
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • A1 - Has a daily risk and hazard assessment (Hidra) been completed prior to starting work?

  • A2 - Have all employees or visitors signed the Hidra?

  • A3 - Has the Hidra been completed correctly and fully?

  • A4 - Have any overhead hazards been identified?

  • A5 - Have any specific traffic hazards been identified?

  • A6 - Have any other location hazards been identified (eg. School, steep incline etc.)?

  • A7 - Are bush fire safety measures in place?

  • A8 - Have any specific environmental issues relating to the site been identified?

  • A9 - Is there a controlled and approved copy of the current Safety Management Plan on site?

  • A10 - Is there a controlled and current copy of the Safe Work Method Statements on site?

  • A11 - Have there been any issues raised on this site that have not been identified in the Safe Work Method Statements?

  • A12 - Are all personnel inducted to this contract?

  • A13 - Are personnel carrying identification tags which are in reasonable condition?


  • B1 - Are first aid kits readily available and fully stocked?

  • B2 - Is there a suitable fire extinguisher on site for potential fire risks?

  • B3 - Is the fire extinguisher within the service tag date?

  • B4 - Is the fire extinguisher safety pin secure and the lanyard/seal unbroken?

  • B5 - Is the fire extinguisher stored safely and easily accessible from the work site?

  • B6 - Is there adequate natural/artificial lighting on site?

  • B7 - Are there any hoses or cables running across the road?

  • B8 - If yes, is there someone in charge of monitoring their presence in the path of vehicles and people?

  • B9 - Are there any fuel containers on site?

  • B10 - Are the fuel containers correctly stored (150% of volume)?


  • C1 - Are regulation helmets worn correctly at all times (within three years of manufacturers date)?

  • C2 - Are appropriate safety glasses or face-shields being worn where necessary?

  • C3 - Are appropriate respirators or filters being used when necessary?

  • C4 - Are gloves being worn where required?

  • C5 - Is safety footwear being worn by all operators?

  • C6 - Is ear protection being worn where necessary (20db disposable plugs, 80db ear muffs)?

  • C7 - Are all operators wearing high visibility clothing in good condition?


  • D1 - Has a gas monitor been response tested and recorded on the appropriate documentation?

  • D2 - What is the serial number of the gas monitor on site?

  • D3 - Is the gas monitor within calibration date?

  • D4 - Has the testing of the manhole been recorded on the entry permit or Hidra sheet?

  • D5 - Are all operators entering confined space currently trained?

  • D6 - Is the standby person confined space trained?

  • D7 - Name of nominated person for confined space entry:

  • D8 - Name of nominated person for standby duties:

  • D9 - Are correct confined space procedures being followed?

  • D10 - Has the confined space entry permit been filled out?

  • D11 - Has the entry permit been filled out correctly and signed?

  • D12 - Is there an approved tripod on site?

  • D13 - Is the tripod fully extended?

  • D14 - What is the tripods serial/ID number?

  • D15 - Is there a full parachute type harness on site?

  • D16 - Is the harness in good condition and within life expectancy?

  • D17 - What is the serial number of the harness?

  • D18 - Is there an air rescuer on site and within its 10yr life expectancy?

  • D19 - Is there a grate covering any unattended manholes?

  • D20 - Is there "Confined Space entry by permit only" signage displayed on site?


  • E1 - Have the Safe Work Method Statements been identified for this process?

  • (a) work instruction WI 034 high pressure water jetting mainlines

  • (b) safe work method statement WMS 003 clean & CCTV sewer conduit

  • E2 - Is the jetter hose in good condition?

  • E3 - Is access to and from the vehicle safe and acceptable?

  • E4 - Is there a 110mm gap to prevent back-flow from the jetted reservoir?

  • E5 - Is there a back flow prevention device on the stand pipe?

  • E6 - Is there a current certificate for the back-flow prevention device?


  • F1 - Is there an approved traffic control plan in place?

  • F2 - What is the traffic control plan number?

  • F3 - Are advisory signs as per the traffic control plan selected?

  • F4 - Is there the requirement for traffic controllers on site?

  • F5 - What is/are the name(s) of the traffic controller or company?

  • F6 - Does the traffic controller hold the required certificate (blue card)?

  • F7 - Is there a requirement for a certified traffic control agency?

  • F8 - Does the traffic control agency hold an approved management plan (by the RTA or council) on site?

  • F9 - Has a representative of I.C Pipes or associated contractors sighted the traffic control plan?

  • F10 - Are sufficient advisory signs being used and correctly placed?

  • F11 - Is the access around the worksite safe for the public?


  • F12 - Is there a current Council Permit or written authorisation on site?

  • F13 - Is there a current approved Police Permit on site?

  • F14 - Are all traffic controllers correctly dressed and correctly situated?

  • F15 - Is there a qualified relief person on site?

  • F16 - Is signage in good condition?

  • F17 - Do traffic controllers have escape routes?

  • F18 - Are there night wands on site if at night?

  • F19 - Are pedestrians and cyclists catered for at site?

  • F20 - Are pedestrian managers required on site?


  • G1 - Are there 2 x "pedestrians watch your step" signs on site or stored?

  • G2 - Are there 2 x "part road closure" signs on site or stored?

  • G3 - Are there 4 x "dig man ahead" signs on site or stored?

  • G4 - Are there 2 x "chevron left/right" signs on site or stored?

  • G5 - Condition of signage:


  • H1 - Operators and/or Drivers name(s):

  • H2 - Are the plant/vehicle operators licensed to do so?

  • H3 - What class of drivers license does driver hold?

  • H4 - When does the vehicles Rego expire?

  • H5 - What is the vehicles Registration number?

H6 - Visual inspection of:

  • (a) Tyres

  • (b) Lights

  • (c) Horn

  • (d) Windscreen & windows

  • (e) Bodywork

  • (f) Hydraulics

  • (g) Towing mechanism

PLANT Continued...

  • H7 - Is the cabin neat and tidy?

  • H8 - Is there a spare tyre and jack for this vehicle?

  • H9 - Is there safe access onto or into the vehicle (steps etc.)?

  • H10 - Is the work area of the vehicle tidy and is all equipment used or stored correctly?

H11 - Does this vehicle have a towed attachment?

  • (a) Tyres

  • (b) Lights

  • (c) Towing mechanism

  • H12 - What is the vehicles Registration number?

  • H13 - When does the vehicles Rego expire?


  • I1 - Are all electrical leads and portable equipment tested and tagged?

  • I2 - Are all portable generators, extension leads and power tools protected with earth leakage devices?

  • I3 - Is an earth lead being used?

  • I4 - Is an electrical logbook on site?

  • I5 - Is the electrical logbook completed correctly?


  • J1 - Is the general wok area tidy and are materials stored correctly?

  • J2 - Are noise requirement being adhered to?

  • J3 - Are bins being used?

  • J4 - On completion has the site been left as it was found?

  • J5 - Are start times (7am onwards) being adhered to?


  • General:

  • Actions needed:

Inspection carried out by:

  • Sign:

  • Date:


  • Sign:

  • Date:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.