Title Page

  • 2018

  • HP Standards and Service Audit

  • German Clubs

  • Conducted on

  • Adam Heaven

  • Location
  • Personnel

1.0 Previous Audit.

  • Has the previous audit been reviewed and is it being used by the team as a working document OPS

  • Is the last audit visible attached to the club notice board? (Are there any outstanding issues) OPS

  • Cleaners are in uniform and easy to identify.

  • General remarks

2.0 Club Entrance and Reception.

  • Is the entrance clear of litter and debris with an inviting feeling?

  • Are the main doors clean creating a great first impression?

  • Is external signage clean and illuminated and in general good condition. OPS

  • Is the reception area clean, tidy and clutter free. Maximum of 3 items on the reception counter.

  • All lights working in the reception area and retail area

  • All Marketing is up to date and presented as per brand standards

  • Are access barriers working and in use where applicable OPS

  • Is the music on in the club and can you hear it? OPS

  • Are all the daily open and close checklists completed and up to date OPS

  • Are team smartly presented as per the company dress code guidelines with standard name badge evident

  • Are members being greeted with a welcoming smile and being engaged

  • Are the towels, clean with a soft feel and smell fresh

  • Ask the receptionist for information on one of the group exercise classes in the club. Could they answer confidently and with the correct level of knowledge?

  • are newspapers / magazines available and in tidy order (not too much, not too little, well organised)?

  • Observe the level of service on the reception. Did the receptionist provide great service on a scale of 1-10. Observe for 10 minutes

  • General remarks

3.0 Offices and Back of House.

  • All staff mebers are aware of current period NPS rating as well as top 3 complaint topics - NPS report is shows in the club office

  • All offices clean, neat and tidy and work inspection rules compliant?

  • Are all the store rooms tidy with clear floor and safe storage of chemicals OPS

  • Are all the store rooms with stock sold in the clubs locked at all times? OPS

  • Are towels stored safely and not a fire risk OPS

  • General remarks

4.0 Retail, Seated Area and Cafe Area.

  • Retail area looks well presented and is clean with no dust on shelving

  • Fridges are fully stocked and displayed in a tidy manner?

  • All products are priced with brand pricing?

  • Furniture in good condition and well presented with clean, clear tables and represents the brand correctly

  • Cafe bar is manned and in line with expectations where applicable.

  • Area clean and tidy with clean floors and no dust evident

  • All lights workings around the seated areas

  • Any Marketing displayed in the retail area is up to date and relevant.

  • General remarks

5.0 Male and Female Changing Rooms and Toilets

  • Cleaning checklists in place, are being used and are up to date? Male area

  • Cleaning checklists in place, are being used and are up to date? Female area

  • Lockers are clean inside with no rubbish or towels left inside? Male area

  • Lockers are clean inside with no rubbish or towels left inside Female Area

  • No more than 5 locker doors are left open at time of audit? Male area

  • No more than 5 locker doors are left open at time of audit Female Area

  • Lockers are displaying the most recent disclaimer. Male area. OPS

  • Lockers are displaying the most recent disclaimers. Female area OPS

  • No signage on mirrors that are not approved Male Area

  • No signage on mirrors that are not approved FemaleArea

  • Are all lockers available for use? (Correct signage used in all cases of out of order lockers) Male Area OPS

  • Are all lockers available for use? (Correct signage used in all cases of out of order lockers) Female Area OPS

  • All lockers have 2 hangers present and are both the same variety and colour? Male Area OPS No more than 5 lockers allowed to have less than 2 at time of audit

  • All lockers have 2 hangers present and are both the same variety and colour? Female Area OPS No more than 5 lockers allowed to have less than 2 at time of audit

  • Locker Marketing is up to date where applicable Male Area

  • Locker Marketing is up to date where applicable Female Area

  • No towels or litter are left in the changing rooms Male Area

  • No towels or litter are left in the changing rooms Female Area

  • All lights are working in the changing areas Male Area OPS

  • All lights are working in the changing areas Female Area OPS

  • All walls are clean with no marks evident Male Area OPS

  • All walls are clean with no marks evident Female Area OPS

  • All parts in the sink basin are present Male area OPS

  • All parts in the sink basin are present Female Area OPS

  • Floors are clean with no dust visible or dirt in the corners. Male Area

  • Floors are clean with no dust visible or dirt in the corners. Female Area

  • Bins are no more than half full at any time. Bins to be clean at all times. Male Area

