Title Page

  • Title

  • Name

  • Address
  • Mobile number

  • Email address

  • Date of birth

  • Proof of identity

  • Proof of address

  • First Language

  • Other languages spoken

  • Do you need someone to help you with English?

  • Name of Litigation Friend

  • Phone number of translator

  • Email address of translator

  • Is it a joint tenancy?

  • Name of joint tenant

  • Proof of identity

  • Proof of address

  • Email address

  • Telephone number

  • Date of birth

  • Nationality

  • First language

  • Other languages spoken

  • Have you ever discussed these issues with another solicitor, claims management company or the Housing Ombudsman?

  • What was the outcome?

  • Quality Control Summary following case review

  • Qualification Criteria

2. Qualification and Client History

  • Is your landlord

  • Have you been placed in this accommodation under license by your Council or Housing Association?

  • Name of landlord

  • Address of landlord

  • Name of Council / Housing Association

  • Please send us a copy of your tenancy agreement. If you are unable to do so we will not be able to help

  • Name of Landlord

  • Address of Landlord

  • When did your tenancy agreement start? (Month/Year)

  • Are you in temporary accommodation?

  • Please supply a copy of your tenancy agreement

  • Did you acquire the property as part of a house swap or property exchange

  • Have you been in the property over a year?

  • Please provide tenancy agreement before proceeding

  • How much is rent on the property?

  • Do you receive help towards the rent from any benefit

  • Which do you receive currently

  • Proof of benefits received

  • Do you contribute towards your rent?

  • How much do you pay per month towards the rent?

  • Is this paid a month in arrears?

  • Do you pay the rent a month in arrears?

  • Are there any arrears on the rental account currently?

  • How much are the arrears currently?

  • Please specify amount

  • Are you disputing the arrears?

  • How did the arrears come about?

  • What is the basis for dispute?

  • Do you have any correspondence, letters, emails, bills, bank statements etc. that detail and/or support your dispute. This could be a bill for additional charges, statements from Universal Credit about their liability for rent following a move from Housing Benefit, or any other relevant evidence. Please attach

  • Have you ever been made bankrupt?

  • Please give details including dates

  • Please give contact details of the Trustee in Bankruptcy as their permission is required to send the letter of claim.

The Problems in your home

  • When was the FIRST time you reported any of problems in your home that to this date has not been effectively repaired and that you are reporting to us today. (Month/Year).

  • What did you report at that time?

  • When was the MOST RECENT time you reported problems in your home to the landlord? (Month/Year).

  • Was that by phone, email, text or in person?

  • How many times have you reported in total?

  • What rooms in your house are affected by disrepair?

  • When was the last time a representative of your landlord visited your property for any reason

  • What was the purpose of that visit?

  • Please tick this box if there is an infestation in the property

  • Please tick this box if there is disrepair in the property (unrelated to any infestation)

  • Is anyone in your home considered vulnerable due to health or other reasons?

  • What is the nature of that vulnerability?

  • Do you have a support worker

  • Do you do your own banking withouth help from a support worker or relative?

  • What is the name of the nominated person or individual with Power of Attorney

  • Telephone number of nominated individual

  • Are you responsible for paying your own bills without support or relative?

  • What is the name of the nominated person or individual with Power of Attorney

  • Telephone number of nominated individual

  • Do you have a burglar alarm at the property?

3. Client's story - Summary

  • This next question is really important as it is the client's story, just type it as you are told it

  • Client's version of events / description of damage and effect on occupants - Client story.

  • Have the issues complained about affected your ability to use and enjoy the property?

  • Have the issues prevented you from having visitors?

  • Have the issues complained about affected your, or other occupants permanently residing at the property, physical or mental health?

  • Please provide detail of who and the problems suffered?

  • Is there any dispute (other than regarding arrears) or pending legal action that may affect your relationship with your landlord?

  • Tell us about what is happening

4. Overview of property upkeep by the landlord

  • The purpose of this section is to understand potential issues in the property and to help in vetting

  • When you moved in, did your landlord provide you with any of the following?

