Audit Title
Document No.
Unit Inspected
Conducted on
Personnel Contacted
Prepared by
1. Commander's Responsibilities
(WS&GS) 1.1. Has the Commander established a management strategy to ensure functional managers and supervisors (rather than the safety staff) take actions to mitigate hazards and reduce risk? <br><br>AFI 91-202, Para
AFI 91-202
(WS&GS) 1.2. Does the commander minimize assigning full-time safety personnel additional duties not directly associated with duties described in 91-series directives and their supplements? (HAF Core 1.3)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para
AFI 91-202
2. Weapons Safety Manager Training
(WS) 2.1. Is a qualified Weapons Safety Manager (WSM) appointed to manage the Weapons Safety Program (Are weapons safety personnel scheduled within 90 days of appointment and course completion, AETC Course L3AZR2W071001, within six months)? (HAF Core 1.18) <br><br>AFI 91-202, Para
AFI 91-202
(GS) 2.2. Is a Ground Safety Manager (GSM) appointed to manage the Weapons Safety Program? <br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(GS) 2.3. Has the GSM attended the ANG or equivalent AFRC Explosives Safety Orientation (ESO) Course, as a minimum?<br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(GS) 2.4. Has the GSM received Unit Weapons Safety Representative (UWSR) program management training from a Host safety professional?<br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 2.5. Are all safety disciplines consolidated under the Chief of Safety? <br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 2.1
AFI 91-202
(WS) 2.6. Is the WSM qualified in their AFSC 2WXX, 2MXX, or OPM 018/017 or 803 standards and have experience in the maintenance or operation of nuclear weapons, missiles or non-nuclear munitions. (Note: Persons selected as WSMs will be at least a 7-level in their Air Force Specialty Code. <br>(HAF Core 1.17) <br><br>AFI 91-202, Para<br><br>
AFI 91-202
(WS) 2.7. Does the COS ensure WSM personnel records are updated upon completion of training course L3AZR2W071 0C2A, Weapons Safety Management Course, and the Air Force Career Field Manager has immediately awarded SEI 375 to the individual? (HAF Core 1.33)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.2.3
AFI 91-202
(WS) 2.8. Has the COS initiated a two-year assignment deferment through the Military Personnel Flight for Weapons Safety personnel upon completion of the Weapons Safety training course? (HAF Core 2.8)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.2.4
AFI 91-202
(WS&GS) 2.9 Has the WSM or GSM with weapons safety responsibilities, attended the AFRC Explosives Safety Orientation course within the last five years?<br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para and
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 2.10. Does the safety staff maintain a list of potential Safety Investigation Board (SIB) members who have completed the formal training requirements according to AFIs 91-204 and 91-223 and discipline specific manuals and provide a copy to MAJCOM/SE? (Note: are unit personnel updating the AFRC SIB and Safety Training Database? Data must be updated within 60 days of course completion and reviewed/updated by 1 Feb and 1 Jul of each year.) (HAF Core 1.10)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para and AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para 2.3
AFI 91-202
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
3. Program Management Responsibilities
(WS) 3.2. Does the WSM annually, NLT 31 January of each year, review their unit waivers, exemptions, deviations, and compensatory measures and send a confirmation memorandum to AFRC/SEW of current status and review? <br> <br>AFMAN 91-201, AFRC Sup, Para 1.3.7
AFMAN 91-201, AFRC Sup
(WS) 3.3. Does weapons safety personnel advise commanders of the increased damage potential explosive exceptions allow? (HAF Core 1.36)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.4.2
AFI 91-202
(WS) 3.5. Does the WSM ensure that units identify and document compensatory measures to minimize mishaps, eliminate violations and reduce risk? (HAF Core 1.38)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.4.4
AFI 91-202
(WS) 3.6. Does the WSM coordinate on all local written procedures affecting weapons operations and perform annual review? (HAF Core 1.39)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.4.5
AFI 91-202
(WS) 3.7. Is the WSM aware of planning and activities on the base which affect weapons safety, conduct/document initial and annual reviews on munitions-related operating instructions, explosive test plans, deployment plans, OPLANs, OPORDs, and local directives involving the storage, handling, and inspection of nuclear weapons, missiles, or explosives? <br>(HAF Core 1.40 & 1.41) <br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.4.6
AFI 91-202
(WS) 3.8. Does the WSM advise each new wing or group level commander responsible for an explosive safety program within 60 days of appointment on applicable waivers, exemptions, deviations, and compensatory measures as well as the associated risk for each violation? <br>(Note: Commanders below group level will be briefed by appointed ADWSRs, when appropriate). (HAF Core 1.42)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.4.7
AFI 91-202
