Title Page
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Current level of booking penetrations over the last 4 weeks?
Pre Visit checks - Arrival
Call site at peak - Is the booking handled correctly?
Can a booking be made online?
Is there external and internal POS prompts?
GM knowledge checks
Is the current performance of booking penetration for peak shifts (Saturday and Sunday) above 40% of total noms?
Does the GM know the log-in details for TMS?
Has the GM completed TMS e-learning?
AM knowledge
AM1 - Does the AM know the log-in details for TMS?
AM2 - Does the AM know the log-in details for TMS?
AM3 - Does the AM know the log-in details for TMS?
Have all AM's completed e-learning?
Check AM/TL knowledge on using TMS?
Host Point
Is the phone audible and answered within 3 rings even at peak?
Is there evidence of walk-in guests being encouraged to book online?
Do pagers prompt online bookings?
Do today's booking settings match table availability for the day?
Are tables being allocated at peak through to the day or by using auto allocate only?
Evidence of book now cards being given out?
Is TMS being used correctly to sit tables (tables are not cancelled from the system)?
Are tables up to a 4 NOT being allocated more than 10 minutes in advance on peak sessions?
Settings check
Time slot analysis at peak - Does the availability match the sales per hour?
Are mid-week sessions fully open for bookings?
Is the advance bookings set to 200 days in advance?
Lead time to book - is this set to a minimum (15 min) at off peak time?
Lead time to book - Is this set to the same as a virtual waiting time for walk-in guests?
Table Joins - Does the amount of joins reflect the layout of the restaurant?
Is the table plan accurate to the current restaurant configurations?
Special Days
Are there special days set-up?
If yes - What days?
Does the GM know how to maximise the special day?
Are the minimum table settings available set to 2 covers as a minimum (Sunday's too)
Text Messaging
Have text messages been set-up?
Do guests receive a message 1/2 hour before their arrival?
Do guests receive a text message 2 hours after their visit?
Team Member Checks
Evidence of team members ability to book a table on TMS?
Are TM's using the second laptop to take telephone bookings online at peak times?
Is there evidence that guests are being prompted to book future visits at the end of their meal?
Is the figure of 8 person allocating tables and sending texts at peak using the second laptop?
Additional Observations
Any additional observations
Target Booking Penetration to aim for?