder.

  • Is there evidence that the Fire Risk Assessment been kept upto date (Every 12 months)<br><br>(Unless there is an incident/change of procedure/management/refurbishment in which case this should be reviewed immediately)

  • Has all the relevant Model Risk Assessments been completed, signed off and dated by the manager?

  • Have all new & expectant mothers got a suitable & sufficient risk assessment (6) in place, reviewed every 12 weeks?

  • Have all team members been trained and signed Risk Assessment 7 (Personal Safety & Security)?

  • Have all under 18s got a suitable & sufficient Young Person’s risk assessment (11) in place?

  • Have all team members been trained on risk assessment 13 (Cash & Banking) and signed the following Cash Handling sheet.

  • Scoring Guidance
    Score down if any of the above boxes are not ticked, or if the current manager has not reviewed signed and dated ALL risk assessments. This includes following up any required actions.


  • All team members have fully completed their Safe & Legal books within the specified timescales?

  • Scoring Guidance

    Check all team members training books are fully completed and signed off by a manager.

    The Day 1 Induction ‘Keep Me Safe Essentials’ section of the Safe & Legal book should have been completed before starting work, with the rest of the book being completed within 28 days.

  • All new team members have completed their Goldex Induction Training sheet within 28 days?

  • Are the Health & Safety at Work Act sheets for all team members, fully completed and kept in the safe?

  • Have the Daily Health & Safety Checklists been checked and completed for the last two months? (Costa Safety Log)

  • Scoring Guidance
    Score down if there are any gaps in records or if there is evidence it is not being checked.

  • Have all the Weekly Health & Safety Checks been checked and completed for the last four weeks?

  • Scoring Guidance
    Score down if two weeks or more have not been completed or have been completed incorrectly.

  • Is the shift leader aware of the accident & incident reporting procedures and RIDDOR?

  • Scoring Guidance
    All accidents & incidents must be recorded on the correct form and sent to Head Office and the Compliance team.
    Details of accidents reportable under RIDDOR must be telephoned to Head Office and the Compliance team.

  • Is the receipt of policy sheet signed by the Store Manager in the front of the Health & Safety folder?


  • Has the store Manager, Assistant Manager, Barista Maestro's and all shift leaders all completed Food Safety Level 2 Training and can provide proof of completion?

Food Safety

  • Standards of personal hygiene adequate and correct hand washing procedures observed during visit?<br>Observation or evidence that no team members are allowed to prepare or serve food when ill or have open cuts/sores.

  • Scoring Guidance
    Score down for lack of hand-washing or poor hygiene practices. This includes before starting work, cross-contamination, after using the toilet, smoking, blowing nose, coughing, sneezing, cleaning or touching cleaning implements or chemicals, handling rubbish, handling raw food and after breaks.
    Look for visual symptoms of illness - likely to cause a risk to food.
    Food handlers must wear a clean uniform at all times.

  • Health Questionnaires accurate and upto date for all team members with the team member's name being clearly stated?

  • Suitable hand washing facilities provided?

  • Fully accessible

  • Hand Wash Signs

  • Hot & Cold Water provided

  • Fully Stocked with:

  • Hand Towels

  • Soap

  • Are all soap nozzles and dispensers clean?

  • Is the store prepared for the event of no hot water?

  • Have you got Winterhalter H3 hand sanitising gel for every sink?

  • Have you got No Hot Water Signs for each customer toilet?

  • Have you got Winterhalter C1 washing up liquid?

  • Have you got the filter plug for the kitchen sink?

  • Do all shift leaders know where to find the No Hot Water Process?

  • Scoring Guidance
    Store must be prepared for an event of "NO HOT WATER" and all necessary steps should have been followed. Store should have a copy of "NO HOT WATER" document in their Store H+S folder.

Chilled Food Temperature Check

  • Is all chilled food accepted on delivery below 8 degrees Celsius with each delivery temperature recorded correctly in the Compliance logbook?

  • Scoring Guidance
    (Check last 2 weeks delivery notes against the log book)
    Score down for any errors or missing temperatures and reference numbers.

  • All items that require refrigeration are kept chilled?

  • How long do you get after accepting a delivery for chilled storage to be put in the fridge?

  • Scoring Guidance
    If they answer the question correctly, please select "YES" as the answer.

  • Is chilled food accepted on delivery within Use By date?


  • No unfit, unmarked, unsaleable or out of date food found in store?

  • Food and drink range is day dotted correctly with evidence of rotation?

  • Scoring Guidance
    Please refer to your latest Costa Day Dotting Guide.