(WS) 3.9. Does the WSM participate in mishap prevention and risk management determination in the following areas: <br><br>• Maintenance, storage, alert, research and developmental test, and operating locations. <br>• Flightline explosives operations.<br>• Review flight line explosives operations, operational procedures for aircraft carrying hazardous materials.<br>• Disposal yards and demolition activities.<br>• Nuclear surety elements. (See AFI 91-101).<br>• Munitions and maintenance handling equipment (MMHE) quality assurance programs.<br>• Weapons Systems maintenance.<br>• Weapons systems modifications, special exercises, and test programs.<br>• Planning for contingencies.<br>• Concurrent Servicing Operations.<br>• Licensed locations.<br>• Installation support (CONUS only) for Department of Energy (DOE) shipments (SAFE HAVEN and SAFE CONVOY). (See AFI 10-2501)<br>• Weapons safety training for unit personnel.<br>• Weapons test review process, if applicable.<br>• Explosives movement route.<br>• Hot Cargo pads and Inspection Points for Explosives-Loaded Commercial Vehicles.<br>• Aerial port explosives operations. (AFRC Sup)<br>• Small Arms Ranges. (AFRC Sup)<br>• Field Training exercise areas where explosives are used. (AFRC Sup)<br>(HAF Core 1.43)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.4.8 – and AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para -
AFI 91-202
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS) 3.10. Prior to the use of Training Involving Blank Ammunition, does the WSM ensure written instructions are developed by the user? (HAF Core 2.16)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 7.25.1 thru
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 3.11. Does the WSM ensure only trained personnel can prepare and activate simulators and smoke producing munitions? (HAF Core 2.17)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 7.26.2
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 3.12. Units with a Munitions Storage Area: Does the WSM ensure Base Civil Engineers conduct and document the required inspections on the lightning protection system?<br><br>AFI 32-1065, Para 1, 9, 10, 12, Table 1, and Attachment 5
AFI 32-1065
(WS&GS) 3.13. Does the WSM or Unit Weapons Safety Representative (UWSR) ensure there is a process in place to initially and annually review/coordinate on the following publications?:<br>• Unit developed lesson plans<br>• Written Instructions<br>• Safety Briefings<br>• Explosives base map<br>• QRC or EAC (located in Command Post, MOC, and/or Munitions Control)<br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para 9.4.5
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 3.14. Does the Host/Tenant WSM, UWSR, or COS brief new commander’s with an explosives safety program within three UTAs of assuming command and annually thereafter on:<br>• Risk assessments for explosives operations<br>• Existing quantity distance waivers (to include event waivers)<br>• Exemptions and deviations<br>• Status of corrective and compensatory measures<br>• Contingency parking plans for explosives-loaded aircraft<br>• Support for deployed forces<br>• Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board survey process.<br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para 9.4.7
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(GS) 3.15. Prior to the use of Training Involving Blank Ammunition, does the UWSR ensure written instruction are developed by the user and coordinated with the Host WSM?<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 7.25 and AFMAN 91-201, AFRC Sup, Para -
AFMAN 91-201
AFMAN 91-201, AFRC Sup
(GS) 3.16. Does the UWSR: <br><br>1) Advise the commander on safety matters. <br>2) Conduct and document spot inspections in conjunction with facility managers when possible.<br>3) Ensure unit personnel are aware of mishap reporting requirements and assist unit commander and supervisors in mishap investigation when required.<br>4) Assist supervisors who develop JST Guides. <br>5) Conduct safety briefings and provide unit personnel with educational safety materials.<br>6) Assist the unit commander and supervisors with the hazard abatement process. <br>7) Facilitate the inspection process for their unit. <br>8) Serve as the focal point for explosive safety matters. <br>9) Disseminate explosives safety information. <br>10) Ensure unit personnel involved in explosives activities have received explosives safety training. <br>11) Ensure unit explosives safety lesson plans are developed and coordinated with the WSM or USR. <br>12) Selectively monitor explosives operations and assist supervisors in developing procedures and instructions. <br>13) Ensure new (proposed) locally written explosives operating procedures are coordinated with the Host/Tenant WSM. Ensure a copy of each published procedure is provided to the WSM. <br>14) Ensure supervisors are enforcing the use of technical data and locally written procedures. <br>15) Review explosives facility license prior to submitting to WSM. <br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 2.2.4 and AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para 9.13<br>
AFI 91-202
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(GS) 3.17. Does the UWSR ensure only trained personnel can prepare and activate simulators and smoke producing munitions? <br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 7.26.2
