Title Page
Hacienda Villa number
RepĀ“s name
Weekly inspection
Monday (General walkthrough)
Is the house occupied?
Conducted on
Water preassure in all faucets and showers (add picture in reference)
AC keypads, temperature must be 78F (add picture in reference)
Pool general inspection (water level and equipment)
Water filter system ( review uv lights, filters, cistern water level)
Lights in the house (turn them on and off)
AV system (turn on the music, TVs, lights)
General inspection to landscaping areas, review the irrigation and general conditions
Pool general inspection (water level and equipment)
Add comments if necessary
Tuesday (Landscaping)
Conducted on
Water preassure in all faucets and showers (add picture in reference)
AC keypads, temperature must be 78F (add picture in reference)
Pool general inspection (water level and equipment)
Conditions of the plants (take picture in reference)
Trees, confirm that there isn't plages
Humidity in the areas, add note in case you detect areas with excess of humidity
Irrigation system (run a test)
Irrigation timing (verify that is according to the season summer time/winter time)
Lawn (conditions, maintenance)
Plages. In case you have previously detect a plage add comments with the follow up
Fertilize and herbicide application (date of the application, area and product)
Add comments if necessary
Wednesday (Appliances)
Conducted on
Water preassure in all faucets and showers (add picture in reference)
AC keypads, temperature must be 78 F (add picture in reference)
Pool general inspection (water level and equipment)
Ice makers
Wine cellar
Dish washer
In case there is any additional appliance, add the information
Add comments if necessary
Thrusday (Pool)
Conducted on
Water preassure in all faucets and showers (add picture in reference)
AC keypads, temperature must be 78F (add picture in reference)
Pool general inspection (water level and equipment)
Pool water level
Pool quimical levels
Pool lights
Hot tub jets and blowers
Pool equipment room
Pool heaters (conditions and cleaning)
Pool filters (conditions and cleaning)
Key pad (filter system schedule)
Add comments if necessary
Friday (Exterior light/Wood conditions)
Conducted on
Water preassure in all faucets and showers (add picture in reference)
AC keypads, temperature must be XXXX (add picture in reference)
Pool general inspection (water level and equipment)
Landscaping lights
Exterior wood ( conditions, plages )
Add comments if necessary
Saturday Sunday (Golf cart)
Conducted on
Review water preassure in all faucets and showers (add picture in reference)
Review all AC keypads, temperature must be XXXX (add picture in reference)
Pool general inspection (water level and equipment)
Paint conditions ( exterior and interior )
Propane tank ( paint conditions, valves conditions )
Propane % (add pinture and %)
Golf Carts ( run off a test to verify the conditions, turn on the lights and take a picture)
Golf Carts batteries (water level *if apply)
Moke (conditions, lights, wheels)
Housekeeping weekly activities (add information of the activities performed)
Maintenance weekly activities (add information of activities performed)
Add comments if necessary