Title Page

  • Building Name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Security/ Emergency/ Contractors/ Heights/ Environment

1.0 Access on Site

  • Is site safety signage displayed at entrance?

  • Are access routes in good condition and clearly signposted?

  • Are holes protected with clearly marked and fixed covers to prevent falls?

  • Will permanent structures remain stable during any refurbishment or demolition work?

  • Are temporary structures stable, adequately braced and not overloaded?

  • Is the site tidy and materials safely stored?

  • Is lighting adequate, especially when work is being carried on after dark outside or inside buildings?

  • Are edges which people could fall from provided with double guardrails or other suitable edge protection?

2.0 Emergency Procedures

  • Are fire extinguishers labelled and in date? (Check all floors)

  • Are the correct fire extinguishers provided where labels are displayed?

  • Is the area around fire extinguishers and fire doors clear and are fire extinguishers and hoses easily accessible?

3.0 Contractors

  • Is there a competent person in charge of the site? (Foreman)

  • Have all contractors staff and subcontractors staff been inducted?

  • Have work permits been signed in and out by contractors conducting hazardous work within the site?

  • Are all contractors wearing the correct PPE whilst working on site? (hat, high-viz vest & steel toe boots)

  • Are all contractors wearing the correct PPE whilst engaged in hazardous work on site? (Ear defenders, goggles, mask Etc)

5.0 Work Environment

  • Is there an Asbestos register in place & is it easily accessible to all contractors?

  • Are all floors maintained to be free of slip and trip hazards?

  • Are all floors and walls free of sharp protruding objects, or made safe?

  • Is ventilation throughout work areas comfortable? (Ensure there isn't a build up of odours in all buildings)

  • Is there evidence that the smoking and vaping rules are been adhered to?

6.0 Manual handling

  • Have people been instructed and trained how to lift safely (manual handling trained)?

  • Is there copies of all manual handling certs in the safety folders?

  • Are there adequate mechanical lifting aids (wheelbarrow, Hoist, Trolley, Dolly etc) on site and are they been used correctly?

7.0 Site office and administration

  • Is the office tidy and organised?

  • Are the site folders available for inspection?

  • Have all staff and contractors signed in?

  • Are RAMS in place for the work being completed?

  • Have all staff and contractors signed the relevant RAMS

8.0 Scaffolding

  • Are scaffolding erected, altered and dismantled by competent personal?

  • Is the scaffolding tagged & handover cert available?

  • Are all uprights provided with base plates (and where necessary , timber sole plates)?

  • Are all uprights, ledgers, braces and struts in position?

  • Is the scaffolding secured to the building or structure in enough places to prevent collapse?

  • Are there double guardrails and toe boards, or other suitable protection, at every edge to prevent falling?

  • Are additional brick guards provided to prevent materials falling from scaffolding?

  • Are the working platforms fully boarded and are the boards arranged to avoid tipping or tripping?

  • Are there effective barriers or warning notices in place to stop people using an incomplete scaffold, e.g. where working platforms are not fully boarded?

  • Is the scaffold strong enough to carry the weight of materials stored on it and are these evenly distributed?

  • Is each ladder landing equipped with a suitable gate to stop operatives falls down the void?

  • Is each loading bay equipped with a "up and over gate" to protect operatives from falling during the loading process?

  • Are scaffolds being properly maintained?

  • Does a competent person inspect the scaffold regularly, e.g. at least once a week; and always after it has been altered or damaged and following extreme weather?

  • Are the results of inspections recorded?

  • Have tower scaffolds been erected and are they being used in accordance with suppliers' instructions?

  • Have the wheels of the tower scaffolds been locked when in use and the platforms empty when they are moved?

  • Are all employees and contractors working safely off each scaffolding?

Amenities/ Confined Spaces/ Electrical/ Plant Equipment

9.0 Powered access equipment

  • Has the MEWP got a valid test certification within the last 6 months?

  • Are the operators trained and competent to use the MEWP?

  • Is the weekly equipment inspection completed by a competent person at least every 7 days and the GA3 completed?

  • Has the equipment been installed by a competent person?