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 3.19. Does the WSM notify AFRC/SEW through a formal memorandum on cancellation of Waivers and Exemptions? <br><br>AFMAN 91-201, AFRC Sup, Para 1.14
AFMAN 91-201, AFRC Sup
(WS) 3.20. (AFRC Bases Only) Does the WSM annually review fire department pre-fire plans relating to storage of AE storage location and operations, including license explosives storage locations?<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, AFRC Sup, Para 10.13.5
AFMAN 91-201, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 3.21. Are interorganization and interservice agreements addressed in a Support Agreement? (HAF Core 1.1)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 1.3
AFI 91-202
(WS) 3.22. Does the safety staff advise the commander, functional managers, supervisors and workers on safety matters? (HAF Core 1.4)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para
AFI 91-202
(WS) 3.25. Does the safety staff provide mishap prevention and education material to subordinate and tenant units?<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para
AFI 91-202
(WS) 3.26. Does the safety staff advise commanders, functional managers, supervisors and workers on safety matters? <br><br>AFI 91-202, Para
AFI 91-202
(WS) 3.29. Does the safety staff identified potential Interim Safety Board (ISB) and SIB members training annually on the basics of mishap investigation? <br>(HAF Core 1.11)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para
AFI 91-202
(WS) 3.31. Does the safety staff assist responsible commanders and supervisors to ensures plans, procedures, facility and equipment modifications/acquisitions, hardware, software, and operations receive a safety review based on risk management and hazard elimination? (HAF Core 1.14)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para
AFI 91-202
(WS&GS) 3.32. Do units at and above squadron level with an explosives, missile, or nuclear mission have a weapons safety program? (HAF Core 1.31)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.1.1
AFI 91-202
(WS) 3.33. If a Lightning Protection system is not installed on an explosive facility, has the responsible commander accepted the potential loss of resources and are procedures for personnel evacuation in place? (HAF Core 2.10) <br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 5.25.5
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 3.34. Are Exceptions from prescribed QD requirements documented, approved, and maintained according to AFMAN 91-201 Section 1B? (HAF Core 2.9)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Section 1B
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 3.35. Do weapons safety personnel assist units in performing a risk assessment for explosives operations according to applicable directives? (HAF Core 1.37)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.4.3
AFI 91-202
(WS) 3.36. Has the safety staff developed a Mishap Response Plan, addressing all disciplines, if required actions are integrated into the overall base Installation Emergency Management Plan (EMP)? (HAF Core 1.12)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para
AFI 91-202
(WS) 3.37. Has the tenant unit coordinated, through a MOA or MOU, and additional program functions with the host to avoid duplication and clearly delineate responsibility? (HAF Core 1.32) <br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.1.2
AFI 91-202
4. Spot Inspections
(WS) 4.1. Has the COS designated in writing high-interest areas by discipline annually? (Note: The lack of high interest areas will also be documented). <br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para 3.6
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 4.3. Are spot inspections conducted?<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 3.5.1
AFI 91-202
(WS&GS) 4.4. Does the WSM (or GSM with weapons safety responsibilities) keep a record of discrepancies and corrective actions? <br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 3.5.3
AFI 91-202
(WS&GS) 4.5. Does the spot inspection documentation include: <br><br>• The organization, unit, activity or work area inspected.<br>• The date and time of the inspection.<br>• The inspector’s name and their organization or office symbol.<br>• A brief description of the areas, equipment or processes/procedures reviewed as well as observations (may also include positive findings), hazards or unsafe work practices. When qualified safety personnel identify hazards, assign RACs as applicable.<br>• Causes of deficiencies and hazards, as noted.<br>• Recommendations for corrective action.<br>• Names and phone number of responsible person.<br>• Ensure appropriate follow-up actions (every 30 days) are conducted and documented until findings are closed.<br>(HAF Core 1.29)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 3.5.3<br>
AFI 91-202
(GS) 4.7. At AFRC tenant/associate locations, is the spot inspections program coordinated with the host base WSM or in accordance with their Support Agreement?<br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para 3.5.1
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 4.8. Does the WSM (or GSM with weapons responsibility) ensure USRs (ADWSRs) and supervisors conduct and document spot inspection at least monthly? (Note: ensure 100% of the workplaces are covered annually)<br>(HAF Core 1.28) <br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 3.5.2
