Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Store Exterior/Foyer Lobby Area

  • Is parking lot clean and free of debris?

  • Are employees are parking in proper spaces?

  • Is all signage Goodwill approved and 100% readable?

  • Is all signage on exterior doors and windows laminated? If not, please note date that email request was sent to Casey & Tim

  • Are all windows and doors free of tape or any residue?

  • Are hours posted on front doors and donation doors?

  • Is dumpster/compactor areas clean and free of debris?

  • Are dock wells clean and free of debris?

  • Are all exterior lights in good working order? If not please note when ticket was created.

  • Are there any landscaping issues that need to be reported at this time?

  • Are foyer clean and free of debris?

  • Are entry rugs clean and presentable? if not please note date they were ordered on store supply order form

Sales Floor

  • Is sales floor vacuumed/swept or mopped?

  • Are the textile departments sized and stylized correctly?

  • Are textile racks are straightened?

  • Does women's textiles quality meets standards? (5 sections of 20 pieces per section will be audited)

  • Does men's textiles quality meets standard? (5 sections of 20 pieces per section will be audited)

  • Does youth textiles quality meets standard? (5 sections of 20 pieces per section will be audited)

  • Does linens section quality meet standard? (20 items will be audited)

  • Does accessories (hats, belts, scarfs, ties) quality meets standard?(20 items will be audited)

  • Does purse section quality meet standard? (20 items will be audited)

  • Does shoe section quality meet standard? (20 pairs will be audited)

  • Does furniture section quality meet standard? (10 items will be audited)

  • Does housewares merchandise meet standard? (No plastics, no open bath products, no medical supplies, chips, dents or other imperfections)

  • Are price signs positioned properly with merchandise?

  • Are displays creative, colorful, and logical?

  • Are all Items on displays are priced individual (even if item is standardized priced) *excluding textiles on display

  • Are date codes being used on appropriate merchandise?

  • Overall, does quality of merchandise meets standards?

  • Are sales floor lights in good working order? If not please note the date that the maintenance ticket was created

  • Are customers being greeted and acknowledged?

  • Are all team members in dress code?

  • Are all fixtures approved by Goodwill?

  • Are all shopping carts in good working order? If not, please note date that maintenance ticket was created.

  • Are all gandolas cleaned and wiped down?

  • Are fixtures or support beams free of old signage, tape and residue on sales floor?

  • Are all ceiling tiles free of water stains and in place (not missing) on the sales floor? If not, please note the date the maintenance request was placed

  • Are all lights on the sales floor in good working order? If not, please note the date the maintenance request was put in

Cash Wraps

  • Does cash wrap contain only necessary supplies?

  • Is cash wrap free of any potential stashes found? (held merchandise that has not been paid for)

  • Are store policy signs up to date printed and behind clear plastic holder? (1 per location)

  • Is all signage on or around cash wraps current and approved?

  • Are tops of cash wraps clear and free of debris?

  • Are cash wraps free of tape or any other residue?

  • Are all POS stations in good working order? If not, please note date IT ticket was created

  • Is cash wrap free of empty shopping bag boxes?

  • Are cashiers actively asking every customer to roundup?

  • Can cashier accurately explain the importance of roundup to customers?

  • Are roundup boxes secured to cash wraps with current roundup signage? If not, please note the date the email was sent to Casey for replacement

Dressing Rooms

  • Are dressing rooms clean and free of debris?

  • Are dressing rooms in good working order? (attached mirrors & hooks, door locks working, lighting adequate) If not, please note date maintenance request was created.


  • Are all restroom doors in good working order and locking properly?

  • Does store have proper paper products readily available in each restroom? (Paper towels and toilet paper)

  • Are restrooms clean and ready for use at the time of your visit? (Please have management explain their routine for restroom cleaning)

  • Are restrooms free of any graffiti? If not, please note the date the maintenance request was created

  • Are restrooms lights and ceiling tiles in good working order? If not, please note the date the maintenance request was created

  • Do the restrooms have approved soap dispensers? If not, please note the date that an email request was sent to Tim


  • Is the break room clean and usable?

  • Are all corporate memos posted and up to date?

  • Is break room clean? (Floors, tables, & counters wiped)

  • Are break room appliances in good working order? (refrigerator, microwave)

  • Are all appliances clean? (microwave cleaned, refrigerator cleaned and emptied regularly to ensure no food is left to mold)

  • Is break room free of any potential stashing? (check lockers, trash cans)

Manager's Office

  • Is the manager's office is clean and presentable? (can an interview be conducted in the office?)

  • Is the managers office free of any unnecessary merchandise used for decor?

  • Is S&P Plan being properly utilized?

  • Is the safe shut and locked?