  • Bins are no more than half full at any time. Bins to be clean at all times. Female Area

  • Bins are in good condition and not damaged Male area OPS

  • Bins are in good condition and not damaged Female area OPS

  • All dispensers are in place and product available at all times. Male Area OPS

  • All dispensers are in place and product available at all times. Female Area OPS

  • All toilets working. (Is a brand standard sign displayed when out of order). Male Area OPS

  • All toilets working. (Is a brand standard sign displayed when out of order). Female Area OPS

  • Toilets smell clean and fresh . Male Area

  • Toilets smell clean and fresh. Female Area

  • All toilets have consumables available and these are stored in the correct manner?

  • All toilets have consumables available and these are stored in the correct manner?

  • Toilets seats are present and secure and immaculately clean underneath. Male Area OPS

  • Toilets seats are present and secure and immaculately clean underneath. Female Area OPS

  • Any Marketing displayed in toilets is up to date and relevant. Male Area

  • Any Marketing displayed in toilets is up to date and relevant. Female Area

  • All cleaning chemicals are stored away from members sight including squeegees. Male Area

  • All cleaning chemicals are stored away from members sight including squeegees. Female Area

  • Sun beds are available and all tubes working OPS

  • Sun beds are cleaned with cleaning schedule in place OPS

  • Spray bottles and paper tissue available in sun bed rooms

  • Health and Safety guidelines evident and displayed correctly OPS

  • General remarks

6.0 Male and Female Showers and Vanity Areas.

  • All extractor vents are working and free from dust. Ceilings are clean. Male Area OPS

  • All extractor vents are working and free from dust. Ceilings are clean. Female Area OPS

  • All shower heads are free from limescale. Male Area OPS

  • All shower heads are free from limescale. Female Area OPS

  • All showers are available, fittings presented well and in place and working correctly. Male Area OPS

  • All showers are available, fittings presented well and in place and working correctly. Female Area OPS

  • All dispensers are present and shower gel available at all times. Male Area OPS

  • All dispensers are present and shower gel available at all times. Female Area OPS

  • All hairdryers are working and free from dust in the filters. Male Area OPS

  • All hairdryers are working and free from dust in the filters. Female Area OPS

  • All hand dryers are working. Male Area OPS

  • All hand dryers are working. Female Area OPS

  • Showers smell clean and fresh with clean clear drains. Male Area OPS

  • Showers smell clean and fresh with clean clear drains. Female Area OPS

  • Showers are free of body fat on walls and floors with ceiling tiles clean. They are not slimy to touch. Male Area

  • Showers are free of body fat on walls and floors with ceiling tiles clean. They are not slimy to touch. Female Area

  • Floors are clean with no damage to tiles. Male Area

  • Floors are clean with no damage to tiles. Female Area

  • Swimming costume dryers are working, clean and smell fresh. Where applicable. Male Area OPS

  • Swimming costume dryers are working, clean and smell fresh. Female Area OPS

  • All lights are working in all areas. Male Area OPS

  • All lights are working in all areas. Female Area OPS

  • Length of shower time to be consistent in all showers. Minimum length of 30 seconds.

  • Length of shower time to be consistent in all showers. Minimum length of 30 seconds.

  • General remarks

7.0 Wellness Area and Wet Area.

  • Areas clean and no rubbish or discarded towels evident

  • All showers working and clean in the wellness area and are not slimy to touch OPS

  • All walls in good condition with no marks present OPS

  • Floors are clean. Check corners and also skirting boards

  • No surface water present and cleaning products stored away

  • All sauna benches are in good condition and safe to use including walls and ceilings OPS

  • Saunas and steam room on and at the correct temperature OPS

  • Saunas and steam room smell fresh with essence present OPS

  • All lights working in saunas and steam rooms. OPS

  • All appropriate health and safety signage is in place and presented correctly. All signage on doors is clear OPS