AFI 91-202
(WS&GS) 4.9. Has the Chief of Safety developed a spot inspection program for safety staff to ensure coverage of on- and off-duty activities that occur on, or are controlled by, the installation? (HAF Core 1.27)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 3.5.1
AFI 91-202
(WS&GS) 4.10. Does the WSM or ground safety manager (GSM) with weapons safety responsibility conduct quarterly spot inspection on the wing NCE program? (Note: at units with NCE assigned at squadron level) <br><br>AFI 91-103, AFRC Sup, Attachment 5, Para A5.3.2<br>
AFI 91-103, AFRC Sup
5. Explosives Map
(WS) 5.1. Does the AFRC Host Base WSM annually review the installation explosives location map and provide changes and corrections to CES? Note: review must be documented and maintained by the safety office. CES published maps should be coordinated with logistics, operations and safety. This reviews can be documented on a separate log and should include but not be limited to the following applicable areas: <br><br>• Explosives safety “clear zones” required around each location based on quantity-distance criteria.<br>• Primary and alternate explosives routes through the installation. <br>• Authorized flight line locations for conducting explosives operations to include concurrent servicing operation activities, explosives aircraft cargo on or off loading, and combat aircraft explosives loading.<br>• Locations for handling hung ordnance and gun-clearing operations<br>• Arm and de-arm areas.<br>• Explosives support workplaces, such as flight line munitions holding areas.<br>• Base explosives prohibited zones. (See AFMAN 91-201 and <Unified Facilities Criteria 3-260-01>)<br>• Vehicle inspection points and suspect vehicle areas. <br>• Parking spots for aircraft loaded with munitions or explosives identified in AFMAN 91-201.<br>• Potential electromagnetic radiation (EMR) hazard zones that could affect munitions operations. (Note: After 100% evaluation, plot only those zones that actually impact munitions operations to include primary and alternate explosive routes. The review must be documented and maintained by Weapons Safety. The reviews can be document on separate logs.)<br>• EOD Range(s) (AFRC Sup)<br>• Base Weapons Range(s) (AFRC Sup)<br>• Restrictive Easement(s) (AFRC Sup)<br>(HAF Core 1.45)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.4.9 – and AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para -
AFI 91-202
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 5.2. Does the Tenant/Associate WSM/UWSR ensure there is a process to initially and annually review/coordinate on the installation/base explosives safety map?<br>(HAF Core 1.44)<br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
6. Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)
(WS) 6.1. Does the Host WSM prepare and maintain an EMR survey for their base installation? (HAF Core 2.26)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 9.20.2<br>
AFMAN 91-201
(WS&GS) 6.2. Does the Host/Tenant WSM or Tenant/Associate GSM, with weapons safety responsibilities, ensure individuals are aware of Modern Mobile Emitters pertaining to their unit? <br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 9.11, 9.27, and 9.30
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 6.3. Does the WSM maintain a database of RF Emitter data (Category A information) for their base? (HAF Core 2.25)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 9.20.1
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 6.4. Does the WSM annually review Category A information against munitions procedures performed on their base? (HAF Core 2.27)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 9.20.3
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 6.5. Does the WSM ensure Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO) safety procedures are conducted for Electro-Explosive Devices (EED) on their base? (HAF Core 2.28)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 9.20.4
AFMAN 91-201
7. Unit Safety Representative
(WS) 7.1. Does the installation weapons safety manager provides weapons safety training to all appointed Additional Duty Weapons Safety Representatives (ADWSR) on their responsibilities and program management? (Note: ADWSMs are required to be trained within 30 days of appointment, with recurring training as determined by the MAJCOM). (HAF Core 1.47)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.11.1
AFI 91-202
(WS) 7.2. Are ADWSR trained within two unit training assemblies (UTA) after appointment?<br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para 9.11.1
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(GS) 7.3. Is the AFRC tenant or associate unit ground safety manager/specialist appointed and trained as the tenant or associate unit weapons safety representative (UWSR) to the installation safety office?<br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
8. Mishap Reporting
(WS&GS) 8.1. Are mishap reports written in accordance with AFMAN 91-221? (HAF Core 14.1)<br><br>AFI 91-221, Chapter 6
AFMAN 91-221
(WS&GS) 8.3. Are mishap reports sanitized prior to being forwarded to unit safety reps and other personnel? (HAF Core 14.2)<br><br>AFI 91-204, Para 3.7.1
AFI 91-204
(WS) 8.4. Does the safety staff ensure all mishaps are properly investigated and reported according with AFI 91-204 and discipline specific manuals (AFMAN 91-221)? (HAF Core 1.8)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para
