Vessel or Location information
Customer if other than BBI/NRBL:
Conducted on
Evaluation Conducted By:
Is the JSEA header filled out completely and reflect the correct date?
ALL STOP. JSEA header must be completed before work can continue.
Does the JSEA identify the person having UWA (Ultimate Work Authority)?
ALL STOP. JSEA must display the name of the person identified as having UWA.
Does the JSEA identify a PIC or PLW?
ALL STOP. JSEA must contain the name of the PLW or PIC.
Do the JSEA tasks identified match the work being performed?
ALL STOP. JSEA must be updated to properly reflect the work being performed before work can commence.
Have all hazards associated with each step been properly identified?
Have corrective actions been identified for each step?
ALL STOP. JSEA Must be updated to ensure that all hazards have been properly addressed.
ALL STOP. JSEA must be updated to ensure that all hazards have been properly identified.
Have all personnel assigned to the tasks signed the JSEA?
Does each corrective action have an individual or group of individuals assigned to it?
ALL STOP. JSEA Must be updated to ensure that all hazards have been assigned to at least one person.
ALL STOP. JSEA must be updated to ensure that all corrective actions have been assigned to at least one person.
Does the JSEA contain a SWA (Stop Work Authority) statement?
ALL STOP. All JSEA's must contain a SWA statement clearly stating that each person has authority to use SWA.
Was the JSEA deemed acceptable according to the information provided to the auditor along with observations conducted on the jobsite?
ALL STOP until the JSEA is updated to properly reflect the work being performed. Instruction must be provided to the PLW/PIC and crew to ensure understanding of the JSEA process before work is allowed to commence.
Final comments:
Evaluator signature:
PIC/PLW Signature: