Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Vessel Photo


  • Name of Inspector

  • Port of Inspection

  • Date of Inspection

  • Name of the vessel representative


  • Type of Vessel

  • Name of Vessel

  • Length Overall (LOA)

  • Vessel Owner/Operator

  • Port of registry

  • IMO Number

  • Call Sign

  • MMSI Number

  • Flag

  • Certificate of Registry expired? - Indicate date of expiry

  • Load Line Certificate expired? - Indicate date of expiry

  • Minimum Safe Manning Certificate expired? - date of expiry

  • MLC Certification expired? - date of expiry

  • Safety Equipment Certificate (or similar) expired? - date of expiry

  • Status of last inspection findings closeout effectively? Indicate Date of last Inspection

  • Insurance Certificates expired? Indicate expiry date

  • Maximum POB

  • Bollard Pull (if applicable)

  • Crane/Lift capacity (if applicable)

  • Maximum deck load/M3


  • Does the vessel use a Safety Management System (SMS) according to the principles of the International Safety Management (ISM) code, whether this is a statutory obligation or not?

  • SMS certificate expired? (if applicable)? Indicate expiry date

  • If ISM does not apply, please give details of the Safety Management System used onboard the vessel?

  • As part of the SMS is does the vessel have a DPA as 24-hour shoreside support

  • Is there evidence of a vessel induction process?

  • Are all policies (D&A, smoking, IT etc) available onboard and signed by senior management?

  • Is there a management of change procedure available onboard?

  • Is there evidence of onboard check lists being used (pre-arrival/departure, 500m entry etc)?

  • Is there a bridging document to ensure that vessel and third party procedures are aligned?


  • Crane Examination Certificate expired? Indicate expiry date

  • Last Inspection certificate expired? - reference (within the last 12 months)

  • Lifting appliances certificates/register available / valid?

  • Are winches / tuggers in visually good order?

  • Are emergency stops/releases tested regularly?

  • Does the vessel bollard pull and/or lifting capabilities comply with the requirements of proposed operations?

  • Is the vessel supplied with emergency towing equipment and manual?

  • Are procedures in place for lifting and towing operations?

  • Are emergency response procedures well documented with regards to towing and lifting operations?

  • Is lifting and towing equipment covered in the planned maintenance system onboard?

  • Are shackles and wires used in towing and lifting operations of an approved construction and certified for use?

  • Is lifting equipment colour coded for the year?

  • Are environmental limits for operations defined and aligned with client requirements (wind, wave height etc)?


  • Is it possible to secure all openings to prevent water ingress at sea?

  • Are all doors and openings that give access to spaces below deck weather-tight?

  • Can emergency escapes be operated effectively from both sides?

  • Can all opening port-lights be effectively secured?

  • Can all vents be closed to prevent ingress of water?

  • Is the hull and structure of the vessel in apparent good condition?

  • Are freeing ports/draining ports clear of obstruction?

  • Is there evidence of any water ingress below decks?


  • Does the vessel have an approved stability book?

  • Does the Master understand the effects on the vessel stability of adding and removing weights?

  • Does the Master understand the effects of sea state and free-surface effect upon vessel stability?

  • Does the Master and Crew understand the stability issues associated with winches and lifting operations?

  • Are there any examples of stability calculations onboard?

  • Is the Vessel marked with a deck line and freeboard mark?

  • If no deck/freeboard line is a safe maximum draught determined?


  • Are there adequate mooring points on the vessel?

  • Are mooring points marked with SWL?

  • Is there a sufficient number of mooring lines and are they in good condition?

  • Are spare mooring lines available?

  • Are mooring winches and fairleads in good condition?

  • Is the vessel fitted with suitable anchoring equipment?

  • Is adequate fendering available?

  • Is an approved gangway carried and correctly rigged?

  • Is there a mooring plan available onboard?


  • Is the Deck log maintained at sea and in port?

  • Is the Engine log maintained at sea and in port?

  • Is the GMDSS log maintained at sea and in port?

  • Is the Garbage logbook up to date with correct entries?

  • Is the Oil record book being correctly maintained at sea and in port?


  • Is all machinery and electrical equipment functioning correctly and free from defect?

  • Is machinery covered in the planned maintenance system onboard the vessel?

  • Are there maintenance records onboard for all machinery?

  • Is Critical Equipment clearly identified?

  • Are critical spares available onboard?

  • Are machinery spaces clean and free from leaks?

  • Are bilges clean and free of residues?

  • Can fuel supplies be isolated in an emergency?

  • Is there a safe means of isolating the vessel electrical supply?

  • Are battery spaces ventilated and batteries secured and well maintained?