AFI 91-202
(WS&GS) 8.5. Does the WSM (or GSM with weapons safety responsibilities) conduct and/or assist in nuclear safety reporting as prescribed in AFI 91-204 and AFMAN 91-221, Weapons Safety Investigations and Reports, to include safety reporting of nuclear certified equipment located in both nuclear and non-nuclear units? (HAF Core 3.3)<br><br>AFI 91-101, AFRC Sup, Para 2.15.3
AFI 91-101, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 8.6. Does the WSM (or GSM with weapons safety responsibilities) review and disseminate information from nuclear mishap and deficiency reports? (HAF Core 3.4)<br><br>AFI 91-101, Para 2.15.4
AFI 91-101
(WS&GS) 8.7. For open safety mishap recommendations that identify installation OPRs or OCRs, does the safety staff ensure the appropriate POC is notified, actively managed the recommendation through closure and provide status updates as outlined in AFI 91-204, Safety Investigations and Reports? (HAF Core 1.7)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para<br>
AFI 91-202
(WS&GS) 8.8. Does the safety staff ensure all personnel with access to privileged safety information are trained annual on the proper handling procedures and maintain training documents? (HAF Core 1.9)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para
AFI 91-202
9. Explosives Training
(WS) 9.1. Does the WSM approve all explosives safety lesson plans? (HAF Core 1.49)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.11.2
AFI 91-202
(WS) 9.2. Does the WSM review all explosives safety lesson plans annually? (HAF Core 1.49)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.11.2
AFI 91-202
(WS&GS) 9.3. Does the WSM or UWSR ensure all personnel who may be dispatched to work on explosives loaded aircraft receive weapons safety training (Handling and Maintenance of Explosive-Loaded Aircraft) pertaining to T.O. 11A-1-33, initially and every 15 months thereafter? <br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para 9.11.5 & T.O. 11A-1-33
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 9.4. Does the WSM (or GSM with weapons safety responsibilities) ensure supervisors brief explosives hazards identified in the Job Safety Training Outline (JSTO) for individuals who are exposed to or handle explosives in the performance of their job? <br><br>AFI 91-202, Para & Attachment 5
AFI 91-202
(GS) 9.5. Does the GSM, with weapons safety responsibility review, coordinate and ensure the Host WSM approves all tenant explosives safety lesson plans?<br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para 9.13.4<br>
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 9.6. Does the WSM or USR ensure the following areas are integrated in to every explosives safety lesson plan?<br>• General explosives safety requirements and philosophy.<br>• Specific hazards involved with handling unit assigned explosives by class/division, to include personal protective equipment.<br>• Transportation requirements to include unique handling precautions of explosives both on and off installation as applicable.<br>• Fire fighting guidance for explosives operations and storage.<br>• Personnel and explosives limits for storage and operations.<br>• Emergency procedures to include mishap and evacuation procedures.<br>• Use of simulators and smoke-producing munitions, if applicable.<br>• Storage and compatibility requirements.<br>• Maintenance on explosive-loaded aircraft IAW T.O. 11A-1-33, if applicable.<br>• Mishap reporting procedures while at home station or deployed. <br>• Electromagnetic Radiation hazards and Modern Mobile Emitter requirements.<br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para -
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 9.7. Are all explosives safety trainers (except Host/Tenant WSM) appointed in writing by their commander? <br>(HAF Core 1.48)<br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para 9.11.4
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 9.8. Are all explosives safety training classes evaluated every 15 months? (HAF Core 1.49)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.11.2 and AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para 9.11.4
AFI 91-202
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 9.9. Does the WSM (or GSM with weapons safety responsibilities) ensure all personnel (supervisory and nonsupervisory) who operate, handle, transport, maintain, load, or dispose of missiles or explosives, or nuclear weapons receives explosive safety training tailored to the needs of the individual, initially and every 15 months thereafter? <br>(HAF Core 1.50)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.11.2
AFI 91-202
10. Planning for Deployments
(WS&GS) 10.1. Are explosives safety considerations an integral part of the site survey team’s visit and subsequent plans for on-going support and oversight? <br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 13.5.3
AFMAN 91-201
(WS&GS) 10.3. Are local written procedures for all phases of munitions operations at the deployed location completed? <br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para
AFMAN 91-201
(WS&GS) 10.4. Are briefings conducted and documented on tasked unit personnel on the plans, procedures and compensatory actions to be used at the deployment location? <br><br>AFMAN 91-201, AFRC Sup, Para
