
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Site Name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Brief description of location and projects


  • There is a valid, up to date copy of the Employers Liability and Public Liability Insurance Certificate(s) displayed in a prominent position

  • A signed copy of the Health and Safety Policy Statement is displayed in a prominent position. The signed statement is dated within the last 12 months.

  • There is an appropriate Health and Safety Law Poster displayed or all employees have received the appropriate Health and Safety Law leaflets.

  • Is there is a minuted team meeting where safety is on the agenda at least every 3 months.

  • Are staff are consulted on matters of health and safety.

  • There is a mechanism in place by which staff can raise concerns over health and safety.

  • There is competent health and safety advice available to site management.

Building maintenance

  • Is an asbestos survey and risk assessment has been completed for the site.

  • Any Actions from the asbestos assessment have been completed or are in hand.

  • Has A legionella risk assessment has been completed for the site.

  • Any Appropriate ongoing monitoring is carried out as highlighted in the legionella action plan and records kept.


  • Arrangements have been made to communicate the policy effectively to employees and others as required.

  • Is the implementation of the policy is monitored.

  • Is there is evidence to show that staff understand the contents of the policy and agree to follow it.

  • Is the policy is reviewed at least annually.

  • Is there is a record of the policy review and any amendments that have been made.

First aid and accidents

  • Is there are a suitable number of trained first aid personnel on site.

  • Is there is an accident reporting and investigation procedure in place.

  • Are managers are familiar with the requirements of RIDDOR.


  • Managers and supervisors have received appropriate training to enable them to manage health and safety at the site.

  • All staff have received general health and safety training as part of their induction training.

  • There are records of the induction training.

  • Appropriate health and safety training needs have been identified.

  • Risk assessments have been used to identify training needs.

  • There is a training matrix showing all required training and which staff need training in what.

  • There is a record that all staff have received the required training.

  • There is a process in place for ensuring refresher training is given.

  • Refresher training has been recorded


  • There is a fully documented health and safety plan in place for the site.

  • There is a record to show that the plan has been communicated to all relevant employees.

  • There is a record to show that the plan is regularly monitored to ensure it is being implemented effectively.

  • There is a record to show that the plan is regularly reviewed and updated.

Audit and Review

  • There is a record of monthly safety inspections for the site.

  • There is a record of an audit for the site.

  • There is a record of all accidents that have been reported.

  • There is a record of accident investigation of more serious accidents or potentially more serious accidents.

  • Arrangements are in place to ensure the results of safety inspections and accident reports are analysed and corrective actions identified.

  • Corrective actions identified from safety inspections and accident investigations are effectively implemented?

Risk Assessments

  • Generic risk assessments have been conducted for the site.

  • Manual handling assessments have been completed where necessary

  • COSHH assessments have been completed where necessary.

  • DSE assessments have been completed where necessary.

  • Fire risk assessments have been completed for the site.

  • There is a first aid risk assessment for the site.

  • Pregnant worker assessments have been completed where necessary

  • Physical violence assessments have been completed where necessary

  • Lone working assessments have been completed where necessary

  • Off site working has been assessed

  • Stress risk assessments have been completed. .

  • Other relevant risk assessments have been completed. Specify which in comments

  • Employees have been consulted in the risk assessment process

  • The findings of the risk assessments have been communicated to employees.

  • Where necessary employees have received appropriate training in ways of avoiding hazards identified in the risk assessments.

  • There is a mechanism in place to ensure corrective actions identified by risk assessments are effectively implemented.

  • There is a mechanism in place for reviewing and revising the assessments?

Work Equipment

  • Statutory inspections are carried out on necessary equipment such as lifts, pressure vessels, extraction equipment etc.

  • Routine inspections are carried out on work equipment.

  • All operators of work equipment have received appropriate training in its use.

  • Procedures are in place to ensure the purchase, installation and use of work equipment is safe.

Safe Working Procedures

  • Safe systems of work, Systems are in place for protecting employees who carry out high risk work activities (Linked to risk assessments).

  • Arrangements are in place for ensuring the effective use of safe working procedures.

  • Arrangements are in place for reviewing and revising safe working procedures (should be linked to risk assessment review)

  • Arrangements are in place for informing and instructing employees on the use of safe working procedures.

Occupational Health

  • Employees have access to the services of an Occupational Health Practitioner.

  • Employees have access to the Employee Assistance Program.