  • Are the operators trained and competent?

  • Are the operators wearing a safety harness with lanyard? Is it anchored off?

  • Is the safe working load clearly marked?

  • Is the equipment inspected by a competent person?

  • Does the working platform of the powered access equipment have adequate guardrails & toe boards or other barriers to prevent people or materials falling off?

  • Have precautions been taken to prevent people being struck by; the moving platform, projections from the building or falling materials.

10.0 Roof work

  • During roofing, have nets or other system been provided to stop people falling from the leading edge of the roof?

  • Where nets are used, have they been hung safely?

  • Is there edge protection to stop people or materials falling?

  • Are people kept away from the area below the roof work? if this is not possible, have additional precautions been taken to stop debris falling onto them?

11.0 Amenities

  • Is the exterior and interior of the building clean and free of rubbish and trip hazards?

  • Are toilets readily available and are they kept clean and properly lit?

  • Are toilets clearly marked, and do they have operational lockable doors, adequate lighting and ventilation?

  • Are amenities clean?

  • Are there washbasins, hot & cold (or warm) running water, soap & towels?

  • Are the washbasins large enough to wash up to the elbow & are they kept clean?

  • Is there somewhere to change, dry and store clothing?

  • Is there a place where workers can sit, make hot drinks & prepare food?

  • Are drinking water & cups provided?

  • Can everyone who needs to use them get to the welfare facilities easily and safely?

15.0 Cranes

  • Is the crane suitable for the job?

  • Has the lift been properly planned?

  • Is the crane on a firm level base, are the riggers properly set?

  • Are the crane driver and signaller trained and competent?

  • Is the load secure?

  • Has the signaller/slinger been rained to give signals and to attach loads correctly?

  • Are the chains/slings in good condition?

  • Have arrangements been made to make sure the driver can see the load or has a signaller been provided to help?

  • Are people stopped from walking or working beneath a raised load?

  • Does the crane have a current report of weekly examination GA2 compleated?

  • Does the crane and chains have a current report of through examination and record of inspection?

16.0 Electrical

  • Have all necessary services been provided on site before work begins and have you also identified existing services present on site (electric cables or gas mains) and taken effective steps, if necessary, to prevent danger from them

  • Are all plugs, sockets, power boards and cords in working order and secured to avoid trip hazards?

  • Are extension leads fully uncoiled while being used?

  • Are low voltage tools and equipment been used where applicable e.g. battery-operated or low voltage systems?

  • Where main voltage has to be used, are trip devices, e.g. residual current devices (RCDs) provided for all equipment?

  • Are (RCDs) checked and in good condition?

  • Are cables and leads protected from damage?

  • Are all connections to the system properly made and are suitable plugs used?

  • Are tools and equipment checked by users and visually examined daily before work begins by each user?

  • Where there are overhead power lines, has the electricity supply been turned off, or have other precautions been taken, such as providing 'goal posts' or taped markers at least 6 meters away from the lines?

  • Have hidden electricity cables and other services been located (e.g. with a locator and plans) and marked, and have you taken precautions for safe working?

  • Have all contractors and subcontractors tools and equipment been PAT tested (check for evidence)?

17.0 Telleporter

  • Is the Telleporter suitable for the job?

  • Is the Telleporter on a firm level base, are the riggers properly set?

  • Are the Telleporter driver and signaller trained and competent?

  • Is the load secure?

  • When a block grab is being used is it in good condition and has there been a statutory inspection being carried out on it?

  • Are people stopped from walking or working beneath a raised load?

  • Does the Telleporter have a current report of through examination and record of inspection(GA1)?

  • Has the Telleporter been given a weekly inspection and checklist available for inspection (GA3)?

18.0 Fire and emergencies

  • Are there emergency procedures e.g. for evacuating the site in case of fire, or for rescue from a confined space?

  • Do people on site know - what the procedures are?

  • Is there a means of raising the alarm, and does it work?

  • Is there a way to contact the emergency services from site?

  • Are there adequate escape routes and are these kept clear?

  • Is there a trained first aider onsite?

  • Is there a fully stocked first aid kit onsite?

