
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Enquiry Procedures

  • Has the Initial enquiry been logged

  • Does the enquiry give sufficient detail for a comprehensive quote to be generated

  • Does the enquiry specify Customer, Country, Sector?


  • Has a quotation been generated.<br>

  • Has the quotation been authorised?

  • Has the finalised quotation been sent to the customer?

Customer purchase order

  • Has a customer order been received

  • Does the customer order show an order number

  • Does the customer order show the product descriptions and code numbers

  • Does the customer order show the quantity required

  • Does the customer order show label requirements and or specification

  • Does the customer order show any other specifications

  • Has the customer order been verified

  • Has the order been logged onto Export Master?

  • Has the customer order been given an internal order number / invoice number?

Planning procedures

  • Has the order been raised on export master on the master data base?

  • Has the order been given an estimated time of arrival at the customer base?

  • Has the order been entered onto the planning schedule?

  • Have the teams been advised of the planning schedule? Has the progression folder been generated?

Purchasing Procedure

  • Has the purchasing team received the customer order detail folder?

  • Have approved suppliers been identified?

  • Have individual purchase orders been generated using details from Export Master?

  • Has the rebate structure been verified?

  • Itemised purchasing spreadsheet generated?

  • Case breakdown sheet generated and verified?

  • Sales team notified of orders being placed and timescales

  • Customer order folder amended and returned to account manager?

Works order generation

  • Has an internal order been raised

  • Has a customer file been generated

Goods inwards / receiving procedures

  • Copy of purchase orders passed to goods inward team?

  • Purchase order spreadsheet generated?

  • Order status report generated?

  • Delivery date and time verified?

  • Haulier booked into warehouse?

  • Warehouse schedule generated?

  • Delivery checked against schedule

  • Visual inspection of goods conducted?

  • Goods received note raised?

  • Export master updated?

  • Delivery notes passed to accounts dept?

  • Account manager notified of any discrepancies?

  • Goods allocated storage space and put away?

Picking Products Procedures

  • Hand over sheet raised?

  • Job loaded onto computer system?

  • Products picked in accordance with schedule?

Rework of Product Procedures

  • Handover sheet raised?

  • Products / pallets verified as appertaining to the job schedule?

  • Products checked and verified?

  • Sample pack generated for customs as per sample plan?

  • Reworked items checked against schedule?

  • Discrepancies identified and notified?

  • Handover schedule returned to account manager?

  • Shipping documents raised?

  • Shipping container ordered?

Loading Containers

  • Have all pallets been labelled and packaged?

  • Has sample pallet been checked and verified?

  • Packing list generated?

  • Container loaded?

  • Container sealed and seal number passed to account manager?

  • Container released for shipping?

Generation of documentation?

  • Has the spreadsheet been exported from the Y drive?

  • Spreadsheet checked and verified?

  • Shipping notes generated (2 copies)

  • Container seal number added to documentation?

  • Harmonised code details forwarded to FAK freight?

  • Copy invoices issued to FAK freight forwarder?

  • Application made for health certificate?

  • Certificate of country of origin raised (COE)?

  • DEFRA. Certificate applied for?

  • HALAL certificate and HCCP produced if required?

  • Documentation pack generated? (Weigh bill, invoice, etc)

  • Copy of documentation pack issued to customer?

  • FEDEX arranged and tracking number sent to customer?

Translations procedures

  • Spreadsheet of products passed on translation team?

  • Country of destination determined?

  • Customer requirements determined?

  • Product samples obtained from warehouse?

  • Barcodes vs product verified?

  • Translation generated and approved?

  • Sample Labels produced and agreed?

  • Production quantities of labels produced?

Sales Ledgers procedure

  • Has a sales invoice been received by accounts department?

  • Have invoice details been added to the manual ledger?

  • Have details been added to the HSBC on line banking system?

  • Has the invoice been allocated a nominal code?

  • Has the sales invoice spreadsheet been updated?

  • Has the outstanding invoice chart been updated?

  • Has financial summary details been updated?

  • Has payment been received into HSBC?<br>

  • Has sage been updated?

Purchase ledger procedures

  • Has a copy of purchase orders been received from purchasing department?

  • Has a supplier invoice been received?

  • Have good inward received notes been cross checked with invoice from supplier?

  • Have all invoices been balanced?

  • Has weekly payment list been generated?

  • Has payment been made to supplier?

  • Have statements been cross checked with SAGE and reconciled?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.