Title Page
What site is Audit been conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personnel on Site
Has everyone on site been inducted for both HML and Park Developments
Name of person
Has everyone got adequate training for works been carried out
Have all personnel got adequate PPE for specific works
Are all personnel wearing relevant PPE at time of inspection
Plant, Tools, and Equipment
Has all plant Got Ga1 and Ga2 in place as required
Is all plant in good working condition
Have all operators of plant at time of inspection got appropriate CSCS tickets ROI only
is there adequate segregation between people and plant
Is lighting around site adequate for works
Are all electrical leads in good condition
Are all electrical leads clear of moving plant and water
Are Clear exclusion zones in place for teleporter activities
Is all rebar on site capped
Is there adequate dust suppression on site
Are all excavations cordoned off
Is there temporary works in place
Is there AF3 in Place
Is there adequate signage warning of excavations
Are spoil heaps and vehicles safe distance from excavations
Are excavations undermining scaffold, offices, or existing buildings
Are all manholes securely covered
Are drag and trench boxes been used as required
Are trenches battered back or reduced as required
Is there safe access to foundations of houses
Is there safe access to trenches/excavations
Is there GA1 and GA2 in place for all cranes and lifting gear on site
Is there temporary works in place
Are all crane operators CSCS qualified
Is there a certified slinger/signaller on site
Is there exclusion zone in place
Is there specific lift plan in place
Have all Cranes got Crash radios
Is there an appointed person for lifting operations
Is there a lift supervisor in place
Working at heights
Have all shutters got safe working access in place
Has shuttering Decks got double edge protection at front and sides
Are all ladders tied off securely
Are ladder tags in date
Is there ladder GA3 in place
Are leading edges (if any) protected by edge protection
Are all lift shafts secure
Are all materials stored correctly
Are all walkways clear of waste materials
Are skips overflowing
Is site generally clear of waste materials
Any other items
Any other items of concern
Examples of Good practices and Compliance on Site
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5