
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Are accident/injury report forms readily available to employees?<br>

  • Are the Safety & Occupational Health Protection Program Posters posted on the official bulletin board?

  • Is the Fire Evacuation plan posted?

  • Are emergency procedures posted or available to all employees?

  • Has the last building inspection been reviewed?

Walking/Working Surfaces

  • Housekeeping- Is the area routinely cleaned?

  • Where wet processes are used, is proper drainage maintained, and false floors, platform mats, or other dry standing places available?

  • Where required, are floor loading signs posted? (i.e. mezzanine areas)

  • Are aisles and passageways kept clear?

Hazardous Materials

  • Are spill kits available where required, inspected and adequate for amount and type of chemicals on site?

  • Are flammable and combustible liquids being stored in approved containers and/or storage cabinets that do not exceed 120 gallons?

  • Are containers properly labeled (identity and hazard warning)?

  • Have employees been trained on hazard communication and the new GHS employee right to understand system?

  • Are emergency showers and eye wash facilities available where employees are exposed to corrosive materials?

  • Are approved secondary containers utilized, are they labeled properly and are they compatible with its contents?

  • Are emergency showers and eyewash stations being inspected/flushed as required? (documented)

Guarding of Open-Sided Floors, Wall Openings, and Platforms

  • Are all open-sided floors, wall openings and platforms that are more than 4 feet above ground level guarded by guard rails, covers or other equivalent means?

  • Are stairways with at least 4 steps provided with handrails 30"-34" high?

  • Are all ladders maintained in good condition?

Means of Egress

  • Is there an adequate number of exits?

  • Do all exits provide free and unobstructed egress from all parts of the building?

  • Are exits clearly and visibly marked?

  • Are exit doors able to open from the direction of exit travel without the use of a key or special knowledge or effort?

  • Are all doorways and exits that are not exits clearly marked and unobstructed?

  • Are all exits provided with artificial illumination?

Compressed Gases

  • Are all compressed gas cylinders stored in a well ventilated, dry area where they can't be knocked over?

  • Do empty cylinders have their valves closed?

  • Are all acetylene and oxygen cylinders stored at least 20 feet apart or separated by a 5 foot non-combustible barrier between them?

  • Are acetylene cylinders being stored upright?

  • Are all compressed gas cylinders not in use stored with their valve protection caps on?

Material Handling and Storage

  • Ae materials stored in a stable and secure manner to prevent sliding or collapse?

  • Are storage areas kept free of tripping, fire and explosion hazards, or pest harborage?

  • Are heavy objects stored on lower shelves?

  • Forklift Operator's Daily Checklist utilized and completed?

  • Forklift truck operators observed have current operator's license?

Fire Protection

  • Are all portable fire extinguishers maintained in a fully charged and operable condition?

  • Are the fire extinguishers conspicuously located where they will be readily accessible (not blocked) and immediately available when needed?

  • Are fire extinguishers inspected monthly to detect any obvious physical damage, corrosion, or other impairments?

  • Ae the hydrostatic tests of the fire extinguishers current?

  • Are the fire doors left closed, marked and not blocked open?

Machine Guarding

  • Are all of the machinery that requires point of operation guarding adequately guarded?

  • Are all off the gears, sprockets and pulleys adequately guarded?

  • Are there equipment specific Lockout/Tagout procedures for each piece of equipment and are they being utilized?'

  • Are all fans that are less than 7 feet above the floor or working level provided with guards have openings no larger than 1/2"

  • Are all machines designed for a fixed location securely anchored (include soft drink dispensing machines with empty weight of 700 lbs) to prevent walking or moving?


  • Are flexible cords and cables being used in continuous lengths without splices or taps?

  • Is the area free of flexible cords (extension cords) and cables being used as a substitute for a fixed wiring of a structure?

  • Are any extension cords connected to another extension cord?

  • Do all powers strips (surge protectors) observed include a circuit breaker?

  • Are receptacles grounded and properly wired?

  • Are all unused openings in cabinets, boxes and fittings effectively covered?

  • Was frayed or otherwise exposed wiring observed?

  • Is there an adequate amount of working space (3 feet) in front of electrical panel boxes?

  • Are all disconnecting means and circuits properly identified and labeled?

  • Are there protective covers in place over boxes, raceways, fittings and so forth?

  • Do Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) pass first test using push buttons built into the outlet receptacle?

  • Is access to electrical panels clear and not obstructed (36" minimum)?

  • Are all electrical rooms free from combustible storage?


  • Does the building or structure have any apparent structural deficiencies that may be hazardous to personnel or may compromise the structural integrity of the building?

  • Are stairs, landings and handrails in good repair and fastened securely?

  • Do entrance doors close slowly to avoid hazards to fingers?

  • Are refrigerators used for their intended purpose?

Unsafe Behavior

  • Are workers wearing the required PPE for the location and for the work being performed?

  • Are workers taking the necessary safety precautions for the work being performed?

  • Is all the work being performed so that other workers in the area are not being exposed to occupational health hazards or unsafe conditions?

  • Are any workers being exposed to potential fall hazards without the protection of safety rails or the appropriate fall protection equipment?

  • Any other unsafe behavior/act observed at the time of the inspection?

Universal Waste

  • Are used lamps stored in the proper manner?

  • Are used lamps properly labeled/dated?

Hazardous Waste

  • Are waste accumulation areas designated?

  • Are hazardous waste labels complete and visible?

  • Are containers closed except when being filled?

  • Is there secondary containment for hazardous waste drums?

  • Are there documented weekly inspections for hazardous waste areas?

On Site Representative

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.