Title Page

  • TItle

  • Tenant name

  • D.O.B.

  • Address

  • Phone number

  • Email

Photo ID:

  • Photo ID

  • POA

  • Tenancy agreement


  • Property type:

  • Tenancy Type:

  • Are you named in the tenancy?

  • How much is the rent?

  • Date Tenancy started: (Must be over 1 Year)

  • Do you have a copy of the tenancy agreement?

  • Rent Amount: (Including benefits)

  • Rent Arrears:


  • Name:


  • Why we believe this is a case?

  • Has it been reported?

  • Did the landlord respond? - If yes, please give details

  • Date 1st Reported?

  • Are the photos of the current state in your property?

  • Is there damp in the property? - If so, please give details

  • When was this reported?

  • How many rooms affected?

  • Living Room - If so, please give details

  • Dining Room - If so, please give details

  • Kitchen - If so, please give details

  • Bedroom 1 - If so, please give details

  • Bedroom 2 - If so, please give details

  • Bedroom 3 - If so, please give details

  • Bedroom 4 - If so, please give details

  • Bathroom? - If so, please give details

  • Are there any leaks in the property? - If so, please give details

  • Is there loose or broken roof tiles? - If so, please give details

  • Is there cracks to external walls? - If so, please give details

  • Is there cracks to internal walls? - If so, please give details

  • Are there faulty electrics? - If so, please give details

  • Is the boiler faulty? - If so, please give details

  • Are any sanitary fixtures broken? - If so, please give details

  • Are any floorboards roting? - If so, please give details

  • Are there any vermin? - If so, please give details

  • Is there any damage to the property? - If so, please give details

  • Summary of Disrepair:


  • Has the disrepair affected your routine?

  • Has the disrepair affected your health? If so, how?

  • Has it affected other people in your household?

  • Has any personal property been damaged? If yes, please provide details?


  • Additional info you feel is relevant to the case?

Photos and/or videos of disrepair<br>

Please note the location of disrepair

  • Add media

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.