Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Customer Name
Customer Details
Customer Title and Full Name (including any middle names)
Customer Home Phone Number
Customer Mobile Phone Number
Customer Email
Customer Address (incl post code)
Customer Date of Birth
Tenancy (Single/Joint)
Tenancy Type (C/HA/P)
Tenancy Details
Date Tenancy Started
Can you provide a copy of your tenancy agreement?
How much is your rent? (amount and frequency)
Are you in arrears with your rent?
Value of arrears (£)
Name of Landlord
Landlord phone number
Landlord Email
Landlord Address
Type of Property
- Bungalow
- Cottage
- Detached
- Mid terrace
- End terrace
- Flat
- Semi-Detached
- Other
Defect Details
Please describe the property defects in detail
When did you notice the defect? (date)
How many rooms does the defect affect?
Have you reported this to the landlord?
What date did you report this to your landlord?
Did your landlord respond? If so provide dates and details of what was communicated.
Provide photo evidence of the landlord correspondence if possible
How many times have you contacted the landlord regarding the defects?
Provide a list of dates and correspondence details sent to the landlord if possible
Describe in detail how the defects are affecting you and your family's daily routine.
Has your health been affected by the defects?
Have any of your family members' health been affected by the defects
Please provide names and dates of birth of those affected
Please detail the symptoms each of those affected are suffering
Have you sought medical attention regarding the heath issues experienced?
Have any of your belongings been damaged by the defect/s to the property
If yes, please provide details of the items, how they have been damaged and the cost of the item.
Property photos and media
Upload full photographic evidence of the defects to the property
Upload video of property damage
Assessors Signature