0. Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Project Number - Name

  • Conducted on

  • Auditor Internal:

  • Workplace Site Manager & Site Representative:

  • Project Stage Complete %

  • No. Workplace personnel:

  • Work Activities In Progress:



    Category 1: High Risk - A hazard or workplace activity likely to cause death, serious injury or serious illness
    Category 2: Medium Risk - A hazard or workplace activity likely to cause other than death, serious injury or serious illness
    Category 3: Low Risk - Contravention of administrative requirements e.g. work plans, inductions, record keeping systems

1. General and administrative requirements

  • 1.1 Signs have been installed that:

  • 1) Show the principal contractor’s name and telephone contact numbers (including an after hours telephone number)

  • 2) Show the builders BSA number

  • 3) Show the minimum mandatory PPE requirements for the workplace

  • 4) Show the location of the site office for the project, if any, and

  • 5) Are clearly visible from outside the workplace, or the work area of the workplace, where the construction project is being undertaken

  • 1.2 An electronic copy of the HSMP is prepared for distribution prior to commencement

  • 1.3 A hard copy of the HSMP is retained on site and is readily available

  • 1.4 The Health & Safety Management Plan includes details for the construction project that define the workplace, including:

  • 1) the names of the client, the principal contractor, and any major subcontractors<br>

  • 2) project location/s

  • 3) anticipated start and duration, and

  • 4) the scope of works

  • 1.5 The HSMP is provided to all Subcontractors prior to commencement.

  • 1) All workers to the site are advised that a hard copy of HSMP is available for inspection

  • 1.6 For each worker involved in the project whose role includes health and safety responsibilities, the plan includes their name, position, and specific health and safety responsibilities. (Addressed as Appendix C of the HSMP)<br>     <br>

  • 1.7 Key personnel for the project have signed their respective roles & responsibilities

  • 1.8 The organisational chart for key personnel is displayed at site<br>

  • 1.9 Appendix F of the HSMP contains the training analysis of key personnel for the project

  • 1.10 The plan describes a process for reviewing and, if necessary, updating the plan to ensure it remains up to date<br>(Addressed in section 2.1 of the HSMP)

  • 1.11 Current Health Safety, Quality and Environmental policies are displayed at the project

  • 1.12 Current subordinate policies are displayed at strategic locations at the project including locations where workers/visitors are inducted to the site<br>

  • 1.13 All visitors to the site have completed a victors non-inducted persons form

  • 1.14 All visitors to the site have signed the register

  • 1.15 A worker sign-in register is in place and is being signed each day by all workers entering the construction area<br>     <br><br>     <br>

  • 1.16 General induction cards are kept with the workers site induction form

  • 1.17 Site rules are communicated to each worker at induction 

  • 1.18 The HIRAC is provided to each subcontractor prior to commencement & as appendixes A to the HSMP

  • 1.19 Current relevant legislation is addressed in the HIRAC

  • 1.20 The HIRAC is reviewed monthly through the PRAM which assesses suitability of controls

  • 1.21 Subcontractors SWMS's are reviewed to assess the controls selected meet HIRAC standards

  • 1.22 Links to relevant legislation, codes and standards are available on the intranet

  • 1.23 Daily site HSE inspections are recorded, documented and filed

  • 1.24 Weekly site HSE inspections are recorded, documented and filed

  • 1.25 Monthly reports are completed and filed within 1 week of the preceding reporting month

  • 1.26 Documents are filed so as to make easy retrieval by the auditor or any interested parties

  • 1.27 An internal HSE&Q audit has been conducted at the site within an 13 week period since commencement

  • 1.28 NCR's have been issued & corrective actions undertaken through deficiencies identified in auditing

  • 1.29 Corrective actions raised through auditing have been closed out in a timely manner both NCR & register.

  • 1.30 Upper management has conducted a safety walkthrough with key personnel for the project

  • 1.31 Findings raised during the safety walkthrough have been closed out

  • 1.32 A current programme is displayed at the project

  • 1.33 The site-set-up checklist has been completed and returned to the assets co-ordinator within 14 days from start

2. Consultation,cooperation and coordination

  • 2.1 The Health & Safety Management Plan outlines how the contractor will consult, cooperate and coordinate with other duty holders on site (Section 8.2 of the Project Health & Safety Management Plan)

  • 2.2 The Health & Safety Management Plan describes how consultation will be carried out with workers (Sections 8.0 - 8.1 - 8.3 & 8.4 of the Project Health & Safety Management Plan)

  • 2.3 Consultation carried out under the plan includes:

  • 1) Supervisor pre-start meetings are conducted on a regular basis.

  • 2) Site pre-start toolbox meetings are held daily

  • 3) A safety committee is formed at the project

  • 4) Minutes of conducted on site are posted for review by site personnel

  • 2.4 The Health & Safety Management Plan outlines when consultative processes will be carried out (Sections 8.0 to 8.4 of the Project Health & Safety Management Plan)

  • 2.5 The Health & Safety Management Plan includes procedures for the election of Health and Safety Representatives (Section 8.0 of the Project Health & Safety Management Plan)

  • 2.6 Those representing employees/service providers on the HSE committee have undertaken formal training where required. Evidence of HSE training undertaken by those representing employees/service providers have been provided.

  • 2.7 The Health & Safety Management Plan includes procedures for the formation of work groups (Section 8.0 of the Project Health & Safety Management Plan)

  • 2.8 The Health & Safety Management Plan outlines how Health and Safety Representatives will be included in consultation activities (Section 8.0 of the Project Health & Safety Management Plan)

  • 2.9 Consultation is carried out with workers in accordance with the Act and the WHS management plan

  • 1) Supervisor pre-start meetings are conducted on a regular basis

  • 2) Site pre-start toolbox meetings are held daily

  • 2.10 Consultation, cooperation, and coordination with other duty holders on site is carried out in accordance with the WHS management plan

  • 1) Copies of Supervisor pre-start meetings are filed on site<br> <br>

  • 2) Copies of Site pre-start toolbox meetings are held on site.

  • 2.11 Safety Representatives have been duly elected as evidenced by the General Consensus Forms completed by the petitioners

  • 2.12 Safety Reps have been involved in toolbox & Safety Committee meetings

  • 2.13 Emails providing legal or other information are posted on site notice boards

3. Managing work health and safety

  • 3.1 The Health & Safety Management Plan describes how a copy of the plan will be kept for the duration of the construction project or, in the event of a notifiable incident, for a period of at least 2 years (Section 6.0 of the Project Health & Safety Management Plan)

  • 3.2 The Health & Safety Management Plan includes arrangements for managing work health and safety incidents, including managing investigations and notifying the relevant regulator when appropriate (Section 12.0 of the Project Health & Safety Management Plan)

  • 3.3​The Health & Safety Management Plan describes how safe work method statements will be kept for the duration of the construction project or, in the event of a notifiable incident, for a period of at least 2 years. (Section 8.2 of the Project Health & Safety Management Plan)

  • 3.4 ( Spill kits are located at strategic locations at the site to affect prompt response to a spill.)

  • 3.5 General fire fighting equipment is provided at strategic locations on site. Task specific extinguishers are provided by each service provider

  • 3.6 Emergency equipment as identified in the project HIRAC is available as described.

  • 3.7​ An appropriate emergency plan (picture plan & words) exists for the workplace and includes an appropriate method of alerting the workplace and relevant information relating to a safety or environmental incident and point of assembly:

  • 1) Emergency evacuation plans, Procedures and air horn are available at the site office

  • 2) Exit signs and evacuation plans are displayed at strategic exit points throughout the work areas.

  • 3.8 A designated assembly point is identified on the emergency evacuation plan and located on site.

  • 3.9 Emergency procedures are displayed and referenced at the time of induction to the site

  • 3.10 Emergency contact names and contact details are displayed with maps indicating local services

  • 3.11 An emergency evacuation drill has been undertaken within a 6 month period? An emergency evacuation drill was last conducted on?

  • 3.12 First aid is available and is accessible to each worker at the site.

  • 3.13 First Aid equipment for the workplace is regularly restocked. <br>The first aid kit was last stocked on

  • 3.14 An adequate number of workers have been trained to administer first aid. <br>Qualified First Aiders for the site number?

  • 3.15​The Qualified First Aiders for the site are displayed.

