Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Date of Investigation

  • Completed By

  • Location
  • Incident Type

  • Injury Classification

  • Type of Shift

  • Shift Length

  • Investigation Team
  • Team Member


  • Reason for Statement

  • Worker Statement

  • Worker Name

  • What task was being performed at the time of the incident?

  • What happened? (e.g. ‘worker tripped over box’ or ‘forklift hit wall’)

  • Was any damage sustained to plant and equipment?

  • Description of the damage and type of damage.

  • Was there any impact or damage to the environment?

  • Description of the impact or damage and type of impact.

  • Timeline and 5 Why Chart
  • Problem

  • Why?

  • Why?

  • Why?

  • Why?

  • Why?

ICAM (Contributing Factor Analysis)

  • Were there any absent or failed defences?

  • Select all that apply from the list

  • Describe other absent or failed defences

  • Did individual or team actions contribute to the event?

  • Select all that apply from the list

  • Describe other individual or team actions

  • Did task / environmental conditions in the workplace contribute to the event?

  • Select all that apply from the list

  • Describe the task / environmental conditions

  • Did the task / environmental conditions from human factors contribute to the event?

  • Select all that apply from the list

  • Describe the other human factors

  • Organisational Factors

  • Select all that apply from the list

  • Describe the other organisational factors

Root Cause and Key Findings

  • What was the Root Cause? (The root cause is the one factor identified that if changed would have prevented the incident from occurring.)

  • What are the Key Findings?

Actual Risk Rating

  • Using the risk matrix, rank the risk based on the actual outcome / outcomes of the incident.

  • Actual Risk

Corrective and Preventative Actions

  • Use the hierarchy of control to ensure effective controls are implemented.

  • Can the hazard be eliminated?

  • Click the 'Action' button and create an action.

  • Can the risk be reduced by substitution, isolation, or engineering controls?

  • Click the 'Action' button and create an action.

  • Can the risk or severity be reduced by Administrative & PPE controls?

  • Click the 'Action' button and create an action.

  • Speak with Steve Reilly.

Residual Risk Rating

  • Using the risk matrix, rank the risk based on the new outcome / outcomes of the incident after the controls have been implemented.

  • Residual Risk

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.