Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Employer Postings
OSHA poster 'Safety and Health Protection on the job' is displayed where all employees are likely to see it.
Emergency phone numbers posted near each phone
Employee access to MSDS posted.
Summary of OSHA 300 log (300A) posted from February thro March 31, of each year.
Notice of worker's compensation insurance and how to contact carrier are posted.
Records and Regulations
A daily log/logbook is being maintained
Elevator inspection permits are current and are posted as required by OSHA.
A current tool inventory list is being maintained
Boiler permits are current and posted for boilers larger than 2M BTU's
Water treatment records are properly maintained
Emergency generator and or engine permits are current and posted
Backflow preventer's are inspected annually, properly tag, and records are maintained
Incident Reporting & Record keeping
OSHA recordable injuries and illnesses are properly recorded on the OSHA 300 log.
The employers first report or equivalent is on file for every injury and illness listed on an OSHA 300 log.
OSHA 300 logs and employers first reports are on file for the current calendar year and the prior five years.
Incident reports are complete and on file.
Incident investigations and corrective actions are documented in writing.
Follow-up to assure completion of corrective actions is documented in writing.
Injury and illness prevention program (IIPP)
A written IIPP exists and is readily available and accessible to employees.
Periodic safety inspections are documented in writing.
Employees can report safety concerns and hazards anonymously.
Safety issues are regularly communicated to employees in writing or in verbal discussions.
Written employee safety practices in the form of a safety and health manual are given to every employee.
Disciplinary action is taken for safety violations and is documented in writing.
Employees are provided with task specific safety and health training.
An ongoing safety training program exists to update employees are needed.
Medical Services and First Aid
Is there a hospital or medical clinic in close proximity (I.e. 4 minutes) to each workplace.
First aid kits are accessible to each work area.
First aid kits are inspected and restocked at least monthly.
First aid kits inspections are documented in writing.
Permanent eyewash stations are cleaned and tested regularly
Is there an AED (defibrillator) onsite and have employees been trained on its use
Hazard Materials and Communication
Is there a Hazmat spill kit onsite
Is there a blood borne pathogen clean up kit onsite
Hazmat manifests are properly maintained in the Engineer's office
List of chemicals and MSDS are reviewed and updated annually.
Documentation of training on Hazard Communication and MSDS exists for each employee with exposure to hazardous substances at the time of hire.
Product containers are labeled with their contents and hazard warning.
Is there a Refrigerant Manifest for any refrigerants stored on site
Fire Prevention and Protection
A written site specific fire prevention plan exists for the work location.
The fire prevention plan is reviewed and updated at least annually.
All employees are trained on the fire prevention plan at least annually and training documented in writing.
Flammables are stored in flammable storage cabinets
The type of fire extinguisher is appropriate to the fire hazards in each location.
At least one fire extinguisher is provided for every 75 feet of space.
Fire extinguishers are inspected monthly and inspections documented in writing.
Fire extinguishers are serviced and re tagged annually.
Fire extinguishers locations are clearly marked with visible signs.
All employees expected to use a portable fire extinguisher are trained upon initial assignment and annually.
Overhead sprinklers are unobstructed and are tested annually with tests documented in writing.
All fire exits are are clearly marked, lighted and unobstructed.
Smoke detectors are in place, operational, and are tested annually with tests documented in writing.
Combustible scrap, debris and waste are stored safely and are removed from the work site promptly.
Electrical Safety
Lock-out/Tag-out procedures are in place and all employees are trained
Lock-out/Tag-out kit is complete
Extension cords are properly grounded and are inspected regularly
Are high voltage mats in front of main switchgear, MCC panels, and high voltage equipment
Electrical outlets are not overloaded.
There is no exposed wiring and there are no uncovered electrical outlets.
Panel schedules are up to date
Breaker blank covers are installed wherever circuit breaker's are missing in panels
Electrical circuits within 6 feet of water sources or located outdoors have ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI's).
General Work Areas and Housekeeping
All work areas are clean and orderly.
Outside of building is clean and free of trash.
Storage and office areas are neat and clean.
Employee break rooms and smoking areas are clean and neat.
Toilets and washing facilities are cleaned and sanitized regularly to maintain proper hygiene.
Kitchen areas and employee lunchrooms are cleaned and sanitized regularly to maintain proper hygiene.
Food and drinks are stored in clean refrigerators or cabinets and are kept separate from toxic chemicals and other work materials.
All work areas are adequately lighted.
