
  • Site

  • Location

  • Responsibility (Corporate, Council Housing or other)

  • Equipment Type

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Site Observations

Site Visit

  • Photo(s) of the site for reference

Area / Boundary

  • Is age related signage covering the equipment present along with a means of reporting faults and the location of the site?

  • Are fences and gates free from damage and appear in good working order without protruding/trapping or shearing parts?

  • Are seats (inc. benches) in good condition, sturdy and free from damage that could cause an injury?

  • Is the area free from acts of vandalism that could pose a safety or health issue to users?

  • Hygiene - Is the area free from broken glass, dog or human excreta, condoms & syringes? (especially Sandpits)

  • Are surrounding trees healthy and the play area free from fallen tree limbs that could cause injury to persons?

  • Is the area free from overgrown weeds, fungus or other plants that could pose a health or safety hazard?

Extra Comments

  • Comments?

Equipment specific Inspection

  • Is this an inspection of outdoor gym/fitness equipment?

Safety requirements and Information on use at the Location

  • Is there a sign showing a general emergency contact number?

  • Is there a sign showing details of how to contact maintenance personnel?

  • Is there a sign showing the address/location of the facility?

  • Are instructional labels displayed on all equipment (picogrammes, functions, safety information)?

  • Is the exercise equipment designed/manufactured purposefully as outdoor exercise equipment?

  • Are foundations and posts stable?

  • Are any foundations causing trip hazards (where foundation are not covered by equipment)?

  • Where there is a possible fall from equipment greater than 1 metre; has impact damping ground surface been fitted?

  • Is the impact damping surface in good condition?

Equipment marking (EN16630 section 8)

  • Is equipment marked with name and address of manufacturer?

  • Is the equipment marked with year of manufacture?

  • Is the equipment marked with European standard (EN 16630)?

  • Is the equipment made from timber?

  • Can water drain or drip off freely i.e. water accumulation is avoided?

  • Where timber or associated products are in contact of the ground; is one or more of the following methods used, appropriate timber species to resist rot, post shoe or timber with preservatives?

  • Are there any parts of the timber splintering?

Metals and Finish of Accessible Parts of Equipment

  • Are metal parts protected against environmental conditions and corrosion such as by a non-toxic coating?

  • Do protective coatings appear in good condition?

  • Are ropes, belts and chains corrosion free?

Rubbers, Synthetics and Consumable parts

  • Do rubbers appear in good condition i.e. not cracked or brittle?

  • Do rubbers appear of suitable thickness to prevent premature cracking?

  • Where rubbers such as bumps have been replaced; do they appear to have been replaced with the same or similar material (end stops/dampeners should have minimum diameter of 35mm)?

  • Are replaceable parts such as rubbers and bearings protected against unauthorised tampering?

Design & Information

  • Is the intended use of the equipment easily identifiable?

  • Is the equipment adequately spaced apart to be accessible by users with limited capabilities?

Structural Integrity

  • Is the equipment connected (permanently) to the surface on which it stands?

  • Are weld seams smooth and unlikely to present a risk of injury?

  • The equipment has no protruding nails, protruding wire rope terminations, pointed or sharp-edged components?

  • On accessible parts of the equipment; are protruding bolt threads covered? (Nuts and bolt heads that protrude less than 8 mm are permissible on inaccessible parts, provided that they are free from burrs).

  • Is tubing or extruded section showing signs of fatigue such as splits?

Tread & Grasp or Grip Surface

  • Does the tread surface(s) have a slip-resistance finish?

  • Do grips appear in good condition, good texture and uncontaminated?

Moving Parts

  • Are there crushing or shearing points for the user between moving and/or stationary parts of the equipment during its use?

  • Are pulleys and similar parts protected against users body parts becoming entrapped?

  • Are rotating discs or user stations limited so they do not rotate all the way around (maximum is 105 degrees and dampening starting from 90 degrees)?

  • Are any lubricants applied and possibly leaking out affecting the safe use of the equipment?


  • Is there a risk of head or neck entrapment? (Entrapment of the head and neck is not considered hazardous, if the lowest part of an accessible opening lies less than 600 mm above the ground surface).

  • Note: if an accessible opening is at a position greater than 600mm; probes will need to be used to determine risk.

  • Are there gaps in which fingers can be trapped while the remainder of the body is moving or continues in forced movement? (Pipes with open ends or other variable gaps in which this type of entrapment can be encountered, are not created)

  • Note: If opening and holes have a lower edge of more than 1000mm above the ground; probes will need to be used to determine risk.

  • Where ends of pipes are closed off; are closures not able to be removed without tools?

  • Feet and legs – Are gaps in the main direction of travel acceptable I.e. not greater than 30 mm when measured across the direction of travel?

  • Where ropes or wires are available; is it possible to make a loop?

  • Are there any other issues evident?

Sign off

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  • Comments (optional)

  • Signature

  • Date

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.