Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are regular H&S audits of this office carried out?
Are copies of the reports stored within the site occupiers log?
have previous NCR's been actioned?
Site Occupier's Log
Is there a Site Occupier's log?
Is the Site Occupier's Log easily accessible/readily available for audit?
Are the Site Occupier's Log contents up-to-date?
HSE&Q Notice Board
Is there a Health, Safety, Environment and Quality notice board?
Is the board tidy, managed and up to date?
Are the current issues of the:- <br>Health and Safety Policy<br>Environmental Policy<br>Quality<br>Displayed in an appropiate way?
HSE Law poster
Is there a copy of the HSE poster on display and current?
Employers Liability Insurance
Is a valid Employer's Liability Insurance Certificate displayed?
Communication with staff
Is there a Health and safety commitee or standing item for Health and Safety on team meeting agendas?
Are staff provided with basic Health and Safety information relating to the company and the building at the point of induction?
Do all Health, Safety & Environment signs conform to the Safety Signs and Signals Regulations 1996 and BS EN ISO 7010? (escape routes, fire doors, assembly points)
Housekeeping - are workplaces tidy, well maintained and materials stored safely?
Is there a good standard of housekeeping employed on site?
Are premises, furniture and fittings being kept clean to an acceptable and adequate standard? (consider condition of walls, windows, steps, stairs, handrails and shelving)
Are floors, walkways and stairs clean and free from trip/slip hazards? (such as trailing cables, frayed carpets, loose tiles and spilt liquids)
Is there a build up of rubbish?
Are materials and equipment stored in a safe manner? Avoid storage in gangways and fire evacuation routes; heavy items and liquids should not be stored above shoulder height.
Are walkways and staircases adequately illuminated?
Has provision been made for both suitable and sufficient lighting, either natural or artificial, in every part of the premises?
Temperature and Ventilation
Is there a room thermometer available and in public view?
Is an acceptable and resonable temperature (not less then 16*C/60*F in an office environment) being maintained within rooms in which people work other than for short periods?
Are there adequate means of ventilation within the premises? (windows, doors, vents, air conditioning, fans etc)
Manual Handling - Identify any hazardous manual handling activities
Is there a Manual Handling Risk Assessment?
Have staff who are responsible for lifting, pushing and pulling of office related objects received Manual Handling training?
Are mechanical aids available to use?
Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
Have members of staff completed a DSE assessment for their workstation? (Self assessment or assessed by a competent person)
Have members of staff received information, instruction and traing on how to set up their workstation correctly?
Do members of staff know who to report any pain related syptoms to?
Are additional appliances purchased for those with medically confirmed conditions such as: carpal tunnel syndrome, spondylosis of the spine? (ergonomic mice, chairs with neck supports)
Are all workstations correctly adjusted?
Is the lux level 300-500?
How often are the DSE assessments reviewed?
Electrical Equipment (P.A.T)
Are all portable electrical appliances subject to a regular inspection/testing regime?
Are extension leads used? Are they surge protected and not overloaded?
Have members of staff brought electrical items into the office? if so, have they been visually inspected prior to use?
Has the fixed wiring been tested and inspected in the last five years?
Accident book
Does the office have an accident book available?
Is the accident reporting procedure being followed?
Are the records stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998?
First Aid - consider the nature of the risks in the working environment
Are there adequate numbers of trained First-Aiders? 1 day emergency and 3 day FAW
Is there a list of current First-Aiders displayed in the appropiate locations? (Names, pictures)
Are arrangements in place to provide first-aid cover during shift work or overtime?
Are records available for all nominated first aiders? (valid certificate)
Are First-Aid boxes provided and maintained? Are adequate first aid facilities and maintenance systems in place? Who inspects the boxes and replaces stock?
Are eyewash bottles available where appropriate? If so are all bottles within their expiry date?
Fire Risk Assessment
Has a Fire Risk Assessment of the buiding been carried out? (The landlord is usually responsible for this)
Is fire equipment sufficient and maintained?
Have all resonably forseeable incidents been identified i.e arson, bomb threat, gas adjacent hazards, etc?
Fire Evacuation
Is there an evacuation procedure for the office?
Is it communicated to all staff? (Fire notices)
Do planned tests of the fire evacuation procedures take place? (i.e fire drills twice a year)
Can members of staff be accounted for in the event of an evacuation? (i.e do staff sign in/out)
Fire Precautions
Are all off fire hydrants and hose reels clearly identified and regularly tested?
Are the numbers and types of fire extinguishers suitable for the risks?
Have all fire extinguishers been inspected - monthly/annual inspections?
Are records of inspections available?
Are there trained fire wardens? Are there enough to cover sickness, holidays and shifts?
Fire Exits
Are fire exit routes clearly marked?
Are fire exit routes and doors unobstructed?
Are all fire doors in good condition?
Are all fire doors kept closed and free from obstruction at all times?
Do the final exit doors lead to a place of safety?
Is there a fire assembly point and is it clearly marked with the correct sign?
Are escape routes well lit? Is there emergency lighting? Is the EL tested monthly and annually?
Fire Alarm
Is there an automatic early warning addressable fire alarm in place?
Is the fire alarm serviced every 6 months by a competent Fire Engineer?
Are there Manual Call Points (MCP)? Is a different call point tested each week?
Are the weekly tests recorded in the fire log book?
Is there a zone layout plan located in close proximity to the fire alarm panel?
Asbestos Register
Is there an Asbestos register for the building and is it located in a readily available location?
Is information relating to the location and condition of any Asbestos Containing Material available on request?
Are controls in place to ensure ACMs are not accidentally disturbed or removed?
Are there adequate toilets including disabled facilities?
Are there adequate washing facilities available within the office and are they clean?
Is there a supply of hot and cold running water and is the hot water appropiately labelled?
Are adequate canteen/rest facilities available?
Are adequate changing/drying facilities available?
Are suitable and sufficient cloakroom facilities provided for personal clothing and special work clothing?
Is there an adequate supply of drinking water available?
Noise Assessment
Has a noise assessment been conducted?
Are records of assessments available and current?
Are all controls identified being implemented?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Is there a substance inventory with the appropiate COSHH sheets available to staff?
Are control measures being implemented?
Are substances correctly stored?
Gas Appliances
Are fixed gas appliances installed within the property? If so are they subject to planned maintenance and testing?
Is there a legionella risk assessment available for the building? Ascertain if the landlord is undertaking regular water hygiene monitoring.
Are there showers which members of staff can use?
Is the air conditioning system an air to air system i.e not a wet system? There is no risk from Legionella bacteria in air to air systems.
Work at Height
Are members of staff required to use ladders/stepladders? If so, have the ladders/stepladders been inspected? Are they in good condition? Have members of staff been trained in the safe use?
Are passenger lifts available for members of staff to use? Are they regularly maintained and inspected every 6 months? (LOLER)
Is the auto dialler linked to a monitoring station of facilities?
Is the lift available to use in the event of a fire?
Additional Comments and Observations