  • Loungers and furniture are all in good condition and clean OPS

  • Relaxation rooms clean with no discarded towels evident

  • No scum lines evident in spa pool where applicable OPS

  • Spa pool at the correct temperature where applicable OPS

  • Pool life saving equipment present and in good working order OPS

  • All Aqua class equipment is stored correctly and neatly

  • Pool area rules are displayed and correct OPS

  • Swimming pool water is crystal clear and at the correct temperature OPS

  • No scum lines evident in swimming pool OPS

  • Water cooler working and clean with no parts missing OPS

  • General remarks

8.0 Gym Area.

  • Air conditioning working, at the correct temperature with all vents free of dust and damage. To include fresh air vents OPS

  • All walls are clean with no marks on including skirting boards OPS

  • All lights working in the gym zones OPS

  • Music is on and can be heard in the background OPS

  • All TV's work and are switched on with no 2 TV's showing the same thing OPS

  • All machines are working with none out of order. OPS

  • All machines are clean with no sweat marks. White glove treatment.

  • The correct out of order signage is displayed where appropriate

  • All flooring is clean with no dust evident. Corners are clean and skirting boards

  • All matting is clean and without damage and stored correctly

  • All pads on resistance equipment is clean and free of tears, including damage to any other parts of the machines. OPS

  • All equipment is stored away when not in use with no trip hazards so that areas are clutter free

  • Spray bottles and paper tissue readily available in the training zones

  • Are all the daily, weekly and monthly checklists completed and up to date OPS

  • Daily cleaning schedule and rota is in place for the gym teams

  • All Marketing is relevant, up to date and presented correctly with no red logo evident

  • All team members are in uniform with name badge on and interacting with members

  • There is 1 person obviously performing MI at the time of the audit.

  • The Express class area is neat and tidy when an Express class is not being performed

  • Observe MI for 10 minutes to assess the level of service delivered. Rate on a scale of 1-10

  • General remarks

9.0 Xpress classes.

  • Xpress classes promoted?

  • Xpress classes happening?

  • Trainers tidied up the equipement?

  • General remarks

10.0 Group Exercise and Studios.

  • Studio timetables displayed and up to date

  • Air conditioning is working, at the correct temperature with all vents free of dust OPS

  • Floors clear of sweat marks and no dust evident

  • Mirrors are smear free and clean at all times

  • Mirrors are not damaged at all OPS

  • Walls clean with no marks evident OPS

  • All lights working when turned on by auditor. OPS

  • All equipment immaculately stored safely when not in use. No higher than 1.5 meters.

  • All mats clean and are free of damage

  • All small equipment is in good condition and stored correctly

  • All bikes are clean

  • All seats and handlebars on spin bikes returned to the base and all levers released when not in use and studios presented neat and tidy.

  • Spray bottles and paper tissue readily available in cycle studio. Minimum of 6 full bottles in each cycle studio.

  • Music system in good working order and head mics available in all studios OPS

  • All bikes out of order are removed from studio

  • Studio occupancy is measured and up to date

  • Ask 3 team members to explain a group exercise class in detail. All 3 must pass

  • General remarks

11.0 General.

  • Is there a club rota and daily MODrota in place and displayed in the club. First Aider is identified.

  • Set off a panic alarm in the club and time response. Must be a first aider, with a First aid kit. Must be under 2 minutes OPS where applicable

  • Is there evidence of a club maintenance reporting system in the club being used by all team members? OPS

  • All emergency lighting is working around the club OPS

  • All fire escapes are clear. OPS

  • Pool chemicals are stored safely at all times OPS

  • All fire equipment is clean, well maintained and not out of date OPS

  • Dress code rules are displayed on the club notice board.

  • First aid boxes available and fully stocked. Check 2 boxes OPS

  • Check website to see whether Club Team are up to date.

  • During the audit were there any unpleasant smells in any parts of the club? OPS

  • General remarks

12.0 Beauty Rooms, Crèche and 3rd Party Operations.

  • Does the operation represent Holmes Place

  • Is it clean and well presented with opening times clearly displayed

  • Are team members dressed correctly and represent Holmes Place and our expectations.

  • All Marketing is in line with Holmes Place expectation

  • All lights working OPS

  • General remarks

13.0 Sales and Marketing.

  • Are Exercise Histories being used?

  • Is the starter pack collateral in line with brand expectation?

  • Are the gift packs stocked with the correct products?

  • Are Guest passes being used correctly?

  • Is there promotion in the clubs with regards to add ons?

  • No signage on mirrors that are not approved Femae Area

  • General remarks

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