  • 3.16​ In determining the provision of first aid equipment and staff, the following matters have been considered:

  • 1) the nature of the work undertaken <br>

  • 2) the hazards at the workplace

  • 3) the size & location of the project

  • 4) the number & composition of workers

  • 5) the effectiveness of emergency planning

  • 3.17​ Nominated Safety Advisors & HSE representatives have their names and contact details displayed at the site

  • 1) The nominated Safety Advisor is displayed

  • 2) Safety Rep's are displayed at site

4. Public access and workplace security

  • 4.1​ The Health & Safety Management Plan includes provisions for ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the workplace is secured from unauthorised access (Section 10.29 of the Project Health & Safety Management Plan)

  • 4.2 ​Pedestrian and vehicle access to the site is clearly defined and separated to allow safe travel by each

  • 4.3 ​Entry & exit to the site and to work areas through-out the project are maintained so as to allow persons to move in an emergency without risk

  • 4.4​ Perimeter fencing is maintained and secured after hours to prevent unlawful entry to the site.

  • 4.5​ A Workplace Industrial Relations Management Plan is available and ROE flowcharts are displayed at site

  • 4.6​ Key Personnel for the project have been trained under ROE laws

  • 4.7 ​WIRMP & ROE laws are provided to subcontractors pre-start and raised with all workers at induction to site

  • 4.8 ​Subcontractors have provided signed copies of their compliance schedules within 14 days of commencement at the project

  • 4.9 ​Subcontractors Safety Management Plans address ROE

  • 4.10 ​Subcontractors have provided evidence of training of their workers in ROE laws

5. Information,training and instruction

  • 5.1​ The Health & Safety Management Plan includes any site-specific health and safety rules for the construction project (Appendix D of the HSMP for the project contains Site Specific Safety Rules for the project)

  • 5.2​ Subcontractors are provided a copy of the HSMP with Appendix D prior to commencement. Site rules are also displayed at the site

  • 5.3​ The plan includes procedures for informing all construction workers of the content of the plan and any updates to the plan (Section 8.1 - "procedures" and section 8.2 "pre-starts" of the Project Health & Safety Management Plan)

  • 5.4​ The Health & Safety Management Plan describes how workers will be provided with suitable and adequate information, training, and instruction on:

  • 1) Section 8.3 "Toolbox & Pre-start Meetings" of the Project Health & Safety Management Plan

  • 2) Section 9.0 "Risk Planning" of the Project Health & Safety Management Plan

  • 3) Section 9.1 "Safe Work Procedures" of the Project Health & Safety Management Plan

  • 5.5​ The Health & Safety Management Plan includes provisions for ensuring workers are competent to perform their respective roles and tasks ( Appendix F of the HSMP "Training needs analysis" provides information relating to training requirements of competency)

  • 5.6​ A notice board has been provided to allow relevant information to be posted for informing workers

  • 5.7​ The latest safety alert, safety committee minutes & actions, and other relevant information is displayed at the site. <br>The latest safety alert date on site notice board?

6. Facility and the work environment

  • 6.1 ​Site amenities have been provided which adequately address the number/gender of workers on the project. And the nature and likely hazards associated with the work to be undertaken on the project

  • 6.2​ Facilities include adequate toilets, drinking water and eating facilities

  • 6.3​ At least 1 toilet has been provided for each 15 construction persons

  • 6.4 ​Toilets are provided in accordance with the regulations, including the requirements for:

  • 1) Toilets are accessible at multi-levels.

  • 2) Toilets allow privacy & ventilation

  • 3) Toilets are stocked with toilet roles/hand towel/hand wash.<br>

  • 4) Toilets provide female sanitary disposal

  • 6.5​ A room or sheltered area to eat meals and take breaks in is reasonably available to each construction person and complies with the requirements relating to:

  • 1) Meal areas are clean hygienic

  • 2) Separate from work areas

  • 3) provide adequate space & seating

  • 4) Include facilities for washing utensils<br>

  • 5) includes boiling water

  • 6) includes refrigerated storage space

  • 7) Provides storage for workers PPE away from the meal area.

  • 8) Is not used for the storage of tools or equipment

  • 6.6​ Facilities are clean, hygienic, accessible and in good working order

  • 6.7​ Adequate clean water for face & hand washing is available to each worker at the construction site.

  • 6.8​ Adequate, clean, cool drinking water is readily available within approximately 30m at every level of the project

  • 6.9​ Amenities are serviced/cleaned at an agreed period to maintain cleanliness

  • 6.10​ The work environment of site staff is maintained such that it is in a clean & safe condition

  • 6.11​ Floor surfaces are installed and maintained to allow work to be carried out without risk.

  • 6.12​ Work areas are clearly defined and separated to allow work to be conducted safely

  • 6.13​ Sufficient space is allocated to the storage of tools and equipment

  • 6.14​ Protruding hazards have been made safe. Caps, bars, nails etc

  • 6.15​ A safe system of collection, storage and disposal of waste is available at the project

  • 6.16​ Appropriate provisions have been made for the assessment and mitigation of other potential work environment hazards, including:

  • 1) Sufficient lighting to gain access

  • 2) Sufficient lighting to conduct work

  • 3) Sufficient ventilation

  • 4) Clear identification of work areas

  • 5) Work near essential services

  • 6) Appropriate floors & surfaces

  • 7) Extreme temperatures

  • 8) Outdoor work & protection from elements

  • 6.17​ Site Management has managed the storage, movement & disposal of waste at the project

  • 6.18 ​Workers carrying out work are not at risk to health & safety due to extremes of heat or cold<br>

  • 6.19​ Outdoor workers have been provided protection against adverse weather conditions & ultraviolet exposure<br>

  • 6.20 ​Remote or isolated workers have suitable communication systems in place

7. Public protection & falling objects

  • 7.1​ All falling object hazards reasonably likely to cause injury have been identified and provisions have been made to manage the associated risks

  • 7.2​ Controls as defined in the project HIRAC and in each subcontractors SWMS have been adopted for works associated with falling objects at the site<br>

  • 7.3​ Hoarding that has been used as a control measure is sufficient and effective:

  • 1) will prevent any object that may reasonably be expected to hit it from entering the adjoining area, and<br>

  • 2) is strong enough, and appropriately designed and erected, for the circumstances in which it is used, including the location of the workplace and the type of work to be carried out near the hoarding

  • 7.4 ​Perimeter containment screening is fit for the purpose of preventing risks associated with falling objects:

  • 1) is made of mesh, timber, plywood, or metal sheeting

  • 2) has a gap of not more than 25mm between:<br>a. screens immediately next to each other, or<br>b. a screen and the framework supporting it

  • 3) has a supporting framework that is able to bear the load of the screen

  • 7.5​ Perimeter containment used as a control measure complies with relevant regulations

  • 7.6​ Where catch platforms that are used or are to be used as a control measure are installed, extended, or reduced, controls have been implemented to prevent a component of the platform falling on persons while the platform is installed, extended, or reduced

  • 7.7​ An engineers certificate has been provided for Gantries used as a control measure for falling objects

  • 7.8​ Gantries used as a control measure are able to:

  • 1) stop objects from falling

  • 2) prevent overhead platforms from lifting or coming apart

  • 3) have solid sheeting at required height and overhead

  • 4) have natural lighting or at least 50lux in all the area below

  • 5) will not tip or if force is applied

  • 7.9​ An Engineers certificate has been provided for gantries used to store materials or sheds

  • 7.10​ A permit has been provided by the local authority for closure of the area

  • 7.11​ Barricading and hoarding used as a control measure is:

  • 1) of the require height

  • 2) of appropriate materials

  • 3) correctly positioned

  • 4) able to withstand horizontal forces

  • 5) extends to the overhead platform

  • 7.12​ Loads lifted over adjoining areas have:

  • 1) been closed off or

  • 2) have had gantries installed to offer protection from falling objects

  • 7.13 ​(**Note, this criterion does not apply to demolition work or work erecting or dismantling formwork) Where there is a potential for falling objects not being restricted from the highest point of the work structure 75 deg to the top of public protection hoarding - Additional controls have been implemented

8. High risk work

  • 8.1​ Each subcontractor has provided a separate "High Risk" Work Method Statement for each "High Risk Construction Activity" they will be or have been undertaking<br>

  • 8.2​ A copy of each safe work method statement has been kept by the principal contractor for the required period and is readily available for inspection by the auditor and by any worker carrying out the relevant high risk construction work on the project (Section 8.2 of the Project Health & Safety Management Plan.)

  • 8.3​ Each Subcontractors Safety Management Plan includes a procedure for ensuring a Safe Work Method Statement is prepared prior to any "High Risk Construction Work" commencing

  • 8.4​ Each 'High Risk" Work Method Statement is identified as a "High Risk Construction Activity"<br>

  • 8.5​ Each Subcontractors Safety Management Plan includes a procedure for ensuring Work is carried out in accordance with the relevant SWMS.