Visitors and Contractors

  • Measures are in place to protect the safety of visitors on site.

  • Measures are in place to protect the safety of Contractors at the site.

  • Measures are in place to protect the safety of the general public whilst on site.

  • Arrangements are in place for monitoring visitor and contractor controls whilst they are on site.

Fire Safety

  • Fire evacuation: Arrangements are in place for ensuring the safe evacuation of personnel in the event of a fire?

  • Fire alarm: Appropriate measures are in place for raising the alarm in the event of a fire.

  • Control measures are in place for preventing an outbreak of fire.

Falls from heights

  • Controls are in place to avoid working at height and prevent falls or minimising the consequences for those personnel that need to work at height.

Service installations

  • All fixed appliances and wiring have been tested within the last 5 years.

  • All portable appliances have been tested at a suitable frequency.

  • Has any Gas fuelled appliances had a gas safety check

Storage facilities

  • Articles and substances, Suitable storage facilities have been provided for articles and substances.

Unsafe acts

  • Employees all appeared to be working in a safe manner.

House keeping & Sanitation

  • All floors are clean and fully intact without any flooring issues.

  • All carpets are clean and intact and securely fastened to the floor.

  • All walls are clean, intact, without holes, peeling paint or cracks.

  • All ceilings are clean, intact, without broken or water stained or mold infested tiles, peeling paint.

  • Rooms are well lit and all overhead lights are in working condition.

  • Toys, materials and furniture are safe, durable and in good condition (e.g. materials free of sharp edges and loose pieces, balloons and/or plastic bags not used; no choking hazards).

  • Toys are stored in a safe and orderly fashion.

  • Facilities enable the safe and effective participation of children with disabilities.

  • Bathroom facilities for children are separate from areas used for cooking, eating or children's activities.

  • Hand-washing sinks are accessible to staff and children, with step stools available if needed, and supplied with liquid soap, paper towels and trash receptacles.

  • Bathroom facilities are clean (evidence of being cleaned and sanitized daily) and supplied with liquid soap, toilet paper, paper towels, and trash receptacles. Grout on floor and wall tiles is clean and free from mold.

  • Pedestrian safety, Provisions have been made to ensure the safety of pedestrians from moving vehicles.

  • Hot water is moderated to be a comfortable temperature in all sinks accessible to children.

  • Stairways and walkways are free of tripping hazards (e.g. Toys, boxes,uneven treads or risers).

  • All shelving is secured and not overloaded, with no items placed on shelves that could pose a danger for a child reaching for them.

  • Electrical plugs, power strips and electrical cords are safe.

  • Electrical cords are covered or positioned to eliminate potential hazards to children.

  • All fluorescent tubes and incandescent light bulbs have protective covers or shields. Protective shields are clean and secure.

  • Steam and hot water pipes, radiators and electrical space heaters are protected by screens, guards, insulation or any other suitable, non-combustible protective device.

  • There is an absence of highly flammable furnishings, decorations, or materials that emit toxic fumes.

  • All corrosive agents, insecticides, bleaches, detergents, polishes, any products under pressure in an aerosol spray can, and any toxic or highly flammable substance are stored in a locked cabinet.

  • All cleaning equipment (e.g brooms, mops, vacuums, etc.) is hung out of the reach of children's or stored outside of the classroom.

  • Bins are * Made of durable, leak-proof and no absorbent materials; * Lined if used for food waste; * Covered in a secure manner; * Emptied to the outdoor bins when filled; * Maintained in a sanitary manner.

  • The site is free of rodent or insect infestation.

  • Adult bathrooms are labeled as such and have hand washing procedures clearly posted.

  • Toilets, wash basins, kitchen sinks and other plumbing are in good operating condition.

  • Bathroom mirrors, dispensers and other equipment are fastened securely.

  • When adult size toilets and/or urinals are used by children, platforms are available as appropriate.

  • The building structure is sufficiently maintained to prevent excessive drafts or heat loss and water from entering. The center is free of moisture resulting from water leaks or seepage, or mold of any kind.

  • Ventilation outlets are clean and free from obstructions, filters are replaced when saturated.

Kitchen & Food Storage

  • Refrigerator, oven, cabinets, working area and cookIng equipment are clean, sanitary and in good condition.

  • Fire blanket is accessible.

  • A sanitizing agent available.

  • Refrigerators have thermometers showing temperatures of 3-7 degrees C, and there is temperature log posted documenting daily temperature checks.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.