  • Does your landlord undertake an annual boiler / gas safe inspection?

  • When did the last one take place? (Month / Year)

  • Does the engineer work directly for the landlord or does an independent contractor attend?

  • Does your landlord undertake an annual condition check of the property?

  • When did the last check take place? (month/year)

  • Have any major works, upgrades or improvements been made to your property by the landlord in the last 6 years?

  • Please provide details including dates

  • Have walls, ceilings or floors in your home ever been tested for asbestos

  • When was this (month / year)

  • What were the results / findings?

  • Do you have a copy of the results / report or correspondence from your landlord detailing those findings?

  • Please provide copy

  • Was any work undertaken on the property as a result of the tests?

  • When was this (month/year)

  • What work was undertaken?

  • Has a surveyor (not inspector) visited your property in the last 6 years with a view to reporting back to the landlord on repairs required at your property?

  • When was this (month / year)

  • What were the results / findings?

  • Do you have a copy of the results / report or correspondence from your landlord detailing those findings?

  • Please provide copy

  • Was any work undertaken on the property as a result of the tests?

  • When was this (month/year)

  • What work was undertaken?

  • What was the outcome

  • Has an independent damp or mould specialist visited your property in the past 6 years with a view to reporting back to the landlord on repairs required at your property?

  • When was this (month / year)

  • What were the results / findings?

  • Do you have a copy of the results / report or correspondence from your landlord detailing those findings?

  • Please provide copy

  • Was any work undertaken on the property as a result of the tests?

  • When was this (month/year)

  • What work was undertaken?

  • What was the outcome

  • Has any other kind of independent specialist visited your property in the last 6 years with a view to reporting back to the landlord on repairs required at your property?

  • What did they come to investigate?

  • When was this (month / year)

  • What were the results / findings?

  • Do you have a copy of the results / report or correspondence from your landlord detailing those findings?

  • Please provide copy

  • Was any work undertaken on the property as a result of the tests?

  • When was this (month/year)

  • What work was undertaken?

  • What was the outcome

5. The condition of the property and how it is occupied

  • The purpose of this section is to find out if the client is contributing in any way to the condition of their property. It will also help inform cause and in establishing a pattern of disrepair.

  • What kind of property do you live in?

  • Are you located at the end of the block with three external walls?

  • Please provide photos of front back and side of property (ground to sky)

  • Please provide external photos of the front back and side of your property (ground to sky)

  • Please provide external photos of your property (ground to sky)

  • Please provide external photos of the front back and side(s) of your property (ground to sky)

  • What floor are you on?

  • What rooms do you have in your home?

  • Do you have an infestation in your home?

  • What kind of infestation

  • What kind of bugs?

  • When did you first notice the infestation?

  • How are the bugs or rodents entering the property?

  • Has the presence of the infestation changed the way you live an behave within your property?

  • What has been the effect of the infestation on the way you live in the property?

  • Has the presence of the infestation had any impact on the physical or mental health of anyone living within the property?

  • Please detail the health impacts

  • How did you notice the infestation was there?

  • Where did you hear them?

  • Where was this?

  • Please describe activity within the home over the last 5 days (bullet points day by day)

  • Did you report to

  • Why did you not report it?

  • When did you report it?

  • How did you report it?

  • How many times have you reported it?

  • Do you have any evidence of these complaints?

  • Was pest control sent to the property?

  • Who did the pest controller work for?

  • The Pest controller will have left you paperwork. What paper-work did they leave you?


  • Did the pest controller say that there would be another visit to check if the treatment had been successful?

  • How long did they say it would be before another visit?

  • Did the pest controller return as planned?

  • When did you report to your landlord that the pest control had been unsuccessful?

  • Are there any plans in place to send pest control out again?

  • How many times has the cycle of pest control been completed?

  • What method (s) of pest control were attempted?

  • Did you notify the landlord that the pest controller did not return?

  • Did you request another visit from pest control

  • Have you reported the infestation to your landlord since 1st April 2020

  • Please ask the tenant to report again in writing and put the case in park.

  • When was this?

