Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Part 1: Well Location and Condition
1. According to the well log, is the well a drilled well?
2. If the well is NOT a drilled well, has it been brought up to current standard or code, according to well records?
3. How old is the well, according to the well log?
4. How deep is the well, according to the well log? (feet)
5. Are well records available? Check all that are available and attach a copy with the report.
6. According to well maintenance records, how often has the well been inspected?
7. According to well maintenance records, how often were water tests performed on the well?
8. Where is the well located on the property?
9. Is the soil around the well burmed to prevent puddling around the wellhead and to divert any runoff water from going to the wellhead?
10. Are there any voids in the soil around the top of the wellhead which could allow runoff to travel down the borehole to the aquifer?
11. Is the wellhead visible and above ground?
12. Are any permanent structures located within 10 feet of the wellhead?
13. Is it apparent from a site inspection that the well location meets the minimum distance from contamination sources as outlined by state or local regulation?
14. According to well records, are there any abandoned wells on the property?
Part 2: Well Components
15. Is the lining of the well (the casing) 12 or more inches above the land surface? Note: In flood prone areas, the casing should be 1 to 2 feet above the highest recorded flood level.
if no, indicate height of casing
16. Are there any visible holes or cracks in the well casing?
if yes, please describe
17. According to the well log, does the casing depth meet state and local codes?
if no, please describe
18. Is the well cap vermin-proof, watertight and securely attached to the well casing?
if no, please describe
19. Is there any corrosion visible at the plumbing fittings and/or the pressure/storage tank?
if yes, describe
20. According to the well log, is pitless equipment used?
if yes, what type? Is this listed as approved under industry standard PAS-97(2017)? (The most current standard and product list is available at https://www.watersystemscouncil.org/resources/well-standards/.)
21. Pressure Tank
What is the pump cut-in pressure?
What is the pump cut-out pressure?
What is the pressure differential?
22. How long does it take for the pump to go from the cut-in to the cut-out with no water running in the house?
23. Does the home have any water treatment devices?
if yes, list
24. Have water treatment systems been regularly maintained, according to well maintenance records?
if no, please explain:
Part 3: Water Testing
25. Is a water sample needed?
What Types
- Bacteria
- Nitrate/Nitrite
- Lead
- Arsenic
- Radon
- Other
Please List
Part 4: Well Yield/Flow
26. Well Flow Test Results (gallons per minute (GPM))
27. Is a more extensive test needed to evaluate well yield?
If the well falls short of ideal conditions, the home inspector should recommend that the homeowner contact a licensed well contractor about further well inspection, water testing and/or the need for well repair or replacement
Completed by (Name and Signature)