  • 8.6​ Relevant licences/competencies have been provided for persons undertaking the relevant "High Risk Activity"

  • 8.7​ The Health & Safety Management Plan includes provisions for ensuring that workers carrying out high risk work hold the appropriately high risk work licence or are otherwise permitted under a regulation to carry out the high risk work.(Section 9.1 of the Project Health & Safety Management Plan)

9. General

  • 9.1​ Each subcontractors SWMS's identifies all foreseeable hazards and risks

  • 9.2​ Each Subcontractors SWMS's identifies the control measures to be implemented

  • 9.3​ Each subcontractors SWMS describes how control measures are to be implemented, monitored, and reviewer

  • 9.4​ Each Subcontractors SWMS's includes a procedure for ensuring relevant workers and safety representatives are consulted in the development of their SWMS's

  • 9.5​ Each subcontractors safe work method statements have been set out and expressed in a way that is readily accessible and understandable to the workers that will be required to use it

  • 9.6​ Each subcontractors Safety Plan includes a procedure for ensuring workers are aware of and trained in the contents of their SWMS

  • 9.7​ Each Subcontractors Safety Plan includes a procedure for consulting & coordinating with other subcontractors to ensure SWMS's are communicated & monitored

  • 9.8​ Where deficiencies have been raised via hazard reports, audits or observations the SWMS has been reviewed and up-dated<br><br>

  • 9.9​ A Task Observation has been completed and provided by each subcontractor conducting activities at the site for 5 or more consecutive days

  • 9.10​ Each subcontractors Safety Plan includes a procedure for reviewing and up-dating their SWMS's

  • 9.11​ Each Subcontractors Safety Plan and SWMS's contains a development date and next review date with a 12month period

  • 9.12​ Subcontractors who engage apprentices or young workers have procedures for supervision of those workers

10. PPE

  • 10.1 Personal protective equipment is:<br>•​Suitable for the hazards<br>•​suitable size and fit<br>•​is clean and hygienic and in good working order

  • 10.2 Evidence of training, of workers on the proper use and wearing of personal protective equipment has been provided<br>

  • 10.3 PPE specified as a control measure is provided and worn by the workers

11. Falls

  • 11.1 Fall hazards likely to cause injury have been identified and provisions have been made to manage the associated risks<br>

  • 11.2 SWMS’s have been prepared or provisions made to ensure they will be prepared before any work carried out at height of 2m or More

  • 11.3 For work at a height of 2m or more, the safe work method statement with the only control measures to be implemented as administrative or PPE, the statement also describes all of the control measures that were considered

  • 11.4 control measures associated with fall hazard comply with the hierarchy described in the regulations:

  • 1) elimination, by working from the ground or a solid construction

  • 2) a fall prevention device<br>

  • 3) a work positioning system

  • 4) ​a fall arrest system

  • 11.5 Risk of fall of at least 2m on roof with a slope over 26° control measures have been used which:<br>(a) prevent a person falling any distance; or<br>(b) if prevention is not practicable—<br>(i) arrest a person’s fall; and<br>(ii) prevent or minimise the risk of death or injury to<br><br>

  • 11.6 Where a risk of fall of less than 2m on roof with a slope not over 26° exists:<br>(a) each hazard that may result in a fall or cause death or injury if a person were to fall has been identified; and<br>(b) the risk of death or injury that may result because<br>of the hazard has been assessed; and<br>(c) any control measures necessary to prevent, or<br>minimise the level of; exposure to the risk is used.<br>

12. Edge protection

  • 12.1 Where edge protection is used it is of:

  • 1) the manufacturer or supplier specifications where they have been provided, or<br><br>

  • 2) ​an engineer or competent person has provided a report

  • 12.2 A report by the competent person has been provided where edge protection is used and designed to withstand the downwards or outwards force of the impact of a fall against it of any person who may reasonably be expected to fall against it

13. Travel restraint systems

  • 13.1 Evidence of competencies have been provided by the installer/employer for Travel restraint systems.<br>

  • 13.2 Evidence of anchorage point capacity has been provided by the installer/employer for Travel restraint systems capacity to withstand any load that could be exerted on it in the normal operation of the system

  • 13.3 Evidence of training has been provided by the employer for Travel restraint system users

  • 13.4 Evidence of pre-start inspections of equipment has been provided by the users of the Travel restraint systems

  • 13.5 Written evidence of inspections being conducted at least every 6 months has been provided by the employer of the Travel restraint systems

14. Fall arrest harness systems

  • 14.1 Each anchorage point of a fall arrest harness system has been:<br>•​designed by an engineer for that purpose, and<br>•​inspected and approved by a competent person prior to that point’s first use by any person<br>Evidence of inspections has been provided by the employer

  • 14.2​**Note, this criterion does not apply to anchorage points supporting a static line<br>Each anchorage point has sufficient capacity for the number of persons using the anchorage point, as per the regulations.<br>Evidence of anchorage point capacity has been provided by the installer

  • 14.3 Each fall arrest harness system’s device to absorb the energy of a falling person limits the force applied to the persons by a fall to not more than 6Kn. Evidence of the systems capacity has been provided by the employer

  • 14.4 Each fall arrest harness system has been installed, maintained, and is used in accordance with:<br>• the manufacturer or supplier, where they have been provided, or an engineer or competent person. Evidence of inspections has been provided by the installer/employer<br>

  • 14.5 Persons using fall arrest harness system have been trained in the safe and correct use of the system<br>Evidence of training has been provided by the employer

  • 14.6 Fall arrest harness systems show no evidence of wear or weakness to an extent that may affect the system’s safety. Evidence of pre-start inspections have been provided by the users

  • 14.7 Anchorage points that are considered to be worn or to have an impaired load bearing capacity are not used and appropriate measures have been taken to prevent their use<br>Evidence of inspections have been provided by the installer/employer

  • 14.8​**Note, this criterion does not apply to anchorage points<br>Fall arrest harness systems are inspected by a competent person at least every 6 months and a written record of the inspection exists<br>Evidence if inspections have been provided by the employer

  • 14.9 In the event that a fall arrest harness system has been used to arrest a fall, the system has been removed from use until its manufacturer or a competent person has inspected it and decided it is fit for purpose. This statement is verified in the employers Safe Work Method Statement<br>

  • 14.10 Fall arrest systems are not used by workers when they are alone. This statement is verified in the employers Safe Work Method Statement

  • 14.11 Emergency and rescue procedures have been developed and tested. Evidence of rescue procedures and rehearsals has been provided by the employer.

  • 14.12 Workers have been provided information, training, and instruction in relation to the emergency and rescue procedures. Evidence of rescue procedures and rehearsals signed off by all workers involved in the activities has been provided by the employer.

15. Safety nets

  • 15.1 Safety nets have been(Evidence of engineering and design have been provided by the installer/employer):

  • 1) designed by an engineer or competent person for the purpose for which it is intended to be used<br>

  • 2) made from a material designed to minimise injury to a person falling into the net, and<br>

  • 3) have energy absorbing characteristics to reduce the shock or injury to a person falling into the net<br>

  • 15.2 Each safety net has been installed:<br>• so that a person falling into the net will not hit anything below the net, and<br>• as close as possible below the surface from which people might fall, but not more than the distance specified by the manufacturer or supplier or, where the manufacturer or supplier has not specified a distance, an engineer or competent person. Evidence of installation have been provided by the installer/employer

  • 15.3 Each safety net has been installed in accordance with:<br>• the manufacturer or supplier, where they have been provided, or an engineer or competent person<br>Evidence of installation to the design has been provided by the installer/employer

  • 15.4 Each safety net is used, inspected, and maintained in accordance with:<br>•​the manufacturer or supplier, or<br>•​an engineer or competent person<br>Evidence of inspections & maintenance has been provided by the installer/employer

16. Single or extension ladders

  • 16.1​**Note, the criteria under this heading only apply where a person performing the permitted work from a single or extension ladder could fall at least 2m for all construction work
    The person using the single or extension ladder:

  • 1) has at least 3 limbs holding, wrapped around, or standing on the ladder in any combination, or is holding a stable object with 1 or both hands instead of the ladder, or

  • 2) is prevented from falling by a control measure, or

  • 3) is using a fall arrest harness system that is not attached to the ladder<br>This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 16.2​**Note, this criterion does not apply to permitted work, as defined by s306A<br>Single or extension ladders are only used to gain access to a place (i.e. not to perform construction work)<br>This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 16.3 When using a single or extension ladder to gain access to a place, workers maintain at least 2 hands and 1 foot, or 2 feet and 1 hand, on the ladder from when the person is fully on the ladder to when the person is leaving the ladder<br>This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement<br>