  • How did you report it?

  • Did the landlord offer to rectify the problem free of charge?

  • What action did the landlord take to prevent further infestation? (includes filling holes, repairing chewed walls, floors, flooring and skirtings with suitable material and making good, taking out kitchen cabinets or bathroom furniture or other fixtures and fittings around suspected entry points)

  • Has the landlord sanitised the property and replaced any items damaged by the infestation?

  • Do you leave perishable food out on work surfaces

  • Please provide photos of work surfaces

  • Do you wash your dishes on a daily basis?

  • Would you consider yourself a hoarder?

  • Do you keep your home in a reasonably clean and tidy condition?

  • Please provide whole room photos of all rooms where there is infestation activity

  • Does your indoor bin have a secure lid?

  • Do you put your bin bags in a wheelie bin with the lid securely closed?

  • Have you been provided with a wheelie bin?

  • Please provide photos of external and internal rubbish storage

  • Do you leave stagnant water outside your house? (eg bird baths, dog bowls, swimming pools)

  • Do you leave any perishable food outside (eg dog food bird food etc)

  • Please provide photos of your garden

  • Do you have decking in your garden?

  • Was it there when you moved in?

  • Did you get permission to install it?

  • When was it installed?

  • Please provide images of the decking

  • Do you consider ceiling or wall cracks to be a significant issue in your home?

  • Did the crack form as part of a leak?

  • Is there still water coming through the crack?

  • Does the crack form part of a bulge on the ceiling?

  • Is the crack big enough to fit a pound coin into?

  • Is it on an external wall?

  • Is there a / are there corresponding crack(s) on the outside of the property?

  • What room(s) does this affect?

  • Do you consider black, white, yellow, pink or grey mould, damp, leaks or water entering the property to be a significant problem in your home? 2sqm or more.

  • Has the mould formed or significantly worsened following an escape of water such as a leak

  • Has there been more than one such leak?

  • Leaks
  • What was the source of the leak?

  • When did you report it?

  • Has the landlord attempted a repair?

  • Has the water stopped flowing?

  • What do you think might be the reason for that?

  • When did you let the landlord know that the repair had been unsuccessful

  • When was it repaired (Month / Year)

  • Once it was fixed has it recurred, requiring a further fix?

  • How many times has a permanent fix been attempted

  • Has it now been permanently fixed in your view?

  • When did you report that the fix had been unsuccessful? (Month / Year)

  • Do you think the leak might be intermittent?

  • What room or rooms are affected?

  • What was the source of the leak?

  • When did you report it?

  • Has the landlord attempted a repair?

  • Has the water stopped flowing?

  • What do you think might be the reason for that?

  • What room or rooms are affected?

  • When was it repaired (Month / Year)

  • Once it was fixed has it recurred, requiring a further fix?

  • How many times has a permanent fix been attempted

  • Has it now been permanently fixed in your view?

  • Do you think the leak might be intermittent?

  • Was there any other change such as new windows, insulation, work done on the house etc. that immediately preceded or led to the problems?

  • What was the change?

  • Have you ever had a prolonged period without heating?

  • How long were you without heating?

  • When was this?

  • Did you report it?

  • When did you report it?

  • Did your landlord repair it?

  • Are you still without heating?

  • How was it resolved?

  • Was the repair successful?

  • When did you report that the repair was unsuccessful?

  • When were the extractor fans installed in your property?

  • There are extractor fans present in which rooms

  • Are any of the extractor fans not working / not working properly?

  • Have you reported failure of extractor fan(s)?

  • Do you have a tumble dryer?

  • Is the condensing kind or the type with a pipe?

  • What room is it kept in?

  • Is there black mould in that room?

  • Briefly, where is that black mould

  • When it's not possible to dry washing outside where do you dry it? (Please select all that apply)

  • Is there black mould growth in this room?

  • Is your heating / hot water system currently in working order

  • Do you feel the problem is with

  • What do you think is the problem?

  • On your boiler is there a problem with

  • When were the radiators last bled?

  • When you bled the radiators, what came out?