AFMAN 91-201, AFRC Sup
11. Annual Inspections/Assessments
(WS&GS) 11.1. Does the safety staff ensure checklists are available to all assigned personnel and reviewed annually for accuracy and relevancy?<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para
AFI 91-202
(WS) 11.2. Does Safety staff inspect every installation workplace/facility, at least annually? (HAF Core 1.21)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 3.4.1
AFI 91-202
(WS) 11.3. Does the safety staff assess the safety program management of each organization below installation level annually? (HAF Core 1.20)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 3.3
AFI 91-202
(WS&GS) 11.4. Does the WSM or UWSR ensure the following areas are inspected/assessed and documented on explosives safety program to ensure compliance with program directives? As a minimum (not limited to): <br>• Commander and supervisory Support<br>• Compliance with program directives<br>• Effectiveness of mishap prevention programs (Performance)<br>• Spot inspections conducted by ADWSRs<br>• Operating Instructions<br>• Explosives Safety Lesson Plans<br>• Explosives Safety Training<br>• Transportation of Explosives<br>• Explosives licensing requirements<br>• General Explosives Safety Requirements to include Lightning Protection System<br>• Modern Mobile Emitters and Radio frequency exposure/control<br>• Analysis of unit mishap reports.<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 3.3.1 and AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, -
AFI 91-202
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS) 11.5. Does the safety staff provide an out brief to the commander within three duty days and a formal written report to the squadron/unit commander within 15 calendar days after completion of inspection? Formal inspection reports must contain:<br><br>• The unit, activity, or work area inspected<br>• The date of the inspection<br>• Management and supervisory support for safety<br>• Mishap experience and trends<br>• Compliance with safety program directives<br>• Description of any hazards or unsafe work practices with risk assessment codes (as applicable) and references<br>• Causes of deficiencies and hazards noted, if known<br>• Recommendations for improvement/compliance<br>• Instructions for follow-up actions such as requiring units to provide monthly updates on open items until closure<br>(HAF Core 1.25)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para –
AFI 91-202
(WS&GS) 11.7. Does the WSM (or GSM with weapons responsibility) use spot inspections and follow-up reporting to ensure corrective action is taken and the hazards are mitigated? (HAF Core 1.26)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para<br>
AFI 91-202
(GS) 11.8. Does the UWSR forward copies of the inspection report to the host safety office when conducted on other MAJCOM installations?<br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(GS) 11.9. Is documentation available to verify an annual weapons safety inspection has been conducted by the host safety staff? (Note: the host performs the required annual inspection except when support agreement directs otherwise). <br>(HAF Core 1.22)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para
AFI 91-202
(WS&GS) 11.12. Does the safety staffs conduct multi-discipline (e.g. Aviation, Ground, etc.) inspections when feasible? <br>(HAF Core 1.24)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 3.4.2
AFI 91-202
(WS) 11.13. Does the WSM, with the assistance of Ground Safety, assign RACs to weapons safety hazards? <br>(HAF Core 1.46)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para 9.4.10
AFI 91-202
(WS&GS) 11.14. Does the safety staff conducts safety program assessments and inspections of subordinate, tenant and geographically separated units (GSU) safety programs IAW Support Agreements? (HAF Core 1.6)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para
AFI 91-202
12. Explosives Facility License
(WS&GS) 12.1. Are Explosives Facility License (AF Form 2047) coordinated through Munitions Accountable System Officer (MASO), Security Forces and Base Fire Protection (Fire Extinguisher: type, quantity, and placement) prior to being signed by the Base WSM? (HAF Core 2.30)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para
AFMAN 91-201
(WS&GS) 12.2. Are local written procedures developed for operations involving licensed explosives prior to approval of the facility license? (HAF Core 2.29)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 11.1.5
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 12.3. Does the WSM physically inspect the licensed facility prior to approval? (HAF Core 2.30)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para<br>
AFMAN 91-201
(GS) 12.4. Does the UWSR review the explosives facility license (AF Form 2047) prior to submitting to the Host WSM? <br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para 9.13.8
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 12.5. Does the WSM or UWSR maintain documentation showing how mission essential quantities were determined? <br><br>AFMAN 91-201, AFRC Sup, Para 11.3.6
AFMAN 91-201, AFRC Sup
13. Explosives (Written Instructions)
(WS&GS) 13.1. Does the WSM (or GSM with weapons safety responsibilities) ensure all written instructions pertaining to explosives operations are approved by the squadron commander (or equivalent)? (HAF Core 2.12)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para
