Title Page

  • Audit Title / Reference:

  • Audit Completed By:

  • Site Audited:

  • Location
  • Date and Time Audit was Conducted:

Site Audit

Previous Audits

  • Are all actions closed out from previous audits?

Arrival at Site

  • Is the company logo prominant and visable?

  • Is there a signing in board? Are all employees on the board?

  • Is there a sign in book for visitors?

  • Are there electric gates?

  • Is there gate fail safety instructions in a prominent visible position?

  • Is there a site traffic plan in place?

  • Is this displayed in an area where it call be seen by all staff and visitors?

  • Is the site governed by a permit?

  • Are the details of the permit and site contact accessible?

Notice Boards

  • is there an up-to-date Health and safety law poster located in a prominent position?

  • Does it contain the relevant information - as identified in the poster?

  • Is there a sign showing trained first aiders on site?

  • Is there a sign showing fire marshalls on site?

  • Are fire evacuation arrangements clearly visable? Does this include site building plan with fire exits?

  • Is there a current Health and safety policy on the board?

  • Are all policies in date?

  • Is the company's liability insurance displayed?

Entering the office

  • Is there adequate space for staff to work safely?

  • Are floors, walkways and stairs in good condition, free from obstructions and non slip?

  • Are trailing leads kept to a minimum, where they are necessary are they routed safely, secured and covered?

  • Are materials stored safely, consider manual handling implication?

  • Where PPE is provided, is it stored appropriately?

  • Are structures stable, secured, braced and not overloaded (shelves, bookcases, filing cabinets etc)

  • Can windows, doors and gates be opened safely and prevent trapping hazards?

  • Is there suitable heating and ventilation?

  • is lighting suitable for the work activity?

  • Are employees/ visitors protected from noise levels that may be harmful?

  • Where display screens are in use, Have DSE assessments been completed?

Health, Hygiene, and General Well-Being

  • Are there suitable arrangements for employees to prepare meals, boil water and make a hot drink?

  • Is drinking water available?

  • Are there sufficient toilet, hand washing and drying facilities for employees and other users of the workplace?

  • Are arrangements in place for servicing of air conditioning units? Are these done annually and supporting documents filed?

  • Are break areas provided?

  • Are these areas clean and tidy?

  • Is the area free of any asbestos?

First Aid

  • Are there adequate amounts of first aid kits on site?

  • Are the first aid kits sealed and in date?

  • Are there an adequate number of trained first aiders?

  • Are staff aware of procedure when first aid kit needs to be used?

Accident, Incident, Near Miss, and Hazard / Defect Reporting

  • Is there a process in place for staff to report accidents, incidents, near misses and dangerous occurrences?

  • Is this process being used?

  • Are actions in place to prevent a reoccurance?

  • Is there a process in place for staff to report defects on site and for action to be taken as necassary?

Fire Precautions

  • Has a fire risk assessment been carried out? is it recorded, accessible and up to date?

  • Have all actions identified on the Fire Risk Assessment been completed?

  • Does the premisis have an emergency evacuation plan which covers action to be taken in event of a fire?

  • Have building users been informed of the emergency evacuation plan?

  • Are they aware of fire assembly point?

  • Is there a Fire Safety Log Book?

  • Does this contain weekly fire alarm checks?

  • Weekly smoke detector testing?

  • Does this contain records of monthly emergency lighting tests?

  • Does this contain records of 6 monthly evacuation drills?

  • Does the fire safety log book contain records of annual services/tests/checks of complete fire alarm system?

  • Are fire extiguishers, hose reels and fire blankets checked annually and labelled?

  • Are fire extinguishers easily accessible with signs next to them to show types and use?

  • Are fire doors Labelled, maintained and kept closed or have suitable closing mechanisms in place?

  • Do fire exit doors open freely?

  • Are stairways, corridors and fire escapes free from obstruction?


  • Is there suitable storage provided for all hazardous substances and is it used effieciently?

  • Is there a complete and current COSHH folder on site, including material safety data sheets for all substances and risk assessments for hazardous substances?

  • Are all chemical products stored in suitable containers, labelled and used appropriately? ie corrosive, irritant, flammable?

  • Is there a procedure in place for the disposal of hazardous waste? I.e., Fluorescent light tubes?

  • Are all gas cylinders secured appropriately?

  • Are spill kits in place and stocked?

Machinery and Work Equipment and Vehicles

  • Is work equipment in good condition and suitable for the task?

  • Is machinery and equipment adequately guarded? access to dangerous party of machinery must be prevented where practical?

  • Is the working area safe, tidy, and free of any hazards?

  • Is there evidence of appropriate warning signage?

  • Is dust build up managed in the production area?

  • Are Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) procedures in place?

  • Is there evidence of all employees being trained in their relevant tasks?

  • Are employees complying with the training they have received?

  • Are there mechanisms to stop/isolate the machinery in the event of an emergency and are they accessible?

  • Are safety belts available and used?

  • Is lifting equipment inspected under LOLER every 12 months?

  • Has this been recorded?

  • Is there a procedure in place for undertaking visual / pre use inspections and reporting and recording defects?

  • Is the evidence of said checks being completed?


  • Has portable electrical equipment been formally tested and labelled in accordance with the requirements of the WCC electrical testing policy?

  • Is a record available locally?

  • Are cables maintained in a safe condition? E.g., no cuts or frayed wires showing, not strained.

  • Are sufficient electrical sockets provided to prevent overloading?

  • Are all extension cables fused?

  • Where extension cables / adaptors are used, is the use of 'doubling up' avoided?

  • if drum cable extensions are used are they fully unwound?

  • Has the property undergone a fixed electrical test in the last 5 years?


  • Are waste / refuse bins located away from the building to prevent arson?

  • Has the risk of unauthorised access to external areas of the building and site been managed? I.e., are gates and site fencing in good condition?

  • Are external areas adequately lit?

  • Is all equipment provided for security reasons in good working order? I.e., CCTV and security lighting?

External Environment

  • Are carparks and roadways in good repair and free from potholes?

  • Are passageways and traffic routes free from obstruction and other hazards, ensuring the safe movement of people and vehicles?

  • Are external areas maintained? E.g., green areas, trees, and shrubs.

  • Are areas free from slip and trip hazards?

  • Is there safe access and egress to the building for employees and other site users where relevant?

  • Do all staircases have a securely fixed handrail?

  • Is the building/ site appropriately accessible for all users, eg persons with a disabilty?

  • Is blown waste controlled and kept within site boundaries?

  • Is the area free of any offensive odours?

  • Is water run off managed?

  • Are all gutters and drainage grids clear of any waste build up?

Pest Control

  • Do you have a contracted pest control service?

  • Is there an up to date record of pest controller visits and action plans?

  • Is vegetation and general waste kept to a minimum to prevent rodent activity?

Other Observations:

  • Is the area free of any other hazards?

  • What hazards are present?

  • Any other comments:

Audit Sign Off

  • Names of any site personnel consulted, if any:

  • Auditor Signature:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.