Document No.
Theme for Month
Contractors on Site
Tour Carried out by
Details of any Works Halted
Report Issued To
Signed as Received
Date and Time of Handover
Main actions: Please complete the sheet at the back of this report. The site are to close out any actions highlighted during the tour, and to confirm the close out of each action via email to the Snr Manager that issued the report.
Note to Senior Manager: The purpose of this sheet is to act as a prompt/aide memoir during the tour, it is not intended to be an in depth audit check list.
You are not required to check each category during every visit nor every question. The requirement is that during the life time of scheme each section will have been sampled.
1.0 Method Statements and Risk Assessments
1.1 Are site specific Risk Assessments in place for all current activities?
1.2 Are method statements in place for the activities and are the workforce briefed?
1.3 Is work being undertaken in accordance with the Method Statements?
1.4 Are Permits to Work in place for specific operations?
1.5 Have all personnel received a Site Specific Induction?
2.0 Welfare
2.1 Are toilets readily available and are they clean and properly lit?
2.2 Are there was basins, hot and cold (or warm) running water, soap and towels?
2.3 Are wash basins large enough to wash up to the elbow and are they kept clean?
2.4 Is there somewhere to change, dry and store clothing?
2.5 Are drinking water and cups provided?
2.6 Is there a place where workers can sit, make hot drinks and prepare food?
2.7 Can everyone who needs to use them, get to the welfare facilities easily and safely?
2.8 Are the following posters and notices displayed in a prominent position?
Health and Safety Law Poster
First Aid and Electric Shock Advice Posters
Signed F10 which is currently in date
Valid copy of Certificates of Insurance
Copies of Policy Statements for Safety, Environment and Quality
Accident Book
The Emergency Procedures and Hospital location and route
3.0 Protecting the Public
3.1 Is the work boundary adequately fenced off from the public?
3.2 Are reasonable precautions taken to prevent access to the site by children?
3.3 When the work has stopped for the day
Are all excavations and openings securely covered or fenced off?
Is all plant and equipment immobilised to prevent unauthorised use?
Are flammable or dangerous substances locked away in secure storage places?
Are manholes/chambers secured to prevent access to them?
Are materials safely stacked?
4.0 Access/Egress to Site
4.1 Can everyone get to their place of work safely?
4.2 Is there a safe route from the carpark to the offices for visitors without PPE?
4.3 Are access routes in good condition and clearly marked/signed?
4.4 Are edges people could fall from provided suitable edge protection?
4.5 Is the site tidy and materials stored safely?
4.6 Is lighting adequate, especially when work is being carried out after dark or in unlit structures?
5.0 Emergencies
5.1 Are there emergency procedures for fires and accidents?
5.2 Do people know what the procedures are?
5.3 Is the reporting of ImproveIts visibly encouraged?
5.4 Is there means of raising the alarm and does it work?
5.5 Is there a way of contacting emergency services on site?
5.6 Are there adequate escape routes and are they signed and kept clear?
5.7 Have emergency services been informed of any special requirements?
5.8 Is there adequate first aid provision both at the compound and at the site?
5.9 Are eyewash stations available at both the compound and the site?
6.0 Traffic, Vehicles and Plant
6.1 Are vehicles and pedestrians kept apart?
6.2 Where pedestrians and vehicles are not separated are:
They are separated as much as possible and are barriers used?
Workers and visitors told about the problem at the induction?
Warning signs displayed for both vehicles and pedestrians warning of the problem?
6.3 Is there adequate clearance around skewing vehicles?
6.4 Are all plant operatives in possession of CPCS cards?
7.0 Scaffolding
7.1 Are scaffolds erected, altered and dismantled by competent people (PASMA/CRSIS)
7.2 Are the scaffold properly maintained?
7.3 Are scaffolds (including towers after 7 days) inspected at least weekly by a competent person, with registers signed and up to date?
7.4 Are completed scaffolds marked fit for use (green scaffold tags) where they are in use?
8.0 Confined Spaces
8.1 Is there any confined space work taking place today?
8.2 Is there a Safe System of Work in place (risk assessments, method statements & trained operatives)
8.3 Is a permit to work system being used and completed on site by a competent person
9.0 Hazardous Substances
9.1 Are control measures in place to control exposure to hazardous substances?
9.2 Are tools that produce large quantities of dust fitted with dust extraction/suppression?
9.3 Are adequate systems in place for disposal of packaging & waste?
9.4 Have workers had information on how to avoid the risks from substances on site?
9.5 Are there procedures to prevent contact with wet concrete/cement?
10.0 Manual Handling
10.1 Are mechanical aids available for handling heavy items, and are they being used?
10.2 Are materials being ordered in suitable size bags/boxes ie <25kg?
10.3 Have people been instructed on how to lift safely?
11.0 Excavations
11.1 Are Ground Penetration Permits used for Excavations?
11.2 Are excavations adequately supported, sloped or battered?
11.3 Are materials, spoil and plant stored away from the edge of the excavation?
11.4 Are all excavations regularly inspected by a competent person and a record kept?
12.0 Electricity and other services
12.1 Have all services been made safe/ identified?
12.2 Have services locations been identified and trial holes dug to confirm location & depth?
12.3 Have hidden/buried services been located and marked on site?
12.4 Where there are overhead cables, have they been made safe or are goalposts in place?
12.5 Is a safe system of work in place for excavation in the vicinity of services?
12.6 Is a calibrated Cable detection device available on site?
12.7 Is all equipment in the offices PAT tested or less than 12 months old?
13.0 Lifting Operations
13.1 Is there a nominated Appointed Person for the site?
13.2 Has the AP visited the site?
13.3 Are lift plans in place?
14.0 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
14.1 All personnel should be wearing PPE in accordance with the method statements for the work being undertaken. Are all personnel wearing the following as a minimum:
Safety Helmet
Safety Footwear
High visibility vests/jackets
Gloves (suitable for work being done)
Light Eye Protection (Safety Glasses)
14.2 Is all PPE clean and in good condition and not tampered with or altered in any way?
15.0 Safestart
15.1 Are all the required Safestart policies, posters and signage in place?
15.2 Are Safestart cards being utilised effectively and correctly?
15.3 Are minutes of the last H&S review available?
15.4 Have all identified actions from the meeting been closed?
15.5 Is the Hazard of the Week board up to date?
16.0 Environmental
16.1 Is there either an environmental management plan or for minor and short duration works an environmental risk assessment?
16.2 Is fuel in a self bundled tank, away from traffic routes and locked when not in use?
16.3 Is the Site Waste Management Plan being updated periodically?
16.4 Is waste being effectively segregated?
16.5 Are drip trays or plant nappies located under static plant or plant not in use?
17.0 CarbonSmart
17.1 Is there any non-essential use of lighting?
17.2 Is there any electrical equipment (eg drying rooms) or plant left one hen not needed?
17.3 Is any internal area too warm (ie could heating be turned down or off?)
Recommendations and Corrective Measures
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