  • 16.4 Each single or extension ladder is secured at the top or the bottom to prevent it moving. This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 16.5 A single or extension ladders used against a pole has a device fitted at or near the top of the ladder between its sides to ensure the ladder’s stability by partly accepting the shape of the pole. This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

17. Ladders generaly

  • 17.1 Ladders have a load rating of at least 120kg and have been manufactured for industrial use. This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 17.2 Ladders are used only for the purpose for which they have been designed. This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 17.3 Ladders are not used to support a weight greater than that for which they have been designed. This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 17.4​**Note, this criterion does not apply to ladders used in confined spaces<br>Ladders are no longer than:<br>• 6.1m for single ladders<br>• 9.2m for extension ladders used to do electrical work within the meaning of the Electrical Safety Act 2013<br>• 7.5m for other extension ladders.<br>This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 17.5 Ladders are used such that:<br>• The bottom of the ladder is on a stable surface, and<br>• The rungs of the ladder are approximately level.<br>This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 17.6 Ladders are not used to support a platform. This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 17.7 Single or extension ladders are only used at the appropriate angle, as per the regulations. This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 17.8 Platform ladders are the preferred option for construction work by Sommer & Staff on all their projects.<br>Subcontractors must provide information regarding the use of platform ladders on all sites and must have a plant inspection sticker applied to the platform ladder before use.

18. Work on platforms support by trestle ladders

  • 18.1​**Note, the criteria below must be complied with before construction work is carried out on the platform supported by trestle ladders where the person performing the work could fall at least 2m.Each trestle ladder is secured to prevent it from moving. This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 18.2 Edge protection that complies with the regulations has been erected along the outer edge of the length of the platform. This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement.

  • 18.3 Control measures are in place to eliminate or minimise the risk of a person falling off the inner edge or the end of the platform. This information is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 18.4 Platforms are unobstructed. This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 18.5 For construction work being carried out on a platform supported by trestle ladders where there is a risk that the person carrying out the work could fall less than 2m for light work, as defined by the regulations, the platform is <br>1) at least 225mm wide along its entire length, or<br>2) for all other work the platform is at least 450mm wide along its entire length. <br>This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 18.6 The subcontractors SWMS verifies the platform ladder to be used is at least 450mm along it's entire length and is not higher than 5m. This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

19. Scaffolding

  • 19.1 The scaffolder has provided copies of appropriate licenses for the erection of the scaffold. Evidence of qualifications has been provided by the scaffolder

  • 19.2 The scaffolders SWMS verifies the work is carried out in accordance with the regulations where a worker could fall more than 2m. This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 19.3 The scaffolder has provided written confirmation of the completion of the scaffold by a competent person prior to use of the scaffold

  • 19.4 The scaffolder has provided evidence of inspections by a competent person before the scaffold is used, after an incident where the stability of the scaffold may be affected, before the scaffold is used after repairs have been conducted or at the least every 30 days. Evidence of inspections has been provided by the scaffolder/competent person

  • 19.5 Scaffolding which has been identified by an inspection as creating a risk has been repaired and inspected by a competent person. Evidence of the repairs and inspections have been provided by the competent person

  • 19.6 The scaffolders SWMS verifies the requirement of ensuring unauthorised access to the scaffold is prevented. This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 19.7 A scaffold plan has been provided which accurately reflects the scaffold installed

  • 19.8 The subcontractor has provided evidence that the scaffold is erected, used & dismantled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. This statement is verified in the employers safe work method statement

  • 19.9 The scaffolder has a procedure & provisions in place to ensure the scaffold is installed to the design, manufacturers specifications & instructions given by a competent person

  • 19.10 The scaffolder has provided evidence of the competency of each person involved in the construction, maintenance & dismantling of scaffold

  • 19.11 The scaffolder has a procedure & provisions in place to ensure scaffolding is not used until a handover certificate is provided

  • 19.12 The scaffolder has a procedure & provisions in place to ensure prevention of alterations or interference with scaffolding used or stored at the workplace

  • 19.13 The scaffolder has a procedure & provisions in place to ensure scaffold not in use will not be left in a state which creates a risk to health & safety

  • 19.14 The scaffolder has a procedure in place for recording of all tests, inspections, maintenance decommissioning, storage etc. of scaffold at the workplace

  • 19.15 Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 s225​ <br>The scaffolders has a procedure & provisions in place to prevent unauthorised entry to incomplete or unattended scaffold

  • 19.16 The scaffolders SWMS includes a procedure for ensuring the scaffold is installed according to the design and in accordance with instructions by the manufacturer or competent person

20. Hazardous substances

  • 20.1 The risks to health & safety associated with the storage of chemicals and substances at the workplace have been addressed in each subcontractors SWMS

  • 20.2 Each subcontractor has provided a chemical substance register for each chemical or substance intended for use at the project

  • 20.3 Each subcontractor has a procedure for monitoring and reviewing their selected controls in association with the handling and use of substances

  • 20.4 A current SDS has been provided by each subcontractor for the substance they have listed in their chemical substance register<br>

  • 20.5 The relevant safety data sheets are available to:<br>Workers using, handling, or storing a hazardous chemical<br>Emergency service workers, and<br>Any other person likely to be exposed to a hazardous chemical

  • 20.6 Provisions have been made to ensure the hazardous chemicals register is available to the relevant workers and anyone else likely to be affected by the hazardous chemicals

  • 20.7 Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 s351​ <br>The subcontractors Safe work method statements includes provisions for managing the risks associated with the use, handling, generation, and storage of hazardous chemicals<br>

  • 20.8 Subcontractors have provided a chemical risk assessment for any substance deemed to be hazardous

  • 20.9 Subcontractors have provided evidence of instruction and training of their workers in relation to the handling, use and PPE requirements for hazardous substances.

  • 20.10 Provisions for managing the risks associated with hazardous chemicals is described in the subcontractors safe work method statements and includes procedures for the review of control measures, as per the regulations

21. Health monitoring

  • 21.1 Appropriate levels and types of health monitoring is provided to workers that use, handle, generate, or store hazardous chemicals. As mentioned in the regulations

  • 21.2 Workers have been provided information about any health monitoring requirements.<br>Each employer has provided evidence of training of their workers regarding health monitoring

  • 21.3 Evidence is provided by the employer of health monitoring under the supervision of a registered medical practitioner with the relevant experience in accordance with the regulations, including:

  • 1. Paid for by the relevant PCBU’s

  • 2. A report provided to the relevant worker

  • 3. A report provided to the regulator, if required, and

  • 4. Appropriate records are kept

  • 21.4 Appropriate supervision is provided to workers in relation to hazardous chemicals. The nominated person has acknowledged this requirement in their roles & responsibilities and has signed and dated those requirements.

22. Hazardous atmosphere

  • 22.1 A SWMS has been prepared for any works carried out in a contaminated or flammable atmosphere<br>

23. Asbestos handling & removal

  • 23.1 Safe work method statements have been prepared, or provisions have been made to ensure they will be prepared, for any work that will involve, or is likely to involve, the disturbance of asbestos

  • 23.2 The Subcontractors safety plan includes provisions for ensuring a competent person identifies all asbestos or asbestos containing materials at the workplace

  • 23.3 An asbestos register has been prepared if required under a regulation.

