Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Risk Assessment
Click the '+' to add an event / activity / task to be risk assessed.
Description of hole being assessed
Risk Matrix and Hierarchy of Controls
Risk Matrix Reference:
Hierarchy of Controls Reference:
People at Risk
Who is at risk? (multiple choice)
- Staff
- Visitors
- Members of the public
- Contractors
- Young persons
- Other (please detail)
Please detail
Hazard Register
Click the '+' to list additional hazards which relate to this procedure / task. Multiple hazards can be added to each event / activity / task being risk assessed.
Significant Hazards
Likely places/ways that people could be seriously harmed.
Description of hazard
Photo of hazard
Risk Rating
Please reference Risk Matrix at the top of this document.
What are the consequences of this hazard?
What is the likelihood of this hazard occurring?
What is your risk rating of this hazard? (refer to Risk Rating Matrix)
Control Measures and Precautions
This risk assessment must take into consideration the age and needs of all persons involved taking into consideration any accessibility requirements, lone working and safeguarding concerns.
What are the control measures?
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
- Other
Please detail
Explanation of control measures and precautions
Completion / Sign Off
Completion / Sign Off
The person completing this risk assessment must ensure that the contents of each risk assessed are briefed to all relevant members to ensure they follow the controls on this risk assessment. This risk assessment must be printed and displayed on your H&S noticeboard.
Name and Signature