  • Is Emergency lighting operational if fitted?

  • Are there 2 bilge pumps fitted and fully operational?

  • Are bilge alarms operational?

  • Are exhaust pipes and other hot surfaces equipped with heat insulation?


  • Are fire detectors and call points, where fitted, in working order?

  • Is the vessel fitted with a fire pump?

  • Are machinery spaces adequately covered by fire detection and extinguishing systems?

  • If available are hydrants and hoses in working order?

  • Are portable extinguishers of sufficient quantity and appropriate type?

  • Are certificates of inspection available for all equipment on board?

  • Is a fire blanket installed in the galley area?

  • Are crew familiar with the use of all FFE on the vessel?


  • Is the crew supplied with appropriate PPE?

  • Is there safe access rigged to the vessel?

  • Are there adequate guardrails around the deck?

  • Is the deck non-slip?

  • Are noisy compartments identified and access controlled with hearing protection provided?

  • Are risk assessments carried out onboard?

  • Do the crew work to a safety management system?

  • Does the vessel operate to a Permit to work system?

  • Are there at least two means of escape from any occupied area?

  • Are all emergency escapes identified?

  • Does the vessel carry adequate medical supplies for the area of operation and number of crew?

  • Is there a suitable stretcher onboard?

  • Is there an AED onboard?


  • Is the vessel correctly fitted with life rafts sufficient for the maximum POB?

  • Are sufficient lifebuoys available and correctly rigged?

  • Is there an approved lifejacket for each person onboard the vessel?

  • Are there the required number of pyrotechnic distress signals onboard the vessel and are they in date?

  • Are there effective means to recover a person from the water?

  • Is there a general alarm fitted and operational?

  • Is all LSA of an approved type?

  • Are training manuals for LSA carried onboard?

  • Are certificates available for all LSA on board

  • Are the crew familiar with the use and operation of all LSA?


  • Are formal procedures available for use in the event of an emergency on board? (Fire, grounding, collision etc)

  • Do the Master and Crew understand the actions to take in the event of an emergency?

  • Does the vessel undertake regular emergency drills? – add date of the last drill -


  • Is all Navigational equipment operational?

  • Is the vessel fitted with appropriate radio equipment?

  • Is radio equipment in working order?

  • Is project specific radio equipment available onboard (Zello)?

  • Is the vessel fitted with a AIS for the project?

  • Is there an EPIRB fitted onboard the vessel?

  • Is there a SART fitted onboard the vessel?

  • Are emergency handheld VHF radios available?

  • Are all navigation lights in working order?

  • Is there a means fitted for making an efficient sound signal?

  • Is there an operational search light onboard?

  • Are day shapes carried onboard?

  • Is the vessel fitted with a magnetic compass and is it in working order?

  • Is the vessel fitted with a functioning echo sounder?

  • Is the vessel fitted with operational radar?

  • Are appropriate navigational charts and publications carried for the area of operation?

  • Are Masters Standing Orders readily available?

  • Is there evidence of handovers between officers during watch change over?

  • Is there evidence of written handovers between Masters at crew change?


  • Is crew accommodation clean and tidy with suitable sleeping and washing/showering facilities?

  • Are suitable toilet facilities provided for all crew and passengers?

  • Is all equipment secured?

  • Are food preparation areas clean and appropriate for use?

  • Does the vessel have adequate messroom facilities?

  • Is there sufficient potable water onboard the vessel?

  • Is vessel free from insect or rodent infestation?

  • Is the vessel fitted with air conditioning?

  • Are freezers refrigerators installed and holding temperatures? Are records/logs kept up to date?

  • Freezer -18 degrees C

  • Fridge – 4 degrees C

  • Are internal stairways, ladders, and doors all in good order?

  • Are emergency escapes clear of obstructions and clearly marked?

  • Are there adequate storage facilities onboard?


  • Do the Master and Crew hold appropriate certification for their roles onboard?

  • Do the Master and Crew have the required training certification?

  • Does the vessel carry a certified engineer?

  • Do all the crew hold medical fitness certification?

  • Do the Master and Crew have relevant experience in Towing and Lifting operations where applicable?

  • Do any of the crew hold slinging and lifting certification?

  • Have any of the crew completed a food hygiene course?


  • Does the vessel have a SOPEP plan?

  • Are arrangements in place to prevent the discharge of oil/oil-contaminated water overboard?

  • Are arrangements in place for handling oily wastes?

  • Are adequate arrangements in place to prevent the discharge of sewage in prohibited areas?

  • Is there sufficient SOPEP equipment available onboard?

  • Are fuel manifolds fitted with suitable save-alls?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.