  • 23.4 The subcontractors safety plan includes provisions for the review of the asbestos register in accordance with the regulations

  • 23.5 The subcontractors safety plan includes provisions for ensuring workers, health and safety representatives, and subcontractors carrying out work at the workplace have ready access to the asbestos register

  • 23.6 Where asbestos is known to be or will be at the workplace a written asbestos management plan has been prepared for the workplace and is:

  • 1) Prepared and maintained for the workplace<br>

  • 2) Reviewed and revised in accordance with the regulations, and ,accessible to the relevant persons<br>

  • 23.7 A safe work method statement is available for all work that involves or is likely to involve the disturbance of asbestos that has commenced or is about to commence

  • 23.8 The asbestos removalist has provided control measures in their safe work method statement to meet the requirements where exposure of a person at the workplace to airborne asbestos has been eliminated or, where elimination s not reasonably practicable, minimised so far as is reasonably practicable

  • 23.8 The asbestos removalist has provided control measures in their safe work method statement to meet the requirements where exposure of a person at the workplace to airborne asbestos has been eliminated or, where elimination s not reasonably practicable, minimised so far as is reasonably practicable

  • 23.9 All asbestos or asbestos containing materials present at the workplace has been identified by a competent person. A checklist identifying the location of asbestos to be removed been provided by the asbestos removalist<br>

  • 23.10 Asbestos removal work is carried out by an appropriately licensed removalist.. Evidence of qualifications has been provided by the asbestos removalist

  • 23.11 Asbestos removal work is carried out in accordance with the regulations. This statement is verified in the asbestos removalists safety management plan

  • 23.12​The presence and location of asbestos or asbestos containing material is clearly indicated. The asbestos has marked the asbestos material to be removed and has provided a plan indicating areas of asbestos to be removed

  • 23.13​ Workers involved in asbestos removal work or asbestos-related work have been trained in the identification of and safe handling of asbestos. The employer has provided evidence of training of all workers involved in the asbestos removal<br>

  • 23.14 Records have been provided by the asbestos removalist with the supervision of a registered medical practitioner with the relevant experience in accordance with the regulations, including:

  • 1. Payment for by the relevant PCBU’s

  • 2. A report provided to the relevant worker

  • 3. A report provided to the regulator, if required

  • 23.15 The exposure standard for asbestos has not been exceeded at the workplace. Evidence of air monitoring results have been provided by the employer

  • 23.16 Where linings containing electrical or other existing services have been removed or demolished the Sommer & Staff “electrical isolation-confirmation form” has been completed by all relevant parties prior to commencement.

24. Manual tasks

  • 24.1 Each subcontractor has identified manual tasks in their safe work method statements and has included appropriate control measures to minimise risks<br>

  • 24.2 All relevant matters that may contribute to a musculoskeletal disorder, as described under the regulations, have been considered. Each subcontractor has identified & considered relevant matters relating to manual tasks as described and has included suitable controls.

25. Demolition work

  • 25.1 Safe work method statements have been prepared, or provisions have been made to ensure they will be prepared, for any work involving the demolition of an element of a structure that is load-bearing or otherwise related to the physical integrity of the structure

  • 25.2 Where required under the regulations, written notice providing notification of demolition work has been provided to the regulator at leats five (5) days prior to the demolition work commencing

  • 25.3 A safe work method statement is available for all work that involves demolition of an element of a structure that is load-bearing or otherwise related to the physical integrity of the structure that has commenced or is about to commence

  • 25.4 The risk of falling objects has been controlled in accordance with the regulations. This statement with the selected controls is verified in the demolishers safe work method statement

  • 25.5 The PCBU performing the demolition work holds the appropriate licence and it is readily available for inspection<br>Evidence of qualification is provided by the demolisher

  • 25.6 The nominated supervisor for the demolition work is readily available to workers when the demolition work is being carried out. The nominated person has acknowledged this requirement in their roles & responsibilities and has signed and dated those requirements.

  • 25.7 Where linings containing electrical or other existing services have been removed or demolished the Sommer & Staff “electrical isolation-confirmation form” has been completed by all relevant parties prior to commencement.

26. Demolition work involvingasbestos

  • 26.1 Information about asbestos containing materials has been obtained and reviewed prior to demolition work being carried out. The demolisher has provided written confirmation of obtaining & reviewing a report regarding the location of asbestos containing material

  • 26.2 If no asbestos register exists, the structure or plant has been inspected by a competent person to determine whether asbestos or asbestos containing materials exist<br>A report has been received from the competent person

  • 26.3 If no asbestos register exists, the structure or plant has been inspected by a competent person to determine whether asbestos or asbestos containing materials exist<br>A report has been received from the competent person

  • 26.4 A procedure has been developed that reduces the risk of exposure of workers and other persons to asbestos to below the exposure standard. The demolishers safe work method statement has addressed exposure limits and has provided adequate controls

  • 26.5 The risks to health and safety associated with any essential services at the workplace have been identified and managed<br>The demolisher has completed and acknowledged the Sommer & Staff Electrical Isolation Confirmation Form

27. Temporary power & electrical safety

  • 27.1​ Safe work method statements have been prepared, or provisions have been made to ensure they will be prepared, for any work carried out on or near energised electrical installations

  • 27.2​ Residual current devices are installed and tested regularly- and evidence is provided to support the RCD testing

  • 27.3​ Electrical work is carried out by an appropriately licensed individual and a copy of the electrical licence has been provided

  • 27.4​ Sommer & Staffs “Temporary Switch Board Checklist” has been completed for each board at the project

  • 27.5​ Sommer & Staffs “temporary Power and electrical Safety form” has been completed during site safety inspections as required.<br>

28. Essencial underground services

  • 28.1 ​A safe work method statement is available for all work that has commenced or is about to commence that involves work:

  • 1. On or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping

  • 2. On or near chemical, fuel, or refrigerate lines

  • 3. On or near energised electrical installations or services<br>

  • 4. Each subcontractor undertaking excavation works has provided a safe work method statement addressing essential underground services

  • 28.2​The risks to health and safety associated with any essential services at the workplace have been identified and managed<br>Subcontractors undertaking excavation works have addressed essential services and have included adequate controls to manage risks.<br>

  • 28.3​Current underground essential services information is available for inspection for all areas where excavation work is being carried out and for all adjacent areas

  • 28.4​ Workers carrying out excavation work have been provided with the current underground essential services information<br>

29. Excavation work

  • 29.1​ A safe work method statement is available for all excavation work that includes the use of powered mobile plant that has commenced or is about to commence<br>

  • 29.2​ The risks to health and safety associated with any excavation work have been identified and managed, including the risk of:

  • 1) A person falling into the excavation<br>

  • 2) A person being trapped by the collapse of an excavation

  • 3) A person working in an excavation being struck by a falling object, and

  • 4) A person working in an excavation being exposed to an airborne contaminant

  • 29.3​ All hazards associated with excavation work that will be carried out at the workplace have been identified and provisions have been made to manage the associated risks

  • 29.4​ Safe work method statements have been prepared, or provisions have been made to ensure they will be prepared, for any work carried out in or near:<br>a shaft or trench with an excavated depth greater than 1.5m,

  • 29.5​ For any area where excavation work will be carried out, including adjacent areas, either: the plan includes current underground essential services information, or provisions have been made to obtain current underground essential services information prior to excavation work commencing

  • 29.6​ The plan describes how underground essential services information will be communicated to any person engaged to carry out the excavation work. Section 10.11 of the HSMP

30. Trenching

  • 30.1​ Trenches 1.5m or more deep, the sides of the trench have been adequately supported by one of the following:

  • 1) Shoring by shielding or other comparable means<br>

  • 2) Benching or Battering, or

  • 3) Written advice, which complies with the regulations, from a geotechnical engineer that all sides of the trench are safe from collapse has been obtained.

  • 30.2​ Trenches 1.5m or more deep, the work area has been, secured from unauthorised access, including inadvertent entry. The subcontractor involved in trenching work has addressed this in their safe work method statement and has provided adequate controls to minimise risk

31. Use and storage of mobile plant

  • 31.1 All hazards associated with plant, including mobile plant, that will be used or stored at the workplace have been identified and provisions have been made to manage the associated risks. Each subcontractor using mobile plant has addressed this in their safe work method statements and has provided adequate controls to minimise risks<br>

  • 31.2 A safe work method statement is available for work that includes the use of powered mobile plant that has commenced or is about to commence

  • 31.3 Safe work method statements have been prepared, or provisions have been made to ensure they will be prepared, for any work carried out in an area where there is the movement of powered mobile plant.

