Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Section 1 - HSE Management
OHS policy
Does your organization have a written HSE Policy?<br>
Is the OHS policy available for all staff. Do staff understand it exists?
Is the policy located on the OHS Noticeboard? Or another central location?
Has the HSE Strategy fed down to the state office/governance business plan?
Have safety provisions (maintenance, training & equipment) been allocated for in the budget? Ie. how would equipment be purchased?
Legal and other requirements
What systems are in place to demonstrate that all HSE requirements of a contract are being met and maintained (e.g. compliance with Standards, Codes of Practice and Specifications, etc.)?
What processes are in place to ensure legal and other requirements for this site are recognised and understood?
How do you become aware of changes in health safety legislation and other requirements?
Objectives and targets
Are you aware of health and safety strategy and related objectives and targets and how this impacts state office
Are health and safety responsibilities clearly identified for all levels of staff?
Have responsibilities been included in all staff files, signed and understood?
Has a senior management representative been established?
HSE Communication and Consultation
Is there a workplace HSE committee or regular meetings conducted with employees (e.g. safety meetings, tool box talk etc.)?
Has a representative for work areas amongst the office been established? Have they received HSE training?
Do staff understand how to identify and communicate HSE issues (e.g. legislative, regulatory, industry)? Specific to their areas or general.
What methods of communication are available between departments and the HSE department?
Hazard Management
How do staff report hazards at state office (and potential health, safety & environmental hazards)?<br>-do we have forms? <br>-where are they kept <br>-is the MRCP representative of haz I'd processes?
Provide an example of the Hazard Management process utilised by the office. (e.g. identification, assessment, control & review).
1.5.4 How does your organization communicate hazards to your employees and your sub-contractors?
How are controls and corrective actions monitored?
Hazard management
Has a hazard identification and risk assessment been completed for bullying? (Bullying hazard id and risk control template)
Have managers attended bullying training? Records?
Has the Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Goods Protocol been effective<br>Y implemented?
Have all chemicals located in the state office bee identified and included on a chemical register? And listed on the MRCP?
Are MSDSs available with chemical substance and in a central location?
Have identified chemicals been assessed? Using chemical risk assessment, and has the MRCP been updated?
Are unused or wanted chemicals disposed of and have other controls been implemented?
Has PPE been identified as a control measure for substances?
Have chemical spills been considered?
Contractor management
Does a system to induct and supervise contract work been implemted? Detail
How have contract management process requirements been communicated to staff?
Drugs, alcohol in employees
Has the "Electrical Tagging and Testing in YMCAs been implemented?
Have required tagging and testing process been completed and are they up to date?
How are tag and testing processes monitored?
Environmental conditions
First aid
Has the First Aid Management Procedure been implemented?
Is the First Aid Risk Assessment completed for state office?
Isolated and lone worker
Manual handling
Is the manual handling protocol implemented?
Have manual handling risks been identified? Using the YMCA Manual Handling Hazard Identified?
Are identified manual handling hazards entered onto site MRCP?
Are identified manual handling tasks risk assessed?
Have identified controls been implemented and if so how are the controls monitored?
Are employees trained in manual handling?
New business
Is safety considered when engaging in new business or programs? How?
Have noise exposure risks been considered using the OHS Workplace Exposures Assessment Tool?
If noise hazards exist has identification (stage 2) been undertaken?
Is an identified noise risk present? Have monitoring guides and the Noise Compliance Protocol been implemented?
Occupational violence
Has the YMCA Occupational Violence Hazard Identification Checklist been completed?
Are occupational violence hazards entered on the MRCP?
Have all identified occupational violence been risk assessed? (YMCA Risk Assessment Template for Occupational Violence)
Have identified risk controls been implemented?
Is the YMCA Mandatory Operating Procedure - Prevention of Bullying and Occupational Violence implemented? What controls are in place?
Plant & equipment
Restricted access
Slips, trips and falls
Vehicle and traffic management
Working at heights
Ladder usage, is there a ladder register?
Risk assessments completed?
1.6 HSE Training & Induction
Describe how HSE Training & Induction is conducted in the office, by departments for new staff.
Are records maintained of all training (certificates & licenses) and induction programs undertaken for employees (existing and new employees) in departments?
How have departments identified training requirements for their staff?
How are contractors inducted onto site?
HSE Workplace Inspection
1.7.1 Does your organization have a process for regular (e.g. weekly, monthly) HSE inspections at worksites?
1.7.2 Are standard workplace inspection checklists used to conduct health, safety and environmental inspections?
1.7.3 How is information presented to stakeholders (i.e. workers, management, clients, etc.)?
Incident Management
Are you are of a documented incident management and investigation procedure? <br>Your responsibilities under this procedure and how has this been communicated to staff?
How are incidents reported, investigated and corrective actions reviewed at state office? Do you have a sample of this?
Are staff aware of what to do in the event of an incident occurring?
2.1 Performance Monitoring
2.1.1 Is there a system for recording and analyzing HSE performance statistics?
2.2.2 Are employees regularly provided with information on your HSE performance?
Monitoring and measurement
How are monitoring and measurement equipment maintained and monitored?mo,
Has the procedure been implemented?
Management Review
Do you have documented emergency management
2.2.2 Current - YTD Number of First Aid Injuries and for previous 3 Years
Current - YTD: (use comment to add rate)
Year 1: (use comment to add rate)
Year 2: (use comment to add rate)
Year 3: (use comment to add rate)
2.2.3 Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) for current year and previous 3 Years
Current - YTD: (use comment to add rate)
Year 1: (use comment to add rate)
Year 2: (use comment to add rate)
Year 3: (use comment to add rate)
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