  • Has the pressure relief valve been adjusted (metal hose underneath the boiler with water valves either end)

  • Are any of the radiators or hot water pipes leaking

  • Have you reported it?

  • When did you report it?

  • Has your landlord made arrangements to repair

  • When are they coming to repair it?

  • Are your electrics in full working order?

  • Do you feel the problem is with

  • What do you think is the cause?

  • Describe the problem including room(s) affected, what exactly doesn't work

  • Have you reported it?

  • When did you report it?

  • Has the landord ever attempted any repairs / work arounds, or offered any advice?

  • Please describe works done or advice given

  • With the exception of any leaks previously mentioned, Is your water / sanitary / plumbing in full working order?

  • What problems are you experiencing?

  • What room(s) are affected by this?

  • Please describe

  • What type of windows do you have in the property?

  • Do they rattle loudly?

  • Are any of the windows broken or have any broken elements

  • Briefly is the damage

  • What rooms does this affect?

  • In the rooms causing concern do the windows have trickle vents to let air in?

  • Are the trickle vents in full working order?

  • Have you reported this?

  • How often do you keep them open?

  • Has the disrepair in your home caused you to spend more than expected on gas or electricity

  • Please give details and additonal cost per month

6. Timeline: Damage within the property, reporting and repairs

  • In order, of date reported please complete the information about each of the rooms / areas in the property. For the room that has already been documented, please click "worst room" complete the repairs information and move on to the next reported problem.

  • Click + to add a room or area with damage

  • If a single problem such as heating or electrical failure is affecting the whole property choose "whole house".

  • Room / Area damaged
  • Name of room / area

  • Is there an extractor fan installed in this room?

  • Is it fully functioning?

  • How long has it been out of action?

  • Has it been serviced in the last year?

  • Where is this room located in the property? (please click ALL that apply eg Back Left)

  • Is it upstairs or downstairs in the property (if flat or bungalow click "single level")?

  • Exterior image showing this room

  • Description of damage to this area including location, size of damaged area, proximity to other affected rooms/areas and nature and experience of problem eg temperature variance, smell, feel etc

  • Photos of internal damage including WHAT, HOW MUCH and WHERE the damage is

  • When did you first report the damage in this room?

  • Additional relevant information

  • Has a representative of the landlord been out to assess?

  • What did they do/say?

  • Please give details

  • Have you informed the landlord since this was done that the problem has returned?

  • When was this? (month / year)

  • Have they assessed this problem more than once?

  • How many times have they assessed this problem?

  • Are there any other issues that we've previously detailed that affect this room?

  • Please provide details

  • Excluding those detailed in a previous section of the questionnaire (leaks) has the landlord ever attempted repairs to this area?

  • Click + to add a repair. Please add them in date order

  • Repairs made by landlord
  • Date (month / year)

  • Nature of repairs

  • Detail of repair

  • What was the outcome of the repair?

  • When did you tell your landlord that the repair hadn't solved the problem?

  • Have YOU ever made repairs to this area?

  • About repairs YOU have made to this area in DATE ORDER

  • Click + to add a repair.

  • Repairs made by tenant and outcome
  • Date (month / year)

  • Nature of repairs

  • Detail of repair

  • What was the outcome of the repair?

  • How much did you spend on this repair?

  • Additional Relevant Photographs

  • Please attach copies of any relevant correspondence with the landlord

  • Boiler provider:

  • Do you have a smoke alarm? is it working?

  • Do you have a carbon monoxide alarm? is it working?

Images/Videos Of Disrepair:

  • External Images:

  • Hallway:

  • Living Room:

  • Kitchen:

  • Stairs/Landing:

  • Bathroom:

  • Bedroom1:

  • Bedroom2:

  • Bedroom3:

  • Other:

7.Personal Losses

  • Has any damage been caused to personal property by the issues complained of? (For example clothing, linen, soft furnishings)

  • Click + to add details of a loss

  • Losses
  • Description of item

  • Date purchased

  • Where purchased

  • Price

  • Do you have a receipt?

  • Reason for damage

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.