  • Does current change fund audit log match with funds on hand?

  • *If applicable* Does TARTA inventory match log?

  • Is jewelry for SGW stored securely in the managers office taped and labeled in "banker boxes"?

  • Is safe is good working order? If not please note date maintenance request was created.

  • is managers office free of any potential stashes? (check desk drawers, under desks, file cabinets)

  • Is trash in managers office emptied regularly?

  • Is all excess dress code locked and secure in managers office?

  • Is all confidential information locked away and secure? (employee files, safe codes, banking information for customers/employees)


  • Is store currently at 95% or above to 'hard' production goal?

  • Is store currently at 95% or above to 'soft' production goal?

  • Is store using the "production output sheet"? (located on sharepoint)

  • Are aisles in processing room are clear and free of debris?

  • Is goal boards/S&P Plan updated and accurate and viewable by all team members?

  • Are Shopgoodwill items being placed in designated area to be sent out?

  • Is production room free of any potential stashes? (under processing stations, in bale gaylords, in trash cans, near any exit doors)

  • Is a textile bale located near shopgoodwill items to help wrap items?

  • Are all Z-Racks in good working order?

  • Are all buggies in good working order?

  • Does the location have at least 1 working dolly? If note please note date that email request was sent to Tim

  • Are all exterior doors closed?

  • Are all "shark cages" in good working order? If not, please note date when maintenance request was sent

  • Is the pallet jack(s) in good working order?

  • Does store have adequate amount of working prices guns? If not, please note date when email request was made to Tim/Angie/Nadine

  • Is production area set to proper "One-Touch" standards? If not or if unsure please note date email was sent to Tim for clarification

  • Are all bales properly setup? Gaylords: Plush, Shoe, Metal, Cardboard(If applicable), Toy, Book Barrels: X-mas Lights, Cord, Belt, Hat

  • Are bales properly labeled? (commodity, date, store number)

  • Do production tables only contain necessary production supplies?

  • Are processors using rubber bands correctly? (Lids for pots, banding shoes, puzzles, any instance that a rubber band could be used instead of tape)

  • Does "plush" bale follow established guidelines? (No batteries, "Claw machine size")

  • Does "toy" bale follow established guidelines? (12" or less, batteries out)

  • Does "purse" bale follow established guidelines? (No tote bags, fanny packs, backpacks, or luggage)

  • Does "shoe" bale follow established guidelines? (No flip flops, no high boots, no stiletto heels 2" and up) *must be paired and rubber banded

  • Does "metal" bale follow established guidelines? (75% or more metal)

  • Does "cardboard" bale follow established guidelines? (broken down as flat as possible and only at stores without compactors)

  • Does "book" bale follow established guidelines? (No encyclopedias, spiral bound, magazines)

  • Does "x-mas light" bale follow established guidelines?

  • Does "hat" bale follow established guidelines? (Brimmed bill hats only. No sunhats visors or beanies)

  • Does "cord" bale follow established guidelines? (All ends and switched cut off or removed)

  • Does "belt" bale follow established guidelines? **solo belt buckles go to SGW**

  • Is there any unprocessed furniture in production or donation intake room?

  • Are furniture tags being used properly?

  • Are "sold" furniture tags being used properly?

  • Are all shopping carts available for customer? (not being used for production, trash or any other purposes)

  • Are production tables lifted? If not why? If needed please note date request for risers was email to Tim

  • Are textile processors tagging with proper color tag according to the tag rotation chart?

  • Are textile processors tagging correctly? (through the tag on neckline waist line, if no tag in center of neck or waist through the seam)

  • Are Z-racks hung correctly at this location? (rings on rack, in proper order)

  • Are all gaylords on trailer level and labeled properly?

  • Is dock door closed if not in use?

  • Are lights in the production room in good working order? If not, please note the date the maintenance request was put in

Team Member Knowledge/Behavior


  • Are Sterifab daily logs up to date?

  • Does the location have at least two years of Sterifab logs on hand?

  • Are any open bottles of Sterifab labeled with date opened?

  • Do Sterifab spray bottles have proper labels?

  • Do Sterifab spray bottles have marbles in the bottom of them?

  • Does location have appropiate amount of working Sterifab spray bottles? If not, please note date that request was made to Nadine

  • Are "Yellow Sterifab Tags" being used properly at the location?

  • Are fire extinguishers checked monthly?

  • Are there any safety concerns that need addressed at this time?

Donations/Donations Room or Area

  • Is store using donor count sheets correctly?

  • Are donors being greeted and acknowledged in a timely manner?

  • Are tax receipts being offered to each donor?

  • Are donation areas setup properly? (varies by location)

  • Are donations being accepted properly?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.