GVW Fire Risk Audit
Prepared by
Conducted on
GVW AP Fire Risk Audit
Ops Specific Site Investigation
Are there dried leaves, dead grass, twigs, loose bark, straw, etc. located around the site? Acceptable condition:There should be minimum amount of available fuel (listed above) on site.<br>
Are there any other combustible material located around the site? (Diesel cans, chemical containers, items made of wood). Acceptable condition: Combustible materials should be relocated indoors or removed from site.<br>
Is the grass on site well trimmed? Acceptable condition:The grass should be trimmed to less than 10 cm.<br>
Are the gutters on the structures clean and free of leaf litter? Is there any vegetation growing in the gutters? Acceptable condition: Gutters should either have gutter protectors, or should be free of loose leaf and vegetation.<br>
Are there any branches of trees near any WTP structure? Acceptable condition: Overhanging branches should be cut. No branches within 20 m of buildings and structures.<br>
Are there any gaps between doors and windows? Acceptable condition: Door and window frames should be well sealed. . Maximum allowable gap is 2mm.<br><br>
Are there any other points where embers can get inside the building(s) and structures(s)? For eg. vents, weep holes, etc.? Acceptable condition: Points of entry should either be sealed or steel mesh should be used to cover them. Maximum allowable gap is 2mm.<br>
AP Specific Site Investigation
Is there need for installation of Gutter Protectors? Or removal of Gutters?
Is there need for installing Window Shutters?
Is there need for installing Window Shutters?
Are there any other points where embers can get inside the building(s) and structures(s)? For eg. vents, weep holes, etc.?
Are there any pipes (>= DN 150) located externally which are made of non-metallic materials?
Are there any tanks (chemical storage, water) located externally which are made of non-metallic materials?
Are there any electrical switchboards located externally?
Is the WTP located in a hilly area? Are parts of the surrounding area sloping away or towards the WTP?
Are there any other conditions or scenario which increases the risk of fire in the WTP?
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