  • Food is kept covered or lidded?

  • Food is handled, prepared, stored and covered correctly to prevent contamination?

  • Colour coded chopping boards and knives available and in good condition?

  • Is the temperature of chilled food stored below 8 degrees Celsius? <br>Ensure that fridge temperatures are checked and recorded twice daily using the digital temperature probe.

  • Is the Costa Compliance Logbook up to date with details of any fridge temperature issues and when 4 hour rule was implemented and ended?

  • Unit is not overstocked?

  • Evidence that ready to eat chilled food is held at correct temperature levels?

  • Scoring Guidance
    Check between front 2 packs that the temperature is below 8 degrees.

  • Has the monthly destructive food test been completed, and recorded in the Health & Safety Folder?

  • Digital Temperature Probe is in working condition?

  • Has the record of digital probe hot and cold calibration checks been done at least once a week?

  • Scoring Guidance
    Check current week plus last 8 complete weeks in the Costa compliance log book and Health & Safety folder. Score down if any checks from the last 8 weeks have not been completed.

  • Reading outside critical limits recorded and actioned as per end of week action plan.

  • Has the record of milk probe checks been done at least 3 times a week?

  • Scoring Guidance
    Check current week plus last 4 complete weeks in the Costa compliance log book. Score down if two or more checks in the last 4 weeks have not been completed.

  • Probe wipes ready and available and probes are kept sanitised and clean?

  • Have the dishwasher temperatures been recorded at 80 degrees Celsius and above?

  • Scoring Guidance
    Check the rinse cycle temperature and Compliance log records for the past 4 weeks.

Cleaning Levels

  • Satisfactory level of cleaning to prevent contamination risks.

  • Cleaning schedule adhered to and made site specific (where applicible)

  • Food contact surfaces and hand contact surfaces are clean?

  • Scoring Guidance
    Food contact surfaces include chopping boards/ kitchen knives/ food containers and crockery
    Hand contact surfaces include door handles/ dials/ switches/ taps

  • Fridges are clean and in acceptable food safety standard?

  • Wall to floor junctions being cleaned effectively?


  • Evidence that cleaning is effectively managed and observed by all shift leaders

  • Scoring Guidance
    Cleaning schedule available for inspection. Score down is level of cleaning is such that there appears to be a breakdown in management or standards of cleaning

  • Team members fully COSHH trained in use of chemicals and PPE?

  • Are staff aware of the contact time for sanitiser spray of 30 seconds?

  • Refuse area is kept clean and bin lids are secured?

  • Doors and windows closed when not in use?

  • Pest control book kept up to date and all visits recorded and are all recommendations being followed up?


  • Have all Environmental Health recommendations been followed up and resolved?

  • Can all team members demonstrate the use of nutrition and allergy guide?

  • Have all team members been trained on the Nutrition & Allergy Guide and signed the sheet in the Health & Safety Folder?

  • Is the allergy card displayed in the cake display?

  • Have all team members watched food safety training videos and signed the sign-off sheet within the last 6 month?

  • Have all team members been trained on the Food Safety Manual and signed the sheet in the Health & Safety Folder?

  • Management weekly checklist completed

  • Scoring Guidance

    Review last 4 weeks to assess levels of completion, If a reading outside critical limits has been identified during the management weekly checks, then do not score down against this point.



  • There is a sink dedicated to food preparation with fresh cold running water in the kitchen?

  • There is no evidence of damp?


  • Are the walls continuous. smooth and cleanable surfaces in all places?<br>Are there any tiles missing, cracked or damaged? Is any Whiterock (Plastic Wall Cladding) in good condition?


  • Floor covering is not unsuitable or damaged? No Uneven floor finishes

  • Floors are continuous. smooth and cleanable surfaces in all areas?


  • Ceiling does not need redecoration?

  • No broken or defective lighting in store?

  • There are no missing light bulbs in store?

  • *SUFFICIENT* ventilation is available and un-obstructed?


  • Drains or Pipes are free flowing (In Food Preparation Areas)?

  • All plumbing and drainage functioning properly?

  • Dishwasher is operating effectively?


  • Fridge door seals are in good condition?

  • Fridge shelvings and racking in good condition?

  • WC / TEAM

  • Provision of guest toilet facilities satisfactory?

  • There is adequate provision for storage of team member clothing?


  • Is the structural proofing against pest infestation effective and adequate?<br>Are there fly zappers FOH and BOH? <br>Are there any gaps under any external doors etc?

  • Duty Manager Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.