  • 31.4 Each subcontractor has addressed controls to minimise risk using mobile plant and have addressed the risks associated with:

  • 1. Plant overturning

  • 2. Things falling on the operator

  • 3. The operator being ejected

  • 4. The plant colliding with any person or thing, and

  • 5. Mechanical failure of pressurised elements of the plant that may release fluids that pose a risk to health and safety

  • 31.5 Mobile plant operators hold the appropriate high risk work licence or, for earthmoving equipment and particular cranes, have been deemed competent<br>Copies of relevant licences have been provided

  • 31.6 A VOC (verification of competency) has been provided by the employer for any operator of plant using the Sommer & Staff VOC form or other

  • 31.7 Provisions have been made to ensure that, unauthorised alterations or interference with plant that will be used or stored at the workplace will be prevented. This statement is verified in the subcontractors safe work method statement

  • 31.8 Provisions have been made to ensure that:<br>1. •plant will only be used for the purpose for which it was designed, or<br>2. •where plant will be used for a purpose other than that for which it was designed, the proposed use does not increase the risk to health or safety as assessed by a competent person. This statement is verified in the subcontractors safe work method statement<br>

  • 31.9 Procedures have been developed to ensure that, plant that is not in use will be left in a state that does not create a risk to the health or safety of any person. This statement is verified in the subcontractors safe work method statement

  • 31.10 Provision have been made to ensure that the maintenance, inspection, and testing of plant, including mobile plant, is carried out by a competent person and that records are available<br>

  • 31.11 Maintenance, inspection, and testing is carried out either:

  • 1. in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, or

  • 2. where there are no manufacturer’s recommendations, in accordance with the recommendations of a competent person, or otherwise annually

  • 31.12 Provisions have been made for the recording of all tests, inspections, maintenance, commissioning, decommissioning, dismantling, and alteration of registered plant, including mobile plant, to be stored or used at the workplace<br>Each Subcontractor has provided a plant register & documents detailing these provisions

  • 31.13 Plant that is not in use has been left in a state that does not create a risk to the health and safety of any person<br>This statement is verified in the subcontractors safe work method statement

  • 31.14 The subcontractor has managed the risks to health and safety associated with the storage of workplace plant that is not in use. This statement is verified in the subcontractors safe work method statement

32. Plant that lifts or suspends loads

  • 32.1 Operators of plant used to lift or suspend a load hold the appropriate high risk work licence a copy of which has been provided<br>

  • 32.2 A VOC (verification of competency) has been provided by the employer for any operator of plant using the Sommer & Staff VOC form or other

  • 32.3 Verification competencies & licences/tickets of dogman or other relevant persons involved in crane work have been provided prior to work commencing<br>

  • 32.4 Plant used to lift or suspend a load has been specifically designed to lift or suspend the relevant load, or otherwise complies with the regulations

  • 32.5 Lifting and suspending is carried out(Evidence of this is provided by the subcontractor):

  • 1. With lifting attachments that are suitable for the load, and

  • 2. Within the safe working limits of the plant

  • 32.6 Loads are not suspended or travelled over a person unless the plant is specifically designed for that purpose<br>Evidence of this is provided by the subcontractor

  • 32.7 For plant that is used to lift or suspend a person, but has not been specifically designed to do so (Evidence of this is provided by the subcontractor):

  • 1. Persons are lifted or suspended in a workbox that is securely attached to the plant

  • 2. Where there is a risk of persons falling from a height, each person wears a safety harness, and

  • 3. Means are provided by which the persons being lifted or suspended can safely exit the plant in the event of a failure

33. Mobile and tower cranes

  • 33.1 Mobile and tower crane operators hold the appropriate high risk work licence and copies have been provided

  • 33.2 All relevant inspections/pre-start checklists and hand over certificates have been provided prior to the general use of the crane

  • 33.3 All Safe Work Method Statements relating to the erection/ assembly or maintenance of the crane have been prepared and signed off by the relevant parties prior to the work commencing

  • 33.4 All relevant Safe Work Method Statements involving crane work have been prepared and signed off by those undertaking the work prior to the work commencing

  • 33.5 A VOC (verification of competency) has been provided by the employer for any operator of plant using the Sommer & Staff VOC form or other<br>

  • 33.6 Verification competencies & licences/tickets of dogman or other relevant persons involved in crane work have been provided prior to work commencing

  • 33.7 Daily operations of cranes is communicated to all personnel at the project affected by the works to be undertaken<br>

  • 33.8 Maintenance, inspection, and testing of cranes is carried out by a competent person<br>

  • 33.9 Cranes undergo a major inspection either:

  • 1. At the end of the design life recommended by the manufacturer, or

  • 2. Where there are no manufacturer’s recommendations, in accordance with the recommendations of a competent person, or

  • 3. Every 10 years from the date the crane was first commissioned or first registered, whichever occurred first

34. Registered plant (plant designs and plant items)

  • 34.1 A copy of the certificate for each registrable item of plant is available

  • 34.2 Records of all tests, inspections and maintenance of the registrable plant are available

35. Traffic management

  • 35.1 A safe work method statement has been prepared for traffic control measures required as a result of the project works

  • 35.2 All risks to health & safety associated with traffic movement in connection with the construction project have been addressed<br>

  • 35.3 A TMP has been prepared for any works identified under the Code of Practice

  • 35.4 A TMP has been prepared and is available at the site

  • 35.5 All traffic controllers hold relevant licences - tickets

  • 35.6 Signs are being removed when not required and records provided<br>

  • 35.7 After hours inspections of permanently placed controls is available

  • 35.8 Daily records of all traffic control measures are available

36. Tilt-up and precast concrete construction

  • 36.1 A safe work method statement has been prepared for the tilt-up or pre-cast panel works

  • 36.2 Detailed engineers drawings are available

  • 36.3 Engineers design specifications are available

  • 36.4 A system of monitoring compliance to designs and specifications is in place

  • 36.5 Engineering certificates are available for all bracing

  • 36.6 A lift plan has been prepared which takes into consideration the crane set-up position, location of panels, obstacles, areas not suitable for crane set-up, the type of set-up, lifting gear required, responsibilities of riggers, doggers and spotters

  • 36.7 A risk assessment has been prepared which takes into consideration the ground slope and conditions

  • 36.8 A risk assessment has been prepared which takes into consideration the crane type and capacity required

  • 36.9 A risk assessment has been prepared for the impact of wind loading

  • 36.10 The risks of lifting pre-cast panels over workers has been eliminated

  • 36.11 A pump washout area has been allocated which prevents residue entering stormwater drains. Alternatively wash-down occurs off site

  • 36.12 A collection point/ has been allocated which prevents residue entering stormwater drains, Alternatively waste is removed from site

  • 36.13 Inspections and maintenance records are available for the equipment to be used

  • 36.14 A compliance plate or certificate of registration is available for the equipment to be used

37. Form work

  • 37.1 The formwork has been certified by the relevant person

  • 37.2 All documentation in accordance with the Formwork Code of Practice have been prepared and are available for inspection

  • 37.3 All work is carried out in accordance with the formwork system<br>

  • 37.4 On-site inspections are carried out in accordance with the code of practice

  • 37.5 All work being carried out is in accordance with the code of practice

38. Confined spaces

  • 38.1 All Confined spaces as identified under the code of practice have been identified at the workplace<br>

  • 38.2 Provisions have been made to manage all foreseeable hazards associated with the confined space

  • 38.3 A documented risk assessment has been carried out by a competent person for each hazard

  • 38.4 Risk assessments have been completed and reviewed by a competent person prior to entry

  • 38.5 A safe work method statement has been prepared for the work to be carried out in the confined space

  • 38.6 A procedure has been developed for the issue of entry permits

  • 38.7 Workers required to enter a confined space hold the appropriate entry permit in accordance with the regulations

  • 38.8 Appropriate signage has been erected for the confined space

  • 38.9 Signage is in accordance with regulations for the confined space

  • 38.10 A procedure for ensuring appropriate communication and monitoring has been prepared and implemented

  • 38.11 Communications & monitoring of conditions with a standby person in the vicinity of the confined space have been addressed

  • 38.12 Risks of substances or conditions of plant to be used in a confined space have been addressed

  • 38.13 Risks of energisation of plant to be used in a confined space have been addressed

  • 38.14 Records of atmospheric testing & monitoring are available and used during confined space entry

  • 38.15 Respiratory devices have been provided to workers where safe oxygen levels do not exist

  • 38.16 Locks, fixed barriers & security devices are in place to prevent un-authorised entry

  • 38.17 Specific hazards with flammable gases & vapours have been addressed & are complied with

  • 38.18 Emergency procedures have been developed and tested prior to entry to the confined space

  • 38.19 Entry points are adequate to allow emergency access and are not obstructed

  • 38.20 All Equipment provided for entry & emergency are maintained in good working order

  • 38.21 PPE provided for emergencies is appropriate to the associated risks of the confined space

  • 38.22 Workers required to work in or around a confined space have been provided with information, instruction, and training in relation to:

  • 1. Information & training has been provided to workers in relation to the following:

  • 2. Identified hazards & risks

  • 3. The controls selected & to be Implemented<br>

  • 4. PPE requirements<br>

  • 5. Conditions of entry permits

  • 6. Emergency procedures

  • 38.23 Training records are maintained on site during project works & held at H.O after completion.

  • 38.24 Risk Assessments and entry permits are maintained on site during the project works & held at H.O after completion of works

39. Environmental mitigation and records - Air quality and dust management

  • 39.1 Dust suppressants, water carts, wetting agents or alternative haul or travel route are used, where practicable, to minimise dust generation throughout the construction phase.