AFMAN 91-201
(WS&GS) 13.2. Does the WSM or UWSR ensure that local written procedures developed for explosives operations contain all of the required safety elements: <br><br>• Personnel limits.<br>• Explosive limits, including the hazard class/division and compatibility group of the explosives involved.<br>• Exact locations where operations will be done.<br>• Safety requirements, to include special requirements for personal protective clothing and equipment.<br>• Step-by-step procedures for doing the task (refer to specific steps in the TO for applicable portions of the operation).<br>• Actions to be taken during an emergency. <br>(HAF Core 2.13)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 7.3.1 – 7.3.6, AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para 9.13.6
AFMAN 91-201
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS) 13.3. Does the WSM review waivers, exemptions and deviations from established explosives safety criteria and ensure that compensatory measures are integrated into local written procedures? (HAF Core 1.35)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 9.4.1
AFMAN 91-201
14. Transportation of Explosives
(WS&GS) 14.1. Does the WSM or UWSR ensure a process is in place to initially and annually review/coordinate unit developed lesson plans and written instructions pertaining to transportation of explosives, munitions and hazardous cargo? <br><br>AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para 9.4.5
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 14.2. Does the safety staff ensure written procedures are developed pertaining to procedures and requirements for military vehicles or drivers transporting explosives across or on public highways from one part of the base to another are compliant with the Defense Transportation Regulation? <br>(HAF Core 2.24)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 8.16.7, 8.22, and 8.27
AFMAN 91-201
15. Site Plans
(WS&GS) 15.1. Are approved explosives site plans maintained by the installation safety office and using organizations? <br>(HAF Core 2.35)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 14.16 and AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup, Para
AFMAN 91-201
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup
(WS) 15.4. Does the safety staff accomplish explosives siting requirements IAW AFMAN 91-201? (HAF Core 1.13)<br><br>AFI 91-202, Para
AFI 91-202
(WS) 15.5. Does the WSM evaluate non-DoD explosives siting submissions on DoD installations only to ensure compliance with DoD explosive safety standards to non-commercial (DoD and Public) exposures (see paragraph 12.88)? <br>(HAF Core 2.1)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 1.2.3
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 15.6. (Out of Continental US location site plans) Does the WSM ensure host nation and civilian personnel are afforded the same level of protection as US personnel? (HAF Core 2.2)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para<br>
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 15.7. (Out of Continental US location site plans) Does the WSM notify host nation commanders when QD exceptions to Air Force standards place host nation personnel at additional risk? (HAF Core 2.3)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 15.8. Are deviations documented in accordance with AFMAN 91-201, paragraph 1.4.3 and reviewed every three years IAW paragraph 1.4.4? (HAF Core 2.5 & 2.6)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 1.4.3
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 15.9. Are operational waivers only used for a temporary exceptions from mandatory QD requirements for strategic or other compelling reasons when conditions or circumstances causing the waiver arise unexpectedly, approved by the responsible commander prior to start of operations, and forwarded to HQ AFSC/SEW through the MAJCOM/SEW? <br>(HAF Core 2.7)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 1.5
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 15.10. Are periodic reviews of exceptions accomplished and documented according to AFMAN 91-201 paragraphs 1.6, 1.7, and1.13? (HAF Core 2.8)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 1.6, 1.7, and 1.13
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 15.11. Does the WSM monitor jointly with CE construction activities for explosive facilities? (HAF Core 2.11)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 5.55
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 15.12. Does the WSM and CE monitor and control construction and facility utilization inside the explosive clear zones? <br>(HAF Core 2.31)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 14.4
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 15.13. Does the WSM ensure explosive clear zones for all approved day-to-day and war plan explosives site plans are reflected on the installation Comprehensive Plan Maps C-1, D-8, E-9, and M-3 (as applicable)? (HAF Core 2.32)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 14.5.1<br>
AFMAN 91-201
(WS&GS) 15.14. Are explosive site plans submitted for all explosive facilities and approved prior to use for explosive activities? <br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 14.9 thru 14.9.7
