
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Start at the front stairwell

Front stairwell

  • Is it clear of obstruction?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Is the stairlift on and charging?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Is the fire exit door in good order?

  • Any comments

  • The Nook
  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Take a photo

  • Is it clear of obstruction?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Any comments

Guest room 1

  • Take a photo

  • Any comments

Guest room 2

  • Take a photo

  • Any comments

Dumb waiter area

  • Take a photo

  • Any comments

Corridor from guest room 1 to fire exit door near Flat 28

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • Is the door to the chemical cleaning cupboard locked?

  • All communal doors & fire doors closing smoothly and sealing correctly?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Any comments

Fire exit stairwell from Flat 28 to ground floor

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • All communal doors & fire doors closing smoothly and sealing correctly?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Any comments

Corridor from Flat 7 to Flat 34

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • All communal doors & fire doors closing smoothly and sealing correctly?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Any comments

Fire exit stairwell from Flat 34 to ground level

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • All communal doors & fire doors closing smoothly and sealing correctly?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Any comments

Corridor from Flat 36 to Flat 42

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • All communal doors & fire doors closing smoothly and sealing correctly?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Any comments

Fire exit stairwell from Flat 41 to ground floor

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • All communal doors & fire doors closing smoothly and sealing correctly?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Any comments

Corridor from Flat 38 to Flat 40

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • All communal doors & fire doors closing smoothly and sealing correctly?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Any comments

Fire exit stairwell from Flat 40 to ground floor

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • All communal doors & fire doors closing smoothly and sealing correctly?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Any comments

Main reception

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • Is the main door opening and closing as required?

  • Does the trades button work?

  • All communal doors & fire doors closing smoothly and sealing correctly?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Any comments

Corridor from main reception to fire exit near the veg store

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • All communal doors & fire doors closing smoothly and sealing correctly?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Any comments

Corridor from Kitchen door to Flat 4

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • All communal doors & fire doors closing smoothly and sealing correctly?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Any comments

Laundry room

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Do all machines look visually in good working order?

  • Any comments

Electric cupboard behind the laundry room

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Any comments

Corridor from main reception to Flat 10 fire exit door

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • All communal doors & fire doors closing smoothly and sealing correctly?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Any comments

Corridor from Flat 14 to Flat 19 fire exit door

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • All communal doors & fire doors closing smoothly and sealing correctly?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Any comments

Corridor from Flat 16 to Flat 17 fire exit door

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • All communal doors & fire doors closing smoothly and sealing correctly?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Any comments

Bin store room

  • Take a photo

  • Does it look like the bins have been emptied on time?

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • All communal doors & fire doors closing smoothly and sealing correctly?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

Scooter room

  • Take a photo

  • All communal areas clear of obstruction?

  • All communal doors & fire doors closing smoothly and sealing correctly?

  • Are electrical outlets safe, and in good condition?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order?

  • Is the emergency lighting and signage in good order?

  • Are any scooters in here?

  • Any comments

Rear garden

  • Take a photo

  • Flooring level and secure with no issues, breaks or trip hazards or obstructions?

  • Ground in good order?

  • Any rubbish, bulky waste and other fire hazards present?

  • Benches in good order?

  • Any comments about benches?

  • Planters in good order?

  • Any comments about planters?

  • Hosepipe in good order?

  • Any comments

Outside Flat 4 to outside Flat 1

  • Take a photo

  • Flooring level and secure with no issues, breaks or trip hazards or obstructions?

  • Ground in good order?

  • Any rubbish, bulky waste and other fire hazards present?

  • Any comments

From outside Diamond office to the front of the dining room

  • Take a photo

  • Flooring level and secure with no issues, breaks or trip hazards or obstructions?

  • Ground in good order?

  • Any rubbish, bulky waste and other fire hazards present?

  • Planters in good order?

  • Any comments

  • Are the bins neat and tidy?

Front of dining room and communal lounge including front patio

  • Take a photo

  • Flooring level and secure with no issues, breaks or trip hazards or obstructions?

  • Ground in good order?

  • Any rubbish, bulky waste and other fire hazards present?

  • Planters in good order?

  • Garden furniture in good order?

  • Any comments

Car park

  • Take a photo

  • Flooring level and secure with no issues, breaks or trip hazards or obstructions?

  • Ground in good order?

  • Any rubbish, bulky waste and other fire hazards present?

  • Any comments

Main front garden

  • Take a photo

  • Flooring level and secure with no issues, breaks or trip hazards or obstructions?

  • Ground in good order?

  • Any rubbish, bulky waste and other fire hazards present?

  • Benches clean and in good order?

  • Any comments about benches?

  • Planters in good order?

  • Any comments about planters?

  • Hosepipe in good order?

  • Garden swing seat clean and in good working order?

  • Garden table in good working order?

  • Any other garden furniture clean and in good working order?

  • Is signage in good order and clear to read?

  • Any comments

RHS of building external

  • Take a photo

  • Flooring level and secure with no issues, breaks or trip hazards or obstructions?

  • Ground in good order?

  • Any rubbish, bulky waste and other fire hazards present?

  • Any comments

  • All communal glazing intact

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.