  • 39.2 Dust generating activities are avoided or minimised, where practicable, during windy conditions<br>

  • 39.3 All vehicle users adhere to project specific speed limits and use designated haul roads and access roads

  • 39.4 Materials generating dust are covered and secured prior to transportation

  • 39.5 All equipment and vehicles have been regularly maintained and records kept of maintenance

  • 39.6 Exhaust systems of plant, vehicles and machineries have complying emission controls fitted and have been maintained to minimise exhaust emissions to atmosphere

  • 39.7 All plant is switched off when not in use

  • 39.8 Cleared or disturbed areas no longer required have been rehabilitated and stabilised, as soon as practicable, to avoid dust generation

  • 39.9 Stockpiles have been situated away from sensitive environmental receptors and have been stabilised to reduce dust generation.<br>

  • 39.10 Burning of vegetation or materials onsite has not been permitted

  • 39.11 Dust emissions and potential dust generating activities and areas have been visually monitored by all project personnel during construction activities

  • 39.12 Vehicles, plants and machineries have been visually monitored to identify excessive (prolonged and visible) emissions and stand down any equipment until repaired or replaced with more effective mufflers/emission systems

  • 39.13 Areas where dust nuisance is likely to occur have been reported as soon as practicable

  • 39.14 A log of any non-conformances or complaints made is recorded and acted upon.

40. Fire prevention & protection

  • 40.1 Key personnel have undertaken induction and training in fire management prior to commencement of works

  • 40.2 Key personnel are familiar with the location and operation of firefighting equipment in their work area

  • 40.3 All fire fighting equipment has been tested/ tagged and is current

  • 40.4 All personnel at the site are familiar with the Emergency Response Plan & emergency procedures

  • 40.5 Smoking takes place and is only permitted in the designated smoking areas.

  • 40.6 All vehicles and plant are fitted with a fire extinguisher.

  • 40.7 Names and contact numbers of emergency response teams and Fire & Rescue Service is available and displayed on site.

  • 40.8 Hot works are carried out in compliance with the relevant hot works permit.

41. Spill management

  • 41.1 Hazardous substances are not to be stored at site unless authorised. All substances to be removed from site when not in use.

  • 41.2 Authorised storage areas with compliant bunding are checked routinely records of those inspections are available.

  • 41.3 Waste facilities (skips) on site are routinely checked for rust, dents and other signs of deterioration

  • 41.4 Drains that are inside buildings or covered areas are not permitted to discharge to stormwater system<br>

  • 41.5 A spill kit which is suitable for the project works is fully stocked and easily accessible<br>

  • 41.6 Work force training has been provided for spill management and the use of spill response kits and supplies

42. Fauna management

  • 42.1 Induction and training has been provided to all key personnel on areas where habitat or areas of conservation

  • 42.2 Project personnel have been alerted during pre-starts and toolbox talks of the risk of snakes and the areas where they are commonly found

  • 42.3 Construction vehicles are instructed to keep to designated access roadways and adhere to the allocated speed limits at all times

  • 42.4 Temporary protective barriers are in place to ensure an area where fauna has been identified is protected against injury /death or disturbance<br>

  • 42.5 Where applicable, gaps and spaces in the trench spoil stockpiles, to facilitate fauna movement have been considered<br>

  • 42.6 All clearing is done in a way to minimise disturbance to fauna. Excavations are backfilled as soon as possible after works. If trenches are open for longer than 24hrs without activity, then fencing has been used to minimise fauna entry,<br>

  • 42.7 Qualified, appropriately trained fauna spotters and handlers have been used to relocate or recover fauna species<br>

  • 42.8 The EPA, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service will be contacted in the event of a sick, injured fauna found during construction works

43. Flora & weed management

  • 43.1 Induction and training has been provided to all key personnel on any conservation requirements of native flora species or areas of conservation significance.

  • 43.2 All project personnel adhere to signs and/or fencing in regards to cleared boundaries and access to sensitive areas. This has been communicated via inductions, pre-starts and toolboxes

  • 43.3 Removal or clearing of vegetation which requires a permit and/or approvals has been obtained prior to commencement of construction works and complies with legislative, statutory and contractual requirements<br>

  • 43.4 Clearing of riparian vegetation (plants along waterways) has been minimised where applicable<br>

  • 43.6 Where applicable, Declared plant species identified within the construction have been categorised and appropriate action taken.

44. Waste management & house keeping

  • 44.1 Generation of waste has been avoided through procurement procedures, where practicable.

  • 44.2 Good housekeeping practices are maintained at all times

  • 44.3 Appropriate receptacles for the range of wastes generated on site are of adequate capacity for likely quantity of each waste to be generated and a type of waste.

  • 44.4 Receptacles are clearly labelled for types of waste stored

  • 44.5 Waste separation and segregation includes:

  • 1)​ reuse and recycling as a priority:

  • 2)​ Waste segregation of onsite waste materials, including spoil and demolition construction waste<br>

  • 3)​ Waste separation offsite

  • 4) ​Appropriate hazardous waste disposal

  • ​44.6 Hazardous/regulated waste material is handled and stored in appropriate containers and disposed of as determined by state or local government requirements. Waste tracking documents have been provided to Sommer.

  • 44.7 A dedicated paint washout area designed to contain paint residue and prevent any washout from entering stormwater or other environmentally sensitive areas is in use. Paint waste is disposed of in accordance with state and/or local government requirements. Records are provided to Sommer & Staff.

  • 44.8 On-site concrete mixing is carried out in a designated concrete washout area capable of containing all excess water, residues and waste, away from drainage and local watercourses. Concrete waste slurry is allowed to dry prior to disposal.<br>

  • 44.9 All wastes is disposed of at licensed facilities or otherwise where approved by the relevant authorities<br>

  • 44.10 All project personnel are aware of the waste management procedure and the waste hierarchy through site induction and pre-starts/toolbox talks and are aware of their obligations to comply with the requirements

45. Noise management

  • 45.1 Noise considered to be “Noisy Work” has been identified at the project.

  • 45.2 Work have been given the following considerations:

  • 1)​ Design of plant and equipment to allow for noise reducing devices such as additional muffling<br><br>

  • 2)​ Noise attenuation barriers, suppressors and restrictions on the times these work activities can be conducted.<br>

  • 3)​ Redesign of work activity and products used to reduce noise.<br>

  • 4)​ Exclusion zones around areas where noise levels cannot be reduced.<br>

  • 5)​ Isolation of fixed plant.<br>

  • 6)​ Determination of background noise where sensitive receptors are present

  • 45.3 Each subcontractor has identified the risks associated with noise in their work method statements and has provide suitable controls to minimise risk to workers

  • 45.4 Each subcontractor has assessed the level of noise created by the works they undertake and have provided adequate controls in their work method statements including the provision of PPE to their workers

  • 45.5 Communication during work and via pre-starts with all affected parties (e.g. other contractors) has been undertaken where noisy activities have taken place or will be taking place.

  • 45.6 Suitable routes and times of travel have been identified prior to construction to reduce disturbances to residents and traffic conditions

  • 45.7 Plant, equipment and machinery are located in an area where noise can be minimised and is positioned away from sensitive receptors.

  • 45.8 Areas in which construction works may not occur have been identified through barriers and signs. Personnel have been made aware through pre-start meetings and toolboxes of these areas.

  • 45.9 Workers in the immediate vicinity have been provided with and wear appropriate hearing protection<br>

  • 45.10 Where applicable, vibration transmission to ground from fixed plant is minimised by using suppression controls.

  • 45.11 Construction work and vehicles entering and exiting site must do so in the hours specified by the Company

  • 45.12 Company approval has been sought to work outside designated hours (from 6:30pm to 4:00am). Written request have included:

  • 1. The reason the work needs to be done out of normal hours

  • 2. The type of activities which may be considered noisy or cause vibration

  • 3. Predictions of noise levels;

  • 4. Control measures for noise and vibration

  • 5. How the noise and vibration will be monitored and recorded

  • 45.13 Potentially affected residents on or nearby the construction works, have received prior notification of construction activities and regular updates on progress of construction, including upcoming noisy activities and scheduled construction completion dates.

  • 45.14 Noise related complaints from external stakeholders has been received and the following undertaken

  • 1) Corrective actions have been undertaken immediately;<br>

  • 2) Initial contact with the complainant has been made within 24hours of the complaint being received (same day is preferable); and

  • 3) Source of noise has been identified with all practical measures taken to reduce noise.

