Title Page
Gull - TNZ Initial Incident Report
Incident reported by
Incident classification
- Fatality
- Lost Time Injury
- Hospitalisation
- Serious Harm (fracture, loss of conciousness, amputation ... )
- Medical Treatment Injury (treatment that can only be applied by a medical practitioner)
- First Aid
- Spill to land
- Spill to water
- Unauthorised release to air
Asset damage
Near miss
Identified hazard
Incident details
Address of incident
Date and time of incident
Summary of event
Was a vehicle or item of equipment involved in the incident?
Provide vehicle or equipment details
Provide details of driver or operator
Were there any witnesses?
Provide name(s) and contact details of witnesses
Was any product spilled to ground?
Enter type and volume of product spilled.
Was the facility closed as a result of the incident?
Hours facility was closed.
Were emergency services or a regulatory authority involved in the incident response?
Fire brigade
Other (detail)
Was weather a contributing factor?
Enter weather conditions
Actual risk of incident
- Extreme
- Medium - High
- Low
Potential risk of incident
- Extreme
- Medium - High
- Low
Only if safe, provide a photo of the incident scene
Corrective action
Provide brief summary of any immediate corrective action(s) taken
When the report is complete, forward a copy to your manager and to MichaelJ@gull.co.nz