
  • Engineer name

  • Engineer Tech number

  • Team number

  • Conducted on

  • Team Manager completing the audit

  • Location

Key findings from report

  • Key areas to explore with the engineer

  • Please include any snapshots from reports or photos to support physical audit.

CABLE (Information taken from reports)

  • Amount of CABLE receipted as received over the last 6 weeks?

  • Summary of physical audit

Other high spend items identified (if applicable)

  • Amount of item receipted as received over the last 6 weeks? (Please indicate which item)

  • Summary of physical audit

  • Amount of Second item receipted as received over the last 6 weeks? (Please indicate which item)

  • Summary of physical audit

  • Total cost of Consumable items receipted over the last 6 weeks

Current level of knowledge and understanding.

  • Q1: What is your understanding of the process for ordering and receipting stock? (Capture engineer response here)

  • Q1: Score

  • Action/Next Steps: (TM clarifies why understanding from engineer was R, A or G and agrees on what is required to Recognise/Refine/Rectify)

  • Q2: What do you do if you have a failed delivery of any item? (Capture engineer response here)

  • Q2: Score

  • Action/Next Steps: (TM clarifies why understanding from engineer was R, A or G and agrees on what is required to Recognise/Refine/Rectify)

  • Q3: How would you go about transferring stock? (Capture engineer response here)

  • Q3: Score

  • Action/Next Steps: (TM clarifies why understanding from engineer was R, A or G and agrees on what is required to Recognise/Refine/Rectify)

  • Q4: What is your understanding of how to items should be returned to UTL? (Capture engineer response here)

  • Q4: Score

  • Action/Next Steps: (TM clarifies why understanding from engineer was R, A or G and agrees on what is required to Recognise/Refine/Rectify)

  • Q5: What should/shouldn't be returned to UTL? (Capture engineer response here)

  • Q5: Score

  • Action/Next Steps: (TM clarifies why understanding from engineer was R, A or G and agrees on what is required to Recognise/Refine/Rectify)

  • Q6: How do you rotate your stock (STB's)? (Capture engineer response here)

  • Q6: Score

  • Action/Next Steps: (TM clarifies why understanding from engineer was R, A or G and agrees on what is required to Recognise/Refine/Rectify)

  • Q7: What are the impacts on not adhering to correct stock ordering/management/usage? (Capture engineer response here)

  • Q7: Score

  • Action/Next Steps: (TM clarifies why understanding from engineer was R, A or G and agrees on what is required to Recognise/Refine/Rectify)

Shared Feedback

  • Engineer feedback from visit: (Engineer enters feedback on learnings from visit - including agreement on next steps/actions/details of any further support required)

  • TM Feedback and agreed actions from visit. (TM provides details of any further support required following the visit, this should also include any expectations / actions and records any required follow up visit).

  • Engineer signature:

  • Team Manager Signature:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.