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 15.15. Does the WSM evaluate modifications or change in use at existing explosives facilities and exposed facilities within explosives clear zones to determine if they affect the application of explosives safety requirements, including pre-approved ESPs? (HAF Core 2.34)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 14.11
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 15.16. Does the host base safety office maintain copies of current waivers, exemptions, deviations, and compensatory measures for day-to-day operations as well as contingency and war plans? (HAF Core 2.4)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 1.3.7
AFMAN 91-201
16. Fireworks, Airshow Events and Exercises Involving Explosives
(WS) 16.1. (Scheduled Explosives Demonstration Event - Airshows) Does the WSM, with the assistance of Munitions, EOD, Base Operations, Legal, and Fire Department personnel, complete a comprehensive explosives risk assessment for the scheduled explosives demonstration event and forward to the MAJCOM for approval? (HAF Core 2.15)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 7.22.7
AFMAN 91-201
(WS&GS) 16.2. (Exercises Involving Explosives) Do training and exercise plans contain a risk assessment of explosives operations for the training or exercise, and are weapons safety personnel involved in plan development? (HAF Core 2.18)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 7.27.1 and<br>
AFMAN 91-201
(WS&GS) 16.3. (Exercises Involving Explosives) Do training and exercise plans include a list of all explosives to be used in the training or exercise, to include NSN, HD, and explosive weights? (HAF Core 2.19)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para
AFMAN 91-201
(WS&GS) 16.4. (Exercises Involving Explosives) Do training and exercise plans include a detailed list of locations where explosives will be deployed for the training or exercise? (HAF Core 2.20)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para
AFMAN 91-201
(WS&GS) 16.5. (Exercises Involving Explosives) Do training and exercise plans include a procedure for accountability and reconciliation of all items used in the training? (HAF Core 2.21)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para
AFMAN 91-201
(WS&GS) 16.6. (Exercises Involving Explosives) Do training and exercise plans include required separation distances per AFMAN 91-201 paragraph 7.26? (HAF Core 2.22)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para
AFMAN 91-201
(WS&GS) 16.7. (Exercises Involving Explosives) Does the responsible commander approve training and exercise plans in writing, ensuring personnel not normally associated with explosives operations and exercises are not exposed to explosives hazards? (HAF Core 2.23)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 7.27.3<br>
AFMAN 91-201
(WS) 16.8. (Fireworks) Does the safety personnel ensure all safety requirements are provided to the base contracting office prior to the selection of the commercial firm that will be conducting fireworks displays or air show events? (HAF Core 2.14)<br><br>AFMAN 91-201, Para 7.22
AFMAN 91-201
17. Nuclear Certified Equipment
(WS&GS) 17.1. Is the host/tenant WSM or ground safety manager (GSM) without a full-time WSM assigned the wing focal point for nuclear surety deficiency reporting?<br><br>AFI 91-101, AFRC Sup, Para 2.15.3<br>
AFI 91-101, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 17.2. Are local notification procedures developed to inform the host WSM of any occurrence that could degrade nuclear surety? <br><br>AFI 91-101, AFRC Sup, Para<br>
AFI 91-101, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 17.3. At AFRC unit equipped bases, does the WSM or ground safety manager with weapons safety responsibilities manage the nuclear certification program?<br><br>AFI 91-103, AFRC Sup, Para 3.4.1
AFI 91-103, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 17.4. Does the WSM or ground safety manager (GSM) with weapons safety responsibility inform leadership of significant problems associated with NCE? (Note: at units with NCE assigned at squadron level) <br><br>AFI 91-103, AFRC Sup, Attachment 5, Para A5.3.3
AFI 91-103, AFRC Sup
(WS&GS) 17.5. Are NCE monitors trained within 30 days of their appointment on Dull Sword reporting criteria?<br><br>AFI 91-103, AFRC Sup, Attachment 5, Para A5.3.4
AFI 91-103, AFRC Sup
Publication References
AFMAN 91-201, Explosive Safety Standards--12 Jan 2011
AFMAN 91-201, AFRC Sup 1, Explosives Safety Standards--28 Feb 2012
AFI 91-202, Chg 1, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program--20 Mar 2012
AFI 91-202, AFGM2, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program--11 July 2012
AFI 91-202, AFRC Sup 1, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program--14 Nov 2012
AFI 91-204, Safety Investigation and Reports--24 Sep 2008
AFMAN 91-221, Weapons Safety Investigation and Reports--08 Nov 2010
T.O. 11A-1-33, Handling and Maintenance of Explosives-Loaded Aircraft--28 Jan 2010
AFI 32-1065, Grounding Systems--01 Oct 1998
AFI 91-101, Air Force Nuclear Weapons Surety Program--13 Oct 2010
AFI 91-101, AFRC Sup 1, Air Force Nuclear Weapons Surety Program--17 Feb 2012
AFI 91-103, Air Force Nuclear Safety Design Certification Program--17 Nov 2010
AFI 91-103, AFRC Sup 1, Air Force Nuclear Safety Design Certification Program--07 Feb 2012