46. Stormwater & dewatering

  • 46.1 All project personnel and contractors use water efficiently and as self-sufficient, as practicable, for all water requirements

  • 46.2 Stormwater has been diverted around the site wherever practicable

  • 46.3 Where emergency refuelling or maintenance is required, appropriate measures have been undertaken to manage spills so as to avoid potential soil and water contamination

  • 46.4 All waste fuel, oil, chemicals and hazardous wastes are disposed of off-site in accordance with regulatory requirements.<br>

  • 46.5 Clearing of riparian vegetation has been minimised where possible<br>

  • 46.6 Spills are cleaned up and remediated immediately

  • 46.7 Excavations, boring and trenching does not adversely interfere with the flow of water in a watercourse, wetland or spring, including works that divert the course of flow of the water or works that impound the water.

  • 46.8 Dewatering is directed onto areas where erosion risk is low and away from waterways

  • 46.9 Where applicable, hydrostatic test water is not released to waters and hydrostatic test water containing biocide chemical additives is not released to land.

  • 46.10 Construction through watercourses is carried out when the watercourses are dry or during periods of low flow. Construction activities near watercourses are restricted to dry weather conditions where possible.

  • 46.11 Works will cease and sediment control measures will be rectified to limit turbidity before activities recommence.
    Where construction activities are carried out on flood plain areas, works do not:

  • 1. concentrate flood flows in a way that will or may cause or threaten an adverse environmental impact; or<br><br>

  • 2. divert flood flows from natural drainage paths and alter flow distribution; or<br>

  • 3. increase the local duration of floods; or

  • 4. increase the risk of detaining flood flows; or

  • 46.12 Emergency Response Plan and Spill Management Procedure are developed and maintained to ensure accidental spills do not escape into groundwater, stormwater drainage systems and/or waterways.

47. Acid sulphate Soil & contamination

  • 47.1 During excavations, field observations have been made of the soil profile to detect the presence of Acid Sulphate Soils<br>

  • 47.2 Where Acid Sulphate Soil is suspected, an assessment has been conducted utilising an environmental consultant

  • 47.3 A detailed Acid Sulphate Soils Management Plan in accordance with the QASSIT Guidelines has been developed and implemented where Acid Sulphate is suspected

  • 47.4 The ASS Plan has addressed excavation, transportation and disposal of acid sulphate soils to licensed premises duration of construction works.<br>

  • 47.5 Monitoring & Reporting has been conducted to verify compliance, Checklists and Forms, Daily & Weekly HSEQ Inspections, Incident Investigation Forms, Toolbox Talk Records and Non-Conformance Reports (NCR’s).

48. Erosion & sediment control

  • 48.1 A sediment control plan has been prepared for the project with consideration of all environmental sediment control aspects.<br>

  • 48.2 Works are postponed during wet weather where possible

  • 48.3 Works have been undertaken in stages, with surfacing or landscaping occurring as soon as practicable to minimise soil exposure<br>

  • 48.4 Sediment control measures have been installed along identified natural and constructed drainage lines prior to the commencement of construction activities.

  • 48.5 Safe access & egress has been maintained at all times during excavation, trenching, piling & boring activities.

  • 48.6 All excavations have been suitably benched, battered or shored to ensure stability.

  • 48.7 Stockpiles created as a result of the excavation practices have been effectively protected against transportation by wind or other environmental means including erosion.<br>

  • 48.8 Stockpiles have been located away from drainage lines/watercourses and protected using temporary barriers (e.g. silt fences), where practicable

  • 48.9 Exposed surfaces of stockpiles have been watered down on a regular basis to prevent dust generation<br>

  • 48.10 Exposed surfaces of stockpiles have been covered using sediment controls such placement of erosion blankets (for e.g. geo-textile fabric, jute mesh, mulch etc.) to prevent erosion.

  • 48.11 Stormwater run-off has been directed around the site where practicable<br>

  • 48.12 Ensure stormwater drain entry points are protected by silt socks, sand bags or silt curtains.

  • 48.13 All construction traffic has been confined to designated access roadways away from cleared areas. Adequate signage to be put in place to ensure safe movement of traffic.

  • 48.14 Cleared areas are rehabilitated as soon as possible and re-contour to their original conditions, at the completion of construction works including any temporary erosion control measures established.

  • 48.15 Where inspections of the adjoining roadways have indicated the presence of sediment runoff from the site, road sweeper or similar measure has been employed to clear the affected area as soon as practicable<br>

  • 48.16 Where significant failure of the erosion and sediment control devices has occurred, procedures have been reviewed and alterations, additional or more effective control measures put in place.<br>

  • 48.17 Regular visual inspections have been carried out to observe signs of erosion or sedimentation and to ensure effective control measures are in place and adequate.

  • 48.19 Inspections have been undertaken prior, during and after major rainfall events to ensure control measures are effective and have not been impaired.

  • 48.20 All project personnel have reported incidents, hazards and deficiencies as required to Site Supervisor/Manager as soon as possible.

49. Fire ant control

  • 49.1 Fire Ant controls at the project comply with all movement control regulations

  • 49.2 Site staff associated with management and control of fire ants have undergone fire ant inspection training

  • 49.3 All deliveries to work site/s are inspected to ensure they are visually free of Fire Ant.

  • 49.4 Deliveries outside normal hours are inspected within twenty four (24) hours by Site staff from date of delivery.

  • 49.5 All vehicles, plant and equipment that have been used by the supplier or to transport High Risk items are visually free of loose soil before allowing entry to work site/s.

  • 49.6 Any supplier, transporter or contractor engaged to move soil must have an ARMP and a record be kept of the ARMP number<br>

  • 49.7 Site Staff have ensured property is maintained and kept substantially free of rubbish, by using a “Waste (Rubbish) Enclosure” or Skip, throughout the duration of the DPI&F Fire Ant eradication campaign.

  • 49.8 The worksite has been inspected by the nominated person no longer than 28 days and found to be visually free of Fire Ants. Details of these inspections are recorded

  • 49.9 Where a suspect ant is found contact has been made with the FACC for confirmation of the sample. All identified nests of Fire Ants have been treated by DPI&F .Movement of High Risk Items was suspended subject to a review of procedures by a DPI&F inspector

50. Environmental review

  • 50.1 Periodic reviews are carried out for the purpose of satisfying Sommer & Staff policies and objectives i.e. Changes in the scope of works, a project extends over a twelve (12) month period, significant occurrence of environmental incidents and non-conformances

  • 50.2 Periodic reviews are carried out for the purpose of satisfying strategic business direction, planning & expectations or, opportunities for improvement or deficiencies in the project system are identified<br>

  • 50.3 Periodic reviews arte conducted for the purpose of satisfying compliance to ISO ASNZS 14001

  • 50.4 Periodic reviews are carried out for expectations in meeting Sommer & Staff’s requirements set out in the EMP.

51. Quality management - reporting & recording

  • 51.1 ITP's have been developed to capture specific details of the project works

  • 51.2 ITP's have been completed and maintained since commencement of the project

  • 51.3 Engineers/consultants reports have been referenced in the appropriate ITP

  • 51.4 Copies of relevant reports certificates have been provided to Head office as received

  • 51.5 Engineers & consultants reports are filed on site.<br>

  • 51.6 The programme displayed at the site is up-to-date and current<br>

  • 51.7 Daily reports are current and contain information required in each field of the report<br>

  • 51.8 A drawing register is maintained electronically. Superseded drawings are marked and isolated from use

  • 51.9 The site specific Quality Plan is available at site. Key personnel have signed their roles & responsibilities<br>

  • 51.10 An up-to-date copy of contacts is available at the site & maintained electronically

  • 51.11 Signed hard copies of scopes are available in the project files<br>

  • 51.12 Client surveys & subcontractor evaluations are completed during de-briefing at the completion of the project

52. HSE&Q Non-conformance reporting & recording

  • 52.1 NCR's have been issued whenever non-conformances have been identified

  • 52.2 All NCR's Indicate a time frame for corrective actions to be undertaken<br>

  • 52.3 All NCR's issued have been added to the NCR Register

  • 52.4 All NCR's have been closed out

  • 52.5 NCR's included in the NCR Register have been closed out<br>

  • 52.6 The NCR & NCR Register details elevation of corrective actions to be undertaken when required

53. HSE&Q client survey's & subcontractors/supplier evaluations

  • 53.1 Site staff engaged in de-briefing of completed projects and gathering of information regarding client surveys and evaluation of subcontractors & suppliers<br><br>

  • 53.2 Site staff have referenced the client surveys/ and evaluation of subcontractors & suppliers as part of the assessment and approval process for subletting on this project.

  • 53.3 Site staff have documented and recorded the performance of subcontractors/suppliers during the project works to enable provision of accurate records at de-briefing.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.