Document No.
Audit Title Big 8
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by. Maurie VIEROW
Housekeeping - WHSMP & SWMS 06
Are there waste bins or rubbish chutes to all areas?s
Are stacking/storage areas tidy?
Are there designated areas to store tools, equipment, materials and plant etc?
Are work areas kept clean and tidy, uncluttered and free of waste?
Do trades clean as they go?
Access and Egress - WHSMP
Are safe access and egress being provided clean and clear and being maintained to the work area with exclusion zones in place for workers above?
Are designated access and emergency paths defined by signage (running man) and/or directional tape/flagging/barricade?
Are surfaces even ( no unexpected level drops or trip hazards?
Is the site perimeter secured with appropriate fencing/hoarding/gantries as required?
Are any additional hazards evident in access ways ( protruding objects, water, rocks and debris)?<br>
Scaffolding - PRA - Scaffold, SWMS 21 & 22, Monthly Scaffold Checklist - HB HSEQ - F - 061
Are scaffolds easily accessible and free of debris with access from ground not greater than 250mm?
Are temporary stairways correctly installed and no step to access stair is over 300mm?
Are there adequate edge protection and screens and protection from falling objects?
Is the clearance between the scaffold and adjacent structure less than 225mm?
Penetrations - PRA - Penetrations
Are all penetrations over 100mm compliant with the following:<br>- able to withstand and safely protect a fall from person, machinery or materials<br>- installed so that it doesn't,t create a trip hazard<br>- be securely fixed to prevent it being moved or removed accidentally <br>- marked with the words DANGER HOLE UNDER painted in bright colour
Any penetrations that are impracticable to cover are surrounded by edge protection?
Edge Protection - PRA, SWMS 15 & Work at Heights Permit HB - HSEQ - F - 077
Are physical barriers installed and secure for any exposed edges?
Where an exclusion zone is established is it at least 2 metres back from the edge?
Are toe/kick boards in place on ALL live edges?
Are wheel stops/bumps in place where EWP's & forklifts are being used near live edges?
Has screening been implemented to protect workers and public below?
Where edge protection is impractical is a safety system in place for use of harness and attachment point and are these certified by a competent person?
Amenities - WHSMP, PRA - First Aid & PP:04
Are amenities clean and tidy and would you be happy to eat lunch in the provided crib rooms?
Are toilets working, cleaned regularly and easily accessible?
Is drinking water provided and accessible on all levels?
Are first aid facilities available, stocked, accessible and with adequate signage?
Temporary Power -PRA - Electricity Supply
Are all switchboards installed and compliant with AS 3012 - select items identified below<br>Secured to the ground, post or wall, insulated and tie bar attached.<br>Defined numbering system and location of where the board is distributed from.<br>Door that is lockable, requires a tool for removal, will not damage cables when closed.<br>No gaps or access to live part of board other than by an electrician.<br>1 x 10amp and 1 x 15 amp plug minimum
Are All electrical leads and tools tested and tagged to suit state requirements (3 monthly for QLD & monthly for NSW), not piggy backed or damaged?
Lighting -PRA - Lighting.
Have lights been installed for access/egress to all levels and producing a 55 lux?
Are emergency backup lights installed and tested to meet requirements of As 3012?
Are trades providing adequate task lighting (160 lux) to all work areas?
Other issues
Health and Safety
Formwork & falsework – PRA, SWMS:15<br>Falls managed, exclusion signs & zones in place’ joists placed from below, single leading edge
Ladders and trestles - SWMS - 01<br>Suitable for the task, correct setup inspected prior to use, removed from service if damaged
Materials Handling – PRA , SWMS:04<br>Are safe and correct mechanical aids or team lifting methods being utilised
Excavations –PRA, SWMS 07 – PERMIT HB-HSEQ-F-078<br>Collapse controlled, barricades in place, safe access, stockpiles away from trenches
Cranes & Lifting - PRA,<br>Safe lifting practices near workers, warnings processes or exclusion zones in place, tag lines, <br>
Fire / Emergency equip maintained MP:09, PRA<br>Extinguishers position at stair access/hoist, adjacent Haz / Dangerous Goods Storage areas, 6 month tests <br>
Emergency exits, alarms, signs – PRA<br>Air Horn charged, exit signs (running man) erected on levels, back up lighting maintained, <br>
Concrete pumps / trucks set up - PRA<br>Set up on stable ground, clear of obstructions, exclusion zones in place
Traffic Management – PRA, SWMS 23<br>TMP developed to suit site conditions, deliveries and public interaction, compliant with council & MUTCD
Asbestos – PRA, SWMS 09<br>Licences held, exclusion in place, separation and disposal – Asbestos Management Plan, regulator notified.
Demolition PRA, SWMS 26<br>Demolition Plan, exclusion zones, methodology defined, licences, permits & notifications
Haz Chemicals & SDS - SP:01, PRA, SWMS 14<br>Supplied for Haz Subs & Dangerous Goods used on site, provide & maintain bund for storage of liquids
Confined Spaces – PRA – PERMIT – HB-HSEQ-F-075<br>Rescue plan, atmosphere tested for contaminants, trained workers, safe access
Noise and Vibration controlled - SP:02, PRA<br>Ensure that noise and vibration is monitored, PPE being worn & working hours abided by.
All Bunded areas empty of water - SWMS 06<br>Remove ponded water from area
Spill kits on site and maintained – EMP, PRA<br>Contents are maintained and adequate, spills cleaned up and waste disposed of correctly
Fauna and Flora EMP, PRA<br>Protected species maintained as per drawing
Neighbour correspondence or complaints - EMP<br>Are recorded, actioned and closed out, letter distribution also recorded in register
Sediment Control - none leaving site EMP, PRA<br>Sediment fences erected & maintained, no soil on roads or in gutters, Installed as per Civil DWG’s
Waste Management - EMP, PRA<br>Bins provided and exchanged regularly, segregated on site or at waste facility – records retained
Weed removal – EMP, PRA<br>Weeds are maintained on a weekly basis to prevent spreading
Contaminated Land – EMP, PRA<br>Soils removed as per plan
Other Safety / Environmental Items
Follow Up Required or From Previous Inspections, ( Result/Details - Further Action Required - Action Closed )
Safety Manager
Site Manager
Site Foreman
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