All floor openings are covered or otherwise guarded.
Work surfaces and facility entrance and exits are kept dry or appropriate means are used to ensure the surfaces are slip resistant.
Floor and Wall openings
Floor opening are guarded by covers, guard rails or equivalent, on all sides (except at entrances to stairs or ladders.)
Where glass in windows, doors and glass walls may be subject to human impact, it is of sufficient thickness and type for the anticipated worse case conditions of use.
Grates or similar covers are used over floor openings such as floor drains, to prevent slips, trips and falls, and to protect rolling equipment from damage and accidents.
Floor and wall openings in fire resistant walls are provided with doors or covers that are compatible with the fire rating of the structure. Doors and covers are provided with self closing mechanisms to prevent the spread of fire, where appropriate.
Stairs and Stairways
Standard stair rails or hand rails are present and in good condition on all stairways with four or more steps.
All stairways a at least 22 inches wide.
Stairs have at least a 6.5 foot overhead clearance.
Steps are either slip resistant or are coated with slip resistant material.
Steps are clear and free of ice, snow, dirt, grease, trash and other trip slip hazards.
Stairways and steps are well lighted at all times.
A stairway is provided to the roof on any building that is four or more stories high provided that the roof slope is less than 5 inches.
The bottom and top steps, and landings have edge marking in a contrasting color
Elevated Surfaces
Signs are posted to show the loading capacity of all elevated work platforms and work surfaces.
Platforms are work surfaces more than 30 inches above the floor are provided with standard guard rails.
Where people must walk or stand under elevated work surfaces, the elevated surface is protected by standard 4 inch high toe boards to prevent falling objects.
Permanent, safe access and exits are provided for all elevated work surfaces and platforms.
Elevated work surfaces have adequate headroom.
Materials stored on elevated surfaces are piled, stacked or otherwise secured to prevent it from tipping, falling, collapsing, rolling or spreading, even in an earthquake.
Exits and Means of Egress
All common areas have exits, marked with an exit sign and a reliable emergency light.
Directions to emergency exits and assembly areas are clearly posted.
Doors, pasageways or stairs that are not exits or access to exits are clearly marked "NOT AN EXIT" or equivalent.
Exit doors are side hinged.
Exits and access to exits are free and clear at all times.
Exits are unlocked during working hours or can be opened from inside without using a key.
There are enough exits to allow employees to escape rapidly in an emergency.
Special precautions are taken to protect exit routes during construction and repair operations.
Doors used as exits are designed and constructed so that the exit direction is obvious and direct.
Doors that swing in both directions are provided with viewing panels in each door, where there is frequent traffic through the doors.
Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Plans
Written emergency action plan is current and immediately available.
Employees are trained annually on contingency plans.
Emergency phone numbers are posted near each phone with direct access to an outside line.
For telephones that do not have direct access to an outside line, internal extension numbers are posted at each phone, for the receptionist or designated managers who can summon emergency assistance.
Annual emergency drills are conducted and documented.
Shop area is clean and organized
All tools, equipment, storage cabinets and shelves or seismically restraint
Grinders, drill presses, and table saws are equipped with auto restart devices
Gas cylinders are properly stored and restrained
Machine Rooms
Trip hazards and overhead hazards are clearly identified
Machine rooms are clean and free of debris
Proper signage is posted wear hearing protection is required
Proper signage is posted where equipment starts automatically
Walking and Working Surfaces
Steps are clean and cleared of dirt, grease and other tripping hazards (e.g. Frayed carpet.)
All areas used by employees and clients (residents) are free of slip, trip and fall hazards.
Overhead hazards are marked with paint, signs or flagging.
Walkways to entry are free from cracks and holes.
Ladders and Work at Height
Only wooden ladders or non conductive fibre glass ladders are used near electrical lines and circuits.
Wooden ladders are not painted.
Safety feet on ladders are in good condition.
Ladders are marked with load rating and clearly legible
Ladder rungs are evenly spaced at 12 inches or less.
Straight ladders are long enough to extend 3 feet above the upper service they are used to access.
Ladders are entered in the GSH ladder register and inspected by a competent person every 6 months.
Confined Spaces
Confined spaces are present and are adequately controlled.
Teams working in and supporting confined space entry are adequately trained and competent.
All equipment used for confined space entry is suitable for its intended use and is properly maintained and certificated.
Adequate confined space records a being maintained.
Provide details of any hazards present and corrective actions required:
Other Hazards
Provide description of hazard:
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