Title Page
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Leadership & Accountability
Element 1: Leadership & Accountability
Is the H&S Policy made available to everyone?
Is the H&S Management System effectively integrated into business operations and decision processes?
Are systems in place to monitor the H&S performance of businesses and managers?
Are managers held accountable for their H&S performance?
Are sufficient H&S specialists available to provide advice and support to managers and employees?
Is there a H&S Action/Improvement Plan in place and is it tracked on a regular basis?
Do managers regularly demonstrate positive H&S leadership?
Have managers communicated their expectations in terms of H&S behaviours to employees and contractors?
Have managers received sufficient H&S training that is appropriate to their responsibilities?
Are systems in place for managers to reward positive and manage negative H&S performance?
Are managers involved in consultation arrangements with employees and contractors?
Risk Management
Element 2: Risk Management
Is a procedure in place for hazard identification, risk assessment and determination of control measures?
Are managers involved in the risk assessment process?
Are relevant findings of risk assessments communicated to workers?
Are control measures tracked/monitored to ensure they have been implemented?
Are risk assessments reviewed on a periodic basis?
Regulations & Policies
Element 3: Regulations & Policies
Is a system/procedure in place to identify and evaluate applicable H&S regulations/laws?
Do managers keep up to date with legal requirements?
Is there a system in place to periodically review compliance against legal requirements and company policies?
Are assessments carried out of new or amended legal requirements to determine applicability to the business?
Driving Safety
Element 4: Driving Safety
Are policies and procedures in place for safe driving behaviours and are they monitored for compliance?
Do managers demonstrate their committment to managing driving safety?
Is there a driver selection system in place that ensures all drivers are qualified and fit to drive?
Do drivers receive sufficient induction and ongoing refresher training, including defensive driving training?
Is there a process in place to ensure that the correct type of vehicle is selected and minimum specification requirements are met?
Are vehicles regularly inspected as part of a servicing & maintenance program?
Is a documented pre-start check system in place, which includes the means to report and rectify defects?
Where vehicle data recorder systems are not in place, has an assessment been carried out that considers their introduction?
Where vehicle data recorder systems are in place, are results monitored?
Are suitable site traffic management arragements in place at relevant company premises and are they adequate?
Where required, are Journey Hazard Management Plans/procedures in place, especially for high risk areas?
Contractor Safety Management
Element 5: Contractor Safety Management
Are systems in place to ensure that only approved contractors are engaged?
Are company H&S requirements clearly communicated to contractors as part of the contract arrangements?
Do managers ensure relevant H&S information is exchanged with the contractor before work commences?
Do all contractors receive an induction prior to starting work and are they documented?
Is a Permit-to-Work system in place to manage contractors and is it being used effectively?
Are contractors effectively supervised and monitored for the duration of their work?
Are contractors recognised for positive H&S performance and appropriately managed for negative performance?
Is a handover process in place for when contractors have completed their work?
Is the H&S performance of contractors reviewed and communicated where relevant?
Occupational Health
Element 6: Occupational Health
Are potential health hazards identified and risk assessed with results communicated to relevant workers?
Have appropriate control measures been implemented and has control hierarchy been followed?
Is there a health surveillance/screening system in place and is it working effectively?
Are effective systems in place to record, assess and review work-related illnesses?
Are systems in place to capture, monitor and review relevant health statistics?
Do relevant people have access to sufficient first aid and other appropriate medical support?
Is a proactive health program in place?
Are effective return to work arrangements in place?
People, Training & Behaviours
Element 7: People, Training & Behaviours
Do managers, employees & contractors demonstrate, encourage and reinforce safe and healthy behaviours?
Are personal performance targets in place for managers that reflect their role & responsibilities & are they reviewed?
Does the recruitment & selection process ensure that persons are qualified, competent and physically & mentally fit to undertake the duties?
Do employees receive relevant H&S training (as per training needs) and is understanding verified where needed?
Is there a system in place to allow workers to report hazards and near misses to management?
Is there Drugs & Alcohol Policy in place, which is monitored and enforced?
Is an effective H&S induction process in place for new/temporary/visiting personnel?
Communication & Consultation
Element 8: Communication & Consultation
Are communication systems in place that encourages information exchange between managers and employees?
Are contractors and visitors informed of site H&S risks associated with their activities?
Are procedures in place to communicate relevant H&S matters to interested parties?
Are employees involved in the development of H&S practices and review of H&S performance?
Are management of change procedures in place that consider contractors and other external parties?
Document Control
Element 9: Document Control
Is a system in place to manage relevant H&S documentation?
Are procedures in place to identify any external document requirements needed to support the HSMS?
Are pertinent records maintaned, available, retained, archived and/or removed as necessary?
Are site technical and legal documents kept secure and available?
Are systems in place to manage personnel records that contain H&S information?
Standard Operating Procedures
Element 10: Standard Operating Procedures
Have risk assessments determined the need for SOP's?
Are SOP's communicated and understood by relevant people?
Have SOP's been developed by competent people with involvement from the workforce?
Is a list of SOP's available and maintained and do they cover relevant activities?
Are SOP's reviewed on a periodic basis?
Operational Control
Element 11: Operational Control
Are controls in place for all applicable activities?
Are controls determined using a hierarchy and are they applied to high risk activities?
Are control methods specific to the business?
Are proposed changes to equipment, facilities, organisation etc evaluated to determine safe implementation?
Are controls measures periodically reviewed?
Emergency Management
Element 12: Emergency Management
Have emergency management plans/procedures been put in place following a risk assessment process?
Have emergency management plans been documented, made available and communicated to relevant people?
Have personnel, equipment & facilities for emergency response been identified, tested and made available?
Have relevant people been trained in the emergency management/response plans and procesures?
Are emergency plans and procedures periodically tested?
Are emergency plans and procedures periodically reviewed?
Incident Reporting, Investigation & Prevention
Element 13: Incident Reporting, Investigation & Prevention
Is a documented incident reporting system in place and is it working effectively?
Do managers lead effective incident investigations (RCA), and involve all necessary personnel?
Are incident investigations documented and preventative actions tracked to ensure close-out?
Are incidents analysed to identify trends and improvement opportunities?
Are lessons learnt from incidents shared internally and acted upon where necessary?
Are lessons learnt from incidents shared externally where appropriate?
Audits, Inspections & Continuous Improvement
Element 14: Audits, Inspections & Continuous Improvement
Do managers carry out regular documented inspections of their sites?
Are sites subject to inspections by people independent of the line management structure and are reports made?
Is an internal HSMS Audit carried out by people independent of the business and are reports made?
Is a system in place for managers to track progress of the close-out of actions following inspections/audits?
Are systems related to the HSMS reviewed periodically, together with inspections/audits to ensure desired H&S performance?