  • Is flammable materials, liquids and gases on the premises properly stored

  • Are suitable containers used for flammable liquids?

  • Are flammable gas cylinders returned to a ventilated store at the end of the shift?

  • Are smoking and other ignition sources banned in areas where gases or flammable liquids are stored or used?

  • Are gas cylinders, associated hoses and equipment properly maintained and in good condition?

  • Is flammable and combustible waste removed regularly and stored in suitable bins or skips?

19.0 Traffic, vehicles and Plant Equipment

  • Are vehicles and pedestrians kept apart? if not are barriers or similar in use, are people informed of the dangers of moving vehicles & plant, are warning signs in place?

  • Are operators and people keep clear of vehicles during loading & unloading of vehicles ?

  • When not in use is plant & equipment parked up using best practice always?

  • Is there a plant register in place and is it been kept up-to-date?

  • Are vehicles and plant properly maintained e.g. do the steering, lights, handbrake and footbrake work properly?

  • Have drivers received proper training and are they competent for the vehicles or plant they are operating?

  • Are loads properly secured?

  • Are passengers only carried on vehicles designed to carry them?

  • Are vehicles and plant kept away from dangerous slopes?

  • Has all plant equipment and machinery being throughly inspected by a competent contractor and GA1 available?

  • Is all plant & machinery being inspected weekly and recorded on a GA2?

20.0 Excavations

  • Is there adequate support for the excavation, or has it been sloped or battered back to a safe angle?

  • Is there a safe method used for putting in the support, without people working in an unsupported trench?

  • Is there safe access into the excavation, e.g. a sufficiently long, secured ladder?

  • Are there barriers or other protection to stop people and vehicles falling in?

  • Are materials, spoil and plant stored away from the edge of the excavation to reduce the chance of collapse?

  • Is the excavation regularly inspected and results recorded by a competent person on a AF3 form?

21.0 Hazardous substances

  • Have precautions been identified to prevent or control exposure to hazardous substances; by doing the work a different way , to remove the risk entirely.

  • Have workers had information and training so they know what the risks are from the hazardous substances used and produced on site, and what they need to do to avoid the risks?

  • Is there procedures to prevent contact with wet cement (as this can cause both dermatitis and cement burns)?

  • Is there a register in place containing information on each identified chemical?

  • Is there a safety data sheet (SDS) on each chemical in the register?

  • Are all chemicals been stored and disposed of correctly? away from flammable or ignition sources & near drains where spills could leak into.

  • Are eye wash stations and ear plugs available?

22.0 Protecting the public

  • Is the work fenced off from the public?

  • Are roadwork's barriered off and lit?

  • Are the public protected from falling material?

Noise Hand-arm vibration Welfare

23.0 Noise

  • Have workers had information and training so they know what the risks are from noise on site, and what they need to do to avoid those rises?

  • Have you identified and assessed workers' exposure to noise? (Check all areas)

  • Are people not involved in work kept away from the source of the noise?

  • Is suitable hearing protection provided and worn in noisy areas?

Cutting equipment ladders

24.0 Use of cutting equipment

  • Have individuals got abrasive wheel training in order to use grinders?

  • Has a specific area for grinding and cutting been designated?

  • Is there appropriate PPE in place for grinding and cutting (i.e) safety goggles and face shield?

  • Is there a hot works permit in place for all hot works?

  • Are the correct fire extinguishers available whilst hot works are being carried out?

25.0 Ladders

  • Are all ladders clearly identifiable and individually marked?

  • Are all ladders in good order and free from any visual defects?

  • Have all ladders got a weekly inspection tag attached to there frame?

  • Is there an updated GA3 file for each ladder in the safety folder?

  • Are all employees using suitable ladders for each task correctly?

26.0 Toolbox talks

  • Are toolbox talks been conducted regularly?

  • Are the records of the toolbox talks kept in the safety folders?

  • Have all issues raised at previous toolbox talks been addressed?

  • Are all employees making themselves available for toolbox talks?

  • Additional Foreman comments:

  • Safety Advisor

  • Foreman

  • Is there evidence of improvement on site?

  • Add media

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  • Add media

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.